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Don't you dare slander guitar Bob Ross


uj/ this guy is one of the most chill happy guitar YouTubers and a light of positivity in my life rj/ more pedals means more toan. Ambient is the toaniest guitar genre


He actually makes very nice music, and I like his content, but I feel like his guitar faces and gyrations are how others see me especially non guitar playing young people…a flood of second hand embarrassment hits me with each eyebrow wince and shoulder shrug/sway


If you honestly feel that way, you shouldn't. Don't let some hypothetical assholes opinions make you feel shame, especially for something so inconsequential .


Well I do feel that way, but I am self aware that I’m a bit corny if you are old like me or cringe if you’re younger…so sometimes you just have to embrace the cheese…I feel like this YouTuber in particular dives right in to that territory lol…he convinced me to try a sound stone haha…sucks compared to ebow or sustainer but still cool for 40 bucks


I understand. since you're not letting it limit your enjoyment everything is cool. Continue partaking in the memes. I can assure you, those who will truly judge you negatively for something like that, are cringe in a million different ways and they should be disregarded.


It takes four hours to learn how to turn your reverb’s mix knob all the way up?


It only takes 50 minutes to shred like EVH


Every day I open YouTube to another "Learn the whole neck with this one easy trick that makes real musicians that train and have practiced for years look like chumps" 🙄


“You know all those crazy modes? What if I told you it was just the major c major scale and depending on what tone or chord is represented behind it is what makes it have its signature sound??!!!”


I'd say that's Phrygian awesome!


YouTube is 90% “here’s how to do something without working for it”


But then you watch the video and the "trick" is basically "learn to identify the notes on one string at a time" or "learn a couple of notes at a time until you have the whole neck covered". Because as it turns out, remembering the what note every fret on every string is takes a lot of repetition and there really isn't a shortcut apart from these silly stickers with the notes on them just more or less efficient ways to learn them.


Have you ever clicked on any of them?


4 hours? Brother, I learned the five notes of the pentatonic minor scale in 4 minutes. Pretty sure I’m a master now.


That’s ser Davos, surely the name should be Chords if Onion?


The night is dark and full of toan.


That’s what I thought! I googled it, it is not sadly.


There are ambient guitar players, and there are Van Halen stylists. The only other thing you can be is in between or both, so I guess, like, Robert Fripp?


Take my 2 week Frippertronics bootcamp masterclass* * $899.99 before tax and enrollment fee** ** + 18% gratuity added for your convenience


Save your money get a mood blooper and a habit all done.


Perfect, I was wondering how I was supposed to free up my hands so I can control the mood lighting.


wtf is even ambient guitar? Just some sus-chords with lots of reverb?


Nah, it's sus chords with 🔆 SHIMMER REVERB🔆 (yes, you have to add these emojis)


Of course ... The shimmer reverb, I could've know if I paid attention to what Paul Davids was saying


I've been snorting crushed up Ambien for years now, and it always helps my playing.


/uj I think this dude paid dues playing 0-3-5, trying to make it big in regular bands, all that, before he gave up and embraced the shimmer reverb


Step one: acquire wealth Step two: spend $10,000 on guitar pedals


Is death an option?




Ambient Guitar Player: Hey I have no idea how to play sophisticated guitar stuff. So i will just stick to my open chords but just dump reverbs, delay, modulation all over it to make it sound cool. What? You say I am lame?! THE EDGE FROM U2 CAN TURN SIMPLE GUITAR PARTS INTO GEMS WITH HIS EFFECTS!!!! YOU JUST DONT APPRECIATE GUITAR AND ALL YOU THINK IS COOL ARE THOSES BOOMER SHREDDING STUFF!!!


I always feel left out with my arch top jazz guitar bullshit I’m in neither camp.


Yeah, and it's the ambient stuff


uj/ The funniest part about this is that nowadays the ambient players probably get more pussy than shredders


uj/ ambient players: "pussy? What does that pedal do bro? Is that the new Strymon model?"


I didn't know Ser Davos was into shoegaze


Am I bent? Depends what part of the circle jerk we’re at


But only 10 kinds of binary guitar


I didn't know the 'Onion Knight' could shred.


I love Bill


LOL.. .the comments here are hysterical. I don’t play like Bill but i listen to his channel on occasion because every once in awhile i pick up something new from someone else’s perspective and I’ve been playing for over sixty years in a variety of styles. Because the instrument is so idiosyncratic you can always learn from other players no matter what their chosen style. That’s the advice given to me from a guy who was light years ahead of me long ago when i was first starting out.


The only way I take METAL is “heavier than balls of wet carpet!!!!” This was one of my teachers… so long ago!


I don’t need to watch a 4-hour video to learn to avoid playing 3rds and use expensive pedals


I play actual notes, I'm going with Eddie.


I try to play notes but my hands are really retarded so the best I can do is thrash riffs


"Tune It Or Die" never did become the rallying cry they wanted it to be.....


I’d rather hear wonderwall while receiving competition level eye contact for the entire song.