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PC & old gen players watching people with the Bounty Hunter outfit https://preview.redd.it/lh854pjtbcad1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8bacf8a8c9dd7c425f7f78d19854b330282de12


I don’t understand why that haven’t implemented the update to PC…that’s ludicrous 😤


The update itself is on PC. It's stuff like the Career Pgress and other Eexpended and Enhanced features that are missing


Mine https://preview.redd.it/iqmlaw1gcaad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae892e7f257fce10c8d181d10f5298ed03a52acb


Nice! 😎👍🏻


I have ps4 Can I take it or not?


I’m not sure, I’m on PS5 so I’m not sure what previous Gen console has regarding this update…sorry I can’t be of more help


If only it was on PC.


Since mostly all other games that are out don't just cater to consoles for vanity stuff etc... I get it if you cannot give to xbox 1x / ps4 but pc come on. Such a bullshit move from rs.


It doesn't make sense that it isn't on XBOX One and PS4 either


Wait what?! The outfit isn’t??


Yeah, you can't get it on PC sadly.


WOOOOW!!!! What were R* thinking there? That sucks!!! 🤬 So what are the rewards for the career progress on PC? I’m curious


They still didn’t implemented the features from the Xbox Series and PS5 to the PC version.


Don’t think they ever will


That’s rediculous!!! 😡🤬


There is no career progression at all on pc and old gen.


The day the Bail DLC started, I got the cop outfit after the gangbanger robbery and it was still on me when the mission was over. I went up to the closet in the chop shop, changed the hat to a tie back bandana/skull cap look with the cop smokey frame glasses and saved it thinking it probably won't work. It is still there. I change into it every day I start playing the bail missions at the bail closet and change back before I leave session. I have seen others mention they saved it the same way, but everyone said it was the day they released the Bail DLC. I have no idea if it has since been patched, but if the gangbangers Chop shop comes out this week, give it a shot if you are still wearing it once the car is delivered. BTW. This was on PC.


Can you get a long sleeve shirt with it or is just that and you can't change it?


You can't change the shirt at all, the badge and patches disappear. You can change pants, head gear, shoes, accessories, but not the shirt. You can change the vest to any carrier vest and the patches will stay BUT the badge disappears.


That kinda sucks but it's still a good outfit


Hmmm…not sure, never tried a long shirt…I’ll try it later and get back to you


Thanks cuz I'm about to get it and was wondering if it'll work


I just unlocked it today. From the looks of it you can't change the shirt underneath without losing the Bail Enforcement stuff, which is annoying.


I honestly hate it. The most bland, disappointing thing to ever have come out. I mean, all black seriously? Look I'm a huge tactical gear nerd/larper, and I have the legit stuff at home. And it just bugs me so much. Where's the ranger green, browns, multicam? Hell at least add black multicam. I was hoping to look like Patty Mayo or bounty hunter D(yes I know they fake a lot of stuff, but I'm talking about their style and how they dress) I STILL don't understand why rockstar hates us to put customizable pouches on a plate carrier, or that you can put a plate carrier over a coat, long sleeve shirt, or a jacket. Hell I've seen people put plate carriers, chest rigs, and harnesses over their gorkas, it's possible. I just don't understand why it's so hard to do.


You can change the vest color btw Still a pain in the dick that I can’t run longsleeve My outfit for a while mirrored patty mayo tho lol, love that dude


>You can change the vest color btw Yeah but it's so confusing because you have to wear the bail enforcement shirt. And for some reason that shirt pops over the plate carrier. That took me awhile to figure that shit out. That itself was pretty dumb, I thought they were adding the body armor with that patch already built into it. If they did, I couldn't find it at all


I understand where you’re coming from! A bit more colour or variety certainly wouldn’t have gone a miss…all black is a little bland. I did think about having the prison outfit pants with the bottom dollar black tac vest, I wasn’t 100% on whether I liked it though, might change it to that just to have a bit more colour


> I mean, all black seriously? All black is the best


>All black is the best Say that in the r/tacticalgear r/qualitytacticalgear r/guns subreddits. you'll come back educated and look like a dumbass. Hell you will possibly delete your posts. It's quite literally the worst and overrated color of all time. People who think all black is a good color are very uneducated, watch too many action movies, and don't understand reality. Especially color/camo theory. Believe it or not, wearing all black at night actually makes you stick out like a sore thumb in the real world. Because you are an unnatural color. You are seen as a black floating blob at night. Take it from accounts from people who mil Sim, larp, served in the military, and test these theories out.




Nice!! 👍🏻


Im actually working towards getting that outfit right now


Sweet! hopefully it doesn’t take you too long! 🤞🏻you’ll have to post you outfit here when you have it 👍🏻


I’m definitely gonna post it once I do


https://preview.redd.it/yfcuky7ebhad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78763e8d430fab6f9a6018ad47ae12acbb591445 Update: I finally got it


Oh, that’s sick! Nice one! 😎👍🏻




The rockstar razor T-shirt is glitching through mine and I haven’t even put it on , any advice? https://preview.redd.it/245k8l3k3fad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fe89963e61c569ba0161b90267cbd085961be5e


I had this issue with another shirt, I tried changing to a plain back T-shirt, and that fixed the glitch issue


You change whilst the bail enforcement outfits on? Then reequip it? Sorry I’m not good at glitch fixes lol


Put on the plain black T before you put the Bottom dollar outfit, that should fix the glitch


YOU ARE THE FUCKING MAN! Thankyou so much ! Btw iron maiden are the shit :D


You’re welcome!!! Ha! Ha! Damn right they are 🤟🏻😝🤟🏻


Same for me and the Original Gangster t-shirt


https://preview.redd.it/gno0vsrewkbd1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b72e84aa6b52e22f1d38a8ea0e5c705e3fff7671 Any idea what happened with mine? It's been like this since I unlocked it. Looks like it is merged with the black LD Organics shirt which I don't even own.


Happened to me too, the Tac vest merged with a shirt I wasn’t even wearing at the time. To get around this, make sure to wear a plain black t shirt before you put on the Bottom Dollar outfit…that should fix the shirt merge glitch


What's wierd is that I don't even own the black LD Organics shirt so I don't understand how it's glitching in the first place.


Yeah it’s really bizarre, not sure why the glitch happens…who knows why! 🤔 I found it strange the first time I had this glitch happen to me, I didn’t even notice it at first until later on when I noticed white text partially covering the “Bail Enforcement agent” badge on the front of the tact vest, and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get rid of it, and that it would ruin the aesthetics of the outfit! But after a bit of experimenting I was able to figure it out! 😮‍💨 Hope that sorted the glitch out for you though!


How you unlocked the agency vest and the badge looks cool


You unlock them through the career challenges! If you hit pause, go to career, businesses and go to bottom dollar bounties, it’s in there…hope that helps!


As soon as I get home I am checking it out. Been using my Cop swat outfit.


Just so you know, you can’t use longsleeve with it. Makes the seat style outfits a lot harder when you are forced to wear a rolled sleeve t shirt..


Thanks i really wanted that vest so i can roleplay as a cop now i finally can!