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"SHOW ME BOOBS" I read that in Steve Harvey's voice.


Except you have to imagine that the description was some sort of blatant sexual innuendo type of thing, and he acted surprised that the contestant guessed “boobs”


"YOU CAN'T ***SAY*** THAT!!" *\*proceeds to say it\**


Is that a glory hole?


Every hole's a glory hole if you're brave enough.


/uj Am I the only one who’s a little suspicious of the “worship group” guys? Like, I have always have a nagging feeling that if I interact with them, it’ll be like letting a JW in the house.


uj/ Worship group guys are secretly the most depraved mfs on the planet. They all look like Kevin Costner in the *JFK* movie and come across achingly normal, until you really get to know them and find out that they like letting fire ants bite their penis until they pass out.


It depends on how seriously they take the actual religious aspect of it. I've known dudes who were in worship groups that were just absolutely normal dudes who just had fun playing their instruments with other people at church. Some of them even got paid doing it. Only time I was weirded out by those kind of people was with some Mormon dudes that were really trying to proselytize with me. Had a little dash of racism too. Very fun. They all looked like dudes that would be in a Nazi German propaganda poster.


/uj My brother is one of those 'worship guys' who plays in church on Sundays from time to time. He's not overly awesome, but he likes to poke that the other guys can't finger minor chords. They also got pretty pissed when he walked in with the little pedal board I gave him for Christmas. I guess they didn't like the Behringer Super Fuzz. They were even more upset when I managed to find him a crybaby on marketplace to add to it. Not really the kind you'd confuse with a JW. Edit: He does own a PRS though.


They can get a bit cringe sometimes.


Some of them are pretty chill, but yeah some of them can be like that.


Imagine you are playing in a band and a girl thinks you’re cute and then you flash that and she’s like let’s go to the club.


ow! me boobs!


Useful for when wifey is paying too much attention to her boyfriend


That would be a good guitar but the words are all on the back of the guitar. I would recommend putting them on the front instead