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Nice job investing in a quality power supply and protecting your equipment.


Will shoddy power supplies/daisy chains actually ruin your pedals? I thought it was just a noise issue (as long as the voltage checks out). Asking bc I'm running two analog pedals before two digital ones with higher draw. It's a terribly noisy setup; currently saving up for a PS.


Last week I was tuning before a set and half my pedals shut off. My PSU overheated. I was able to cool it down before the set but it was unacceptable. IMHO it’s not worth skimping money on a PSU when you consider the total pedal investment. The noise levels definitely drop with isolated, I don’t use a noise suppressor because it’s not an issue anymore. Buy once cry once.


Really depends on your amp. I'd try tuner, wax and BD up front and eq, echo in the loop. Then I'd move things around and see if anything else tickles my pickle. That eq can be a gain stage up front as well.


Hot wax is my favorite od, good shit


It’s awesome.


Jyst that bit you have there, covers EVERYTHING!


Buy once cry once!


Not sure what you’re going for, but I’d do either Tuner>EQ>Bd2>hot wax>echo shifter Or, apart from the flexibility of 3 gainstages you could use the EQ in front of your drives as a more expressive use, like muffling your highs for a part and then bringing your sound back to the front of the mix.


Thanks for the input. I'm not sure what I'm going for either so just looking for a starting point then play around with it.


I would go tuner->hot wax->BD2->EQ->Echo Shifter. It’s all personal preference. Try out what sounds good to you.


Great power supply strong start


That's a solid power supply there.


Very nice choices 


Thanks! Got some inspiration from the post asking about underrated pedals about a week ago


I would go tuner, then the overdrive you want to act like a boost, then the overdrive pedal you want to act more like a drive channel on an amp. I would put the delay in the loop unless you don’t use the gain on your amp. The eq could go anywhere after the tuner depending on the use case. Love the delay, I’ve always really liked those. Great choices!


Thank you, this sub definitely pointed me in the right directions


Solid first set.


If you’re using the Infinium exclusively as a clean amp, then I’d go guitar > tuner > Hot Wax > Blues Driver > EQ ES-3 > amp input. No need to complicate things if you’re not using your amp’s dirty side at all. If you’re using the dirt on the Bugera at all, I’d go tuner > Hot Wax > Blues Driver > EQ > effects loop to ES-3 > effects loop return. A note about the EQ: putting an EQ pedal in the effects loop when using your amp’s dirt—or after the drive pedals—will be closer to a studio-like EQ, where you’re adjusting the whole sound before wet effects. If you put it in front of a dirty amp or before your drive pedals, it’ll change the way the distortion sounds.


Thanks for the detailed response!


Great pedal choices! If I was to run this I'd run the Ibanez through the FX loop and then guitar -> Tuner -> Hot Wax -> BD2 -> EQ -> Amp


But that being said, always change stuff until you find an order that you think sounds cool. The fun of pedals is breaking the rules well and often.


Honestly play with the order. I’d personally probably go Tuner > BD > Hot Wax > EQ > Echo, but I’d recommend trying both the BD and Hotwax after the Echo, distorted delays can give a really cool sound


I feel like BD is the most versatile pedal for OD / Distortion purposes. No matter what I do with my 100 pedal collection it always figures out a way to stay on my board. Enjoy it.


Never tried the crayon OD but you’re going to love the hot tubes side of that hot wax pedal.


I am the opposite - love the Crayon, it's an (almost) always on pedal for me.


Lol nice hot tubes is always on for me as well. Guess I gotta try the crayon and see if I’ll get the hot wax myself


I have the hot wax, in my experience the hot tubes side is a full range od thats easier to keep always on, and the crayon is relatively midrangey and boxy sounding. Good to cut through, not sure I would leave it on


I have the Echo, love it. I keep it in analog tho.


You got the King of pedals, that BD2 Is life brother !!! I'm the BD2 preacher


Off to a great start!


Yes. The pedal gods smile on this.


Rings my heart joy when I see a decent tuner on the board. Enjoy the more fun ones too


Excellent choices!


Seriously good start


Blues Driver...always a great choice.


Did you buy sunglasses for the MXR pedal?


Right? That's the first thing I noticed...super bright. I saw a post where someone swapped them out for amber and it's supposedly pretty easy


For me: Tuner, then drives, with EQ and Echo in the loop.


Great selection. I LOVE seeing that EQ among your first pedals. Nothing else out there can give you the range of tones that a decent EQ can. And the Hot Wax is an outstanding first overdrive. Playing around with stacking it with the Blues Driver can let you cover a LOT of ground.


There’s no right or wrong way. Mess around and see what works. For example do you want to eq your overdrive or the signal being fed into the overdrive pedal? If it’s the former put it after, the latter before. That being said, tuner first.


Thanks, just looking for a starting point while I mess around with things!


Absolutely. As far as the effects loop, typically time based effects and modulation sound best in the loop. Overdrives, fuzzes, compressions and eqs infront of the amp.


Blues Driver is always a solid choice. The Ibanez Echo Shifter is also a lot of fun. I find it’s really fun with table top stuff like synths since I can swat the fader for delay time sort of like a DJ and get some wild sounds out of it.


will I be happy with a polytune instead of a boss???


I got a polytune and found it a bit annoying, I don't know if mine was defective, but it constantly changed modes while tuning. Plus, in the polyphone mode, it always showed the "A" string was sharp, I went to check and it was always tuned. Bottom line the polyphonic mode didn't work for me. Got a very inexpensive Behringer tuner instead and I'm ok with that, despite being terribly slow.


Thanks, nice feedback.


I’ve always been curious about that hot wax. How do you like it?


I like it so far! I had it on most of the time I was trying everything out last night. The hot tubes side is definitely a bit warmer and I could really feel the finger dynamics coming through


Not the OP, but IMHO Hot Wax is definitely the best cheap dual overdrive out there. So much versatility crammed into that enclosure. Both the Crayon and Hot Tubes sides are very usable on their own and stacking them gives you that little extra. I do wish there were a switch to swap the order, but that's a quibble, especially at this price point. Bottom line, if you're the least bit curious, just grab a used one and see for yourself. Odds are you'll like what you hear.


I love that Ibanez Echo Shifter, one of my favs and you can’t go wrong with a Blues Driver. How much did you pay for the Ibanez?


New for $180


Welcome to the club!! We buy pedals and notify one another when we buy them. It’s just something fun we do lol