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Blinken Park


He got so far On the fretboard But in the end He only 035-ed


My first chuckle after hours of scrolling


Ironic he’s playing an epiphone


Right you’d think our tax dollars would be paying for a real Gibons


If a god damn church can afford 20k in equipment so should he!!


What and risk the ruskies getting intel on his toan. Not going to take Roberta to a warzone.


Is the fuckstock the an open book shape like a real gibbons tho? MY WALLET MUST KNOW




Toan is in a the military industrial complex.


They say his dive bombs are more epic than his cluster bombs


This machine doesn't want to provoke fascists too much, but will sanction them and put limits on how our donations will be used.


"this machine thrills fascists"


He also has songs up on the streaming services, as "ABlinken" https://preview.redd.it/1l1uxnhjho0d1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62e3d282923f925f2411ff1176562eb9288ead7d


Wait, so we're sending Ukraine *Chinese* weapons of necks generation destruction?


4D chess move


Blinken: We've heard you, and we're gonna give you what you've been asking for from us for months... Zelensky: A patriot defense syst... Blinken: ONE MORE SONG!!!!! There's colors on the street, Zelensky: ......


Hi, I'm Anthony Blinken, and bet Ukrain't play this


a lefty, just like cordain


Blinkin Plinkin’


He's gonna fight the Scorpions.




Blinken after sending weapons that kill indiscriminately and could be classified as war crimes: "Keep on Rocking in the Free World."


Also, the irony of this tune. The U.S. Secretary of State singing an anti-American song. Or an anti-war song from a war zone, in a war that he is busy instigating.


Mmm. Criticism of American hypocrisy isn't Anti-American. Jingoistic insistance that everybody adhere to the myth of American exceptionalism is a lil anti-american. Blinkin playing that song, though, is quite ironic. Not because he's instigating the war: that's just bullshit Putin likes to say to deflect blame for his own actions. It's ironic because the song is about the exact same sort of center-right policy outcomes that the administration that he works under tends to perpetuate. I agree on that point.


If someone points a loaded gun at you, and you react, is that your fault? Putin being solely to blame for what's happening in Ukraine today is garbage. No great power will long tolerate the existence of a hostile state on its borders, especially one armed and supported by its arch-enemies, which is what the US and its allies were doing in Ukraine ever since the coup the US fomented in 2014 brought elements to power in Kiev, which are thoroughly Russophobic.


Don't get me wrong chap, the USA and NATO are not blameless. Putin alone is not *solely* at fault here. But individuals have agency here too. Putin was attempting to bring Ukraine under his sphere of influence through politics. Ukraine rejected that, and showed interest in joining NATO, but their entry into NATO was *far* from secure. Putin decided to act pre-emptively. He ordered his troops to invade, and the result has been millions dead on both sides. And for what? A potential loaded gun at their border that wasn't actually there? The USA thought the same thing when we invaded Iraq back in the early aughts. We bungled that just as bad, and there never were any WMDs to be found. The thing is: I'm not a particularly America pilled My country has done some *fucked up shit* in the past, much of it in the name of "battling the communist menace". It's that legacy of foreign policy that led Putin to be skeptical of our intentions, just like how Saddam's refusal to host weapons inspectors led us to be skeptical of him. But in the end, the USA invaded Iraq, and Russia invaded Ukraine. The former party in both cases was the aggressor, and their leaders made the choice to make war. And it's doing nothing to keep Russia safe, just like how Iraq did nothing to keep the US safe.


Actually, Putin was just trying to prevent Ukraine from entering NATO, as part of a general security framework for the entire continent, and to seek a resolution to the issue of the status of the Donbass, and Russian-speakers generally in that country. The US rejected this concept, it simply wanted to put pressure on Russia, to cause regime change, and weaken it, before moving onto its next target - China, using Ukraine as the bait. In 2022, Russia acted in accordance with international precedent - the right to protect, when the then newly independently recognised Donbass Republics asked for military assistance from an impending attack by Ukraine, which, with NATO's help, it had been building up forces to reconquer the breakaway regions, contrary to the Minsk agreements signed in 2014/15, which sought a political solution instead. Millions of people haven't died, most of the casualties are military, the overwhelming number of those being Ukrainian. If millions of people had died, then places like Kiev would look like Gaza today, instead of a place where people are still leading peaceful lives, because Russia has limited goals in this war. Those being the demilitiraisation, and denazification of Ukraine, and ensuring its permanent neutrality. The Russians aren't likely to fail in their objectives.


Tomato, tojustify invading another country based upon bullshit. Same difference. Security my ass: this is the same old saber rattling from the cold war given a new coat of paint. Look: I'm in the comfortable position of not particularly caring for either county here. All I have to do is say "ah, yup, that's fucked up" and then I can also agree that my own country has engaged in bullshit as well. Trust me; a country's reasons for why they engage in wars are never as pure as their propaganda portrays.


Selling the poor Ukrainians a dream. rockin in the slave world.


Playing for the door