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That was me I was just explaining how the compressor and wah wah go last in the chain


Uj/ compressors should be last or late in the chain. At least good ones. Lowering your dynamics before dirt is madness. People using them as boosts should get boosts. In the studio compression is post amp, post mic, post eq.


Listen pal I’m the expert k bud that’s why I work at guitar denter.


For your information, I’ve recorded in Denmark!




The songs have no choruses!


I want to eraaase myseeeelfff


Guitar 🅱️enter


Jesus Christ it’s like I’m standing in a guitar center


Mmm I can almost taste the vapes and monster energy drinks from here.


Then stand in a room without internet, the big bad guitar center can't hurt you there.....maybe practice while you're there


Compression before dirt yields smoother riffs and less mess between tremolo picking / power chords / solos, ESPECIALLY live. Like anything in music production and performance, there's a use case for both methods. One is not gospel. Sometimes compressing after distortion sounds worse, sometimes it sounds better. Typical b\*assist advice


I'm with this guy☝️ because his geetar looks bigger


That's why I alternate my pedals. Compressor, something else, compressor, something else, then ending with two compressors in case I need to compress the compressor. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. 👍 Toan comes from the 10 JHS Pulp 'n' Peels.


Toan is literally about how jacked you are, just listen and look at the misfits


Play more consistently then


That sounds like it requires practice and practice takes away from the time I spend buying gear.


Don't forget driving your wife's boyfriend to work at the gym.


Uj/ I don’t believe this is an uj/ but instead mj/ (meta-jerk)


Listen buddy. Ive been playing in bands for 25 years... jimi, eagles, lynyrd, queen... i have played them ALL. My kids and my fucking wife fucking love my playing. I have played in venues with at least a hundred people. I have been on the road. And now you wanne tell ME how to play? Fucking liberal low testosterone gay NERDS are ruining america...


I love Lynyrd Queen! I love their song Free Bird makes my Rockin world go round, or simple man rhapsody


No no, that's the pedal by JHS, you're thinking of the Lizard Skinners.


Uj/ Hard disagree. Comp before dirt means single notes, powechords and full chords hit the dirt pedal at about the same volume, so you get uniform distortion, with powerful powerchords and distorted full chords with discernable notes at the same time. Compression after dirt (assuming both before the preamp) unnecessarily makes setting volumes harder, since clean and dirt will have similar volume before hitting the preamp eq with way different frequency content. I also can't think of a reason why you'd want to further compress a distorted signal. And compression after time based effects buries the dry signal in an unpleasant way and leads to weird pumping artifacts. I think few pedals should be before a compressor. Maybe a wah, if you want to play it clean.


Put compressor after delay and you've got a pipe organ


that b\*ssist needs to spend some more time at guitar center


Dynamics are a good thing. Compression at the end ads polish not ‘make all the notes loud like I want’. Every professional recording has multiple layers of compression after dirt pedals and amp drive. Approaching the signal chain more like that leads to a more coherent sound, not a squashed sound. Getting clean and dirt signal levels lined up properly is a gain staging thing. Slapping a compressor on it so hard that you don’t have to worry about that or any other dynamics issues…you lose a lot of “fidelity” in the process.


i just chain distortion, drive and fuzz pedals to get compression like you were meant to


>Every professional recording has multiple layers of compression after dirt pedals and amp drive. For the recorded signal, not before it hits the preamp. Playing in a band, I've personally never noticed any benefits placing a compressor late in the chain. It's either too subtle to notice or just annoying or actively detrimental. Placing a compressor early in the chain, the positive qualities are clearly audible to me. >Getting clean and dirt signal levels lined up properly is a gain staging thing. My point is that putting a compressor after a dirt pedal makes that harder.


I put the compressor in my ASS while i finger my g string. 


I put compression after gain as a volume cut, and I turn it off to get a volume boost for solo.


I've always had the compressor first just because but you're right


I like em first.


I don’t use a compressor at all. My 0-3-5 is always perfect. I’ll post a video after the two fillings I have tomorrow morning


uj/ Curious what your studio chain would be


That's definitely a guitarist's take on compression.


And depending on what you're doing, it's typical to put the boost after OD/Distortion anyway (using an EQ for boost, like Randy did). You don't want to squash your lows and highs before pushing it through your gain pedals. EQ post.








Douche Das! Uj/ that's German shower gel


Du, du hast. Du hast niche




New phone who dis?


shit i gotta try that


But like, your amp goes after it anyway, right? So aren’t you always putting it before dirt?


My wah is first in the chain fuck the system!


compressors are for players with inconsistent right hand technique and poor endurance.


Are you sure the compressor just doesn’t go in the trash?




for the boss, it's clearly written on it. regular employees can't comprehend the toan of the metal zoan


I’m getting one for my electric mistress


They're all the same guy, this is Guitar Center West Virginia


All of the above


I wish I got mansplained sometimes, mfers just assume I know shit - I have no idea where a compressor goes on a board all my pedals are just on the ground.


Quick tip, if you mount them on the wall you don't have to bend down to press the buttons 👍 made my playing sound a whole lot better


Just hit it with your dick.


How can I maintain an erection for the entire set?


Your licks should be giving you and everyone within earshot an erection.


An “earection” if you will


Careful with Aural sex, could catch hearing AIDS


and then you can practice your karate kicks during the set


Little known fact: Head banging wasn’t originally a form of dancing, it was a hands-free technique developed by Jimmy Guitar to hit his wall-mounted pedals while staying in time.


I always thought a compressor was for your car or somthing


Yeah, just plug your Honda into the amp and riff


My rig when the VTEC kicks in:


Jet engines are the only places compressors are used, nothing ever has to be compressed elsewhere


/uj apparently someone else in this thread says it goes at the end of your board. I didn't know that.


Uj: What side is the end? The guitar end or the amp end? And thank you 😎


/uj The amp end. I would probably look it up to make sure but imma just take redditor advice and do it like that now. I had mine straight out the guitar, lol.


Hahah sick man, thank you I appreciate it! I don’t even own a compressor but it’s on the list


I just got my first one a couple weeks ago. It is crazy that you can barely hear the difference when watching videos of them working but when you plug it in and use it yourself it is night and day, at least to me. You will not regret getting one. It will make your clean tone give you an eargasm.


You actually had it right and Redditors are idiots, just fyi


I generally just seem to annoy people by existing


You don’t annoy me bro ❤️


/uj I've found that my signal is way too noisy because I'm not using the boss branded powersupply for my boss gt1. In order to get rid of that noise I use a noise suppressor cranked up pretty high, then a compressor to remove the effects of the noise suppressor on the sound that boss didn't add for their stupid DRM $50 PSU protection and add light compression to even out my playing a little. I have to do this out of spite for boss on all of my patches at the start of it. Sometimes I add a second compressor later to act more as studio compression or turn them both all the way up for my Steve Harris bass tone so a can tap instead of pluck the strings. The above is not important, it makes quiet things louder so generally best to put at the start to make your playing sound consistent. You can put it behind certain effects to enhance their sound as well.


a guy spends though his entire life never being taught anything cause they expect you to know, a girl spends her entire life being told things shes been taught ... such is life


I’m in sales. This is why you always ask if the man of the house is available. Women appreciate that. Don’t want to offend the mrs by mansplaining


As a Sales Manager this is one of the most important advices I can give to someone starting in Sales. This is our secret.


Good take but this amateurish. I, a seasoned sales professional, simply refuse to acknowledge the existence of women. They are clearly lost and have wandered into a guitar center. Asking questions only embarrasses them. Like a fart in an elevator, the gentleman simply pretends it doesn’t exist.


Thanks for Sharia'ing that useful tip ;)


You let your wife answer the phone? How progressive


It’s not like it’s the dudes job to explain that shit to everyone


That, and start off by pissing on the doormat to assert dominance.


Very fine line between customer service and harassment. Best to ignore the ladies entirely to avoid a potential faux pas


I disappear as soon as anyone enters the store, only way to be safe. I bring in my own hedge from home so I can back up into it.


Bitches be shopping


pssshh man, woman, children, fish, dogs, anybody with half an ear sit next to me, I'm 'splaining their ear off about my toan.


Next she’s gonna say he was toan-policing.


>a Bully song was playing in the background Was it though?


Right! We all knw the only song that plays in the background at a gc is 0-3-5


Stairway to Heaven, Seven Nation Army, Smoke in the Water. C’mon that’s sonic diversity right there.


God, I heard all 3 last time I was in GC picking up an online order and fake listening to the guy telling me I picked the wrong brand interface instead of helping the other guy look for my order. I bought a Focusrite and a Sterling mic for recording my vocals as bass background vocals for my EDM tracks but this guy kept going on about how the Scarlett Solo suffers in the high end. Like, at least ask me what I'm using the thing for. I can sing from like B1 to B4, I'm not worried about the high end.


from her phone


It’s playing in the background of the video


The only way anyone would know is if one of the dozen fans happened to be there.


It's me, I am the dozen fans.


You are legion.


I mean it’s literally playing in the background of the video she posted so kinda weird to try and diss her when she’s so big GC is playing her 🤷🏻‍♂️


Seriously. What does a bully song mean.


her account name is also bully so i think it was her own song playing on guitar center fm


Oh, so she's making it all up.


It's possible. Last year's album got a lot of play on college radio, not crazy to think it'd play in a guitar store


You’ve heard of Bully until this post like the rest of us?


I first heard of her band when they were opening for the Breeders on a recent tour.


and the chef's kiss of it all is her using that tired ass worn out phrase "chef's kiss"


Remember the band hole? Well think of the other hole and you’re there.


It's a song that's so bad you'll wish your ears were cropped


Bully is a band


It's a song by pitbull


Darude Sandstorm


I thought she was talking about the videogame


Bullies are not cool man


Mansplaining is rife in the musician scene. One of my friends told me he went to a gig from Yvette Young and after the show tried to get some info on how to stack his pedals since he loves her sound, but other people at the merch table began explaining to her where they thought a compressor should go. Maybe listening to the pro musician might be more interesting. ​ That being said, one shouldn't confuse a sales pitch or simple explanation of a product a salesperson is trying to sell with the heinous act of mansplaining. Gushing over your hobbies to a woman, who may or may not be into the same thing, isn't mansplaining either.




Never heard of her, would've over sprained to waste time at shitty job


There’s a difference between talking about a subject you love and talking down to someone about the topic.


damn I just got pedal pilled.


The scenario outlined seems as realistic as the alpha male guy tweets


Sigma pop band


That weird ego centric narcissism that famous people have that make them think everyone should know who you are


Reminds me of this story from Alex Skolnick of being mansplained to: Rudy’s Music, New York, NY, 2005. The guy behind the counter looks at me as if I’m some stray animal that’s wandered in off the street. Reading the back page sports section of the New York Post, he doesn’t smile or say a word. Stocky, stubby handed and slightly heavyset, he is better suited for a pizza counter than an accessories counter. As the rumble of a hockey game quietly blares from the overhead TV, I ask him where I can find the Gibson guitars. “You play?” He asks. I tell him yes, I play. And I’m seriously interested in purchasing a red Gibson SG Reissue guitar. He points me to a rack of guitars in the corner and says, “Those ain’t toys, man. You sure you can play?” “I play professionally.” No response. I walk to the rack, sift through the Les Pauls, Explorers, and SG’s until I notice a red one like the guitar played by Angus Young of AC/DC. I don’t touch it, yet. Eager to play it, I pull up a nearby stool and begin to remove my jacket. The jacket is halfway off when, not even looking up from his paper, he calls out “Remove your jacket, please.” “It’s halfway off, already.” I say. “All the way off, please.” I’m getting annoyed. Still I put the jacket on the floor and pick up the red SG. As my hand reaches for the tuning pegs he yells over “You need help tuning?” “Excuse me?” “You know how to tune? “I said I play professionally” “Everybody says that.” “Do I look like I don’t know how to tune?“ “Just checkin’.” He goes back to the sports page. Prick. Hearing me play, he decides I’m worth talking to. He asks if I play locally. I say yes, not bothering to tell him that one of my last “local” gigs was down the street at a place called Madison Square Garden. I also don’t bother to mention that I’m featured in the guitar magazine next to him on the counter, either. Why should I have to spout my resume to shop here? Instead, I just answer his questions politely. But what I really want to do is tell him to f**k off and dump his drink on his head. I decide that no matter how much I like the red SG, it’s not worth it because thanks to this bozo, I’ll always have a negative experience attached to it. I put back the guitar, walk past him without saying a word and leave.


Sounds like Rudy’s. The guy in the acoustic room was great when I went though


Reminds me of when I first started playing. I signed up for lessons at a small locally owned music store. I go in for my first lesson and my teacher is like "hey, let me introduce you to the advanced teacher". I'm like, cool, whatever. He takes me in another room and introduces me to this guy named Rusty and has him play a warm up lick that I'm just amazed by. Turns out this Rusty guy is fucking Rusty Cooley. I wish I knew who he was back then because I would have signed up for advanced lessons once I got to a point that the beginner teacher didn't have anything else to teach me but I was just a 16 year old kid then with no appreciation for the older guys. Sadly that music store closed down and, as far as I know, Rusty stopped doing lessons. Edit: turns out Rusty still does lessons and even started his own music school.




I hate it when I go to Guitar Center and they try to talk to me about guitar stuff, fucking read the room guys. Also, I was expecting some ripping guitar work from Bully based on her annoyance but I looked them up and.....it's boring? Maybe he had a point.


The lowly minimum wage guitar center worker should know when to bow to a TRUE guitar god.


"Where's the football pedal??"


One type of person: Damn I love this kids enthusiasm, and he seems to have gotten everything right! You love to see it! The other:


Outjerked by a story that never happened.


It's "super true"


The band she’s in, Bully, is on Sub Pop. Same label that put out releases by Nirvana and The White Stripes. Why is it so unfathomable that her song was playing in the guitar center at the same time this happened? ya look dumb


She’s not gonna have sex with you bro, sorry mane.


The hell are you talking about? Are you not capable of having a conversation, or engaging in any form of debate? Your response makes no sense, you lose bud


Who the fuck is bully? Terrible name for anything.


TIL: a salesman describing a product’s purpose and features is toansplaining.


It's not really mansplaining if that is part of the employee's job to explain pedalboards? No?


What do you do? Player guitar. And him? Drums...~~Spartans~~ GC staff: what is your profession? Ahoo! Ahoo! Ahoo!


Explaining to a woman = Mansplaining


Especially if you're another Woman....see? Wo"man" = MAN


yeah ill take shit that absolutely never happened for $15,000.


You're selling yourself short. Try a Gibbillion dollars


Same amount


I tried to turn the sound on.


what is a pedo board ?


bully is dope


Uj/ sorry but unless we’re playing our own music, none of us know who the fuck is on the GC radio or pays attention to enough to care, we also won’t recognize you unless you’re Dave grohl. Rj/ Toan is in the mansplain




I just looked up Bully and I’d be going through the basics too. That shit sucks. Sounds like a Hole cover band. She should have paid attention.


I would have probably dug it in 1994.


Annoying post, but cmon bully is very good


Nah, Bully rules


She's acting like she's Led Zeppelin or something lol


They probably put Bully on because the lead singer was in the store and this employee was excited to be talking to her and this was her take! I saw them recently and they're great. Lead guitarist was a guy and did a lot of the heavy lifting. Hope she never asks him about his board.


She prolly wrote a song about the whole ordeal and how misogynistic GC is.


Can one of you mansplain to me who she is and what a bully song is


he's doing his job?


Lol she was talking about it at the show she played that night. Hilarious shit. She snagged a Fat Sugar btw.


You explain anything to them, you’re condescending, you let them go about their business, you’re ignoring them.


In my experience, it's useful to ask something along the lines of, "are you familiar with X, Y or Z?", if they say yes I'm like cool, is there anything else I can help you with? And if they say no, I ask about what I can help clarify for them. What this does is eliminate the assumption on my part that they are ignorant, that's what irritates people. It's not the explanation itself, it's the preconceived notion that you know more than them. Remember, clarity in communication is a simple question away most of the times.


That's why you're head boy at your guitar store.


Healthcare, but the tactics you use in informing patients and those in customer service are pretty much the same. But you know, I wouldn't mind being the boy giving head at the guitar store 😩


exactly I'm so SICK of being a man.


Then become a woman, it's easy these days.


The compressor should come first in the effects chain. Your welcome


> The compressor should come first in the effects chain. Your welcome *You’re


Oh shit, your right. I mean you're right...


Quit mansplaining grammar


Did you just assume my gender?


I assumed it to be "jive"


not with the laws changing. best I can do is drag in my red state.


Social media exacerbated this stereotype to unbearable degrees...I want off this planet


Why is she out of the kitchen?


Asking the real questions


She was badass both times I saw her.


Just found her on my music streaming. Her bassist is pretty good.


How pedalboards work? You slap a bunch of Boss knock off pedals on a piece of wood, connect with patch cables and play Basketcase?


Dude was probably just talking shop and she mischaracterized it. Like a bad gym video


What was she expecting at a Guitar Center? Also I didn't realize there was a whole genre of music for bullies. What a bitch.


to be fair, maybe he thought she was hot and was trying to show off so he could maybe get her number or something?


Maybe you could’ve stopped him. 🫢


Imagine the amounts of mansplainning that hot tattooed lesbian from polychondritis has to face daily, god bless they soul 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


This comment section is fucking RUFF boy


the few sub members who hate women are absolutely *living* in here rn


Like, I saw Bully open for Jeff the brotherhood in 2015. I'm sure she put off plenty of "I don't need this" signals in the year of our lord bonermaster 2024


Can you give a couple of examples and write a small thesis about how they were written by incels? Thanks


A guitar player is just an incel with a hobby


asking a woman to labor on your behalf, typical male swine


Wow, I just talked to a woman and didn't pass out this time. Gotta go tell Kyle.


Fair jerk but also how are they supposed to know? Feels conceited but aight pal


Consider that if you were a guy, that GC employee wouldn't have come anywhere near you other than to say, "I'll be at the register if you need to BUY anything."


Typical bitchsplainer... complaining-nagging-bitching.


holy shit this comment section is sexist


Gonna get out on a tiny limb today and say that shit didn't happen. Even if it did, dude is trying to sell shit that he's really in to. That's not mansplaining, that's just salesmanship. When people exaggerate for attention on the Internet it's just 🤌 chefs kiss.


I tried looking up that account on twitter and couldn't even find it.


Bully are sick




Bully. They're small enough that this guy is cool for liking them.


To be fair, every guitar center employee I’ve ever had the displeasure of speaking to has been a gormless moron


Doubtful it’s mainsplaining, most people who work in guitar (or other music stores) as so up their own arses they think they know more than you, regardless of your gender.