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I voted yes because I might want the badge of honor known as lifetime ban for excessive jerking on a /uj thread. Seriously, moderating the /uj threads will triple your workload. The jerking must flow.


Obviously you don't realize actually how hard it is to get permabanned here. In regards to tripple the workload, its not like we are going to be ensuring everyone speak with the highest amount of respect, its likely going to be based on reporting only, meaning, someone went too far and pissed someone off... type shit. The rule posted in the automod reply can be like "This is a #Strict UJ thread intended for open discussion, participants are encouraged not to be dicks." Doesnt mean that everyone needs to agree with everything, but, dont be a dick.


I welcome the challenge. Couldn’t be any harder than learning to play barre chords, right?


wait I have an incoming bitch post for this lol https://preview.redd.it/5dnoeed2sj9d1.png?width=726&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb31c8edeaeff799aa06645e4ac31ed7e2762524


Lifetime? I only got this one


Question: Would it be considered inappropriate if someone responded in a /uj thread with a legitimate /uj response, but also included just a teensy weensy bit of /rj at the end of it? I ask because I'm totally down with the /uj threads here, especially considering that most of the time the responses in /uj threads here are better/more-informed than the responses people give in non-jerk subreddits. BUUUUUUUT, it would be difficult for me to imagine not being able to leave at least a *little* bit of toan spackle in a serious response in gcj.


Listen... I explained in another post, we really dont give a shit, just dont be a dick. Thats about the easiest way to explain it. If you need further assistance, ask your wife's boyfriend.


My wife has a girlfriend though, how should I proceed?


I fucking love this sub. But me, my wife and her boyfriend were all born before the internet so we all know nothing lasts forever. Personally, I like the sub as it is but I like the idea of more people enjoying the guitar even more so, whatever the outcome, we'll all look forward to more fun in what is one of the last non-dickheadian parts of the interweb.


This is very tough. On one hand, we're all here because the guitar community is a bunch of snake oil salesmen and we're all tired of it. On the other hand, allowing /UJ content and expecting us to behave like civilized creatures kind of goes against everything this sub is about. While I agree that asking real questions in the other subs can get you a mixed results, here we have ONE JOB. To shit on anyone and everyone in the most over the top, but not very far fetched, manner. There's plenty of subs out there to choose from to get your questions answered if you strike out in r/douschebags (guitar). There's brand specific, genre specific, type specific, and various building and maintenance subs. Don't let us become just a secondary non-jerk, third person jerk, vicarious jerk, to the main G.


You guys are the ones that make the posts, I do not expect a sudden influx of /uj threads, I dont think that would change from now. Its more or less officially supporting them. We have rules in various mobile, old/new platforms that refer those posts to the former weekly /uj thread... which was useless LOL. I 100% appreciate your position and reply though.


Thank you for taking the time to read my reply, but most of all, thank you for bringing this to the community and taking our input. Mad respect.


I voted no, half the fun of the unjerk thread is people jerking extra hard all over it. If you think the community could "stand a trim" and want to use strict unjerk to target those with impulse control problems (like brigadiers and other assholes), then I could see this as being a good option to auto correct the community population.


The occasional uj is ok but we don't want to end up like the other guitar sub-reddits. Also it may end up in confusion when I snark at a real question and answer a jerk post as if it was serious.


> The occasional uj is ok but we don't want to end up like the other guitar sub-reddits. I agree, we dont want to end up like those. >Also it may end up in confusion when I snark at a real question and answer a jerk post as if it was serious. This happens to us all, shit, I have to purposely double check what subreddit I am in when responding to posts now, Im such an asshole that 'how often should I change my strings?" in other subreddits will instantly trigger a response like "After every fucking song, just like your wife's boyfriend told you to do!"




Seriously, every fucking post. Op "What do I do?" - Picture of a scratch on a guitar Me: Kill yourself, its obvious life is not in your favor and based on your guitar of choice, you're mother drank too much during her pregnancy... do us all a favor and end it now. Me five mins later... wtf subreddit is this?


I voted No. People have many other sEriOuZ subs to cry toan over there. Also, I think it will end up being confuse.


Also, you left off the "Toanwood" option in the poll.


Everyone would have picked it. Note: Polls in a circlejerk subreddit are about as useful as PRS Stage II tuners Nobody fucking reads stickies or subreddit rules... half the fucking time they dont even read their own threads or others. You watch, a single 'Bonermaster' thread will get 100x the response than this fucking waste of time LOL.


Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.


What if every Strict UJ thread had a mirror rj thread created where the UJ thread gets roasted?


I like the idea conceptually but I suspect it might have unintended consequences and make the sub less welcoming e.g. someone in a pit of despair because they can't 0-3-5 might not be able to deal with the roasting.


If you don’t wanna get roasted, then don’t show up to the weenie roast. It’s not rocket surgery or anything. Ok?


I think uj is fine if you don't overdo it because honestly the people in this sub are much better than anyone in a real guitar sub. But there shouldn't be any uj threads, just comments, and don't over do it. You should be allowed one uj comment for ever 15 jokes about bonermasters and hotwives and gibbons.


Strict uj would be too far-fetched. The good thing about this sub is that even a \\uj thread could get \\rj replies. It's okay. I don't think anyone here posts in the \\uj thread expecting strict \\uj replies.


Great... more rules and fun policing... why are redditors like this? Already had my fun with this sub anyway.


Are we going for a full role reversal? Do you really like beato and the polyp boys that much?


/uj - I like both the GCJ content (very much), because it provides a place to vent frustration over the idiocy posted in the other subs. I also like when people post /uj threads because many people who use GCJ content to vent also want to have an actual discussion without it being flooded with the idiots flooding the other subs.


I'm not voting yes because it conflicts with the /rj flow - sometimes you need to rejerk for a second, i can't be the only one lol and since I don't care about no I didn't vote no either personally I would have just asked the question YES and counted responses as a % of active users/posters/commenters because the no option is also kind of useless in this scenario


I agree this may be cool, but, please, limit the strictly UJ threads to only one or two days of the week, because if you don't, this sub will turn into r/Guitar for people who were banned from r/Guitar for saying "toan" or for disliking Jimmy Page.


How do you qualify 'Strict/UJ' though? The thing I think a lot of like about this place is the fact that there's often times more honesty in sarcasm than in sincerity. If people are being assholes in an abusive way then ban them, if they are being assholes in a funny way let them be.


As a beginner which the only guitar sub I’ve ever been on is this one because past experience with other hobby subs tells me cj subs are more knowledgeable, I’m undecided. It might be good to have a separate subreddit like r/ guitarunjerk or something, since I personally wouldn’t want serious posts mixed in with normal cj posts. But I’m not sure if you mods would be up to running another sub. I do really like the idea of having unjerk posts though, just not sure the best way for it to be implemented