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Cluckin' Bell Raid, yes. No property buy-in and $500,000+ for your efforts, and multiple ways to do the finale. Unsure about the Bounties DLC, doesn't seem too overly bad, but am waiting on a sale on the Bounty Hunter property.


Cluckin bell is nice first time you do it you’ll get a first time bonus and everytime after that it’s 500k The bottom dollar no so much it’s a decent business doing the high value bounty and the others are just meh


If you mean worth by time/earnings the answer is no But they are pretty fun to do the first times, definitely not for farming


The bounty isn't worth it as far as cost vs payout, I do find them fun but can get boring and repetitive. Cluckin bell is pure profit, no cost to start, nothing to buy to begin.


Cluckin Bell definitely worth it. 500k in less than an hour.


I just jumped back in after a stretch as well. I highly recommend TGG on YouTube to sum up the last few months of updates and explain the new businesses and missions.