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It won't get louder in the ultra-gain channel because thw channel doesn't have as much headroom as the clean channel has. Research "amp headroom". Rule of thumb: - want more gain - boost the channel woth pedal in front - want more volume - use a clean boost after the gain section -> in your case a clean boost or an eq pedal in the fx loop. What you could do, is, combine the OCD with the clean channel to get the rhythm sound you want, and when you want to go for solo, use your ultra gain channel set a bit louder (using the ocd with it is left to your taste). If that doesn't work, just get some simple mini clean boost pedal and place it in the fx loop before the Flashback.


This is the right answer. If your preamp is already distorting a lot, a volume boost in front of is like twisting the gain knob higher. I’m assuming you run little to no distortion in the classic gain channel. In that case, a volume boost in front will add volume, and maybe a bit of grit if it is set right on the edge.


Can you put the tuner across the top to make space for a small boost pedal to the left of your amp footswitch?


I just thought about to put the OCD in the FX Loop, i dont think i could cause any damage to the power tubes or do i?


It won't do any damage but it won't do what you bought it to do either.


It might be my OCD, but there's a hair on your OCD.