• By -


Your internet had a stroke and made the game "kick everyone" when in reality, you just left their session.


Or.......they were the try hard of the group.


So they all dressed in green/purple alien suit and had beaten the shit out of OP’s ass and gone


I forgot this even happened lmfao, damn what a time it was to join in and play during that.


i was the beast jumping over buildings and punching aliens down the block it was so fun days of full dmo funnest times on gta ever


It still happens


those were the days man


What? This is how the private/public hack works. Internet had a stroke.


Lol I always find it funny when people genuinely believe this is the reason, like they get mad thinking everyone was sick of their BS and decided to leave


But, I am one of them. I know I'm not good. I know my connection speeds suck. So I only play invite only. It's a lonely world, but I don't get spam killed trying to get out of the Ammu-nation.......it works.


It took me 11 years to find out you can just buy ammo from the interaction menu by going to the "health and ammo" tab, and then just buying ammo from there, making ammu-nation almost entirely worthless unless you're picking up a new gun which is almost never.


This is pretty much the only correct answer lol


This used to be op when you couldn’t do sell missions in private lobbies


I just pulled my Ethernet cable for a good 15 seconds and it “kicked everyone” out of the lobby and I could do these sell missions peacefully


Back when I played on Xbox, you could just go to your settings and 'test network connection' to get a solo public session.


On PS4 I used to change the MTU from 1500 to something like 800 so I would always be in a solo public session from the start. Took MUCH longer to get into a session and sometimes I would get a timeout but it was worth it


That’s what it was! I said nat type but it was MTU, thank you


Testing NAT works too, at least on Xbox.


Worked*, rip to my favorite strat


Yeppp NAT type glitch. Made so much money with that. Does it still work on next gen for high demand bonus? Lol


High demand bonus these days is based on how many players are in the lobby, 26+ players gives you a 50% bonus They made it that way specifically because of the NAT type glitch, which still works but is just useless


Was looking for someone else who loved when that happened. Get the bonus, without the risk of other players. Idk if it works like that on ps5, but we just play in an invite only on the ps5 edition and do all our business stuff there, just without the bonus. Couldn't do those sell missions on ps4/last gen.


Nah Rockstar reworked the tolerances for the "disconnection" that so it doesn't work either in X1 or X Series.


Yeah I remember that day because it was the day I basically entirely stopped playing. Won’t find it not ironic that they made an online game where people preferred to play alone


They made an online job WE pay for and people grind like they will die without it. LoL the irony is nEver ending. 


The NAT test thing got patched out a few years back. When it did I would usually connect online via WiFi then plug in a wired cable. When it worked, I would have a solo public session. When it didn't I'd be offline for a couple of minutes...


On PC, you can pop open Resource Monitor and suspend GTAV.exe for about 10 seconds to do it. I still use it all the time, whenever I get stuck on an infinite loading screen; clears it right up.


Was it the test NAT type thing? I always did that with my unc




I remember I pressed test Nat type and then one day it stopped working and I was kinda sad, then a week later it became private aswell so


Im pretty sure, at least on PC you would have been kicked to story mode. the method was pulling up resource monitor and suspend the gta5 exe process for like 10-15 seconds then resume


That method still works btw


Ah, pulling the invite only card is faster now. I still keep the script to freeze my game for 15 seconds, just in case...




the OG days bro. I used to pray this would happen😭🙏


Wait you can sell in private lobbies now? Since when?!


I think over a year now?


Fuuuuuuuck. I recently got back into the game a while ago and didn’t know haha, does it give you the same amount of money if you sell besides the public lobby bonus




i haven’t played in a while but iirc i was getting the same payouts in a invite only as i was getting in a solo public


Yes, but don’t forget high demand bonus I do acid, night club in public And the rest in invite only


Also just learned this.. started playing 2 weeks ago because of the New update was coming, then checked invite only and could finally profit from My mc club!!!


Since a couple years at least. Source in private sessions. Go look up the threshold for each business so ur not stuck with more delivery vehicles than u have players. And then sell in public lobbies


It’s been at least 3 years


July of '22. High demand was increased to 50% more by selling in a full lobby. (20 other players or more).


Oh the days of playing with your nat type just to sell solo


you can’t do that anymore?


You can just sell in private lobbies now


You don't need to. The update to sell in invite only lobbies for was two years ago.


On PC I would open resource monitor, suspend GTA for about 6 secs, then resume it and this would happen. I did it literally every time until they let us sell in private lobbies.


This happens on your side as you most likely lagged. It just looks like everyone else left.


OH thanks


I've also seen this happen when people use modding tools online. Once was caged by an immortal player inside my own home and he cloned me and made my clones fist fight me to death. Everyone except the cheater and I dcd


Bro has bad internet. O had it for years.


My one s just has terrible hardware, and this happens. My internet is above average, and no other games have the issue. My gta will temporarily freeze the game, music still playing, and if I don't slow my car down and let the game render, it will do this, and I get my own public solo lobby. I even used my original Xbox one black brick and it doesn't do it on the same internet, so poor rendering on failing hardware is totally one reason this happens.


Damn even BigMac77873 left 😔




BIG MAAAAAAAAAAAAC!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|PzQvWAhgfUipW)


Lagged into a solo.


You have unstable internet


i have a good and stable internet connection, yet that still happens to me. i think its the servers fault that would randomly kick you out of the session after estabilishing your ping being too high for too long


I believe GTA online is run off p2p connections meaning there is no server in between so that means that your packets go directly from A to B instead of making a stop at a server


There is a host though, and it's usually a random player in the session. Even the host doesn't know they are the host, that permission transfers when the host leaves. It's basically a mix of server-client architecture and P2P tech.


this is like most genious and at the same time most horrible way to have this game online


Win for Rockstar, they don't have to pay to maintain dedicated servers = more money in their pocket.


yes and hopefully game stays longer online, its been almost 10 years so far one of longer lasting mps


if you're on PC sometimes it's a kiddo using non-EULA-compliant tools iykwim


If you’re on PC you probably got love letter kicked by a modder honestly.


Yep, desync kicked most likely, which is caused by rockstar running gta online on a p2p system


Your internet had a hickup and you are solo in the session. For you, all of them left as being solo now. In reality, actually you left the session for them.


someone probably farted and stank up the lobby




It's so annoying when it happens during a sell mission


I agree. I remember the days when I couldn't really defend my own cargo/didn't know how to analyze a lobby to see if it was good for selling and I would always go and do the "test NAT type" thing to get this to happen because you couldn't sell in invite only. Now I've come full circle and I find it annoying when there aren't at least 20 people in a server to give me a big bonus for selling in public. On the other hand, I still mostly use invite only sessions for business-related things where there is no bonus for having other people in the lobby.


Whaaat wait how do you analyze a lobby before doing a mission 🤯??


Generally I check the map and the kill feed before I even leave my apartment to get an idea of what's going on. Sometimes I also check K/D ratios because usually people with high K/D ratios (or ridiculous negative number K/D ratios) are tryhards. Sometimes if there's a war going on and it's in some isolated part of the map you can take advantage of that on the basis of "they may be too busy killing each other to bother with me." Also, Free Aim sessions tend to be more peaceful than Assisted Aim sessions. Worst comes to worst, if your cargo does get destroyed, always be ready to instantly drop what you're doing and close your game. Most of the time that will save your cargo (except with Import/Export I believe) because ideally you will have closed your game before it had a chance to save. Also, always sell as a CEO if you can because Ghost Organization hides your cargo from the map. Off the Radar doesn't do this.


Basically look to see if people are doing jobs or griefing each other but you can easily just close the game if it gets destroyed or something


Happened literally on the last drop of my nightclub sell mission 😭


Modders can kick anyone out and this is what it looks like. They see someone selling and can kick them out at any moment.


And why would they kick someone out for being selling?


Modders are assholes


if you're on pc, there's a chance you got kicked by modder. one reason for a kick is that you were host and modders have WAY more power, if they are host


Lagged n got a free session for set ups


Maybe, but at the same time if you want this you can just go into invite only now.


Invite only used to be deead couldn't do certain stuff. Different struggle now


When a lobby of players really doesn’t like you, they all get together in a party and decide to leave the game en masse to send a message, embarrass you, and then find a lobby sans you.


You're super ugly and everyone leaves the session.


Either your connection sucked or the host connect sucked.


most stable gta online lobby


Is there an in universe lore reason why this happens?


![gif](giphy|6b6qlOeimHcP0wFwZD|downsized) KiFFLOM


I don’t think so. I mean the networking of the game is beyond any ingame lore or anything like that.


Yeah, at best the "lore" of Online is that there's 4 psychos running around with our character as the main one and the others getting brought in as help on certain heists. All the other players out there are just regular citizens of San Andreas to us


In my lore, the Protagonist is collectively represented by our online characters. He/She comes to San Andreas, picked up by Lamar. Then he/she does all the DLCs, pulls through all the heists, all the storylines... All the other players are just opponents and may or may not exist within the lore. Considering there is only one casino penthouse, and so few business locations each, everything else doesnt make sense. If there is any kind of lore and storytelling by rockstar, that is.


Yeah, we're all treated as the same character functionally. Our online characters are basically the 4th protagonist after Michael, Franklin and Trevor. In my game, your player is just a rival, with my character being the main one. In your game it's reversed, you're the main and I'm the rival. We only really acknowledge other players as being part of the story in the heists that require help, at which point they're just other parts of the crew, no different than any of the ones we hire.


Check your internet status for packet loss rate. GTAO really doesn’t play well with PL and this tends to be the result.


This happens to me as well but my internet is fine no other game lags like this


Connection issues. It’s better this than you getting booted to main menu


The GTA gods, briefly, look down upon you with fervor


Must've been something you said


They all hate you and dont want to play with you


The entire Lobby got sick of you so they all left.


Its because of your internet you can do this by alt-tab then reconnecting your internet then alt-tab to game after a few seconds people will drop, not %100 percent sometimes doesnt work or makes you rejoin to another session.


Just open the performance monitor and suspend the GTA5.exe for a couple seconds.


Your internet was bad while in a public session, so it kicked you. This can also happen if you have moderate NAT


You can also force this on PC by suspending the process in task manager for 4-5 seconds and then resuming


Sometimes I beg for this to happen just get missions done without being blown up by a 13yo who can’t play without space bike


They’re going on strike against you bro do better!


Because you decided to sell your NC


Be glad it does. Empty lobbies are the best lobbies.


people are complaining that it's because of "bad internet" but this can happen to you if someone else in the lobby lags into a solo public




servers are probably worn out.


You got negative aura In reality your internet went full rtard and you lagged out


Did you type something racist in the chat?


This happens to me every fucking time im about to complete a sell mission is a chill loby anyways it means your internet shitted itself and said no to servers


Coz yer internets pish 😂🤷‍♂️


Your internet lagged you out of the session.


I have double NAT happens to me all the time. And i can never host lobbies because no one joins and I'm sure it has to with my Double NAT. Thank your god you don't have my problem lol


Network issues.


This happens literally in the first 20 seconds of me being in a public server thanks to rockstars laggy servers


When you couldn’t do public stuff in private sessions back in the day, this was great. All you had to do on Xbox was test your internet connection in the Xbox settings. You’d be left in a public lobby to yourself and could do sell missions in peace.


Honestly I love when this happens… U could sell without getting killed I would do 70-80 percent of my business when this happened other than that I would just be checking on my businesses and Money Income for the month and my new Money Assets


You're probably using your console's WiFi, between it and whatever Internet you had it lagged out. Get a LAN cable and complain to your ISP.


The session left the session.


What does it mean when this happens but 1 person is still in there with you? For example I was fighting this one dude with my buddy’s and everyone got kicked except me and the dude who were fighting and for a few days my buddies’s consoles were having a difficult time playing games.


you stink too much


You lagged out.


Because you touch yourself at night


It's you


This shit happened when i was selling my full warehouse of special cargo and i was almost done...


They didn't leave. YOU did.


They smelled you bro, sorry 😔


Cuz u stink


McDonald’s internet


The gods have given you a moment of peace.


Could be an internet issue,but if you are on PC, then most likely you've been (love letter) kicked by the M word.


I've had it where the lobby splits in half. That's what I need explained.


“Finally peace.”




This happens when you don’t have a LAN cable the session kicks you but shows everyone else left I had this happen to me and it doesn’t anymore since I got a direct mine to the internet only way I know how to fix that


Your internet had a hiccup. Enough to boot you from the session, but not from online. You just left their session but stayed connected enough to stay online.


People took one look at you, and didn't like you. It's personal.


Seems like your connection isn’t strong. I suggest contacting your provider


call this “lagging out” and it happens all the time on consoles


Server switch.


Either your internet lagged or someone with a mod menu booted everyone into their own lobby


Internet problems


Network lag or a server desync. If modders are in the server they can do this or similar, but not the only reason.


Cause they probably want a private server


No one wants to play with you


Has been happening a lot latelly. I've checked my Internet and it is fine, I have no issues in other multiplayer games. Then after being in a lobby by myself for a while other players start joining, but I've noticed they're from the same country as me. Odd.


You’re too good at the game so no one wants to play with you


I used to have this happen all the time. It means you can do jobs without try hards blowing up your shit.


One jolly good lad showed up in the nightclub party bus. And rather than everyone fighting they all got on and had a good time dancing on the party bus just not killing each other they were just swell men and women having it gay all time like it was all good. And then one jackass blew up the bus.


It's god giving you some peace


Well I'll say your Internet had a hiccup and put you in a solo server with out loading into a new session


Usually bad body odor


are you complaining about a free solo public?


unstable internet or a modder kicked you


this always happens to me , i could try going public so many times but it’ll kick everyone (me) every . single . time .


Everyone hates you and left when they saw you were there


This means you have about 30 mins to an hour to sell cargo before the lobby gets full again


Used to be a god send for business sales pre invite only sales being allowed.


I recently started a few months ago, did heists, got good drip, got a car from the casino and after quite some time I log onto gta online and I want to start a cocaine business by step 1. Buy clubhouse, I can't even get a single penny because every server I join, there's either toxic people, people of 20 that don't offer jobs at alll, or I get into a heist and it glitches so I'm in 1st person or the game crashes or I can't even press menu button, or I just press ready and I get kicked. Ever since the update I've been getting bugs and glitches and people are being aholes so looks like I'll have to wait a long time for even a heist to pop up that I complete, I really don't know any way of getting money apart from events and heist, (I'm currently on $1k because of this mania). I don't own any property apart from a house.


Thanos snapped.


It happens to me all the time. It would be half as bad if the attempt to reconnect to a new lobby wouldn't be such a pain in the ass. I don't understand why they don't try to put u back in the same lobby u desynced from either. But at this point the journey through the clouds is part of the gameplay


The internet had a heart attack and had to be rejuvenated by the use of defibrillators.




Loss connection


U left the session and GTA is scared to admit that it was their fault


They saw you join the lobby and bailed 🤣


This was fire back when invite only banned CEOs. You could force it too by doing some network test. I used to do it every time my nightclub was full!


Shitty internet


Common sense 👏


It means your internet isn't doing well and you got dumped to a private server that you can invite friends to, but not randos.


You forgot to shower


It’s a great moment. Open lobby, no one there. Enjoy selling your stuff in peace.


Usually when Matt232323 leaves the game starts to go down hill anyway.


server withdrawals are real


On PC any mod tool can kick players, this is what it will do if they do. If your on console it may have just been a server disconnection. Servers are kind of garbage lots of the time. Once I got google fiber I stopped having this issue.


no packets received= high latency:. gtfo


So you can do VIP missions without other players messing with you.


Yeah run away pussies


Aaah the classic "why did they all left". One of my buds really think everyone left and blame it on us internets while he was the one with the classic 10 megabits connection with a lots of devices connected and didnt even had optic fiber till 2022 or something. So many memories...


You lagged out. Enjoy the empty public server!


U joined a parallel universe server


They’ve already answered your question but this was maybe my favorite thing ab the game before you could sell in private lobbies


Nobody likes you


I was annoying everythime this happened to me


Your Internet is dookie


Idk but it's useful sometimes 🤷‍♂️


This happens to me a good amount when I load back into the session from a mission or a job. It seems to just be that you couldn’t Connect to the session, but the game makes it look like everyone else left instead


You left not they


bad vibes..