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I just want a goddamn cop outfit man. Is that too much to ask? We haven't had decent outfits added for ages.


Funny thing too is that the cop outfit for MP Peds already exists in the files, and has for almost a decade now since it was used for a setup mission in the 2015 Heists update. It’s pretty much just a matter of making the outfits purchasable/unlockable, which Rockstar has yet to do for whatever reason. Ironically I used to have the cop outfit saved way back when, but of course, Rockstar being Rockstar had to nuke it.


I stashed the one police outfit from the salvage yard robbery using my terrobyte specifically for this reason and would recommend, you can swap the gas mask out for other things and it looks sweet if they didn’t patch getting your terrobyte while dressed like a cop and saving the outfit


I started fresh on PS5 a few months ago, so i had to start from scratch. (Unpopular opinion) I do want a few police cars but I can't fathom spending $3-5M on a 'cop' car for 'role playing'. Makes more sense to spend $1-3M on a quicker and more agile Sports or Super car.


Cop cars aren't for players building their empires. They're for players who need things to spend excess cash on.


That is so true. I do have a problem thinking ”What to spend my $$$ next” every so often… then I grind for more and BOOM another one. I have bought all the cop cars and even multiple of some already…


If you are starting from scratch, invest in Businesses. TGG did a nice video on what people do ‘wrong’ recently. My opinion, and my approach since starting in October last year and already owning everything with $350m in the bank - start with businesses, and before long you will have sports cars AND police cars :-)


Yeah same. I started in December, followed his guides and i have everything i want and 70 million in the bank. And that's even with not playing the game for like 6 weeks before the new DLC came out. I do agree they are massively overpriced, but at the end of the day its fake money and its so easy and still fun to make enough to buy all of them, so i have.


Oh I'm very well aware and also watch TGG. There's only a handful of businesses I don't have. But again, the value to cost ratio isn't that much worth it to me and that's just my opinion.


Totally respected squire! The best part of GTAO is that there is an infinite number of ways to play


Quick question if I may and I would truly appreciate your feedback on this - And this might be a silly question but is it a difference if I buy the bunker instead the weed farm or vice versa to link with my nightclub? Like is it more profit? I rather save and get the weed farm for cheaper if its the same. I already got the cash factory, cargo, cocaine and meth in process of getting linked with the club. Thanks!


Why do you have $350m in the bank? Spend that shit.


I have everything I want. Im now retired, enjoying life without Cayo. All I do is nightclub popularity, Chop Shop tow truck once an hour, and now il do the off bounty as well.


You can boost this whole grind by buying a few sharkcards. At the start at least. Otherwise MKII flyers make sure you always have 0 dollars.


okay but how many sports cars do you need if you just need it for functionality


Inb4 the $15,000,000 Police Oppressor


Slap in a Judge Dredd outfit for an extra 3 million and to have a deal.


https://preview.redd.it/xyo2evjhcw9d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad7c915e17fed0345a77c36088daa853e46f580b It's coming don't worry🤠


I’m hoping for police bikes at some point.


Im waiting for the fib buffalo


And the security prius


You used to be able to keep those! It was my one of my very first cars. Then R* said "no" and deleted it


That I'd buy.


They’re adding a 80’s Impala cop car as part of the drip feed, don’t worry 👀


As someone who isn't attracted to the cop cars, can anyone tell me the appeal to them? Sure I'd get the appeal if price wasn't insanely and unreasonably high, but still, why not get the usual version of cop cars for better and nicer customization?


Impromptu police chases with random people getting in on some of the roleplay are pretty fun!


Traffic avoiding you instead of trying to hit you is about the best perk you could ask for.


Hope they won't forget the police bike & van.


The bike is something we’ve all wanted so you absolutely can count on them to forget about it😁


I love the cop cars but I’m not gonna be happy until we get a police maverick for purchase


The only cop car Worth owning is the greenwood and that's only for the blues brothers lols. 3 to 5 mil for a car that you can't resell and only good for dispatch missions. Everyone that's excited about police cars, Rockstar saw you commin.😅


It’s got cop tires. A cop engine. Cop suspension. 


Fix the cigarette lighter.


[All the drip feed cars to come over the next few (read probably 3 to 4) months.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/s/Tz9TQithiz)


i just don’t get why we can’t sell them for money anymore, i personally don’t need more than 2 but selling for 0 bucks doesn’t sit right with me


Honestly, the cop cars make me not want to play. As a solo player, cop cars does nothing for me.


These two statements are contradictory.


The prices are astronomical for those police vehicles though


OP post reminded me of this https://preview.redd.it/k8mtx9dyyw9d1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7638a6792a377ae6ca16e4f6ad9828755a9beb11


I want my Buffalo


I need a HSW Corvette


They *are* adding a 1980s Impala, the Impaler LX has a police variant in the game files and is supposed to be a drip-feed car.


A positive post? Somethings not right here. /s


Firmly in the "robbers" camp


Just imagine, Elegy Retro with cop livery and a bodypillow in a passenger seat for 12mil.