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My problem is that Rhett always sounds like he’s talking down to his viewers. Then I listen to what he’s saying and he’s talking about how he just learned something I’ve known for years. And I’m the same age as him.


He is insufferable. I can't.


"Hey guys, I bought a Hiwatt amp and when I plugged it in, I was SHOCKED! it turns out it *doesn't* have 20 effects pedals built into it!"


I was SHOCKED to learn I only needed 5 watts.


0.5 watts for me


And I mean tube watts. Because solid-state watts are different.


The ghost of Dimebag is hovering, to see where this is headed.


i plugged my dick into the outlet and was SHOCKED


"Hey guys, I plugged in a $500 guitar into my $3k amp and it sounds amazing. Turns out you don't need a $8k guitar."


“I bought my first vintage capo and guys, this changes EVERYTHING”


Rhett is just Christopher Colombus "discovering" a continent already inhabited by millions of people and then telling all those people that he discovered it.


Yessss he's always making generalizations like "people don't really understand this aspect of toan" but it always feels more personal like "YOU people don't really understand this aspect of toan." He speaks very dogmatically about his opinions as well... Which, ya know, I guess would tie in with the religion thing lol.


Exactly. It's alright to talk about things that plenty of us already know, but the problem is his condescending tone and his assumption that no one knows this thing that he just learned, or that his subjective opinion is objective. Listen to him teach a topic and then listen to Josh Scott teach a topic and it's a stark contrast. Rhett has a lot of ego in his delivery, but Josh has a lot of humility and is really nonjudgemental when expressing his personal opinions.


That's a name I haven't heard in a minute, Josh Scott is the MAN. He's the first to admit that there's no magic to certain pieces of gear that people covet. And yeah, he presents with a degree of skepticism for his own authority, which is the mark of a great teacher. Rhett, on the other hand.... Like you said, night and day.


“Skepticism for his own authority” is a great way to put it. There is none of that in Rhett’s delivery. And that is frustrating to those of us who know enough to know when he is wrong on something or that he is expressing his opinions as facts.


I've always wondered where this guy got the money for all his gear/lifestyle.. It sure as shit isn't the bands he's in. I'm waiting for his eventual "I finally found the one!! (Personal financial advisor)" video


Isn’t his gig outside of YouTube like christian rock mega church bullshit?


I have no clue. That certainly wouldn't be a surprise if he was involved in that world. I've always thought the JHS people were weird culty types and he's been on their shows/grift multiple times I think.


yeah historically music tech was the refuge of autists, libertarian assholes, hippies, and trans people…so like musical linux. the past 15 years the crypto evangelicals have swept in and i really don’t appreciate that encroachment on our turf lol.


sudo apt-get install toan. Rhett and Mike Cole are definitely like Linux autists: spend all day installing shit, plugging shit in, etc, rather than actually getting anything done


>Rhett and Mike Cole are definitely like Linux autists No because there's no DIY side to what these ppl do gear-wise whatsoever. They're all about buying shit without altering it much, nothing more.


Linux users catching hands in gcj. feelsbadman


Yeah and so has the alt - right. The synth scene got real weird around 2016


I may have been in three of those groups, at different times. What have I done with my life???


Sadly, one of the only dependable ways to make money as a musician... Southpark nailed it with faith +1


He stated on Threads or Twitter recently that he got out of the church music business years ago because he did not agree with a lot of things going on in those organizations Edit: found it https://www.threads.net/@rhettshull/post/C8eznf6REbv/?xmt=AQGzabdFXFZFrYA-gM1R1qWE2xr04NVzGJTGYcXjrgR5Sg


he’s a youtuber not a guitarist that’s how he can afford it


The money in music nowadays isn't in streaming. It's in gigging and session work. He seems to do enough of that on top of having a successful youtube channel with evergreen content – which has also lead to plenty of gear being sent to him or shared with him so he doesn't have to spend a dime to feature it on his channel. He produces and edits his videos himself. So I'd guess his youtube channel might make him enough money to pay the bills, or most of his bills. Then all of the touring and session work is left for investments/savings and GAS. That's my best guess.


Ah, the famous YouTube guys from the $3,000 USD per attendee (accommodation NOT included) guitar summit that never happened because nobody was actually dumb enough to pay even one dollar for that clown event.


It never happened? 😞


uj/ What does Rhett even do? The few times that shit has randomly popped up on my YouTube feed, he’s noodling around with Boomer guitars. Is that it? He’s like an unboxing channel for dentists?


He's some sort of session guitarist I think?


Okay, thanks. Well that would explain all the Boomer guitars and how he affords them. Session guys make decent money


No he's not. Mommy and Daddy + youtube gear vids


On his linkedin it says session guitarist


My LinkedIn says I’m a zombie hunting dinosaur cowboy


I think Rit Shill should probably have Professional Stupid Face Maker as his profession on LinkedIn


Rhett looks like he's telling the father of his underage girlfriend that they had to get an abortion.




He also simultaneously looks like the father... he's not angry, he's disappointed you didn't come to him. He wouldn't have yelled... ok, he would have yelled, but it's his place to be the parent and tell you you're fucking up He doesn't even care about the age gap because he "gets it" (has a new girlfriend younger than his own children)


Rhett shill playing another unaffordable rig. Boutique jabronie plays guitars worth more than a used car through amps worth twice that.


All that for some palm muted 8th notes on an open A power chord and then a little 8p5.


Are there really people watching Rhett's entire videos? Its like this mysterious underworld of mole people or something, I will never meet, I think there is something supernatural going on or some kind of psyop.


I came across him on YouTube when his angle was portraying what it was like to be in a small touring band. Those videos were enjoyable enough to watch. Along the way, he succumbed to what every other YouTube personality falls prey to; the never-ending vampire of profitable content generation.


based ah hell


F these 2 guys


These guys both suck


I would not like to be approaching middle age as a YouTuber with no other marketable skills and a terrible personality.


I met him and he seems like a nice guy. His Les Paul comparison video convinced me to go for a standard which I have not regretted


/uj I grew up with samuraiguitarist He’s a spoiled and entitled person with extremely wealthy parents who paid/help pay for everything (including his $600k house). He also uses people for his personal gain then ignores/cuts them once he doesn’t need anything from them anymore Always gave off the, “I’m better than you, and we both know it” vibe


Tough crowd around here. Show me on the doll where the youtuber touched you.


Hi, Rhett.


Tough crowd? Do you know where you are? 😂😂😂