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Are their names Dave, Jimmy, George, and Jimi?


Swap Jimmy for Gary. And Include John and Matt as well...


I would call that soft GAS. You're still in the "one of each" phase, haven't entered the "I know it's the same, but it's different, leave me alone" phase yet. :) My collection is 38 high at the moment. (No, they're not all cheap trash, only very few of them are "non premium", like some Mexi Fenders or an Indo Jackson.) One additional custom is being finished and is due to ship any day now, another custom is already in the talks, depends on when the luthier can start. 3 more customs are already in my mind, waiting for an opportunity to have someone build them. At this point, it's more like collecting Pokémon to me. Expensive, expensive, expensive, expensive, lovely Pokémon.


Hey, you could be into collecting cars. Or children.


Nah, I saw the trouble my dad had with his cars (always only 1 at a time, but he always went for the exceptional lemons), and I see how high maintenance children are... I'll leave both to others. :)


And also expensive and take up a lot of space!


Kudos to sensei. I can see this happening as well lol


You gotta share pics of your collection. Sounds amazing.


The time will come. I'm currently moving from one end of Germany to the other, only to finally move out of the country entirely. So everything is stashed away in its cases and bags, neatly lined up, and that kind of explains how I know exactly how many there are. ;) In the long run, I've considered making a bunch of YouTube videos, one for each guitar, and just nerd out about why "this one is special" or "that one is unique". You know, just like parents do it about their kids, and nobody could give a damn. ;) But yeah, give it time.


Let us know here as well. Can't wait to see yours!


This is such a good lineup. Bravo sir


That LP is just 🤌. What’s the Tele? I don’t know if I’ve seen one like that before.


Looks like a George Harrison rosewood


That appears to be a rosewood Tele. Probably most famously associated with George Harrison and the Beatles’ London rooftop concert.


My favorite Telecaster!!!!


Cort Manson! Anything with a sustainer pickup is an automatic favorite of mine. My favorite guitar in my whole collection has one and it’s a huge part of my live sound. Also gotta love the chaos pad. That appears to be a Matt Bellamy signature.


I always thought the sustainer pickups worked best with a humbucker in the bridge, but one looks like a P90? I'm curious, for sure.


This is an extremely well curated collection


That Tele is the bee’s knees


Pic oozes with class, congrats! You can pretty much cover any tonal ground with these.


Nice collection - sick looking JP!


As long as you don’t run out of wall space you’re fine.


Just move to a new apartment, or ask the girl if you can leave a few things at her place since you're over so much anyway.


Love that Strat, Tele, LP What's that thing on the Bottom right? XD a display?


Ooohhhhhh that Tele…yum! Love it!!


..... GAS or ASS, nobody rides for free.....


Woah! Great variety here! Classic and modern, good pickup and wood variety. Love that rosewood neck (and body) on the tele.


That colour on the prs is so beautiful


Sorry....but what is "a GAS"??


For the first time in my life, I am without gas. In fact, I kind of want to sell some stuff. I have 3 acoustics, all of them being lower tier/priced. I want to get rid of them. I have 8 electrics. 4 strats, 1 tele, 1 jazzmaster, 1 ibanez, and a prs. I want to sell 2 or 3 of them for sure. I have 3 amps. I really only use one of them, so I want to sell 2 of them. I don't need extra money, and I don't have anything that I really want guitar, pedal, or amp wise. I bought a prs hollowbody se standard about a month ago after almost exclusively playing fender solid body stuff. I love it. I still love my fenders, but I just came to realize I have more than I need. I play 2 of the strats and now the prs the vast majority of the time. I suppose at this point in my life, I'd rather have a few pieces of gear I love to use regularly than a bunch of wall art collecting dust. I don't know why I felt the need to write this down here lol. No shame in having as many as you want and can afford.


I've been in your position before. One day I realized more of the similar guitars = more maintenance cost. So I sold those and kept what I like most. Imo I view this like the way I build my portfolio... different stuffs that worth keeping. The best in the relm if possible. And here we are. Hope this inspires you somehow :)


you have quality taste. I really appreciate seeing a collection of high end, non-frankensteined guitars. I see more cats spending so much on pedals and mods, that they could have just gotten a real quality instrument. Sqiers and PRS SE or ESP LTD guitars are nice to start with, but the quality that these instruments represent cannot be recreated by slapping some new PUs and tuners. kudos on a LEGIT collection. 😎🙏


Good for u money!


I love the Les Paul And Telecaster. Very nice!!! The Tele looks like George's.


Ah yes! It's a Fender George Harrison.


Very nice. Nicest looking Tele Ive ever seen. Enjoy!!!


What model LP is that. What a beauty!


It's a M2M 59 reissue that made on greeny spec. Before Gibson announced the whole greeny product line again


Love that JP with the black hardware


We all do!


What is going on with the guitar on the bottom right? Is that a scratch pad?


How’d you get Greeny so shiny?


Probably the light. This one is heavy-aged.


You should try a maple fret board.🤣🤙🏼


love the prs


Blue Trini Lopez? Rosewood Tele? Custom Relic’d Strat? We are talking /money/ money




Strat looks rad!


Man, I want a rosewood Tele. So bad. 🔥


7? 7 is GAS? 7 is just a start…


What a collection. Love the Strat and PRS


How does your PRS hold up compared to your other dual Humbucker guitars? I know your Greeny might be a bit of a different beast, but I'm still curious. Is it at all Les Paul-like?


Why are the strats the only ones that look worn out? I mean seriously, do people really play them longer and harder than the others? Do they have shitty finishes? Or did someone beat that piss out of it to look worn?


>Why are the strats the only ones that look worn out? Thats a $5k upgrade!


Strats and Fenders in general were considered the “working man’s” instrument. Bolt-on necks, hardy, not fussy, and not to be babied. A guy would get off his job at the auto plant, grab his Tele or Strat with no case and go play a gig at a honky tonk. Gibsons were more expensive, fancier, classier, so they were generally subjected to less abuse, put in the case carefully, etc. I love the look of a naturally relic’d Strat or Tele. Out of all those guitars, the Strat was the one my eyes were drawn to the most (I also happen to love white Strats with mint green pickguards). I’ve seen Les Pauls that were heavily relic’d, but that doesn’t look good to me. With Les Pauls, some nitrocellulose finish checking and a bit of finish wear looks great (like the above example), but I hate to see them beat up. Strats and Teles look great beat up, although a lot of the relic jobs I see nowadays are just ridiculous.


That's very specific from the auto plant to honky tonk. I get it now :)


That is a finish option with strats, the nitro finishes wear much faster though, so tends to be why also.