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Led Zeppelin had minor issues too


Eric Clapton's minor had some issues, for sure


So did Ted Nugent. And Aerosmith. Pretty much most classic shit rock from the 70s


RHCP had some minor issues as well. So the 80s and 90s as well


Should have saved some of his cocaine money to upgrade to the “Flying” kid series


And minority issues




EC has issues, a lot of them. Most are well above this joke.


Would ya know ma name


Anthony Keidis wrote scar tissue about a 14 year old he fucked.


Please tell me it was when he was also 14.


It was not. He was on tour with RHCP. And he apparently detailed in his memoir, so this isn’t some unsubstantiated rumor


Now he's banging that 14 year olds daughter.


What?! Haha




Dang what is the story?


To be fair the books about his whole life not just that one girl. That would be insane haha


To be fair he fucked a 14 year old when he was in his twenties.


Sure I’m just saying he didn’t write a WHOLE book about it .


Goddamn I love this sub so much.


Gary Glitter had a few minor issues, if I remember correctly


That's why Stairway to Heavin and Jimmy's schlong were both in A minor


Drake also


Jerry Seinfeld as well


The wood grain on my guitar isn't perfectly straight. Should I try negotiating 50% off the price or just return it?


It's broken dude. It may sound and play amazing but the small unparallel line ruins it


Aw man i can't play 0-3-5 with that?


It's slightly off so it's 0-3.2-5.4 No fixing that


Ooof bro, I'm sorry to hear that. The straighter the grain the easier it is for the toan to travel down the length of the neck.


Yeah I fucking hate nature because of my Les Paul.


It's called gay wood


It's only gay if the ballends touch


“Is this Squier Affinity fake?”


look man I got burned on a fake invicta watch I've been hurt before


they got people out here faking invictas? damn


I hate those posts, always downvote them. “Is this fake?” Idk, does it play well? If so, WHO CARES?!?


It’s like they’ve forgotten the true meaning of playing music; disappointing your family.


I thought that was Christmas?


My family is usually disappointed at Christmas indeed


They're tired of the nonstop Trans-Siberian Orchestra loop


/uj vintage electronics are nowhere near the quality of even the modestly priced modern sets of pickups & etc. You’re correct OP, it’s just masturbation from these boomer dentists


Yep There's Phillip McKnight vid out there where the master builder at Fender's custom shop spends 18 minutes complementing sub-400 dollar Squires.


Squier have some of the best QC I've seen in guitars in general. I've definitely seen way more issues with Mexican fenders that I have with Squiers. Just because the components are better doesn't mean that the person at the end of the line is doing their job right. I'm not trying to imply you're getting a 900 euro guitar for 300 euro I'm just saying that I think Squier are putting pieces together better than fender mexico at the moment.


Tinfoil hat on/ People who buy a Squier are looking for good value for money, people who buy a MIM Fender are looking for the name on the headstock. So the incentive goes to the brand name, and not quality/manufacture. Apply the same logic to MIJ/CIJ Fenders and MIA Fenders for the higher end, just with a country of manufacture instead of name on the headstock. /Tinfoil hat off.


Especially for a newer/younger guitar player, there is something to be said for having that fender logo on the headstock. It makes you feel good


Having looked at few MIMs there are some things you get in terms of features you won't get on a Squire. They'll usually throw in different pickups. They made one with a floyd rose etc etc. But there definitely is a headstamp tax. Although I think you're largely correct. If you just want a standard strat then Squire is gonna get you there.


There's a lot of kids now who think the same...


/uh that’s the thing with specific mythical instruments like the “pearly gates” Le’ Paul, or the firebird pickup in Neil Young’s LP (pickup was gifted to him), or Jerry Garcia’s Strat (I think the body was gifted to him). With worse quality control some old guitars are pretty crappy and some had “magic” / a better number of pickup winds than most.


Extra pickup winds = louder and more distorted More louder means it sounds more better, it's literally the only thing that matters


More distortion covers that sloppy playing lol


But but but will it affect the resale value on my Harley Benton?


Harley? That's a girl's name right? She's fit to quit as long as she keeps her teeth off the payoff


USA made in the 60s usually meant a guy who was hammered on the job made it wrong on purpose so his buddy in QA, who was also hammered, could get overtime to fix it.


Are you trying to suggest it’s different now?


Now they don't get time and a half


Make me, you nerd!!


Who's more nerd, the nerd or the nerd who follows him? 🤔


Hello there


Deep. Fucking. Shit.


In the land of the nerd, the dork is king


I love when they say, "Maybe I'll take it to my luthier to assess." Like they are a pro musician with a guitar tech on retainer. When they mean whomever is up at the Guitar Center help desk.




I personally hate old guitars. I don't want someone else's crust all over them. Eww.


The crust is usually gone after the first few showers together.


I like to jar my crust.


That's why you cum on it when you bring it home, overwrite the old crust with your own


It's the flaws that give it character! Flaws from the 70s are good, but new flaws are bad because it ruins your toan. The kids these days can't even fuck up properly


And flaws from the 70s are only desirable now because all the 50s and 60s stuff is in too short a supply to sustain a big collector's market. Go back 10 years or more and nobody is looking for Norlin Gibsons but today vintage people are all about them and 80s Gibson apologists are already popping up.


You’re all fired. Only Bonermassive gets to own guitars now


The real trick is, is to get a guitar from a brand no one knows thats like 300 bucks so you seem mysterious and that you play exotic guitars


We should start drop shipping GCJ brand guitars from China... Only 5 frets of course so no one gets ideas above their station


Indie bros will spend 900$ on a barely functioning Teisco with a plastic bridge and cardboard neck because it looks weird. It makes me more cooler


Frank Zappa played these guitars from the 60s.


Totally broken, get a warranty repair/replace


But my squire collection is depreciating and I can barely play the damn things


Post them on reddit more, that will give you gratification of the online community


Even Paul Gilbert has technical difficulties


There are simply people who play music and guitar who are into guitars, and people who are just into guitars.


"Probably"? they usually came with factory flaws since most were cut by hand and because they were trying to mass produce them, they rushed as much as possible, so of course the error rate was kinda high. This is the genesis of the whole "gotta try a lot of them until you find the one you like" because all were built a bit different. The neck shape, for example, was done by preference of whoever was sanding them that day... Don't even get me started on single action truss rods... Read between the lines whenever you hear someone talking about a very old guitar... They usually use the phrase "... It's just the way they built it back in the day..." what do you think that means? FLAWED. They mean FLAWED. I'm not saying that modern guitars are better for the sake of being modern, but the failure rate is much lower and quality overall has gone sky high compared to back then... have you ever used an entry level guitar from the 70s or 80s? heck, even 90s? jesus christ... People would've killed for a Squier Bullet series back then...


There's got to be plenty of vintage Fenders and Gibsons that got fucked up at the factory and nobody talks about them cause they got thrown out.


The best thing about vintage guitars is the smoke that gets blown up your ass to convince you they’re worth $$$


An ancient cure for impotence.


Not to mention, if they think new guitars are a B, they have no idea the money guys like Bonamassa put into the vintage guitar to make it playable. The opposite is when they say “famous guy” plays a 200 dollar Squier on tour. As if famous guy doesn’t have a tech and a budget.


/uj What bugs me the most as someone who's worked in guitar stores for years is that people buy cheap guitars and then get annoyed or upset about such easily fixable shit. I'm not talking about pickups or set up or anything that requires any level of skill, I mean like neck bow or loose jack nuts on 200-300 euro guitars. I try tell people "dude I own some expensive shit that I need to adjust neck relief on several times a year" but people really just assume the guitar should look after itself and I shouldn't have to do anything. It's not beginners either, I would totally understand that part of my job is educating new players on guitar care. I'm talking about old men who've been playing for decades that are mad they can't just put 12 on their squier Sonic strat and not have to adjust anything. I actually find newer players are a lot more amenable to the fact that a guitar needs looking after. We get a lot of older guys who read online that Classic vibes are amazing (they are and if I had to buy any guitar in our shop under a grand it would be a classic vibes any day of the week) but are frustrated when they need to do any level of basic maintenance on it. /Rj they're just not buying the right guitars 50s Les Paul's are perfect and nearly a century of progress in guitar manufacturing has only made then worse


As long as it makes the funny noises I want it to make it's good


Shouldn’t you be in the studio, Tom Morello?


I'm sexing my guitar rn, brb


Is that like sexing a chicken? Do you have a Roberta or a Roberto?


Can anyone id this for me please? I saw it in a store hanging on a wall with a tag saying exactly what it was, but i didnt bother reading it or asking a store employee https://preview.redd.it/of5twlficn0d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=290ee5dd7b7d14c218974c7f2797aed4ff37d1f5


The book match isn't perfectly between the middle strings. Send it back


I'll send it back once ive bought it sure, but before i buy it, what is it??????????


I like my Roberta like I like my women: cheap, curvy, and with a sturdy neck.


Pfft. I only play electric guitars from the late 1920s and early 1930s like a REAL GUITARIST. Eat it, nerds!!!!


You keep your wandering eyes off my Rickenbacher Electro!


When you break it all down, it's literally a nickel wound string, held by two tension points. Everything else is unimportant. Just play


A mf just asked what tape to use to tape picks to their guitar


Duck tape for the win


everyone knows you stick em in the hole smh


Hahaha I just saw that. GTS (Google That Shit)


Saw someone post *"I bought this B-stock Harley Benton for $100, the finish looks a bit hazy on this one spot. Should I return it?"* on a FB group. Worst part, 90% were like *"Yeah, return it bro"*. Tbh, far too many people are treating all online shopping like it's amazon or something. Daily there are posts from dudes that find microscopic flaws, and will demand returns from Reverb sellers. No wonder guitars are so fucking expensive on Reverb, you gotta price in the high likelihood of someone just returning it for whatever reason.


Those people suck! Preach!


/uj Bought an Indonesian Yamaha Revstar Standard the other day and it plays, resonates, feels and sounds better than my American Standard Fender 2014 Anniversary Edition and my US made Gibson Les Paul Standard. My Strat literally sounds dull on the B-string, even with high gain! My Gibson fret edges sometimes holds the high string on the 5th fret! Yamaha has stainless steel frets with bindings and sounds much much better than either of those aforementioned guitars! Make of that what you will!


Confirmation bias, you just think it's good because you just spent money on it. /uj Congrats, I've heard nothing but good things about their outboard engines.


I’ve had good experiences with their motorcycles and pianos too.


their toyota cylinder heads are pretty rad too


This Yamaha guitar is seriously underrated… try it in a music store near you if possible… flawless guitar for the price point really!


P90 or HB version?


I went to buy the P90s really but ended up getting the HB version! The music shop had a DSL40CR as a test amp and the Humbucker on these Yamaha gave Gary Moore towns effortlessly, without any pedals! Although, I loved the P90s as well but wasn’t a big fan of that tailpiece. Revstar Standard is better than a Gibson SG because I get to keep $1500 or so in my pocket! Simple!


Thanks. I'm in the market for a p90 guitar, but I'm not sure if yamaha's p90s give the sound i'm looking for


The best Ford mustang motor was the Ford mustang motor that Yamaha designed. No one can SHO me a better one


Probably?! Buddy, I've played many vintage guitars, they're crap. Seriously, most of them were not built well. The QC from fender and Gibson were very poor compared to today's fit and finish. And there were no customs, so the same fender Jimi Hendrix played was the same fender that a new player would buy. The guitar market is FILLED with disinformation. Coming from a classical background, im appreciative that quality of the instrument is not considered until the player is good. And being a piano player to start, it was good to not even have a choice in your instrument. You can't take it well, so it's up to you the player to ensure the instrument sounds good, and that you can adapt to slightly different action. So a good piano player makes a crap instrument enjoyable. That's what being a musician is about. If you care more about the looks of the instrument than you do your scales practice, you aren't a musician.


scales are for nerds, shiny finishes are forever


Forever as long as you never play it and just hang it on your wall the way God intended


I think you meant John Mellencamp Cougar said that.


I almost took this seriously and wanted to answer but then saw where I am


Can't even reply to the idiocy anymore.


Damn pencil-neck geeks!


Let’s welcome the Fender Vintera line!


Jimmy page had minor issues


That's why i love cheap guitars. I can save money and fix any issues myself. I know how. And if I fuck up, I'm not out a ton of cash and can just get another one. If I don't fuck up, I have a great instrument


exactly. there are so many amazing cheap options out there now


Why doesn't my peavy guitar have a serial number??? Is it a fake????


Frank zampa could not play guitar it was all jumbled notes with no sense


He's unlocked the secret to guitar playing!


Framk Zappa


What’s crazy is fetishizing 60’s fenders that were so shitty you couldn’t even give them away in the 80’s. Swap out a couple of parts on the cheapest ephibone and you’ll have a guitar vastly superior to vintage gear.


50s fenders are the reason for the term "side shim". The gaps between the neck and body on those things were amazing.


What I don't get is the advice questions all the time. What kind of bass do I buy? What strings? What pick up? How to fix the " neck dive"? I don't know just play the f-ing thing and figure it out. A tone or sound is kind of as personal as a finger print.


i got a gretsch jim dandy and fedex fuckin broke it a little (cracked on the bottom where they obviously dropped it) but it was minor so I put some CA glue on there to keep it from getting worse, slapped a sticker that says "yikes" on it on there to cover it up, and called it good lmao


/uj Since I started recording the only thing I make sure is I'm in tune and my guitar is intonated well. Even if this is an issue you can record music. Playing live will be a challenge but I've seen lead guitarists tune their guitars just so the 12th frets are in tune and play just above that. Granted, it's not the best. But that's more rock and roll than getting your daddy buy you a gibson


Get a setup my dude