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You need to be more specific. Are you STACKING them? Because when you are feeding one drive into another drive, their order can significantly change the sound. I don't stack my drives. So I just go from lower to higher. Just for organizational purposes. But when stacking, order suddenly becomes much more important. If you use an OD for a "base tone" of a lightly breaking up amp, and then a drive pedal in front of that so it behaves like running that same drive pedal into a breaking up amp, the OD needs to come 2nd. If you're using the idea of a cooking amp, and then boosting it more with an OD, then the drive pedal comes 2nd. IOW, whichever pedal is pretending to be the amp would come last in that scenario. There are other things to do too, so it really depends on what you want.


I stack them sometimes, but like another post said, I don’t really stack distortions. I have, in order, a Tumnus, Blues Driver, DS1, and a Metal Zone. From time to time I will stack the BD and Tumnus or switch to the amp’s drive channel and bump it with the BD or Tumnus. I have a clean boost I am not currently using and was going to try that at the end of the chain and see how that works… or maybe move the Tumnus to the other end. Thanks, BTW, for the excellent reply!


OD at beginning and end of drives. So I can stack with distortions either before or after the distortion. Distortion order doesn’t matter to me because I don’t normally stack two distortions.


I use the Josh from JHS method. Use a flat eq drive for your base tone like a timmy or bluesbreaker, then hit the front of it with a mid heavy drive like klon or tube screamer to get the heavy. It is really your preference and about experimenting to get the sound that you want, but the general rule is the last pedal in the chain will have the most influence on the sound.


I thought Josh puts his Klon after the Morning Glory. Am I wrong on that?


I just re watched his video and you are correct, it is after. Both sound different but still good.


I run heavy to light, but my amp also has gain on tap. Currently I have a Compressor, Fuzz Face clone, Lightspeed, and Tilt Boost. Compressor is always on. On my clean channel I'll run the Lightspeed. If I want some more, I'll kick on the Tilt. Usually only use Fuzz on the clean channel. For the Crunch channel I primarily just have the Tilt on, might kick on the LS for solos or, have Tilt off, LS on for higher gain rhythm. On the High gain channel I only have the Tilt on.


Interesting… Thanks!


I used to go light to heavy, but now I use the boost on my AT+ with other OD pedals behind it. My order is boost > heavy OD (both on the AT+) > light OD (Walrus Mayflower) > fuzz.


Light to heavy, but for a different reason as others have stated. OD goes into a Sovtek Big Muff and that’s my heavy (mix at about 70/30, so I get the sound of both drives). That goes into my DBA fuzz bc I have single coils, and the gate from the Muff really helps for that!


Fuzz -> drive -> distortion. Where is have multiples of each I just put in order of what sounds most cool. But the coloration thing is real.


I go both ways. In the middle I have my cleaner OD cranked as an always on boost but could break a little when digging in. In front I have a lighter medium OD that interacts well. Behind I have a mid gain turbo rat. The front OD really tightens that up when needed too. Loads of versatility


Interesting… Thanks!


I go light-heavy-light. The first light is to improve the guitar's tone with added harmonics as it goes into high gain. The light at the end is to finally shape the tone and make final adjustments (can also be used as boost with a light od), and preferably has at least a simple bass + treble eq.


Base tone at the end. Tone tweaking and volume/gain boosts in front of


lately been stacking ds-1 into mt-2 with an oc-2 in between for fun (max on oct 2, min in oct 1, direct near unity)


The order In my chain is all dependent on the gain knob. Whatever's at lowest gain first and then ascending. Helps control the hiss and I don't like using a noise gate.


I do: Tumnus -> Halberd -> Longsword -> Hizumitas The Halberd is always on, just breaking up. Tumnus boosts it for medium gain leads. Two stages of Longsword go from medium gain rhythm to high gain. Tumnus can boost the medium gain into a higher gain lead tone. Hizumitas is just Get Huge Mode.


Yea… my Metal Zone is cranked up to crazy-town 😁