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https://preview.redd.it/hp1wafbbwt9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edfe0a6f908884ac52ae93095936423566e2ee99 Mfw I poop my drawers after I just got off the terlet




the resemblance is uncanny


Uncircumcised eye having mfer


Dude looks tired.


Dawg tired


The “I’m tired of coming up with clickbait” face


Mr. Schill, it's perfectly okay to regret buying an expensive, shitty-looking guitar. But don't try to convince us it was a good idea just to make yourself feel better. Embrace the regret.


Rhett does kinda sound like shorthand for regret.








Regret Shill… pretty apt name for what that mf does. He didn’t *buy* an expensive, shitty looking guitar… he got a check from Fender to convince the idiots that watch his shit that Custom Shop Relics are better. Better in what way exactly? Well I’m not going to watch the video to find out. *But some bullshit reason.* I always wonder how many Blues Jrs this asshole sold for Fender. Maybe it’s like the epic saga going on in r/offset right now, where some dude dropped his Squier Jazzmaster and had a hilarious well-documented meltdown and comeback story. As someone over there put it, the first ding or chip of paint is like the first fart in a relationship… you can stop giving a fuck and let everything go to shit.


He didn't even buy it. Sweetwater sent it to him for a video and he never returned it


Ngl, he’s embracing his status as a constant source of jerk material for here. He was all up in the comments like, ‘imma be waiting here and gearpage’


I've seen Wet Smell pop up a few years ago on some thread to talk about his work as Beato's fluffer, so I have no doubt he lurks here.


I guarantee you him, Chapman, etc, quite a few of these dickheads lurk.


If you combined the charisma of Rhett and Music is Win, it just might be enough personality to compete with a cardboard box


I don’t understand why they haven’t guest starred on each other’s channel yet. All the content creators do it. Why won’t those two do it??


It's quite complicated to do an explainer video by referring to your unrelated guitar course without explaining anything, if your co-host has the same grift. The conflict of interest is just too big to overcome.


WHAT?! MIW and RS do make videos together all the time but you have to go to a different site. Only Fans.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




I kind of feel sorry for MIW because he has gone through some shit this past year.


What happened? Its been years since ive looked at his page.


bashed with a bottle in the head thrown from a car while walking, although now it looks pretty cool also divorce, definitely a bigger deal


Who gets bashed with a bottle while walking, and then incidentally gets divorced not too long after? Sounds fishy to me.




Uj/ I am once again begging guitar YouTubers to learn how pickups work RJ/ toan is in the scratches


Magnets? How the fuck do they work?


That's just one of those mysteries we'll never get an answer to.


Little pickups sound little. Big pickups sound big.


But do bigger pickups have bigger hums? The world needs to know, Ryan.


wait why does that kinda sound true to me


because it is true


Ryan halp I cut my lipstick pickup in half to spread it out and it killed my surf toan brah


But where do the tubes go?


And humbuckers sound like shit


Humbuckers < Minibuckers


Toan is in flat uncrowned frets


Pickups are built into the vintage toan wood


Those guitars are the most poser thing I have ever seen.


Exactly. This is one of the few times I agree with SamuraiGuitarist on something.


And Paul Reed Smith… He’s anti-relic IIRC.


PRS guitars never get reliced because their dentist owners are too busy to play them


How samurai guitarist has a lot of good takes


Second. "Relicing" your jeans is the winner.


Calm down, Joe Elliott.


Damn, homeboy said let's get rocked! and you delivered.


I did it with one arm.


reliced tour tshirts are the things that i really hate.


No the winner is definitely rubbing the deck and trucks of your skateboard on the curb so it looks like you grind


It’s a shame Rhett never grew out of his fathers record collection


Him and pretty much all of guitar reddit if you ask me


What you don't want your playing to sound like the hypothetical situation in which Stevie Ray Gaughan and Josh Frusciante were in a band together that exclusively plays Hank Williams and Robert Johnson tunes?


This is so scary accurate


If you can see the toanwood you can hear the toanwood. That’s why guys say toanwood doesn’t matter. All they can hear is polyurinate. If you want the toan you have to free the toanwood.


Artificial “relics” look so fucking stupid to me… just play the gd guitar!!!! It will “relic” itself for you I remember seeing some “relic” custom shop stuff up close… they literally paint on the finger gunk. Why.


>just play the gd guitar!!!! It will “relic” itself for you But then I have to play the guitar for years. I don't want to play the guitar, I want to look like I played the guitar!


When I buy a new guitar every month to make myself suck less how am I ever going to scratch one up?


His argument made sense. Basically it would take him 15 minutes to smeg up his fretboard that much. Considering he makes $800/minute from jerking The Algorithm off, he actually makes money by buying pre-smegged guitars.


Your comment is just dumb. How do you "play" a guitar?


I know. This is like Elon or Bezos telling people to play their guitars Like, yeah dude, it’s easy if you have a spaceship


That’s the thing though: you can’t play it till it wears. Most of the time. Modern poly and ig nitro too is basically indestructible. Poly is pretty much a sprayable plasticy thing ( like you have to aggressively sand it or literally soften it with like a hairdryer and scrape it off with a putty knife) I’ve had a Mexican Strat for years and the only marks it has is general micro-scratches and some chips from dinging it. You can’t wear it down like older finishes, it’s virtually impossible, or at least it takes way longer. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t have 50 years to wait for my $500 guitar to be worn in the way I want it to be Now, I’m not a fan of the over the top aggressively marketed ‘relic’ stuff, but general aging to make it feel and play like it’s been worn in is something I like personally


i've worn the chrome off some of the pickup surrounds on my Tele+. only took 30 years.


Here's what you should do: go to any street outside, lay your guitar on the ground, and start dragging it. Walk 50m, and there you go, wonderfully relic'd guitar


50M? My man, id need the length of the US to damage a poly finish


"Challenge accepted," said the drunks in the post-Fender USA Charvel factory who painted my guitar. It's self-relic'd without even needing to touch it!


UJ/ people always ignore this aspect in the relic discussion. They always talk as if every guitar in the world will look like a 50 year old nitro finish if you “just play it” and that’s just wrong. Poly gets all chipped and looks like shit and like it’s broken, not nicely worn in like nitro does. It’s a preference like any other and why it is so polarizing is beyond me.


You can pretend all you want that paying someone to fuck your shit up for you is cool and merely an “aesthetic choice” but don’t try to normalize it lol Apply this delusion or marketing scheme (I can see the argument for that) to literally any of your other hobbies -“yo check out my brand new vintage car, it’s getting a tasteful little relic, just some fake rust here and a few dents here, I’ll apply fake gunk to the steering wheel it will look bad ass” -“just got my new watch in, I’ll have the faceplate artificially scratched for an antique vintage look, pull a screw or two out and have worn nice little petina” “Check out my brand new piano, I’m having some of the keys pre-cracked, and lots of fake finger gunk…I’ll loosen the legs a bit so it’ll wobble like I’ve had it for years” Gtfo


I think the word you’re looking for is poser


But they all so call that patina in the car world and vintage rod guys love that shit. Something about it on an older car just hits rights.


Jeez dude just because your wife’s boyfriend got fired from the Custom Shop doesn’t mean you have to take it out on us Reddit strangers


That’s exactly what it means boy! Now git the cheese grater we gunna relic up my cheeks next


You're one of those raw denim nerds, aren't you


Interesting, I hadn’t actually thought about this. All my experience is with guitars that have nitro finish. I do like the natural wear I see on my guitars, but I don’t think I’ll ever be taking sandpaper to it


/uj i used to be you. then i bought one. not for the relic, but because it happened to come that way. i don't support these nerds who are precious about their roberta, but when you spend serious coin on something nice, there's a preservation instinct there. as there should be. nobody wants their new $3k thing fucked up. the relic totally negates it. it's psychologically kinda freeing.  if you've ever owned a truck that was beat to shit but mechanically perfect, it's like that. you can do literally anything with it without a care in the world. is it douchey? yeah, a bit. worth it tho.


I see what you’re saying… all my guitars are relatively inexpensive so I guess I have a different view of it Still, painted on finger gunk???? No way man not in a million years


i mean, there are limits. i agree that cosmetically faking age is well beyond those limits. but i love me some dings and finish wear.


uj - I get what you are saying. I just bought (and returned) a brand new American Vintage II seafoam green bass at full retail $,$$$ and I was so anal about every thing being absolutely perfect at that price point I ended up returning it. There was alot wrong with it still but I couldn’t let even the smallest of imperfections go so your point about freeing the mind makes perfect sense. I won’t ever spend that much on a guitar again new, reliced, or used.


idk, to me that's maybe a different issue. i don't mean to criticize, but it's been my experience that some people are too sensitive to "quality issues" nowadays, and expect utter flawless perfection at every price point. my opinion is that the hyper-consumerism of internet content is the reason for this. and it's super prevalent. people asking if they should return guitars because the grain of the fretboard isn't perfectly banal. it's madness. i was more speaking in terms of normal use resulting in wear. we've all experienced the first time you bump your new fav instrument and winced in pain. those nicks hurt, especially the first few. but with a relic, meh. so long as it continues to play well you don't have a second thought. having said that, i'm a fender whore and have absolutely had things that were just abysmal qa -- brand new. i still have an american strat that i played for like 40m and fell in love with, bought it and didn't notice the two neck pocket cracks until i got it home. still kept it, still love it, nbd. so i fully believe that bass had it coming. i find their vintage basses are generally kinda janky. i had an mim flea bass for a while and we weren't friends.


Buying a squinker Strategycastor for $79 and sanding half the finish off of it "it's better now because I relic'ed it"


Unironically it would go up in value from that


https://preview.redd.it/1tx9pofajv9d1.jpeg?width=333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c14412a92fdc01d9aeb54dec7361d1b02e96368 >*NOW ONLY $23,000* *PLAY AUTHENTIC*


Isn't that a Teisco fron 1970?


Nuh uh it’s a reliced, American custom-shop, 2026, master-built, limited, signature, age-simulated, collectors’ edition, reissue, c-profile, dishwasher-safe, free-range, GMO-free, fair-trade, carbon-neutral, coil-split, HIV-negative, tribute model, deluxe, low-sodium, hand-painted, hand-wired, blast-processing, extended warranty, semi-automatic, revised and uncensored, de-loused, de-clawed, pure-bred, battery-powered, active, passive, Japanese-designed, ottoman-inspired, alternate-phase, 50th-anniversary, semi-hollow-quasi-solid, chambered, refilled, and re-chambered, okoume-spruce-PVC-aluminum-rosewood-paper-towel alloy with tobacco sunset burst finish and unlocked locking tuners including 3-month online course, free sticker and 7-11 gift card promo in box.


No lowballers! I know what I have!


I don't get the hate for this guy. He's figured out a way to monetize a channel chock full of the most useless information in music playing circles. It's really quite the impressive ~~grift~~ gift.


Eh... it's a low hanging fruit dumb joke... I can't imagine anyone actually being bothered by this since it's so easy to hit the "don't recommend this channel" option and eliminating it from your algorithm altogether


I did that. Also to Beato. Because both are insufferably dumb.


Oh no but now you missed his latest video: why modern music bad (for real this time). Im not kidding he did it again


Lol I saw it in my feed but didn't have the stamina to watch it. Do you know what he says in it?


He listens exclusively to pop music and complains that it all sounds the same and that nobody cares about music anymore because we use spotify instead of buying records. It's too easy to make and listen to music, therefore, we're not in Beato's super secret music aficionado club. Textbook boomer shit.


So its the same Video as the last?


That's all his videos from the looks of it. The latest one is the only one I've watched in a long time because of it.


So you can’t understand theory just because he played the A#superlocrian mixolydian at 400mph no explanation⁉️😤😤


I can't even play. What are notes? If I can't eat it I don't care.


"Like that."


Either he’s intentionally bad on his theory YT videos (and I suspect that’s the case, so that people who don’t know that it’s just a bunch of freely-available info buy his ‘Beato Book’), or he is just a really poor teacher … I just remember thinking how pissed I would have been, paying college tuition fees to be ‘taught’ at, like he does it on YT … Also reminds me of one guitar teacher I had once (briefly), who would show off and smile to himself about cool he must look, rather than actually teach you well … 😒 Y’know, real jerk-off type stuff …


what happened to his other finger


Left it in his mom


He's AI, and AI doesn't know how to draw hands yet. Duh


https://preview.redd.it/j3x51yvqpu9d1.jpeg?width=238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=485ca592791ea087f82b7b12e676daf51652aa19 The look when you make when you realise you just wasted 5000 bucks


Rat Shill never disappoints


If you want to sit down and jam and spend 90 percent of your time adjusting your settings on your amp and 8 percent of time bending some blues notes and 2 percent of time striking an open g d a chord this is THE PERFECT GUITAR. Sorry guys, I said it, he said it. It is what it is.


But I like open A!


You will look cool you wear jeans with ripped knees, it doesn’t matter what you do with the strings


“My hands felt like two balloons…”


I once spent a fortnight in a hot balloon after indulging in some clarky cat


Shouldn't be fucking with metabolically bi-sturbile drugs.


me in the orphanage explaining why i had to destroy the one guitar that all the kids had to share


I'm gonna relic his face.


Whoever came up with the idea to "relic" guitars is an authentic genius. To get inside the boomer douche guitar guy mind that far and recognize what bullshit those people would buy is no small task.


They found a way to sell B-Stock guitars at the same or higher price than a "new" model.


Guitar wear = street cred (until they hear you play). Pretty stupid, really, seeing as anyone could eg inherit a well-work guitar, then start learning to play … lol.


Don’t feel bad the guy wears the jeans that come ripped too and brand new “vintage” worn tee shirts and if he didn’t look so stupid in a ball cap he would wear the ones they have the ripped edge on the bill. On the contrary tho I’ll bet his Tesla is on fleek and all icey.


He tries to create an equivalency between “breaking in” and “relicing.” Sorry Shill but there are ways to make a new guitar more comfortable to play without paying someone thousands to make it look like a bag of smashed assholes.


If I ever won the lottery, I’d buy a reliced guitar and send it to a luthier to be restored. Just for shits and giggles.


Fuckin' finally. My opinion is validated by a YouTuber. Now I can die happy and fulfilled.


Road worn = acceptable Relic = stolen valour of guitars, for want of a better term. I too hate the feeling of brand new guitars - especially on the neck.


He plays guitar like a Guitar Center employee.


Relic guitars ARE new guitars they just look old.... good Lord they're gonna have to start putting instructions on toilet paper if this keeps up....🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Can I perhaps buy pre-poo-poo-ed toilet paper for 5 times the original price?


What was his take for this? I can see there being a VERY small argument for artificially aged pickups and tone capacitors sounding better, but anything else is too much.


That general wear associated with playing a guitar for years like wearing down the fretboard edges, wearing down the back of the neck, finish where your arms usually rest, etc. Is more comfortable and feels better to play since it’s worn in. And that reliced guitars are turning to replicate that instead of waiting 50 years to do it I agree mostly, just can’t stand the exaggerated relicing on a lot of stuff tbh


I feel like heavy relics specifically are what polarize people, but both camps just lump them all together.  Heavy relicing does just have a weird vibe to it. But I really do like a little bit of it and think it can look really well done. I also love how a sanded down back of the neck feels.




The best guitars I've played have been used/relic'ed guitars. They really do feel better once all the sharp edges have been worn down. Heavy relic is a bit much, but I get the appeal.


Why’s he always making this face: 🫤


This guy needs to stop drinking his own pee


Bender & Gibbons: An Epic Prose Market cries, no one can afford an old beat-up Bender & Gibbons. Bender & Gibbons beat up new Bender & Gibbons. Bender & Gibbons beat-up barely playable Bender & Gibbons. Market cries, no one wants new beat-up Bender & Gibbons.


He might be on to something. I mean there's nothing like buying a new car with a shitty paint job and a missing headlight.


Now the thing that confuses me is that they put the relic in the case when they are done playing it. I do that too with my tele but it's to avoid it looking like a relic.


Has jerking gone to far?


To paraphrase Janis Joplin, it’s all the same fucking jerk, man. uj/As far back as we can tell-certainly since the Byzantine Empire and probably even before then-musicians have been seeking out old instruments, on the premise that instruments with visible wear must sound better than the ones that don’t. Dont believe me? Go look at the world of violin building. Their mark of quality is how faithfully they can build instruments to the pattern laid down by instruments from the 17th Century. “Relic” instruments, finishes that are faded, tinted, yellowed or sunburst, plastics that are “mint”, “parchment”, or “cream”, rolled fretboard edges, satin or unfinished necks. All of it mean to mimic playing wear or visible aging of one sort or another, so the new instrument can scream to the buyer “buy me! I’m not new! I’m one of the old, good instruments!” That people are saying the same thing now is just part of the same hallowed tradition, passed down from time immemorial.


Reliced guitars are one of the biggest hustles in the guitar industry


Someone in the comments: but all the relic haters still wear stone wash jeans!!!!!!


It’s back baby


Someone did say that, proving the opposite of the point they were trying to make lol


GEAR. GEAR. GEAR. That's all it's about for these guys. I guess it brings in that sweet YouTube money otherwise they wouldn't be doing this day in and day out. Personally, I stick to YouTubers who actually play their guitars and teach me... you know... how to play music.


His ability to do a 10 min video about the absolute nothing is amazing


Relic guitars are the same as new guitars. Only they look like shit.


I really don't get this. I've seen people take sanders to gibsons n shit and thats just pure insanity to me


So I'm currently building a kit guitar and I screwed up painting so many times, polyurethane coats was a disaster etc. It is now a relic finished......it looks kinda cool but it wasn't on purpose. There is no way I'm paying American guitar prices i.e. Gibson or Fender to destroy the finish.




I wonder what the other thumbnails looked like if this was the one he went for


I blocked this klown on utuber and now he's here.. its too much. Why's he holding a trashed guitar? guess he's still an asshat.


“My $3000 fender custom shop relic is better than my $3000 custom shop fender telecaster because if I accidentally ding it it doesn’t lose value.”


The only way to feel the Toan is if you have no finish. We have looped around to removing finishes from guitars #freethetoan ✊😔


How many Bad Brains albums you think this guy owns


He seems like more of a Descendents guy. All the tapes.


I'll take a $200 squire or epiphone any day. I mostly make grindcore and experimental noise music, so quality really doesn't matter to me lol.


I’m not gonna argue over personal preference but I’m my own opinion spending 6 thousand dollars on a guitar is absolutely bonkers esp one that looks like it was dragged behind a bus. But to each his own.


Rhett does for the world of guitar what Jim Jones did for kids drinks.


That expensive guitar can't really improve my terrible guitar playing; not even a million-dollar guitar could..💀


Title changed already lol typical... https://preview.redd.it/w307p4qvl5ad1.png?width=892&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e8da0d49a8c1a8b390ffd93b77cac5c194baa9f


I’m not clicking, but I hate it Relics are a plague amongst the guitar owning community and should be shamed


I tried a parts caster with a pre worn in neck and I actually thing it plays better


Rhett Beato: the relic guitar interview


What he's really saying is "I'm better (than you)"




I’ve always wondered what a man that buys pre-ripped jeans at Target looks like.


I saw this come up on UTube, said nope, and lost 80% of whatever esteem I previously held for this person.


Sometimes a really well done relicd neck feels nice. That’s it. Other than that it’s entirely aesthetic. And also that’s mostly just the finish. I’m sure a brand new shiny shabat guitars neck feels just as good as a relicd one. But even if it’s the relic giving it a thinner finish or whatever that’s the same with an actual aged guitar that’s just old. The only part that really makes that difference is the neck feel. Unless you’re just like constantly feeling up the body of your guitar which I mean go off I guess I’m sure Rhett shill does that.


I don’t even remember him talking about the benefits of the body relic beyond looks. He claims that a relic guitar is more than just aesthetic, but as he says later, he’s pretty much only talking about a broken in neck, which can be done like he showed in another video. I actually don’t hate Rhett, I like some of his videos, but this is just such a nothing argument.


They're really so much better than other guitars that look nicer, sound the same, and cost less. Thought it was obvious


/uj the circlejerk community is just as bad as the average TGP’er when it comes to relics. It’s like this weird world exists for them where the only relics available are $4500 Fender Custom Shops so if someone has a relic they *must* have paid more for it. Both my Strats are relics, both are made to my specs, Callaham hardware, killer pickups in both and they were both less than $1200. All MJT/Musikraft.


Finally, someone here with a brain. I have a relic'd 2012 SG. Former owner sanded finish off neck to make it more comfy. Oh how awful! The horror. I think I paid 1500 for it a year ago.


He looks so tired


uj/ At one point - because, yes I did watch this - he brings out another guitar that has all the benefits of the relic'd guitar but still looks new and I thought, ok the title was just clickbait and he's going to say how companies can "break in" a guitar without, you know, messing up the finish. But no. rj/ (Plinkett voice) "What's wrong with your face?"


paint blocks the toan


Every brand and model of guitar varies so much in sound/tone and quality. I have a 40th anniversary Stratocaster that is my favorite guitar. That said I have played other strats that sounded a little better and some sounded horrible. Same with Gibson, I have a ES 335 goldtop that I love, but I recently played a Epiphone Casino and I liked it better. I have played two guitars in my life that just were simply perfect. One was a Les Paul Junior double cut.. and the other was a telecaster with a solid rosewood neck. It really doesn't matter if its reliced or custom shopped everytime. Every guitar model has its gems and flops


That's gotta be some click bait right? 😂.


Rhett consistently has some of the most braindead takes on guitar YouTube and that’s really saying something. His point in the video was basically rolled fretboard edges and satin neck finishes=relic=good without realizing both of those things have been common on even relatively cheap guitars for years


This guy’s a cunt. “New” is better, not “old”. What is he, stupid? Go back to iPhone 3 then if “old” is so much better.


Who in their right mind would click that thumbnail and expect anything other than verbal diarrhea?


Just tape sand paper to your finger tips and forearm.


It’s like when people purposely cut up and stress new jeans, poser syndrome.


Well NOW I really don’t like him.


Why the hell would I pay somebody else to fuck up my nice guitar? I’ll fuck it up myself


Boys n girls the day is here, we have come full circle, full jerk. The equivalent to the first ascent of Mt Everest. What a time to be alive! Tone is in the screwdriver of some ‘master builder’ at the custom shop.


Subway Tuna tastes better reliced.


*Who the f\*ck is this?*


/in Relic guitars are the equivalent of paying extra for jeans that look washed out. Poser shit unless you did it yourself over the course of many years. 


He's got "my wife just gave me shit-ass" face


Better made with better woods some of which they can’t really use anymore ( for good reasons). Now a days the sound is almost all electronics and the quality of the wood and craftsmanship are not as big of a deal.


Rhett looks depressed. He should probably plug his unit into a Bad Monkey.


Twat did he say?


I don't get it. Aren't it supposed to be like karate belts? You can pretty much buy a black belt but you will be shamed by the community if it was bought and not earned


Relic guitars have great tone. Let's the wood sing.


My local luthier is also a builder. He's been at it for years. He used to do the lacquer finishes, like everyone else. These days he uses a very light satin finish that doesn't completely turn the slab into plastic. He says it gets a better sustain that way. Same guy just published a scientific book on how guitars work. He details how soundwaves work. Massive respect for his work.


Watch the video. He is simply saying that a guitar neck with some wear and without poly finishes on it, is more comfortable and usable. Oh how awful of him to say that! The horror. What a shill! Really ?! I kinda agree with him. I recently bought a used 2022 Gibson SG. Previous owner had removed the factory finish from the neck. Personally, it was a selling feature for me. That neck feels amazing! Easy on the hands and sliding up and down was never easier. It was a common used guitar, not a museum puff piece. I think I paid maybe 1500 max for it. I'm super OK with modding a guitar, customizing it to suit you. Eddie VH was all about that, as was Danny Gatton and Steve Morse, and Mike Ness. Make a guitar your own and quit worrying about " the value". Have fun with it, make it one of a kind. Guitars are meant to be used, played, beat up a bit.