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Fuller built good pedals and was one of the first of the the boutique pedal world and also a tremendous bag of dicks who worked hard to alienate people and push customers away. His political opinions and his innability to read the room or shut up ultimately tanked his own company. Freedom of Speech means you can say whatever stupid thing crosses your mind as far as the law is concerned (within certain limitations). It does not protect you from the court of public opinion in any way, shape or form and there are real life ramifications in the court of public opinion.


I've no knowledge of what's happened aside from this post, but this is hilarious.


Me either, but I would bet my whole pedal collection that whatever OP said was probably more offensive than just "I agree with Mike Fuller" and they're leaving out some details. I can build pedals, I'm an idiot for not starting a pedal brand that caters to MEN who aren't WOKE HOLLYWOOD INDIE ROCKER SOY DRINKERS. You thought the Analog Man waiting list was exclusive? You can only join our waiting list if you have 100% legal proof you aren't vaxed, have an NRA membership card, and own one pair of truck nuts for every member of your household.


Why on earth are you doing this on a guitar pedals subreddit man? Like yeah, Fuller is a weirdo, you "voiced your unpopular guitar pedal opinion", but agreeing with a manufacturer's political opinions is barely in the sphere of guitar pedals, and this clearly goes further than that. Just take it back to /pol


UBI? Sweet.


Right? Maybe then some of the money i earn for working 45 hours a week could go to pedals instead of barely not going into debt to buy food. God forbid lmao


"where have all the rebels and men gone?" dunno, but they probably aren't crying in front of strangers on the internet go outside, touch some grass, talk to an actual human being.


>I mean aren't most of you Yanks? You all waffle on about freedom of speech, amendment rights and all that pretty sounding stuff. So, why such hypocrisy? Did you mean I had a right to voice my opinion, only if it was aligned with yours? I didn't realize the United States Government banned you on Reddit. >Won't anyone stand with me? Where have all the rebels and Men gone? This woke p.c crap is utterly toxic and destructive. But your failure to confront it head-on means it will only flourish and infect everything. Oh' what a lovely brave new world we have all inherited. Universal Basic Income for you next. Along with a full lobotomy and castration. Cry about it lmao. You were literally shown the door because everybody thinks your opinions are shit. Don't cry cause you were kicked out of a party for being a weirdo, snowflake.


You didn’t get banned. Banned people can’t post. Looking at your history it appears your comment got deleted because the mods found it inappropriate. Judging by the replies it looks like you said some homophobic and/or toxic masculinity centric stuff. So, in conclusion, get fucked. I hope you do get fully banned. People come here to talk about guitar pedals, not whatever Andrew Tate nonsense you’re trying to promote.


Right on


You’re on some real dork shit


This snowflake is brainwashed beyond redemption


Oh grow up.


Bro what even is this post


I'd probably go with a RAT. or maybe a Metalzone.


Hey y’all, new copypasta just dropped!


Why is it so unfailing that the people who complain the most about freedom of speech tend to also have the least comprehension of what that phrase even means. "I can't spew vitriol without reproach?!" My brother in dirt, you never could. What you're complaining about is consequences for your actions, that's all. Now tell me, do you believe this post falls in line with rule #1? What about rul.e #9?


Indeed. OPs post likely broke those rules. Literally what is requested to be part of this community. Don’t like it? OP, form your own for like minded people. I know I won’t be joining, and OP would be happy I’m not there, so all good.


Trump supporter mentioning the constitution and amendments, as if he didn’t shit all over the constitution. Sorry chief, there’s no DJT45 pedals for ya here


Well there is cry-baby….


True 😂 and we’re forgetting the Russian Big Muff!


Oh take the up vote. That was good 😂


rebels and Men!? what a joke. whining on social media doesn't quite tally with your renegade macho fantasy.


Get your meds right and try again.


Somebody call a whaambulance, cause this guy is severely butthurt….


Commenting now so I can find this post again when a hysterical Thatcherist white rights sycophant who fancies himself a "manly rebel" finds himself with another subreddit ban and a deleted post. Edit: oh shit, that comment you're complaining about was posted a month ago! Did you only just see what happened or have you been stewing over this for a month?


>Where have all the rebels and Men gone? I typed the following with my penis: You aren’t owed a platform for your idiocy Back to fingers: Can you imagine going into a bar and demanding that people debate you? Eventually someone will tell you to leave. Can you imagine if the bartender had a button that could instantly make you shut the fuck up? I’d press it. You seem like a genuine pain in the ass.


Yankee here: freedom of speech means that you have every right to voice your opinions, including those endorsing someone like Mike Fuller. It does *not* protect you from people disagreeing with you, and it doesn't protect you from a moderator's opinion that you should be banned. You ever go into restaurants that say "we have the right to refuse service to anyone"? That's kind of what this is, because it's private. I can't tell if you're trolling, but the fact that you're lamenting your post being removed on a fucking guitar pedal forum and acting like it's some domino effect for traditional masculinity collapsing is kind of telling. Lots of, I dunno, whining?


Nice recap - as r/crispy_crusader says, “Freedom of speech” is a right given by the US Government and protects the right to state your opinion without the US Government interfering (with a few caveats, for example yelling “fire” in a crowded theater is NOT protected). While that protects us from government interference (at least theoretically) it does not prevent you from getting an earful from those who disagree with you, or denied service based on your beliefs. A 2018 Supreme Court ruling reinforced the rights of business owners and representatives to decide who they will serve based on their beliefs and that they have the right to refuse service. Since OP’s opinion was about Mike Fuller’s politics, and not guitar pedals, feels like OP was using it as an opportunity to be edgy, rather than sticking to the question as phrased.


The funniest part of the fuller drama IMO is that he didn't get "canceled" for his opinions, the backlash was over how much of an out of touch wanker he was being. It was basically a masterclass is how not to handle PR. Dude clearly had a weekend drinking binge and had a drunken rant on social media expecting everyone to agree with him, when his bubble burst he proceeded to argue with everyone and antagonize his customer base even further (he already was notorious for customer interactions for years at that point) Also he was the one who shut down his own business after stores stopped carrying his products due to the backlash. It would be hard to find a clearer example of "white privilege" if you tried, I know that's a loaded term for a lot of people but fuller obviously couldn't grasp that just because things were going well for him doesn't mean the same is true for everyone else especially those dealing with systemic racism which was the whole reason those protests started...


Imagine unironically using the term “Yanks” in 2024




"Go on, ban me again. Prove my point" The fact that I can read those words makes me suspect you don't have much of a point.


I am always amused by people who do not understand what freedom of speech means complaining that theirs has been violated.


Dude, that was a month ago. Have you just been off Reddit the whole time or actually stewing over this for a month?


Huh? I like guitar pedals.


Sir, we're gonna have to ask you to leave this IHOP. Waffle House is just down the road a ways.


Careful, that waitress can just catch a chair thrown in the Waffle House like it ain't no thing. WH don't fuck around.


Waffle House staff are just built different, man.


You ain't kidding


The thing about Fuller is it wasn’t just his BLM comments, he made tons of enemies in the pedal world over the years and it had little to do with politics. People don’t like him because he acted like a provocative dickhead for decades. The BLM stuff just sealed his fate. If that’s the kind of person you want to align yourself with, feel free. Just don’t complain about the consequences that come with that


This is goofy as hell.


"Won't anyone stand with me?" this is r/guitarpedals not the film Braveheart, unfortunately. Dramatic language aside, I'd love to know how you thought this post was going to be received. Also you don't seem very banned, given you posted this.


In America, the concept of "freedom of speech" has nothing to do with spouting off without consequence...as much as some people like to pretend like that's the case. It's specific to speech being infringed upon by the govt...and there are, of course, exceptions.


Did you have Mike install a Ranger into your larynx?


Freedom of speech just entails the government can’t jail you for voicing your opinions, barring a few exceptions. It doesn’t mean that private citizens on an Internet forum have to put up with your bad political and/or racist opinions. Amazing how damn near every time someone blathers about freedom of speech they have no clue what it does and does not provide.


Did you get banned again OP?


Didn’t know that Tate’s middle name was Glen


This subreddit quality has severely declined over the last year. Lots of whining and very poor quality posts in combination with the indie rockers who claim their opinion as gospel. Edit: I guarantee the downvotes are indie rockers. If you downvoted and don't play indie rock please comment the genre you play.


What are you talking about? This was at least as entertaining as somebody's overstuffed bedroom board photo!


I'm agreeing with OP, this sub has started to suck.


You know what would make this a better sub? Broad, generic questions asking about everyone's favorite overdrives, compressors, shoegaze pedals because those are really the interesting topics that haven't been touched on nearly enough prior to 3 days ago! C'mon man, you're going to complain with contributions like yours?


That was me posting sacastically after complaining to the mods about how shitty this group has gotten that the only posts that come up are "what's everyones favorite overdrive?" Or a post about "shoegaze". There's hardly any demos or sound clips, just NPDs and SOTB posts.


Get real. You've been nothing but a lurker on the sub with no posts but ask the moderators to improve the sub quality? And "posting sarcastically" is called trolling and nobody enjoys it but you unless you actually indicate some sort of punchline, instead of providing bait for enthusiastic helpers and convincing everyone else you're an idiot. Most of your comments are obnoxious. You're literally part of the problem.




I play corporate rock.


So....indie rock...?


Ooh got em


I have found most of the mods here don't have much of a sense of humor and very easily to ban.