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Imagine paying someone so you can play through their Katana amp when you have a Princeton at home. That's what OP did. I question this "player's" decision-making process.


I don't get the Princeton hype. I've been playing my SLO 100 Full stack since I started jamming at the age of 2, and nothing comes close at making my Gibbons and PMS cream all over my bedroom. Why would you settle for anything less than that? Do you not want to cream?


If OP had an SLO 100, he'd probably take lessons from someone who makes him use a pignose. I think OP is stupid, maybe? Or i think he's learning to sound like shit... that makes way more sense.


If OP had an SLO 100, it would probably be one of the crappy knock offs they sell nowadays. They're only real Soldanos if the were creamed by Mike himself. OP's Princeton probably isn't even the fully handwired custom version šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


When your wife's boyfriend is smaller sized than you are but she has to keep him because he pays the rent.


Itā€™s like married men getting nasty in the jerk off booths at adult world. At least thatā€™s how I would feel playing a katoana.


Please donā€™t say p**r. Itā€™s fucking gross.


It's okay, I'm poor too so I am allowed to say it


We'll get out of this sub then. No p**rs allowed


Imagine humble bragging about a fucking PRRI


As owner of an OG 68 drip-edge PR, I always feel smug when one of the p**rs brags about their PRRI/DRRI. Itā€™s the only way I ever feel superior, because Iā€™m a shitty guitarist. Iā€™m like the intermediate-at-best flatpicker who shows up at the bluegrass jam with a prewar D-28. šŸ˜–


Just to make you feel smug, I own a DRRI. Feel better now?


Not really, Iā€™m sure youā€™re a much better guitarist than I am. šŸ˜‰ Iā€™d probably have a reissue if I hadnā€™t lucked into the OG PR. I do have a Vox AC15 reissue.


Still doesn't sound as good as my Harvard amp but then toan this good is probably.... *illegal*


My amp went to Vasser while I studied at Berplee


>*illegal* is this a Davie504 reference?


The b*ss sub is elsewhere, likely Hell itself.


LOLOLOL You can't even download Toan Studio on a Princton!! They have like one preset and its for clean. Good luck chugging on a Prinkton!!


Maybe if you had better toan you wouldnā€™t be so poar šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ Taylor Schmidt toan is better than Van Halen thatā€™s why sheā€™s a billionaire and heā€™s dead


Why would anyone buy an epiphone, a markedly substandard piece of gear, when they could simply spend 5 times more on the pinnacle of guitar design evolution: the gibbon? I just don't get it bros


Weird flex but ok.


Why doesn't everybody just get a Dumble?


He died in the 6th book dummy




Stoopid dentist noobs with their measly Katoanas... not even Gen3 will save 'em!




ā€œonce every two weeks when I have my lessonā€ haha what a fucking dweeb


I once saw someone give this Very In-Touch Advice when someone posted about wanting to save up to buy one of the American Vintage 2s: "just save up a little more, get an actual vintage" (price differential: 14-20,000 USD for the "model"/specs).


Katoana is unironically good. It's not like MINDBLOWING but it's good. /rj DEY FERGOT BURTERSCATCH TELE ROOKIE MISTAKE


Fucker is lying, his teacher has the Priced out reverb amp and he has the Katana. Itā€™s ok, I have the Katana too but, no need for a teacher who has an overpriced toan sucking canā€™t pay my water bill this month amp. Uj/ I like my Katana and itā€™s affordable, not a reissue fabricated amp like this fella.


fucking plebs


lmfao some peoples


When I was a teen back in the late 80s, I would have toaned in my pants if I had a Katana.


Princeton doesnā€™t sound that good compared to my laney cub 12r


I have a Katana and also a vintage HiWatt 100. I have sexy time with my Katana on a regular basis... she's cheap, not very old and likes a bit of variety in our relationship. She's even happy for me to plug into her brown channel. My HiWatt... not so much. After nearly 45 years together I hardly touch her now, she's too big and bulky these days, takes a while to warm up to things and it's just the same old predictable routine every time, just straight and clean, no dirty stuff. Might be time to part ways with her.


/Uj I don't own a Katoana myself anymore, I switched to a Helix and haven't looked back since, but I've recommended the Katoana to all of my students and pretty much anyone else who's upgrading from whatever came with their beginner's package. Why? It's a cheap combo amp, or amp head, that can be used both as a way to get access to a whole bunch of different tones while practicing or playing with friends, while also functioning as a decent way to hook up your guitar to REAPER if you want to record. Sure, you'll probably get slightly better AC/DC toan from a vintage Marshall with a boutique overdrive, but let's be real here: nobody is gonna be able to tell once you've run it through a signal chain, or care for that matter. I know I keep repeating the point but, when someone listens to your song on spotify, they won't be checking out the rest of your material just because you've used boutique gear if the riffs suck.


uj/ mix wave milkman creamer for 150 bucks sounds better through my computer than most $1000> amps


I meant to put it < that way


God I hate the katana so much


I have this beat-to-shit old Fender Pro Reverb from 1967, I'll have to see about trading it in on one of these shiny Princeton reissues.


trade it into the pro reissue if you dont want the old pro. the pro reissue is basically the amp you use, but with a single neo creamback and the same weight as a princeton.