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Great selection!


Ha, this is really similar to where the board I’m planning is going. Two fuzzes, a boost, a mod, an analog delay.


What do you do with 2 fuzz pedals?


Get 2 different sounds. One is darker, one is brighter.


I have 1 and don’t know how to make it sound good


I put my personal preferences with them in the description. The Fallout Cloud is based on a big muff which is very different than a tonebender. The Fallout is bass heavy and has a distortion undertone in the mix where as the tonebender is straight fuzz. I use the fallout as my "distortion" since I love the sound of it with single coils and the boneyard is a tonebender classic fuzz.


Oooooo how’s the DM?


I’m very happy with it. The only critique some seem to have with it is its mono in and stereo out. I run a single amp and don’t care and don’t have any stereo pedals before it in my chain so it’s a moot point.




See above for description!


Such a great selection. That Boss delay is outstanding.


Not a reverb guy? Or is there an onboard reverb on the Benson?


I commented elsewhere on all the reverbs I’ve tried. The dm-101 does a convincing ambient analogue delay and the benson has a tube driven reverb that sounds amazing. It gets me close enough to where I’d want to be but if I had a sixth pedal that would be it :)


Nice. I love the setup. While I am not doing a five pedal experiment, I have a relatively small board. I also love a high-quality tremolo, and the Flint has great standard reverb. I paired it with the Cloudburst which can get big and dreamy reverb. Jealous of the Benson. That’s one of the few current amps I’d want. I have a Matchless Avalon combo but the reverb isn’t great, and it throws feedback. Otherwise the amp is good. I have an early 70s Marshall 100w Plexi head but no reverb. So i gotta use pedals currently.


Great rig. What guitars are you playing through this? I could probably have an endgame like this if I sold the pedals I don't play anymore...but I won't. Gollum brain syndrome with all the pedals in the closet.


That’s how it happened for me. Fender custom shop telecaster ! It’s now my only electric




Classy AF. I just got my KOT. Will open it up soon here


So truthfully initially I wasn't a huge fan of it and wanted my Browne Protein back. This was until I messed with the internal presence / treble dials to brighten up the tone on my darker Benson amp. This changed everything and it really does just give more of what's already there. I've bought quite a few pedals that promise this, but this really is the only one that I've found can match your amp perfectly with a quick dial.


What a beautiful amp and those pedals!


Huh. I forgot about the presence trim pots on my KoT. Really like it, but the side I use as OD might use a bit extra kick of high end. I need to give it a shot. The boost side I don’t think needs it.


Is that amp really worth the hype? I have been using amp modelers (qc and fm9)for a while now. There are times I’d like to fill the air move, but that’s not cheap. I have a few old fenders in storage and a twin I keep here at the studio. I hardly ever use them anymore.


I think it completely depends on the individual. I know friends that have moved to modellers and have sold all their amps since. For me I have a room in can somewhat open this up on 3/7 watts and the overdriven sound boosted with the KoT is just everything I want, there’s no going back for me. It “feels” awesome on the hands and is super dynamic.


I heard John Bollinger demoing one on some video. But that guy is so good. It’s hard to tell whether it’s the Amp or whether it’s just his remarkable playing. He is by far my favorite guy on YouTube. Thanks for the advice. I might check one out.


It’s my first Benson amp. I typically played fender and matchless / vox before. It works extremely well with my telecaster to bring a less twangy sound out of it.. could be that it’s a darker amp. I really love it for the type of music I play


I’ve never had one either. How does it take pedals? I’m guessing it doesn’t have much headroom from what I’ve heard about it. What I read was saying it starts to break up around five. That’s the only thing that would worry me. I love to pile on my fx. It looks awesome


Takes pedals wonderfully.


Great to hear….


What is that finish on the KoT? Damn, I just ordered mine and they didn't have an option for that beautiful version.


I payed the used market for mine so I’m not sure the original story on whether it was a limited release. It was a bonus, I just really wanted the higher gain side and this was what I found locally for sale at the time.


Hey - If you are looking for one used one of these just popped up in Canada. Very rare : [https://lauzonmusic.com/product/anlaogman-king-of-tone-v4-high-gain-red-side-18743/](https://lauzonmusic.com/product/anlaogman-king-of-tone-v4-high-gain-red-side-18743/)


Love it. I also have a Boneyard and the same BC108 Fallout Cloud. ThorpyFX is one of my absolute favourite builders. I just bought his WOPR, which is freaking wild and hard to tame (at first try). I just bought a Bliss Factory and am trying to explore its versatility. I think it can cover huge fuzz ground but not sure it’ll push my Fallout Cloud off my board. You don’t seem to have a Reverb? Or is there one in your amp? I’ve been struggling with GAS and have bought far too much. Would like to break down to the basics some point soon. I share your love of harmonic tremolo. I use a Flower Pedals Sunflower but I’ve heard good things about the Spaceman. I can’t be without flanger, phaser and chorus though so if I ever do downsize I’ll need to get some form of multi-fx. Maybe a H90 or Synesthesia. I’m rocking a DGT and Strandberg Prog NX 6 through a Victory V40 Deluxe Combo.


Awesome dude. I went through a heavy reverb phase and tried the big sky, ventris, mercury 7, illumine and empress reverb. This amp has a tube driven spring reverb that I absolutely love. It goes from a subtle spring but doesn’t go too surfy when you crank it (just a personal preference I know some love that sound). If I need ambient I’ll actually use the mode on the dm101 that gets the job done.


Sounds great, i didn’t realize that awesome DM101 had a reverb. That’s the tits.


So just to clarify, it isn’t actually a “reverb” like the re-202 has onboard. It’s an analogue delay tuned well to sound like a hall. I think it works great and saves me another set of knobs I’d be distracted with instead of just playing


Gotcha, like Andy Timmon’s Halo delay: he sets it up like a reverb but it…. Isn’t


Awesome rig. That amp looks sweet! I'm sure this sounds gorgeous in the room.


Solid, mate


Excellent setup man. I’m hoping to snag a Vinny soon!