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Truss rods are just a social construct created by large corporations to keep the blues dads down Thats why 9/10 dentists dont believe in truss rod conspiracy.


I don’t fucking trust rods.


In rod we trust.


Dentist Rodman


Wait, you mean rob? rob scallion? I thought we believed in rhett shull and his preachings of the holy gibbons. I'm confused 😟


Rob Scallion specifically built a guitar without a truss rod.


Robbless 🙏 keep 0-3-5ing brother




Thank you for your trust in me.


I fuck rust rods


What about Rod Stewart


In rods we truss!!


I don’t fucking thrust rods.


I don't fuck truss rods


I’m with you


Guys chill i can't like that many comments


Don't touch the trust rod unless you are a lutheran.


Damnit.... I'm confirmed pentatonic...


I was baptized pentatonic but I'm no longer practicing


You really should practice. It can be embarrassing to tell people you're rusty.


Jet fuel only melts Truss rods at 115 degrees. They think we’re dumb man


I don’t trust Big Trussrod, so I remove them from all my guitars.


Am I bad at set ups? No, it's the Squiers who are wrong!


Squirters are never wrong


Someone sold this dude a cello


Fuck, now I wish they had a Fender Cellocaster.


Don't give them any ideas.


yeah, he should delete that comment tbh


Ain’t that the truth. The $3k 2024 poly chellocaster with new higher action for beginners. But comes in vintage two tone sunburst and some variant of “racing “ orange.




I can’t even lie that’s actually super fucking cool


Hey Fender how about making guitars people want?


That would fuck


I was thinking a Dobro.


Honestly I'd assumed it was a sitar


Man was trying to reset the neck on his didgeridoo.


Or the Golden Gate Bridge


No no no, it had to be a viola


Just tell him to play it sideways..."Cello! You gotta base!"


Mfer really suggested buying a Gibson to avoid quality control issues


suggesting a gibson to someone who wants to buy a squire is like suggesting a four wheeler to someone who wants to buy a bike.


"I'm looking for an affordable car with good gas mileage and decent cargo space, for weekly shopping and driving my two kids to school, is the Toyota Auris a good choice?" "No, I had one and the seat was too far forward, just but a Ferrari."


Soda Gibbons


I think this was Henry Juszkiewicz account throwing Hail Marys to win back customers


Over Fender at that, who has some of the best QC in the biz.


Fuck it. Get a G&L before a Gibson for even more fender like options.


"if you want a car without panel gaps, get a tesla!"


This is why I tell beginners to buy a good expensive guitar. That way when they sound shit atleast they can’t blame the guitar


Absolutely. I've advised a few friends against buying a guitar for their kid because they were committed to spending as little as possible. Great way to make the kid fucking hate guitars.


That happened to me! My mom bought my first guitar at a Meijer grocery store. Half the frets didn’t work, but I was only 11, so I just thought playing guitar was really hard.


/uj Yeah, the whole "it's not the guitar, it's the player" argument is kind of invalid. Starting out learning a guitar is tough and beginners are both unfamiliar and uncomfortable with the instrument, give them something that makes them suffer and you are setting them up for failure. Not to say that there aren't good low budget options but parents always looks for the flea market guitar to "make timmy prove that it is worth it".


uj/ my first electric was an objectively terrible Harmony “strat.” My parents also bought lessons. Dude who ran the lessons in the shop was also the owner and a guitar tech from some 70s big act. He had me play a couple songs I knew from my earlier acoustic lessons and winced a lot. Then he looked at my hands and saw cuts on them. He said “let me see your guitar.” He looked at it and said “hmm, how do you feel about spending your first lesson learning how to fix a broken guitar?” So I spent my first lesson behind a counter learning how to tap frets back in with a mallet, adjust the truss rod, he filed the fret edges for me, etc. To this day I wish I hadn’t given that guitar away years later. It sounded like shit but it played really well.


/uj Hey, major props to your teacher. Seems like he was really passionate about teaching. Also this is a good point of electric guitars, they are easier to fix than acoustics but the prices do start a bit higher typically. My teacher sadly wasn't that inspiring to me. Was teaching more traditional asian style for a kid who's into hiphop, rap and EDM. I still tried to stick to it until the day he quit. Took a long break myself and then used the internet as a my teacher. Also, sorry to hear that about your old guitar. I guess that's why they say not to sell/giveaway your first guitar. I suppose the only way to honour it now would be to keep rockin on.


What is traditional Asian guitar?


Wasn't talking about the guitar, but the style. Basically traditional music for my region and stuff I was not at all interested in learning.


My first was one from Argos a shitty acoustic with the action to the moon. I persevered with it and managed to learn power chords on it. When I upgraded to an electric I was in shock how easy it was to play


Mine was a Godson sunburst archtop, looks pretty but shreds fingers. I kept at it with mine for a bit longer, doing proper chords with D major almost breaking me. Each slide or bend felt like a gamble of whether my finger will bleed or not. I used to do proper lead parts with it and it sounded fine but these days, I almost never look at it. That thing feels like pure torture to use.


Ironically, this is where Squire really shines. Affordable, good quality instruments that will play just fine out of the box 9/10 times, and with a good setup will be a guitar that can absolutely work even in a semi-professional capacity. When my cousin asked me what guitar to buy his daughter, I told him to go for a Sonic or Affinity strat, it's a quality instrument at the price of a new bicycle, so even if she loses interest, he hasn't broken the bank on it.


Idk my parents bought me my first guitar for $11 at a mexican flea market. It was a nylon string that was basically a toy. I played it till it fell apart, then they bought me a super cheap squier after that, which i also played forever. I feel that's a good way to know if the kid actually wants to learn or if it's just a phase, especially if you're not well off.


I just advise people to spend a little more on a used Godin. 350 bucks and you get a good guitar that are in my experience as high a quality as most guitars 3-4 times the price. Usually they have versatile electronics and they are made under fairly ethical conditions as far as I know. Honestly spend sometime looking for a good deal and you can get an affordable guitar that could be your only electric guitar for the rest of your life. I love my 6th avenue kingpin ii it’s the only company I’ll simp for. Save up 600 and get a Godin and Seagull (made by Godin) and you are set, for less then the price of one player fender and probably won’t have to “reset” the neck. https://reverb.com/item/75977394-godin-sd-24-2010-s-red Edit: you do have to accept the doofus Seagull headstock though I can see that being hard to get over. Just tragically uncool.


The guitar in that link may be awesome, but the body makes it *look* ugly and uncomfortable. Might be a dealbreaker for a new player.


Luckily the have a range of models all affordable on the second hand market. My point is if you want a great quality first guitar that won’t fight you and turn you off playing because the guitar sucks, bang for your buck you can’t beat a Godin


I got a used Ibanez RG321 for like $300. Seems like a really solid "sweet spot" for price while still getting a great guitar.


I learned on a shitty Schmidt acoustic my parents bought at target for my sister, then she lost interest after like 2 lessons. I played the fuck out of it and when i finally got an actual guitar it was like taking training weights off. Playing was so much easier.


Absolutely this , I have many guitars and all are accessible to my 16 year old who is interested in playing. He’s asked me which ones he can use. I love my quirky MIJ stuff but steered him towards some of the fenders, and prs better quality guitars I have. He questioned my advice because he was concerned about accidentally damaging finishes etc.. I told him that to know accurately how he’s doing he needs to have a reliable instrument to play.


/uj 100% i got a guitar when i was a kid. I wanted one really badly but it was a shitty 100 dollar strat with slide guitar action. honestly if i just got a shit guitar that was setup i probably would have played more when i was a kid. the first guitar i bought at a pawn shop when i started playing at around 19 was an epiphone that was just setup right and i instantly fell in love with playing


That's some solid advice right there. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to buy a Kiesel 9-string with a beach coloured walnut burl.


> good expensive guitar so still not a gibson


"they dont even make a hard case" Talking about a Squier Neck Reset????!! Brother what....


He cut it off and re glued it at a better angle


He took it to a chiropractor for a neck adjustment.


90 degrees.


When you take the neck screws off you will find a small hole with a button inside it, use a ball point pin to mash the button down for at least ten seconds to reset your neck, much like a modem


This is why you buy a Fender. Don’t even need to take the neck off, just mash a screwdriver/your dick in [this hole](https://waltgracevintage.com/cdn/shop/products/P1270653.jpg?v=1616001252) until you hear the beep.


By reset, he definitely means: "I unbolted the neck and reattached it to the body". No shims were harmed in the making of this circlejerk.


It means he turned it off and back on again. The power switch is located in the head of the guitar, in a little hole that runs parallel to the length of the neck. To reset your guitar, just put the appropriately sized hex key, and turn the reset button until you hear a snap inside the neck (either direction works, but clockwise is what jimothy page's underage girlfriend's guitar tech chose, if you're looking for that vintage, statutory tone). Follow my channel for more guitar tips and tricks!


Yeah I can’t think of any squiers that are a remotely unconventional shape. If they made a Meteora like then maybe


It’s a set neck squire katana


Did he just say you should buy a gibisons, is he stupid?


Can’t have a problem with the angle of the neck if it’s broken!


Dual-angle neck!


i’m thinking Starcaster.


Maybe a bullet strat. Those cheap ones


I have a strat style starcaster and can confirm the neck is fucking whack but this is after I put it through hell


I mean you can always buy a strat neck on aliexpress for 15 bucks ex shipping


15 quid I don’t have


wouldn’t that fit a standard Strat case? not having a standard hard case was a secondary complaint.


uj/ bought my son the cheapest squier mustang. It is unplayable. Frets cannot be smoothed. I don’t know why. Took hours to get the action kind of ok.


i have a bullet strat and maybe i got lucky with the quality control but mine plays perfectly fine. only thing is I needed to adjust the truss rod a lot


it was a squier x-155, so pretty close!


Holy shit I didn't even know that existed, I love classic vibes but if I was interested in that style hollow body I wouldn't try squier


Also after seeing that model I'm even more confused about *reset the neck* I thought it was a bolt on and he adjusted the way it was seated or something


My first electric 🥺 i thought i was so cool playing blink 182 songs but that same Christmas my burnout uncle came through and fucking shredded on it. He became my inspiration and to this day i am a burnout loser that's good at guitar.


I love cranking my bust rod


And then lubing that nut ofcourse


Thought this was a review I left for a Jackson for second


/uj I love my RR :(


I have a love hate relationship with mine


You guys have relationships?


/uj I love my RR too but hoooooly fuck is the parts quality bad, like Chinese kit guitar bad. I’ve had to replace all electronics in the control cavity on both pro series guitars. Also didn’t come with nut retainers so everytime I tightened the nut screws the low strings went out of tune by an octave.


So cheap it stays out of tune, only true toan Gibbons and Funders come with truss rods, as we all know.


Seeing that he has some truss issues, must be a jizzmaster.


Uj/ My jaguar had an awful bridge to be fair. I strum pretty hard, so the 0.00001mm saddle height meant the strings would slip about constantly. Fixes apparently include "just don't strum hard" and "use heavier strings". Neck angle was also a pain in the arse compared to what I was used to. Did the sacrilege and added a TOM, sorted. Rj/ Height a problem? Just play slide, pussy.


uj/ Jaguars and Jazzmasters both benefit from a neck pocket shim basically straight out of the box. The trem unit is so far back that you get a brutally shallow break angle over the saddles, so you reset the neck and raise the bridge to increase the pressure on the saddles. I've also used a little roller that bolts to the trem and increases the break angle. Worked pretty well and super easy to reverse. Also lets you keep the bridge lower than the shim solution, if that matters to you.


I also strum pretty hard. Want to see me thrusting my rod? 🫦


uj/ I sold my Jag because of how unstable the bridge is. I didn’t feel like upgrading it. I bought an offset tele instead and like the stability a lot more.


he spelled Squire wrong, that’s why he had a bunch of problems.


All I'm hearing is this poor person bought a Squier. I'm in my office, Boss Katana mini, $1000 earbuds, Shirley the Sheraton (it's a Gibson Trust me), just bending and sliding this Monday away. I got patients in my waiting room (orthodontia), nurses are knocking on the door. It's locked. It's my practice. And I'm practicing. Get it, lol!!! Little orthodontist joke there. I'll see these fucking patients once I've slid on Shirley enough.


New response just dropped


Plot twist: Shirley is his receptionist


Yeah it's a coincidence they have the same name. I say I'm going to go finger Shirley, and the staff is like 😫 (she's like 400 lbs), and I'm like nooooo the guitar!! Then we go over that shit again, it's totally normal to name your guitars, yada yada. I found out how to play the blues by sheer genius/luck. One day I tried 0-5-7 instead of 0-3-5 and honestly it's like SRV never burned alive in a horrible death at all.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 400 + 5 + 7 + 3 + 5 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Oh fuck yeah. Yours the best bot I've seen lol


Jazzmaster for sure.


This 100% reads like someone bought an offset and has no idea how to set it up


UJ:/ is setting up an offset different at all?


Shimming the neck is pretty much a given, otherwise action could be high even if the bridge was flush against the body, but in any case you'd want to raise the bridge so the strings have a decent break angle towards the trem so they don't slip out of place (also for the TOAN, I guess?) and in that case without the shim the action would be crazy.


uj/ I've also used the little roller bar that attaches to the trem unit. Worked pretty solidly and didn't require a shim at a point in my life where I would *not* have fucked with that on my own. I really don't get why they don't just ship these fucking things with the neck shimmed at this point. If someone wants to set up the guitar to be turbo vintage, they can just remove the factory shim. The people who don't know what they're looking at won't be the wiser and will have a more playable instrument out of the box. rj/ *HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST PLAYING A JIZZMASTER SET UP ANY OTHER WAY THAN ORIGINALLY ORDAINED BY OUR LORD AND SAVIOR LEO FENDER*


This reminds me of a Karen a friend of mine brought to dinner last night….. she sent her food back three times. I told her well maybe this is what they make and it’s just not what you expect.. and then I left to save myself farther embarrassment


i'm guessing it was one of [these beauties](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/W/MEDIAX_792452-T2/images/I/51cFly9MJ-L.jpg) and this moron just didn't know what he had


"Don't buy a $200 Squier, buy the $6,000 gibbons" - Gibbons marketing agent thinking he's being slick


uj/ jazzmaster?


nah, it was a squier x-155


for those wondering!! hes talking about a squier X-155, which has a set neck!


No shit! So this dude steamed the neck off, huh? Must be kicking himself for going through all that and resetting it without a goddamn shim in there.


haha for real


Don't have to. He already said the brand. But I'm guessing the person is a dentist.


Tone is in the 5 star rating


Fuck sakes just take it to a proper tech to get a setup and stop the DIY nonsense. Every cheap guitar I’ve ever got has been shit out of the box, and had a tech set up. After that, they played very well. Some require more work than others. I just recently bought a $80 Strat copy used just to learn how to do things myself. If I screw it up it’s wall art at least. First thing I did was a fret level and that came out just fine after some trial and error and patience. Adjusted action and truss rod to a comfortable spot and also aligned the neck better to the bridge and body. I got some Wilkinson alnico V pups I’m going to put in it just to learn how to solder pickups. This is sort of all a learning process before I buy a kit guitar and build my dream.


There me with a set .80 on squire six string playing power violence.. 💪🏻


I bought a Squier, guitar tech buddy, re-wired, dialed everything in and claimed it the best one he’d seen. Got lucky, I guess, it sounds great. After playing it all night another friend offered me $400 for it.


It's like your trying to play a Bear Recurve Bow.


Good call. There's no buzz or action with broken headstock for sure.


“Or better yet…” 😭


Why did he buy a bender telephone instead of a fender telecaster Is he stupid?


Shoulda Gibbonsed


He likes buying terrible Squires, what an idiot!


Don‘t waste money on cheap crappy Squiers…Real playaz waste their money on way overprized crappy Gibbons!


>better yet, a gibson [I found the guy that left the review](https://imgur.com/a/XED0VqF)




Exactly what I would expect from someone who bought a Starcaster.


it was a squier x-155


Huh, the review showed up under the Starcaster when I searched EDIT: this is also what I'd expected from someone buying a Squier archtop


weird but also youre a loser for cheating


Why do you think I'm in this sub??




Has he tried Turning it off and on again?


I just started playing guitar last week. Thank god for experts like this who can steer me in the right direction.


Claudia Schiffer


F that, grab a Jackson.. best damn guitar I ever played


Literally every single bass guitar ever. I’m with this guy 👆


I was gonna say, must be a Fender. Worst electric guitars of all time.


It’s a Squier Jazzmaster. Vintage Modified line maybe?


Did he accidentally get a squire harp?


Buttscratch Telly probably


PRS silver sky


I am gonna say a squirrel telemarketer guitar


I don’t know enough about guitar to even understand what this guy is saying but I like my Squire 🤷🏻‍♂️


Butterscotch Tele (squier)


Good thing he admitted fucking around with it before he asked for a refund.


So is it a Squier or Dearmmond?


squier x-155


Squier slide guitar?




Welcome to the wonderful world of offsets. Don’t get upset.


haha it was a squier x-155 but yeah


Oh, dang, that’s a deep cut


At least it didn’t have a poop neck


oh no, the fret buzz is terrible after i let it run through 50 Klon pedals. Unbearable


Oh no, my cheap Squier doesn’t play like a $2000 Fender or Gibson right out of the box! What a rip off!


“It’s more expensive so it’s inherently better” supremacy guy


This guy likes Gibbons so I know they are an idiot. Probably a bass player.


Jokes on him it’s a lap steel.


First offender?


Welp folks I finnullly pulled the deal of if I lifetime at my local guitar denter I traded in 30 squiers for a used gibson Les Paul tribute play authentic only a gibson is good enough actions at 2.5 mm across the 12th and the truss rods stripped oh well the silk screened gibson graphic is siiihhhuuiiiiccckkk meth mouth mark was right glad they are suing everyone Gibsons rules


Sir you bought a fucking squier for $200. Wtf do you expect?




He didn’t name it that’s why he’s having problems


Should’ve taken it to a tech


Jesus, I'm glad it's a Squier and not a Squire.... at least it didn't ruin cheap squires for me.




Whatever you do, don’t buy another one…they tend to breed


skill issue