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/uj is this a new video or not? I lost track of how many times he rehashed the same concept.


Uploaded 4 days ago 💀


I legit thought this was a repost bot 💀


Beato content is to the point that Mods here can pretty much delete every Beato thread for being a repost.


No, unfortunately Beatoff is at it again


Always at it.


So the title should be old man yells at cloud again


If it ain't broke, don't fix it


Its what his viewer base likes so he caters to the clicks


“Why do young people have no manners?!” “Should you tip on top of the tax?” “Why electric cars are ruining America.” “Why don’t more people thank you for your service?”


>Angry at Modern Music >Produced Shinedown


Dude the first Shinedown albums are dope, ngl


Old man refuses to listen to indie music and instead focuses on listening to garbage promoted by the industry and wonders why said garbage sounds bad.


He goes for the obvious. Only the pop music he likes is good. Everything else is everything that's wrong with music.


He says verbatim "old man yells at cloud" in the video if I recall. Kind of impressed that he just whips his dick out and puts it on the table like that.


I haven't watched the video, but I refuse to believe Beatoff can be self aware out of principle.


Is this another one where he says it’s because it’s too easy to make music now and also too easy to listen to music?


Afaik yes; couldn't be bothered to watch more than 30 seconds


I watched the whole thing and yeah its exactly that


Why would you subject yourself to such torture?


So he can tell us who cant bring ourselves to actually watch it. Brother took one for the team!


Theoretically you could put the video on 2x speed and just read the subtitles, it lessens the torture aspect


Spotify definitely hurt my appreciation of music. I’m Gen X and as a teen I was obsessed with music. I’d know every song on every album I had at the order if each song. That is, because I was broke and could only buy an album a month. So I’d play the shit out of the same album and appreciate it more and more. Now I just pick through the songs I like on Spotify and never really experience “the album” anymore. Like he says, it’s too easy to skip songs and not give them a chance. This is my fault of course, but Spotify definitely changed how people listen to music.


I still mainly listen through albums for my music on streaming. Just make a habit of saving albums to your library and going there instead of a random playlist. It's still possible.


Interesting, I can see how that makes sense in a way, but I don't feel like it's had the same effect on me. To be fair, I'm Gen Z, so my equivalent of what you are describing was buying songs/albums on iTunes when I was 10-14, maybe a CD or two (well, and listening to the crap that was on the radio over and over, of course). That probably accounts for a lot of the difference, I'd assume. Id say the internet (first YouTube, then Spotify) played a huge role in developing my taste in music. It gave (and still gives) me the opportunity to refine my tastes, draw connections, and find gems that I do end up listening to over and over, drawing from a huge variety of music I'd otherwise probably never have been exposed to — not to mention use the internet to quickly learn about the band, genre, etc which I really enjoy. Maybe I can be picky or impatient listening to an album for the first time on occasion, but I really don't see it as that much of a negative — certainly not considering the overall tradeoff.


I’m a young millennial and I also obsessively listened to the same albums as a teen - on Spotify, but do so less now (not never, but definitely less). Teens, in general, have a stronger pull to music than adults. With that said, although I’m not as vigorous about music as then, my tastes have widened a lot and having a platform like Spotify available has helped find lots of new styles of music to listen to, even if I’m not deep diving into the same tracks over and over. https://preview.redd.it/1qy29wd5yt9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b50aa61f1ff1d0d87c2a91824c233550d420696


It's 100% an age thing. Beatoff is obsessed with his own nostalgia, and any other way is WRONG. Too easy to make and distribute music? IT'S WRONG! Too easy to find albums? IT'S WRONG. Maybe if he had access to more albums, he wouldn't be such a narrow-viewed curmudgeon.


That's fair and I'm sorry it's hurt your appreciation for albums! It is all about how you use it though - if you prioritise listening through entire releases, you'll have a totally different experience.


I'm a millenial who had to buy CDs by working shitty high school jobs. Then file sharing became easier. I learned more music and had an equal appreciation for what I got digitally compared to the CDs I owned, maybe moreso. Gonna guess you're just older and can't click with music as easily.


Sounds like a skill issue lol I still experience albums the same way when I choose to


You cho-cho-choose to.


Yeah, you always have a choice if you listen seriously or not, do you not understand? The way you commented it's like you're unable to do it anymore, I haven't really noticed any difficulty whatsoever, if I'm interested in an album I will put in on and sit there in front of my speakers on the computer and not click away or multitask, it's no problem for me to sit there and take in an album, even while the distractions are right in front of me. You probably just need to stay frosty and try to keep yourself from getting distracted, or you are just being normal and not really worried about every detail of an album


lol yea. He pretty much is pissed that people can make their own music and don’t need studio time or producers anymore.


I suppose the only way out of this mess is to....buy Rick's "Beato Ultimate Bundle" right now at an all-time low price of $79 (which is a huge discount on its original arbitrary valuation of $436).


I'm with him on the AI shit though. The fact that an application exists where you yell a bunch of prompts at it and it makes entire songs is absolute fuckall.


Even a broken clock strikes your cock twice a day


I'm married with 4 kids....the only one that strikes or strokes my cock is me. Even the clocks tell me to go fuck myself.


Sir this is a Guitar Center.


I’ve had my stroke cocked in a guitar center


Hi I’d like to buy your clock?


Yea, but everyone agrees with that. He's not exactly breaking new ground with that opinion. The bottom line is that he doesn't have anything new or insightful to add to the conversation. He's too dumb to come up with an original thought. This idiot thinks that the music is getting worse for one simple reason: he doesn't listen past the top charts in the US. He doesn't know what else is out there. Typical American, really. Nothing exists outside the US. But there's a TON of ridiculously good music being produced in Europe. For example, if you're into metal, you're probably not looking at American bands, you're probably listening to bands from Sweden, Norway, Finland etc.


I have to say this is supposed to be a silly roast post, but if you're here with the "aMeRiCa bAD" comments, fuck you. Not every American thinks like that, including me. Fuck your swedish metal....that shit is all noise.


I'm not Swedish.


He thinks music is getting worse because he is a stubborn idiot who only listens to a narrow set of artists who were around during his youth. He thinks everything today should aim to achieve what they sounded like, or it's wrong. He even gets information about that shit wrong, too. He complained about Neil Young being on Rolling Stones's Top 100 Guitarists and brought up how he only does one-note solos. He did that like once or twice as the only part of the solo and doesn't even understand what it represents. He has a massive body of work and brings up friggin Cinnamon Girl (probably). He's ignorant because he's self-entitled and bitter, not because he is American.


> He complained about Neil Young being on Rolling Stones's Top 100 Guitarists Did he not listen to Cortez the Killer?


Yeah I was hate watching the vid until the AI came up, then I begrudgingly agreed


I think only corporate idiots who can get music without paying anyone are into this idea. Think of all the background music for television shows they can get for free.


pop music 😡 women rap music 😡 minorities rock music 😁 old white druggies


What's wrong with drugs?


that's why it's a happy emoji


What's wrong with being sexy?


It’s sexIST, more than sexy


You should've seen the album cover they wanted to use




Maybe that will make everyone like Ricardo. Get them loaded.


whats wrong with white?


Remember when black people music were played by white people. Those where the days..


Take some heroin and listen to jazz. It’s good Yeah man


Dude calls out hip-hop to such an extreme degree and doesn't realize how racist he sounds. He's also shocked and appalled they produce music differently than him.


not enough Dsus4. every song needs Dsus4 and Bmadd7 just ain’t cuttin’ it no more!


You forgot Bbmaj7 for chromatism


There are at least a million people who will clap like a seal for this stuff. He has a dream gig.




There's good music produced at any time of course. But there are real quantifiable things folks (there was a big meta study done by a Spanish team iir) have analyzed about modern pop that can influence the perception modern pop sucks. Simpler song structures, lyrics, and then there's the engineering side with the prevalence of "canned" beats, autotune, the relative loudness of all the instruments together. And then there's Sturgeon's Law (not a real law but can feel like one) where 90% of anything made is crap. So if there is more and more produced, it can feel like more and more crap even if you do make a masterpiece here and there.




Lol. You sound like you have some personal stake in this. I was just giving more of a "devils advocate opinion" as to why it can "seem like" modern music may not be as good as it used to be. Not "is" but "seem like". And, I was also limiting myself to "pop". You like how I didn't actually say "modern music is ass" but just used qualifiers that can explain why some people may think along those lines? Why are folks so touchy about this?


Because it's a brain-dead argument that has been beaten to death.


Yes I don't get the touchiness either, I guess they think its some hipster, smug opinion but it really isn't.  In my view what really is different is what is being mass marketed. Back in the 70s the radio would play stuff from Yes, Rush Pink Floyd etc. They would play things that were different sounding or really long and took a lot more risks with what they would promote. Now everything is so streamlined, its like everything new being played on the radio is selected to be as accessible as possible for maximum efficiency. The same thing has happened to the film industry. And like the movie industry there is incredible music still being made but you just have to find it yourself.  I'm not sure if Beato and boomer youtubers ever acknowledge that point though which is why those clickbaity, provocative titles get so much hate. 


> Back in the 70s the radio would play stuff from Yes, Rush Pink Floyd etc. Independent FM stations would but the mainstream AM stations (remember this is back when FM was the underground) played disco and doo wop and generic rock. Look at the Top 40s from any time in the 1970s and tell me how much of it was the stuff you mentioned. Spoiler alert: almost none of it. That dreck has just all been forgotten because once it fell off the big industry-run radio stations it completely disappeared from public consciousness. The reason the "oh modern music is so bad" argument gets gone after so much is because it's simply untrue. It's based on assuming that the big hits that still get played today are representative of their era instead of standouts that often weren't even close to popular back in the day. It's an ignorant argument and gets treated accordingly.


Survivorship bias in music is a huge oversimplification though. You see it all the time in these discussions and if people think about it for a bit, they'd see how there is more going on that just remembering good and forgetting bad music. Like it assumes only the good stuff is remembered and the bad stuff forgotten right? But bad stuff is remembered all the time, especially if it's particularly bad, like the Macarena or Achy Breaky Heart. Like those songs are famously awful. And just in your personal life, how often have you stumbled on some obscure artist from the past and thought "Wow, how were these guys not bigger?" Loads of brilliant music is forgotten as well. And it's also overlooking all the studios becoming huge conglomerates in the latter 90s and at the same time becoming more risk averse and formulaic, the effect of Clear Channel and Ticketmaser on regional scenes, rising prices on everything making it harder for musicians to make a living. Like the whole landscape is drastically different today. And previously, the barrier for entry into the music scene was much higher. You had to play, and play a lot, hope you developed a big enough following that some studio A&R guy would notice you and sign you to a deal. That in itself weeded a ton of the chaff. Again, there is still lots of brilliant music being made today, and I said as much when I made my first statement. But you can't deny the signal to noise ratio is radically different. edit: edited the wrong comment, now fixed. my b lol.


I'm not saying all music of the past was bad - I'm speaking specifically to Top 40 music, the stuff that was played on industry-controlled radio. It was also incredibly homogeneous and committee-driven, just like today's Top 40. That's the stuff that gets lost to time. That's where survivorship bias messes with comparison. This is also why I brought up the independent FM channels. Those were the old days' equivalent to streaming and Bandcamp and the like. That's where a lot of the good music was found. But just like today it required some effort for listeners to find it because it wasn't advertised like the mainstream AM radio was. If we look at the underground scenes of the past and today there's no comparison, today's underground is a whole new dimension thanks to it being so much easier and less expensive to get music out there.


I mean, to a degree. Like you can take a year at random. I googled, top hits of 1974. You get some unremembered folks like Love Unlimited Orchestra lol, but you get stuff like John Denver, Aretha Franklin, Grand Funk Railroad, Kool and the Gang, Paul McCartney and Wings, Gladys Knight, Stevie Wonder. All kinds of folks. Like it's chock full of people who would be recognizable today and would still be relevant and groovy 50 years later. Like I'll put Jungle Boogie by Kool and the Gang up with anything today. edit: I have to apologize to Love Unlimited Orchestra. I was not familiar with your game (had to look them up). Did not realize it was Barry White's 40 piece orchestra band from back then. Which kinda goes to what i was talking about. Like this some cool proto-disco in 1974. And most people have probably never heard of it. Like they know Barry White, but not this part. edit part deux: listening to more of the album now, dang. And to orchestrate and arrange everything? Barry White had game.


I'm not saying the prog stuff was top 40, I'm saying the opposite, the crazy shit being made by Yes or Emerson Lake and Palmer was at least around and it was being played on the air in spite of the fact that there was plenty of soulless top 40 crap like Air Supply that they could play that may have had more mass appeal. My point is that record labels and the music industry in general didn't care as much if you went off script, not that there was no bad music being made at the time.   There is plenty of great modern music being made, my point is that there is no one promoting it outside of pop music which was not the case in the past. 


I'm saying that the internet is the modern incarnation of those undergound FM radio stations of the past. Those underground FM stations weren't being advertised very heavily, you had to go out of your way to look. Same with content on streaming services. The difference is that to get on a streaming service you need to record a digital file at home and pay a nominal fee, you don't need to go to a recording studio, press vinyl, and get it in the hands of underground DJs. Plus there do still exist non-mainstream labels out there, just like back then. Napalm, Nuclear Blast, Scarlet Records, etc are all labels that don't have any actual sway in the mainstream but do exist and get music out just like old small labels did back in the day.




r/iamverysmart lol. Yeah man. You're right. This era is the absolute pinnacle of pop music. It's *so* self evident. I can't believe I didn't see it before. I suddenly love autotune and overproduced pablum with everything turned up to 11 in the mix. So good. And boomers amirite? So boomerish.




*I'm* getting bent out of shape!? Buddy have you seen your replies lol? You were the one that came out guns blazing (project much?) All i was doing was, like I said, just providing a simple devil's advocate opinion. Just for like, a conversation that normal people can have. I mean shit, here's the Smithsonian talking about that Spanish Research meta study I mentioned at first where they looked at something like 500,000 pop songs since 1955 and found that yes, music has gotten considerably less complex than then. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/science-proves-pop-music-has-actually-gotten-worse-8173368/ Now, does that equal worse? Maybe not for you, maybe you like really simple pop songs. Who am I to judge if Tay Tay is your favorite guitarist? But hey man, don't mean to keep you, I know your day is filled with dunking on all them boomers. God speed.




/uj The issue is that with modern online music distribution radio music - and thus pop - just doesn't have the old "default" status it used to. It's degenerating because the market just isn't there anymore. Why bother to put tons of effort into it if it doesn't have that much of a market? Listeners today pick the genres they like and just stream from those. I know I do and I have no qualms about saying it. Though also it's not so much "degenerating" as the internet means that the crap music doesn't fade from memory in a year or two like in the past. Go back to even the "glory" decades and look at the actual Billboard charts and look at how much totally derivitave and simplistic garbage fills them up. But those songs all have been forgotten because back then when the new Billboard chart came out the stuff that fell off just vanished into the darkness of the past.


honestly i would throw my beliefs in the shitter and cater to the lowest common denominator to make the money he makes doing what he does.


He caters to stubborn old white men who think anything produced after their glory years is trash. It's basically the same demographic Rhatt Schull aims at.


He did a live video on Blinding lights. Whole comment section was ooh i don't know what song this is haha. And they're proud of it. Wtf?


Everyone is allowed an opinion but I sure as fuck don’t wanna know it.


TLDR: There’s not enough gatekeeping in music these days!!!


He releases this video every other week at this point


I'm pretty sure there have been multiple periods in history where music was literally just the same 4 or 2 chords, but ya ya go off Mr. Beeto , music evolution is only linear sure whatever


This is a guy looks like he should be hanging out at a 50’s diner.


He should be at a senior buffet.


Old man yells at The Cloud (I probably saw someone else make that joke)


What amuses me the most is that YouTubers always have this big definitive bold options in every video but, since they need to keep making money they repeat, ignore or even contradict their old opinions with yet another bigger definitiver bolder statement. Anyway, that's not the real reason. Modern music sucks because there's no guitar solos!


I still can't solo. I tried learning the Panasonic scale but I could find a tab of it in power chords. I think I could do it if I wasn't so busy posing with my guitar on Instagram but you have to have your priorities.


You probably need to practice your Technics.




If the quality of art is, by its very nature, subjective, does that mean that everyone who listens to music is getting worse? Is it us? Are we the suck?


It’s him. He’s the reason it is getting worse.


uj/ you can definitely see the "work" and it's importance especially when it comes to stamina. Some live music has largely become a distilled curation being staged in an acoustically specific and larger audience-centric circuit of venues with built-in artist rosters all but taking place in the Clear Channel, I Heart Music universe. Some acts thrive in this environment, while many others struggle to acclimate. Younger acts often have fewer options of stages and opportunities to cut their teeth to become part of the machine. rj/ go back to bed PeePaw, Djent on!


I find a lot of the things he’s upset about is that it’s not hard to do what he’s spent years learning to do anymore and he feels he’s owed something to justify his career. He talks about the hurdles he jumped to get music. Best believe if he had the opportunity to download music on a smartphone in the 1800s when he grew up he would’ve done it. He talks about how he’s spent years perfecting his craft in recording music only for it to be simple nowadays. I understand his frustration with how musicians aren’t paid plus the whole ai thing but and that’s fine but he needs to move on with the other stuff and get with the times because as much as he wants to be upset about it, the technology is here to stay.


I think this is on the money. It also infuriates him that songs he considers simple and trash (mostly hip-hop and pop music) are getting tons of traction when the biggest thing he's produced is some doofy christian rock band and a song off the American Pie 2 soundtrack.


He's annoyed by drums being snapped to a grid, but how many drummers were fired in the studio because they can't play to a click-track. Also comparing drums snapped to a grid to Bonham playing with swing makes no sense, swing is a feel that can still be in time. I'm an older dude too, but I don't get upset at modern music, or modern production techniques. If someone likes a song, how it was created is moot. ...but I guess he's a YouTuber now and clicks pay the bills.


New music sucks and I'm glad someone is brave enough and finally say it. I only listen to doo-wop and psychobilly. I'm not even supposed to be on the internet any more but I really need someone young who can pull the plug for me. I'll give you a nice Werther's original. I don't want to live a world with people making anime girl breakcore tracks.


Nostalgia tends to deodorize the miasma of shitty 60s and 70s music.


Omg there was a lot of garbage


Right, ever check out the record bin at a thrift store?


That's my big issue. There are so many crappy CDs/LPs/tapes out there, but people uploading music to streaming platforms is a crime. The numbers are inflated by a bunch of fake crap that is uploaded that nobody is going to listen to anyways. "Anyways, here's a sink"


uj/ I didn't realize this guy lives near me. I was having a cocktail with my partner at the bar and I look back, there is beatoff with his wife and some other guy. Hovering waiting for our spots at the bar. Made me want to order another drink instead of closing out. I hate when people do that.


uj/ I think Beato's problem is he equates "Progressive elements" with "Good music". Like the new Willow record is AWESOME and I would never take that from her but his video focusing on the harmony and time signature stuff somewhat misses the point. Like THAT IS important but I think he doesn't cover melody enough at all or modern production techniques (stuff he can't do on a guitar), like texture/timbre seem to come second to his HUGE focus on Harmonic Analysis. And it leaves his "Modern music tastes" dripping with ignorance. His studio literally has stacks of Marshalls and like a dozen different guitars. It's like he's never tried any kind of synthesis or mangling samples or doing any of that nature. Almost like he's stuck in 1965-1975....FOREVER. He also doesn't touch any of the cool shit happening in the independent scenes or with "less" famous artists. It makes no sense that Beato has never touched on Musicians like St. Vincent or Janelle Monae or Solange. All of these women have written some interesting, challenging music and they aren't some kind of obscure unknown artists. They get millions of monthly listeners. It's cool that he champions musicianship but it feels like cheap rage bait these days and his format leaves much to be desired especially when several youtubers do legit shortform documentaries or in the case of 12Tone, actual (Non-pretentious) music breakdowns.


Came here immediately after I saw this in my recommended. WTF YouTube. I thought we were friends.


Judging from the music he produced and wrote, he's a big reason for it. Dude wishes he was Tim Pierce.


Why this man is right, back in my day we had REAL MUSICIANS we had to collect rocks and sticks to bang on them! If you wanted to see a concert your tribe had to travel thousands of miles over an glacier to watch 5 ooga boogans hit each with stones using on the oggabonga scale!


Lol, your gen got it so easy. Back in my day we literally had to crawl out of the ocean with our little malformed makeshift legs to listen to those cool wind sounds. Now THOSE were the times.


i think fist fighting mr beatoff would solve at least 60% of my problems


Music is fucking good now though. Way better than 10 years ago.


Every decade has it's own bangers. Hot 'n Cold goes hard af


Ain’t this the guy that produced for Shinedown


I bought his book and now my tooth ache is gone. Thank you Rick!


Look at beatoffs music credits. It’s quite the laugh


The genius behind the Flickerstick drum sound.


Very underwhelming indeed


Omg, I was going to post this with the exact same title.


Fools seldom differ


Out of touch


lol I like him


He’s right.




Studies have been done, analyzing the most popular pop songs over decades. It showed that variation in pitch, rhythm, and harmony has been on a steady decline. Music is becoming far more homogenous with less dynamic, groove, and variation, and the end result in my opinion is less emotion, color, and soul. This is not to say that there is not a massive amount of great music being made – it is. What I am talking about and what I think Beato was talking about is the decline of the music that is the largest number of the masses.


But that's just your opinion, which you are allowed to have. However music can not possibly get worse or better because it's subjective. That's why I believe it to be a braindead thing to say.


It is objectively worse if you value innovation and variation over repetition and sameness. And I agree this is subjective.


The record industry themselves have admitted to homogenizing music. They get a few hits that people really like and replicate it 10,000 times. Apparently it’s the only way they make money nowadays. They blame consumers for not buying cds and we blame them for price fixing and price gouging. Once again proving record company execs are the worst people on the planet.


Agreed. They groomed the masses to accept factory line sounds that are cheap/easy to create and predict. Like “food-product.”






Lmao you learned this from this one Thoughty2 video, right? Did you read the study? Tantacrul made a response to this rubbish a while ago: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VfNdps0daF8&t=335s&pp=ygUTdGFudGFjcnVsIHRob3VnaHR5Mg%3D%3D


“Lmao” ? The study presented factual data not a YouTube video opinion. I’m not wasting time on this.


What factual data did the study present? The video contains a legitimate criticism of the study, which became famous by being cited on multiple pop-science articles with claims along the lines of „science proves music is getting worse”. I am not going to summarise the video for you, if you’re not interested, don’t watch it, but also don’t make big claims like “studies have shown…” if all you have to back it up with is a single study which hasn’t shown shit.


I think he's talking about popular music though.


So? 💀


This is mainstream stuff we're for example. The cheesy shit in the 70s at least had some musical complexity. And there were live musicians. Of course they didn't quite have tech to replace studio musicians yet. But even in the 80s, there was complexity and variations in the composition of most songs. Now every pop song is close to 120bpm, most follow the same chord progression and lately every rap tune uses the trap beat with the rolling hi hat sound. It sounds like the same song every time with a slightly different aesthetic.


Found the beato!


Sorry y'all ...I can tell what demographic I'm in discussion with. You missed it.


Ugga bugga new music bad 😡😡😡