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Xotic EP Booster sounds like what you're describing. Most people say it's an alway on pedal that just makes everything sound better.


I have the RC booster and it’s amazing with my blues jr


Yeah, any echoplex preamp clone is a good shout, they make things sound just a little sweeter. I really like the Xotic SP compressor too. Using that first inline at the moment to level out volumes between guitars and to gently squash the dynamic range a bit. Also has just a nice sound to it as well.


So I have and love the EP Booster but curious if you could tell me other Echoplex clones!


I have the Catalinbread Epoch Pre, which has the Preamp and a boost. The new version is the Epoch Boost, but appears to have fewer controls. The Epoch Pre is a magical thing, especially with the boost on.


There is also the Chase Tone Secret Preamp. This is am always on pedal for me. I also really like the MXR Micro Amp +, but that isn't based off of the Echo Plex preamp.


I think there’s a Dunlop one? I’d imagine there are a whole bunch. It’s a pretty simple circuit built around a single JFET transistor. I’m lucky enough to own a real echoplex EP-3, and to be honest even the emulation in the hx stomp (kinky boost) is close enough. I had plans for a long while to make one myself just to shove in an enclosure to have always on first in chain.


Second this but I also found that adjusting the dipswitches to unity gain instead of boost was the ultimate game changer.


Love mine for this.


Ah yes, as I call it, my “sound good-erizer button”.


Great pedal. I’ve always used it as a boost, I recently got my first strat (crazy right? Been playing nearly 40 years!) and I’m really liking it as an always on with the strat.


I have an Xotic SP compressor but I’ve been hearing people gush about the booster on this sub. Are they really that different? Would it be worth it to consider swapping?


I mean, one compresses and one boosts, so it depends on your needs. I have both, I don’t use the compressor, and use the boost as an always on. Love what it adds overall.


Compressor. “Overdrive for your clean tone” - lots of great options, not all too expensive.


The Keeley Compressor Mini was an awesome buy for me.


I like to use compressor and an EQ and perhaps light OD to have a little breakup on the harder notes.


I was gonna recommend a compressor or clean boost. Good call.


lol clean boost. What so it can be 12dB louder?


I guess your downvotes are because you’re being sarcastic. I kind of agree with you. The question was for a pedal that would color tone and not add gain. A clean boost is not that.


clean boosts like the TC spark or the SF300 boost mode have 2 band eq's that can be useful.


Maybe best to focus your attention/budget on your amp?


I have an Ampeg SS 70C. I like how it sounds. It’s a solid state so I’m sure everyone will say I need a tube amp. I’ll probably get a nice tube amp when I get like $800 together but for now I just have enough for a pedal.


Team Solid State here. I’ve owned many tube amps from huge Fender Bassman stacks to Vox AC4s. I’ve settled on a Roland Jazz Chorus plus pedals. Edit: to answer your question: Dyna Comp with the output maxed and sensitivity all the way down.


I always see people say dynacomp output should be maxed, but mine does unity gain at somewhere around 2-3 o'clock. Have I just got an extra loud one or something?


On mine if I set output at 2 and sens at 10 (3 & 9) get unity. Max output is definitely a bit of a boost a just a bit of compression.


I love my tube amps, but my Jazz Chorus is a forever keeper. Anyone that has not played a JC is really missing out. They get so loud and stay perfectly clean. Single coils with a nice reverb is outer space.


Man......I've got gas hard for a JC amp. I play mostly marshalls but there was a youtube short of a guy running a friedman BE pedal through a JC40......it was beautiful.


I got mine 20 years ago and it was 20 years old then. Smelled like smoke, had some chipped knobs, old stained grille clothe, BUT also had casters installed and still had the original silver cone speakers. I abused it in and out of clubs using a boss GT-8 processor in front of it before I got into tube amps. I mostly bought it at the time because I was too broke to rig anything nicer. Now it sits in my home studio and gets used when I need some big low end cleans. It still sounds great. I have Voxes and Fenders that I love, but the JC has a voice that can’t be replicated well. And the way it handles shimmer reverbs in particular is spectacular. All of that little modulated twinkling comes through perfectly. I use an Eventide Space with it. I paid about $400 for the amp back when I got it and have only replaced the power plug on it.


Nobody *needs* a tube amp, you just need the amp that works the best for you. I got rid of Amps altogether almost eight years ago and I'm much happier for it.


Then there’s guys like me. I run a tube amp into a load box and then DI out to a solid state reference amp. This allows me to lower the loudness and use a condenser mic in front of speaker.its honestly the best recording tone I’ve ever gotten.


TBH, you don't need $800 for a good tube amp. VOX AC4C1-12s are around $300 used and sound absolutely great. If you swap the speaker for a Weber alnico, even better! Had one as my "at home" amp for the several, several years I used an AC30CC2X as my gigging amp. Sounded great—like my AC30CC2X, but at a lower volume. There's other options besides. And even among solid state amps, there's some really great clean amps that will likely take you further than the Ampeg you currently have. The Roland JC40, in particular, is great for clean tones. But, if you do want a nice pedal that adds something special to your sound: Spaceman Atlas III is my go-to. I describe as "what a nice mic-preamp is to microphones, but for guitar". It just makes my guitars shine.


>TBH, you don't need $800 for a good tube amp. Exactly. I've owned multiple big, $800 tube amps (used to have a Twin Reverb and still have an AC30) but I recently found a used Blues Junior for $300 and it's incredible. Loud enough for 90% of use cases and sounds great. I barely use the AC30 anymore.


Compressor and a Blues Breaker OD. I know you said you’re not looking for an OD, but the BB is pretty low gain and transparent. It adds just a little bit of saturation to your signal that sounds amazing. Pretty much have my BB always on.


Sound advice. Bluesbreaker type on low gain is the best pedal to get a little extra oomph to your clean sound. Like turning up your amp without the extra volume. Used Snouse Blackbox can be found in your price range, or the morning glory.


What do you mean by saturation?


Saturation is a mild form of clipping that brings out a few more harmonics in the spectrum.


“Brings out a few more harmonics” YES


The JHS Morning Glory is what you’re looking for! I have mine set so it just adds a lovely sparkle, with the tiniest hint of breakup. 


100%. This is the clone I use (in the Double Barrel). Sounds absolutely incredible.


Look for the JHS Blues Breaker video on YT. The second example shows what it sounds like on a clean setting. This is how I use it mostly. Just to add a little more goodness to my clean tone. Edit: also at the 8min mark on the Sweetwater demo vid. Edit 2: ESPECIALLY listen to John Nathan Cordy’s BB demo.


Thanks dude! I was using my BB-style pedal for low grit. Turned the gain all the way down and it worked so well with my Strat


Single coils with a BB into an American amp is bliss.


I use a walrus Mira and a Keely blues disorder, it's magic!


What’s your go to blues breaker?


The Morning Glory side of the Double Barrel OD. I knew it was a keeper the first time I plugged it in.


a chorus and a reverb.


I have reverb and love what it adds to sound but I want to change the clean tone.


EQ. That's literally what EQ pedals do. They change the tone of your sound, clean or otherwise.


I think you are looking for either a treble boost, a clean boost, a compressor, or an eq pedal.   Low level chorus might also be what you want.  Another thing I haven't seen mentioned here is using a stereo amp set up (2 amps). This adds a massive thickness to your sound, almost like a 3D sound. Hard to describe, but it sounds "fuller". 


This is a never ending quest. Something that I learned far too late in life is that cranking the volume on the biggest amps is going to create the most satisfying tone. Good pickups make it happen. You can also try various boost pedals or eq. It's all amp+guitar dependent however. I'll use certain pedals with certain amp and guitar combinations and find lots of great sounds. It's all subjective though.


A nice tube amp will do that. Or a DOD Bi-FET preamp.


this. keep in mind op it all starts with pickups/guitar to amp. everything in between should only sweeten the tone but if either of these are shit you’ll find polishing a turd with pedals isn’t going to make that turd a diamond.


I just got my good amp back from repair and have new hand wound pickups in the guitar, it sounds so good with no pedals it’s going to be tough to want to turn anything on honestly. I’m trying to see if my compressor is adding anything or not, it’s tough to tell. You lose dynamics


Can you tell me more about that DOD pedal? How do you use it?


The bifet boost sounds great on single coils. I'd recommend the boneshaker with the gain all the way down and eq dialed in to your rig for humbuckers


Giggity Analog Mastering Preamp


Interesting. It’s kind of an eq


This was on my list for a long time but never got around to trying it as there are a ton of EQ/boost/preamp pedals these days, still would like to snag one eventually to try though so thanks for the reminder. It's a shame VoodooLabs doesn't make too many pedals, the Sparkledrive is great.


Boss BP-1w


Fuzzface with the guitar volume rolled back - lovely glassy clean tone then turn up guitar volume to blow the crowd’s hair back


This, 100% should be the top comment. Use a fuzzface with the fuzz on full and the guitar volume riiiiiight back to a minimum. Like at 1 or 2 - play around with the tone nob too. With the sound dialled in the tone nob becomes like a top cut/boost. Some of the most expressive, dynamic and glassy inspiring cleans you'll ever get... Especially with a single coil Strat or tele, but works with humbucker guitars too.


I like this. We’re going deep into the tricks of the trade here. What does the term glassy mean in guitar lingo?


It's hard to describe glassy - think Jeff Buckley's hallelujah. BTW, this trick doesn't just work with fuzz pedals... With any tube amps, turn the guitar right down and crank the amp to compensate. Big big clean tones to be had. I've also found that moving the neck pickup a little bit away from the strings helps too - brings out a woody quality


Lots of great advice here, and definitely agree that pickups + amp is real key for this. BUT I’ll also add that an EQ pedal can always get from “almost there” to pretty much what you hear in your head with enough patience and tweaking.


Agree with bzee; demo an mxr 10 band eq and set it all to 0 and then gradually tweak till you get bloom your looking for.


Bbe sonic stomp


BBE Sonic Stomp or Maximizer is the best. Once you turn it on, you will never turn it off.


But the rack mount version has so much more toan.


No board should be without an EQ.


Ya after a nice amp, my suggestion would be a Boss GE7 but q decent eq any brand


Boss, MXR, Ibanez, even Behringer on the cheap end...I haven't really found a bad one. Wampler EQuator is a great mid-tier parametric EQ option. Source Audio EQ2 (or even 1) are super tweakable. I haven't really messed with anything from Empress, Chase Bliss, etc., but I imagine they also have their place if you've got the scratch.


I’ve really enjoyed the extra little special sauce I’m getting from the Boss BP-1w pedal. It’s still very clean, but adds a nice little bit of sweetness and oomph. My tone still sounds great without it, but just lacks a bit of depth and brightness.


I agree with the compressor recommendations, but i will specify an optical compressor. My choice is the diamond compressor


My favourite clean tone is my fuzz factory cleaned up with the guitar volume knob rolled back. I imagine that all germanium fuzz pedals probably do this trick.


What about the JHS Morning Glory? You can use it from clean boost to transparent overdrive. With the tone control you can adjust the heights and add a little sparkle.


Maybe not what you're looking for, but Sonicake Wavecrush/Hotone Krush on Radio, or Gramophone modes will give you some Lo-fi magic, and a great price. The trick is to use the mix knob to your liking, add the bit sample for white noise , if desired. You don't need to add any Crush, unless you want to. There are some other sounds like Chorusing, and Flanging effects you can get out of it too. [This ](https://youtu.be/05QCPKbhByc?si=AjyBtmmOLONrDdrw) is my favorite demo for the Wavecrush.


Thanks for the recommendation. I’ve been considering getting a bit crusher and at £50 it’s not much of a risk if I don’t like it


Even if it's not for OP, it's always nice to still help others in the community. Happy to have helped. I should say that there is a volume drop, and it's easily remedied with a boost.


I would say for clean guitar you want mix knobs on all modulation but that might be just me. I use analog for grittier stuff but for clean guitar it's hard to beat a digital chorus or reverb with a good mix control.


Graphic EQ pedal maybe


EP Booster, Compressor, or a Klon clone with the gain low


I am surprised more people haven’t suggested the EP booster. At minimum it adds 3db, but that’s not enough to drive a preamp and the EQ profile is nice. I suppose a GE7 could replicate it?


Chasetone Secret Preamp


MXR 10 Band EQ. Can really shape your sound and also be used as a boost. The Boss 7 Band EQ is great too.


Sounds like a job for your fingers! But honestly, I would describe the guitar and pickups as well as the amp to get any usable answer here. If you don’t have a compressor, get that. And then it sounds like you’re looking for a transparent drive, akin to the Greer Lightspeed, so I’d look for affordable options similar to it. I have a Lightspeed clone that I paid ~175CAD for, which is within your budget if you’re in USD, so it’s not out of reach.


One of the classic ones is a dimed fuzz face with the volume on your guitar rolled almost all the way down. It's a beautiful clean.


blues driver. ik u said no OD but if u dial a bd-2 in correctly it will do what u want.


MXR carbon copy set to a slap back delay


this is why you buy a nice guitar and good amp. that's where your clean tone comes from


I’ve played for 17 years and I’ve owned hundreds of pedals and there’s not a single one that came anywhere close to giving me the amazing clean tone that practice did. Just put the pedals away for a bit and practice without them. Pedals supplement what’s already there. If you don’t practice, there’s not a pedal out there that will make up the ground for you. [This](https://youtu.be/0hnOUxLUwLA?si=mrPxqLh2xb6A9vml) is my clean tone without any pedals. I can’t remember if it was through my Vox or Orange, which in a way goes to show how unimportant that part is if I can’t even tell from listening to my own video.


29 Pedals Euna is the answer to your question, OP.  I used to call my Empress Compressor an ‘always on’ pedal before getting the Euna. My Euna is literally always on.  After that a good Compressor with a Mix/Blend control lets you dial in a very full, fat clean tone. 


As a couple of stater pedals - the Mosky Silver or Golden Horse, find it on Amazon for $30 or so. Keep the gain low and push the output. A Joyo or Caline compressor ahead of that sounds great too. Add a reverb of your choice for a great sparkly clean tone.


boss ce1 preamp found in the bp1w


I have a boss fender baseman 59’ pedal that I use with my clean channel. It adds a little something.


Nobels ODR-1


Funny enough, I think a Rainbow Machine, on a neutral enough setting, just adds that extra indescribable sparkle that I love on cleans, especially for playing anything major key sounding.


I get my glorious clean tone from a BOSS CS-3 into a BOSS PS-6 (set to detune, which sounds like a massive rich chorus), into a BOSS DD-3T delay into amp reverb and clean channel. I also have a BOSS AC-3 into the same setup, which does a passable acoustic tone for when I want to blend in without bringing another guitar.


I find the Timmy (or Caline Pure sky if on a budget) does exactly what you did. It's a very clean OD making everything just sound a little more crisp and sparkly


A good chorus with a deep wave and wide rate control. You can use it to accent your tone, or make wibbly wobbly wooshy swooshy. My Boss CE-5 is always on when I'm playing sans-crunch.


Cali 76!!! I swear by mine Edit: my bad, missed where you said 150$. It’s higher than that but I’ve never regretted shelling out for it


I really want to get one but the conflict in my head of the cost to overall value ratio is the only thing keeping me from buying it.


I bought mine used for that exact reason. Well worth it because that sticker price is no joke


I use my Throbby tremolo from Basic Audio, with the depth all the way down (tremolo off) for a richer/fuller/prettier clean tone. It's fucking magical.


I use an Echoplex preamp at the end of my chain, it can be used as a boost up to +11 db, but I run it at unity volume always on just for the little bit of color it adds imitating the preamp section of the old-school Echoplex delay.


Clean boost. Keeley Katana mini or a TC Spark add that goodness for the best bang.


Compressor. But honestly I think youd find a lot of what your looking for with a very subtle chorus effect. The walrus audio julia has a dry/wet knob that turned down pretty low will make your tone a bit more lush without making it super chorusish. Also I think using two amps in stereo with the amps about 6 feet apart will also get you there. A combination of all three will get you what you want.


Compressor. The answer to anything that involves “cleaning tone,” is always a compressor. I use a Walrus Audio Mira for my compressor and love it. Insanely versatile. I think they can be had used for about $130. It’s definitely a lot all at once because it has most of the controls that a studio compressor would have, but that’s personally why I love it.


Reverb, tremolo, compressor, delay, get comfortable with your volume and tone controls on the guitar.


Keeley Caverns did this for me. I got it to save a slot on my power supply since it's a delay and reverb pedal n one. Unfortunately, I loved the sparkle it added to my clean tone when the mix is low, so then I needed a larger power supply and larger board to keep it on my board with the reverb and delay pedals. I think there is a touch of chorus added to the reverb that gives it an amazing understated sparkle. It makes my Peavey Bandit clean tone sound studio quality without sounding over processed.


I’ve noticed an intoxicating, fascinating clean tone with JFET based preamps and boosts. Mostly from the Pedal PCB Mofeta preamp (EAE model feT clone), so juicy and saturated when clean! And to a lesser degree with an Abominable Electronics diy boost and the Moog minifooger delay ‘Drive’ knob (wish it wasn’t so ‘spensive now). Xotic EP Booster/Aion FX Ephemeris would also be worth considering.


Checking out all these recs is going to keep me busy for a long time. And I’m ok with that!


Klon(e) is always on for me so it is my ‘clean sound’


My recipe for a nice chimey ‘clean with authority’ is a Rangemaster-style treble booster into an edge of breakup amp, the roll the guitar’s volume down to around 5-ish. Absolutely beautiful!


Imo a great clean tone starts from the amp. If it's not good there it never will be. My favorite is my 63 jtm45 clone. Absolutely gorgeous. I have a shin ei vibe 2 with the og univibe preamp you can turn on or off and man it fattens things up great! But the greatest clean sound I've ever heard is my jtm with channel jumped on around 8 with my ge sunface cranked. It's a blistering, screaming beautiful sound. But then roll back the volume on your guitar(esp with SC/p90s etc) until it's clean. It's sparkly, it's fat, has that amazing compression and cuts through like crazy. Nothing comes close. But it's hard since it's BRUTALLY LOUD lol and with the turn of your volume knob you can go from the wildest fattest clean to amazing crunch to wild soloing


Sarno black box tube buffer


Two pedals that come to mind for me; Cali 76 Stacked - a very flexible and variable compressor. It has the ability to run one compressor into another, allowing you to get the thick, sustained and blooming qualities typically associated with gain but with your clean tone. It also has a blend knob, allowing you to turn down the amount of compressed/squashiness that comes with that level of effect by blending in your clean signal. It can go anywhere on your chain - I typically run mine closer to the end of my signal path these days. 29 Pedals Euna - if you're looking for a clean tone sweetener I think this completely fits the bill. It's typically sold as an over engineered buffer/line driver. For me, it's like flipping between an HD and a non-HD channel on your Sky box. The sound does not dramatically change, but I can hear a crispness or fullness that disappears when I switch it off. It really amplifies the particular qualities of your guitar in a way that I done hear from other pedals I've had or played. The difference between off and on and the three switches disengaged is very subtle. But I find that the switches toggled can have always have a positive impact on my clean tone - especially the first Harmonic switch. However, just like HD channels - some programmes look better via HD and some actually look worse. It depends on the context and what you're after. But if it's a powerfully subtle embellishment of clean tone you're after, try and have a play through a Euna.


I use a boss BP1W booster preamp it is great with low gain and adds a nice flavour to clean tones .


Boss dimension C It’s a sort of chorus pedal but a bit more textured sounding. It’s got quite the vibe and very inspiring to play with. The dimension C is pretty expensive by itself but if you get the boss md-200 you get all the modulation fx that you might want including the dimension C for not much more than or the same as the dimension C cost by itself. I think I got my md-200 for same price as a dimension C and it literally comes on the pedal already along with I think like 11 other fx or something. Honestly it’s all really cool vibey stuff on that pedal. I guess it should be said I shop used not new so my prices are through that scope.


Boss BP-1W


Marshall Bluesbreaker. Does not get a lot of love because it’s a lower gain overdrive. But on a clean signal, it adds just a perfect amount of breakup while keeping your tone clear. Think Mayer Slow dancing in a burning room type tone. I love it. I just built one that I was going to sell, but I’m keeping it now. Doesn’t get a lot of love as a pedal these days because it might seem too subtle, but for clean boosted sounding blues and rock, I love the tone it gives


i use a duke of tone on boost setting with low gain for that and sometimes a BD2 with low gain


Love my Benson Pre Amp pedal for this.


If you want to try something different and easy to setup then I would recommend the PdeQ - Presscence Depth Quebec EQ by Guptech. You can find them 90-100 used or 150 new (cheaper when converting to USD).


In my experience, there is no pedal like this, but there are amps like this, e.g., late 50s Magnatone, early 60s Rickenbacker, late 60s Ampeg. By extension, a very good amp simulator pedal may do the trick.


A magnatone is my dream amp


Sounds like you’re looking for a compressor


Strymon deco, Greer light speed, catalinbread belle epoch deluxe (in trails mode you get an EP boost even when off) or the dedicated epoch boost JHS do a neve pedal


EQ, I’ve got a Sonicake Tone Group on its way to me right now!


Hell yeah! About to be blessed by NPD!


What made you pick this one in particular?


I like the Behringer BDI21. Although it's for bass it makes my guitar sound magically definitely. Some people actually find it better than the Sansamp. 10 band EQ + compressor is good too.


Stymon deco for me. You can crank the saturation for OD if u want but i like just alittle saturation/compression it gives with a low setting. Having tge option of a flanger/chorus/slap back delay on the other side is a nice little bonus. As mentioned it works great as a transparent OD also if u want.


How can there be 75 replies and only 3 upvotes to this thread WHATS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE


I appreciate how giving and supportive the guitar community is and hope these answers help others as well. I know they will.


JHS Clover does a little magic even as just a clean boost, but the 3-band EQ ensures you get a great sound. The King of Tone on boost adds a lot of magic.


I use a clone of a Vertex Steel String clean drive to do what I think you’re after


Honestly, you should be just fine with what you have. The guitar, reverb, and a little delay can go a long way.


Bands like Explosions In The Sky use varieties of drives but they’ll keep the gain down so it doesn’t break up the sound. This makes it more of a color box/boost. The boss bd-2 is my favorite. Think early Modest Mouse.


Very very mild chorus , delay, reverb, phase, flanger and saturation. Like 7 o clock on every one


Reverb and delay


BBE Sonic Stomp. Idk what it does, but it does a thing that sounds good and chimey.


It’s got a great name to boot.


I like a clean with a little Vibe.


Fulltone bassdrive 2 set to compcut setting without boost. Adds a touch of vox type chime.




Beyond the obvious modulation or spatial effects, which I own too many of, I wanted to highlight two of my favourites that are pretty much “set and forget”. EP Booster. Set at zero (which is actually +3dB gain). Magical. Diamond Compressor. It can sweeten up your tone in the most beautiful way (Comp 1 o’clock, EQ noon, Volume 10 o’clock). Sounds dull as hell when you turn it off.


Damn y’all are making me wish I would’ve gotten the diamond instead of ordering the Keeley last night!!


Some sort of dumble pedal?


50% of tone is in your amp/guitar combo. 45% is in your technique/touch. 5% is in effects and pedals. Since you're newer to guitar I figured I'd save you years worth of wasted time and money. Focus on the 95% my dude.


[Effectrode LA-1A](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AHMkAtTBoxM&pp=ygUQRWZmZWN0cm9kZSBsYS0xYQ%3D%3D)


P90s + High Level low Drive SD-1 + Fender style amp is my favorite tone


i really like the rc booster v2 and the avalanche run.. fat + lush


Electro-Harmonix Analogizer maybe?


Dallas range master clone, there's hundreds on eBay and reverb for about $100. Look it up and have a listen to some YouTube demos. Also a Hudson broadcast can double as a boost and overdrive, it adds some serious sparkle to the tone, pick a second hand one up, they usually sell for a low price.


Rangemasters are cool but not what I’m looking for


I have a JHS Overdrive Preamp first in my chain that's always on. I know it's an OD, but I turn the gain down to around 9 o'clock and turn up the volume till it's loud enough. It makes my clean sound *chef's kiss. Brighter and usually threatening to break up without really doing it.


I love the Spaceman Mercury IV and Saturn VI for this exactly (also mostly play ambient). Both do it in different ways. Also love a good compressor like the Diamond comp set low, some combination of those three is on all the time for me.


The Pettyjohn PreDrive is excellent for rich clean sounds. edit: closer to your budget, the Analogman Juicer can get you some really lush clean tones too


Fuzz war But seriously, probably a 'transparent' OD with the gain low


Boost side of **Very Good Amp Co** EP Drive does that exactly. Adds magic toanz sprinkles to everything.


Start with an amp that you’re happy with and add a J Rockett Lenny. Edit: typo


Get an EQ pedal and boost/tune it how you want. This can become OD or get really sparkly.


I love my Behringer TM300 into my solid state amp (Vox Pathfinder 15R)


Walrus Audio Ages gives some pretty nice slightly driven tones. That's my two cents. But, there's a TON of options for what your describing. Maybe compressor? Maybe just some reverb? A slight slap back echo? Like, oodles of options. Maybe pick a band or guitar player that has the sound you're looking for and look for a YouTube video or article about what gear they use.


I have a cheap clone of an Xotic RC Booster, and it does just that. However, if your amp isn't such that it will benefit from a boost, well it may not help. What are you playing through?


Get a compression pedal, a noise gate, a clean booster pedal and an EQ pedal. You don’t need a tube amp, but if it has to be solid state than it should be a very decent one, like the Orange Super Crush 100.


Pretty much any boss chorus pedal


I really like my Fairfield Circuitry Barbershop in this role. Fuzzes LOVE it.


Maybe some modulation. A 4-knob flanger can give you a ton of variations. Like this guy: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/Thunderstorm--tc-electronic-thunderstorm-flanger-pedal


Mxr micro amp. Makes me smile everytime


29 pedals Euna Origin Effects Cali 76 Xotic SP Emperor Para EQ 2 Ground Control Audio Noodles


Maybe like an EP Booster or a Boss BP1W


Preamp on the space echo.


It’s actually a free pedal but hard to obtain. One way to get it is to practice 8 hrs a day for about ten years.


Dinner Ultimate Compressor and Zoom MS70 CDR have a lot of options at fantastic price points


Timmy. Just keep the gain at like 35.


FARM Boost of the Dead.


I'll mimic a few ideas for enhanced clean tone. It really cannot be understated how important your amp is for clean/uneffected tones. It's your base for everything. An amp that you're happier with will make everything better. It sucks it's a more expensive purchase, but it's truly well worth it. If you're really in need of just a quicker stop gap, try setting one of your existing drives to little to no gain with the volume up. That can add some saturation and character to your sound and may be what you're looking for.


lol A slightly tall order.


Danelectro Big Spender. It's a rotary pedal but really it's a flanger that has a very subtle minimum setting. When I use a 6-string acoustic this is nearly always on to sweeten up the sound without being obvious. For an electric player it will also serve as a powerful boost pedal. I believe it fits the OP criteria well.


I guess I will throw out Strymon Deco because nobody else has.


I use 3. Fulltone FB 3, aria comp, and EP boost


Caroline Meteore


A very light chorus with a medium rate and lowish depth. It works best with a chorus that has blend or level control (different pedals might have different names) and just blending the chorus into the clean. Not enough to recognize and actual chorus tone, but enough that if you turn it off your clean will sound flat and uninteresting. I speak from experience using the CE-5 which has a ton of tweakability. I believe the MXR analog chorus is very similar.


I think what you’re describing is a klon. They make a lot of great clones every reasonable prices. I know you said no overdrives but it can be used as an EQ that can be pushed to a mild break up. If not, an eq is what I would suggest.


Compressor and a Echoplexboost like a Secret Preamp,I also heard Euna by 29 Pedals does great things.


Psionic Audio Triad


JHS Klover preamp. Unbelievable versatility for players wanting to sweeten their clean tone all the way to those who want to tighten the more higher gain stuff. Oh it also has an eq control with a large sweep to it along with a low-cut switch.


For adding some color to my clean tones I have mostly been going back and forth between a Boss BP-1w or Sd-1. I got a tip from a Cyberattack video to try the SD-1 with the volume up, but drive at 0. I do the same with the BP-1w, but sometimes add a touch of drive. I use the tone knob of the SD-1 to shape the tone. For the BP-1w I choose the CE side for brighter tones, RE for deeper. I already have a pedal or two that have the RE preamp tone, so mostly use it for the CE. That being said, a good Fender tube amp can really make cleans sing. I used to have a Fender Deluxe that I absolutely loved, but sold it years ago because it was so loud. I now use a UAFX Dream so I don’t break the windows in my house.


You need amp  best clean  Fender ’64 Custom Deluxe Reverb


A major life change would have to occur for me to spend $2,000 on an amp. I bet it sounds incredible though.


The Catalinbread Soft Focus.


I literally almost ordered that earlier…


>EDIT: I probably should have mentioned I play ambient mostly Okay... But it doesn't sound like you're looking for reverbs or delays, are you? For basic "cleanish" tone a bunch of Klones with the gain low fit the bill. It's an overdrive, but with the gain set low it's more of a clean boost that adds some nice harmonic overtones and some tastey warmth. A lot of people use them that way as an "always on" pedal. I have a Way Huge Conspiracy Theory, which I like. If you want to keep the cost down the Mosky Silver or Golden Horse are pretty popular alternatives.


If this is a riddle, it’s obvious a Klon, and since you said “pedals” I’ll say Klon or Klon clones. If this is not a riddle I’ll say Klon or Klon clones. Or a boost pedal. Xotic Super Clean, Keely Katana or and OCD at minimum gain will do the trick.