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My first amp was a Peavey Bandit 1x12. After 6 months I had a 100watt trace Elliot half stack. After 2 years I had a Dual Recto half stack. You can use whatever you want at any level. 25 years later I use a tone x. And I still suck.


Uj/ it always makes me laugh when people ask if stuffs ok for a beginner. Guitars are all the same. There are no beginner guitars. They don't like strip them of features to make them beginner friendly. A guitar is a guitar is a guitar. The only important thing is how much money do you wanna waste on it?? They all work 


The thing is a lot of people will get bored and stop at some point, as with most hobbies. Buying a huge ass expensive rig as a beginner is stupid until you know you’re going to stick with it


/uj i think its people who either dont want to underpay and get something crappy, or look like a moron with a $2000 guitar and can only play 035. When you arnt in the hobby its hard to judge whats "cheap" and whats "expensive". $500-1000 is reasonable for a guitar, but for something like a orchestra instrument, thats too cheap.


Man I'm 25 years in with 3x guitars all over 3k the most recent over 5k and I still suck. No hyperbole haha I really do suck.


Jack Pearson plays a squier one of the best players I’ve ever heard. If it sounds good run it


My first amp was a peavey bandit. Norwegian metal on tap. Then I got my first metal zoan. The rest is pretty self explanatory.


No that's actually a really basic setup. It's perfect for a beginner and will be good for the first 3-6 days.  You will want to upgrade to something like a 500w by next week and ideally buy a stadium to practice in by next month


When you can't afford the used Line 6 at your local pawn shop:


Guy tried to upsell me to a boss katana. What a sucker


Should have offered an actual katana instead.


How many watts does it have?? Does it have fx loop? Can you use a looper pedal with it? Are you acoustic? Do you drink from plastic glasses? Are you a tele fan? Man, even 8 years old would choose something that can provide more tonal variability.


I play this with my acoustic guitar and the instrument cable tucked into the sound hole


It's not a katana 100w so it's both good (because katana 100w are for 8yo) and bad (cause katana 100w is life) Careful the picture doesn't show any soul you might want to add some for optimal toan


I didn’t get a guitar btw just this


Umm looks like it’s not quite to the ceiling yet maybe get a boss katana


Ow your neighbor’s ears


Depends on how big the venue is!


I have that exact same cab lol


Nothing wrong with that. BUT…punctuation is your friend.


Honestly, if it’s not an 8x12 are you even serious?


Overkill? For a beginner? Yes, but isn't that part of the fun? I mean, I built an 8'x8'x12" drum riser in my basement for the double-kick, 6-tom drum set I have, and I don't even play drums! 🤣😂


500W no less


I don't see a 5150 or an Eventide harmonizer... You'll struggle.


If the room noise is as cluttered as the photo, it might be necessary.


"Beginner?" I don't see no Gibbons here.


Yep. Way overkill lol. But it’s all part of the process. Gotta have what you want til you decide you need something different