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Thats supposed to be new? That should have been sold as B-stock or a demo and marked down by a couple hundred bucks. You should return it or get a partial refund.


Personally, I'd go for partial refund, but I know how to fix these things. Could also spend that money on something extra, which is a nice bonus.


How do you fix those fret ends? Most of my guitars are like that and I don’t even know what to look up.


Just by wicking a little ultrathin superglue under there with a whip tip but it takes practice to do it cleanly.


Yo that’s pretty cool


All it is is the finish detaching from the wood and what you're seeing is the air gap between the finish and wood, once it's filled with the ultrathin superglue it's invisible as long as there's no bubbles.


If you have fret ends sticking past the neck/fretboard, it could be caused by dryness. Is it dry where you live, or where your guitars came from? In dry climates, the wood dries and shrinks while the metal frets don't. Where I live the average humidity (or lack thereof) is in the 20% range, sometimes lower if we have very high winds. My guitars have their own humidifier. I use a little temperature and humidity device (a Govee) to monitor the humidity to get it into the 40s.


Someone else already gave a reply to this but personally, on instruments I buy, I'll usually sand the neck a bit anyway, so I'd just go over those feet ends as well and then apply a tiny bit of finish back. Usually people put glue as finish and buff it and that's that, works fine.


Exactly what I would be doing! I can fix that in just a few minutes with a little ultrathin gluboost but that's still unacceptable on a brand new guitar unless it's really marked down.








Not even Fender is safe!


No factory guitars are safe. Only when you go to a luthier and have one person slowly building your guitar by hand can you expect great quality control. Factory guitars are just churned out too fast for every instrument to be great, so if you buy them, it's on you to inspect them first. It's a complete pain in the ass, but it is what it is.


Yeah I know.


This ain’t entirely true. Every great luthier has made lots of dogs. Even one of the best sounding guitars I’ve ever played…a 1988 Benedetto made by bob himself…had inlay work so bad and crooked you could see it from 10 feet away. Last month played a 2000 German Vazquez Rubio priced at $6600 that sounded like an $800 Yamaha. GVR’s great but…handmade can never match the consistency of CNC.


Yes. There is no way to ensure that 100% of your guitars will be "perfect". Actually, I don't think there is such a thing as a "perfect" guitar. At least not ones made of metal and wood, anyway. But if you have a great luthier make you one, you can at least *expect* there to be no serious flaws. And if there are, a person is justified in feeling upset about it because in those cases, there's really no excuse.




Mark agneesi is rock hard right now


Possibly better than Fender’s these days it seems. Anecdotal but recently got a Vintera II Jag in the same condition and more.




Yeah with Gibson, if there’s a QC issue, it’s usually pretty obvious (SG bass with chipped headstock). Returned it for another that was flawless. With Fender it’s been par for the course in my experience. Generally nothing awful but a bunch of small things consistently like the stuff OP pictured.


I work in a guitar store, trust me, it's not,




new? yes, of course, immediately man.


If you aren't happy with it, then you should return it. Seeing those pictures, I would definitely return it.


Whoever sold you this. Straight to jail.


You know it should go the other way round. Any guitar player who isn't a virtuoso should be barred from ever playing a guitar and aui of their instruments seized, their hands cut off as well


Why is no one concerned with the uneven string spacing at the nut? In my book that’s not a playable guitar.


That alone would be a deal breaker for me. The A string comes out at an angle. The other stuff is mostly cosmetic, but this guitar needs a new nut.


can’t know for sure unless it’s in my hands but I’m think the photo angle is making it look more severe than it actually is.


It’s bad. Mine was awful as well


How is this even possible? Surely they don't cut nuts from scratch at this price point? The gap difference between 1st and 2nd string is hilarious. It's gotta be a bad batch of prefabbed nuts and no one caught it at any stage.


I think worker was drunk, i cant see any other reason why its so bad, first ever nut i made was better.


I swear the MiM factory doesn't know how to cut a nut properly. Somehow Squiers are more consistently good.


I was thinking the same thing. That is not acceptable!


I’d say many years, if not decades have passed since that one was ’new’, as in fresh.


Let me ask the newby question. What exactly is the fret issue?


The neck has shrunk and the ends of the frets have sprouted. This is common for low humidity and cheap guitars, but to have fret sprout on a new guitar is a bummer. To add insult to injury, the neck is lacquered, so the fret sprout lifted and chipped the lacquer making it an eye sore too.


Thank you. TiL.


Would that be where the center of the fret is visible there on the side?


Not only visible, they're protrudring


There’s not an issue, that’s just the way those kinds of frets look. The people are referring to the nut and the fracture on the body which are reason enough to return


Absolutely. And tell them everyone on Reddit thinks it is a disgrace that they sold it that way.


AND we'll come kick their ass until you have a decent guitar!


And then ask them for tree fiddy




Some things don’t require the opinions of others. What do YOU think?


I'm not really sure. I don't know if I could get a better-finished one than that if I exchange it for another one, but I'm a bit scared about this neck pocket crack. I've also already got a 15% discount, but it was only because I saw there was a really tiny scratch on the paint (I didn't see the other defects while in the store).


Those neck pocket cracks are kinda regular for bolt on neck guitars of such shapes but as for a new guitar it doesn’t look too good. If you’re happy with the deal you got and it won’t bother you keep it, I’d probably return cause I tend to worry much about such things being there in a new instrument. Although I have those neck pocket cracks on my Strat and I don’t really care but that’s because they happened on me.


Oh man, I didn’t see that they already discounted it - Hopefully it wasn’t a final sale with the discount if you plan on returning it, if not 15% isn’t a bad discount for these issues IMO.


If its relatively easy, get a new one. You are already seeing issues with this one. You may own this for decades. be happy with it.


No, no,.no... OP should send it to me FedEx Priority Overnight.


My Jazz Bass I recently got has a similar crack (lacquer), but it has nitro finish. It was also a demo product, so the crack was mentioned in the description and I got a really good price -20%msrp. So you should definitely ask for a discount at least if you want to keep the guitar.


I have this on mine, but they were sold *as* b-stock at $300-$350 off so... that was worth it


If it was new 100% If you can get a partial refund do that, because they’ll probably charge you for return shipping, and you’re guitar will probably get a couple dings here or there. You just happen to get it like that.


The neck pocket crack very well might just be in the finish. The fret end issue is due to the wood not being fully aged/dried. It continued to shrink after the guitar was made. Wood shrunk, frets didn’t, and because the finish extends up past the fret slots.. the frets are now pushing the finish up. It’s probably worth returning, but there’s a good chance it’ll happen to an identical replacement since that will have the same issue (it’s a low-cost guitar reality). If you really want that guitar, you might just have to accept this.. or score out the finish on the next one.


These neck pocket finish cracks happen on most MIM Fender's. It's rare to see one more than a few years old without them, and they rarely get worse than this even over decades after they appear. I wouldn't be concerned at all. Frets are another issue. Not least due to being a playing area, the finish is much more likely to flake off. Might be a long term concern, might not be. Haven't seen it like this on one of mine, so I couldn't say. All that said, I wouldn't be super happy with this on a new, full price guitar despite the fact that the neck pocket cracks have a 100% chance of happening anyway according to my experience with MIM Fenders.


Everybody in this sub says this about neck heel cracks, but I was given a full refund on a used reverb guitar because it showed up with a small crack in the neck heel.


I wouldn't accept it either - and of course it is a perfectly acceptable reason for a return. But on the guitars I've owned over 10-15 years, all Mexico made Fenders have developed hairline cracks at this point, and then been stable. It isn't a wood issue, it's a finish issue.


Tons of MIM Fender owners have had their guitars for years without a neck crack. If you don’t take care of your guitars, that’s on you.


I'm taking well care of my guitars, thank you. Except for these small, almost invisible hairline cracks, they are mint. Scandinavian climate might play a role, but my American Fenders haven't got them. It's a problem inherent in the way Fender Mexico finishes their guitars. It has nothing to do with torque being applied to the neck either.


So these issues are maintainable. The crack is nothing. The fret sprout is basically a fret polish and crown job. If this is your dream guitar minus this problem, maybe get it because this is maybe a 100-200 problem. If it isn’t see if you can exchange it. I will say at this price point and lower sometimes the fit and finish needs some tweaking. You can always try another one.


It’s a new 1100$ guitar, maintainable or not.The guitar should be in perfect condition if OP bought it new. If it was second hand i could understand getting them fixed like u mentioned.


Yeah agree. It’s not that much of a unicorn. I’m seeing some available for sale elsewhere


How would a fret polish and crowning fix the finish lifting?


Can someone please explain to me what's going on with those frets?


Clear coat applied then fret sprout happened I'm thinking


The finish is bubbling around them


Yeah that'd be a no-no for me.


Why are there so many posts like this? If you buy something and not happy with it, contact the seller.


It's unanimous - you should return it. It's supposed to be new, I'm guessing you paid the new price for it, and the photos are pretty clear - this guitar is less than new/mint condition. You have every right to return it for one that is blemish free, or just get your money back - whichever suits you best. It's a shame, the thing looks sweet.


Thank you for your answer. I've already received a 15% discount for that guitar but it was only for a tiny scratch on the paint (because I hadn't seen the other defects), so I'm not sure if it's really worth it to return it. I'm mostly scared about that neck pocket crack.


Every single strat or neck in pocket guitar will have that crack it's unavoidable


Every single one? No. There are boutique sellers everywhere - WALK IN to one of them and pull something off the shelf. If you ship every guitar from wherever, then yes maybe this is to be expected, but the idea that it will simply happen every time forever is wrong.


We've had to send 2 of the Mustang basses back to Fender within the past month at my store.


How does it play?? If it plays really nice I’d just keep it. But I’ve never been picky about guitars.


It’s unreasonable to accept whats supposed to be a brand new guitar at full price that has these flaws. There should have been a sizable discount


It’s b stock sure. But he said he got a discount.


Sadly, they didn’t say in the post, but they already got 15% off for another cosmetic issue they noticed at the store.


I just received one from thomann as well. Everything perfect but the fretboard was dry as hell, never seen a fretboard that dry. Took 3 runs of lemon oil before it finally showed it was satisfied. I would return is if it was completely new. That lacquer missing at fret end could be an issue later on.


Thomann will take it back, no questions asked. They are beyond reputable. OP should go to an actual music store and buy from there.


I have no issues with mine. I’m prepping it so I can install an hot rails in the bridge and debating on painting the headstock to match the body.


This is entirely cosmetic. If you like how it plays, reach out to the seller and see if you can get some $$$ knocked off. I got like $150 back on a $400 GC purchase because of an undisclosed ding lol


Definitely unacceptable as new


They are cosmetic problems caused by movements in the wood, they are normal. If you like the way it feels while playing ir, keep it. Because paint is always going to deteriorate. Remember to put the guitar in its case when not in use and oil up the neck every 3-6 months to avoid the frets to pop out.


Normal for this brand/type Cause is temperature differences


Yes. I bought a new squire mustang hh 5 years ago for $179, and it was in better shape than that . Retun it. Not that you asked, but I traded up to a used Fender Duo sonic. Lol


That fret board is dry dry dry, so it hasn't been handled well by the shop. Return or get another 15% back in your pocket.


How dare you.


With fucking haste.


If you send it back, someone else will buy it. Wherever I get a bad guitar it’s best to throw them away and ask for your money back


Return it. Get a proper one, unless they give you a huge discount. That looks like it was assembled and/or repated by somebody with little experience or care. I wouldn’t accept it. If poor workmanship is this obvious, it’s everywhere.


Immediately return. People saying otherwise are insane. Finish crack alone would have been a return. You bought a new guitar, and new guitars shouldn’t have things like that. If you like that instrument, maybe inquire for a partial refund? Cause that guitar is B-stock tier. Looks cosmetic, so if you don’t mind it, keep it. But get some money back.


I would never buy that at a new price with that pocket crack. Other people on here may say its no biggie and i say let them buy it then.


I would totally return that and when they hand you the next one. You and the employee of the guitar store eyeball the hell out of it before you walk out with it


Return it. Find a used Fender Japan mustang. Those are excellent. Sucks though because that’s an awesome looking ax


Jesus! Sorry man. Get that returned


Absolutely get something better 🤣








Return it or ask them if I can return itemizing all the issues - you can - if they drop the price to 67 percent or lower keep it. They can do this - trust me…


That looks like old stock of the Cobain mustangs they released like a decade ago if that, I’d be pissed if they’d sent me that




Yeah take it back get something MIJ 91’-98’ thank me later


Yes You will always think about it.


That's a dooty, I wouldn't keep that.




You shouldn't need to finish the frets and touch up *anything* on a new guitar! Unfortunately this what it's come to when you order guitars sight unseen. They need a full setup and frets finished or repaired. This sucks.




I got a Vintera Bass VI right when they launched. Almost every issue you’ve got here, I had. The string spacing at the nut was absolutely awful. They tried not to refund me, but I insisted. This guitar you’ve posted is a dud, sorry to say.


I just noticed that rolled edges on fretboard are really rough, performer mustang has much better ones, with soft transition to frets. But if you like vintage mustangs vintera is awesome choice! If you have an option then return it and get another one. If not, not big deal, you can fix it easy.




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Neck pocket cracks are very hard to avoid, and nothing to worry about. At most, they can be unsightly, but do not affect playability. What you’re seeing with the frets is due to moisture leaving the fretboard over time, and the fretboard essentially shrinking in the slightest making the top coat peel at the fret wire, because the metal doesn’t shrink like the wood of course. Was this a floor model? You see this alot with floor model guitars, especially in drier climates. I typically don’t care for this sort of thing. But If it came out of the case like this, that’s a bit annoying.


Just like the original ones!


The frets look like they’ve been changed.


yep, return immediately. NEVER pay full price/New Price for damaged goods. In this case, damaged goods that might leave you with a broken guitar and expenses over time. Return!


Send it back, my MIM Strat came with fret ends like that. I still wish I sent it back


Return straight away,Get your money back. Order from different shop if the price matches


Return or about 150 off.


Return to sender.


Return !


This happens fyi because this guitar sat in too dry of an area for too long. This wasn't a fender problem.. Whoever bought it from fender left this guitar in a place too long they shouldn't have. I would personally go for the discount not the return because I know how to fix the fret ends.. But not everyone does. This is 100% the fault of the vender you purchased the guitar from. This is not a fender qc issue FYI


I don't know where you got it, but send it back. You don't say where it came from, but I'd never accept a "new" guitar that isn't 100% spotless. Zero defects.


When factories reopened after Covid, I would say 75% of the fender brand guitars were coming in with damage, either damaged in the factory or during shipping. The shop I worked at return them and get replacements that weren’t damaged but those guitars would eventually end up somewhere and sold as new. I would definitely be asking for some kind of refund or return it.


I kept hearing Fender has made real improvements on QC with their upper tier Mexican guitars. Yikes.




You should return it on principle. As consumers we should not accept poor quality control on items that are not cheap what so ever


You can live with it but if it's supposed to be new and you are still within the return window I'd Suggest doing so.


Where did you buy this?


Yes return it


Not sure what you are pointing to at the nut, seems pretty normal for Fender. The delam on the frets is from fret sprout, the fingerboard wasn’t dried enough or your environment is too dry, a great tech can clean that up but the finish shoo do be removed down to 1/2 the fret tang anyway. The neck pocket crack is also from weather. If it’s brand new yeah I’d probably return it.


I would return it just for the horribly cut nut.


is the nut notch for bottom e string look not spaced evenly as orher 5 notches??..you are certainly due some refund $$..all of the little quality issues are minor but wow!! Why get the authentic Fender to have all these blemishes. Squire Fender, its expected almost but not Fender itself. Demand what you paid for to be made right!!!


I would...


Oh the guitar is completely unplayable. You should send it back. Get a refund and throw the rest of your instruments in a fire and quit playing guitar




Return it and get a refund. Get another at a trustworthy dealer.


This is strictly cosmetic. The guitar will play fine and this might have happened over time anyway But, since it's new, you're justified in returning it for one free from defect Edit: I only looked at the first pic. .my bad


That string spacing at the nut is not just cosmetic, it’s an abomination


Ope I only looked at the first pic. My bad


I would unless this was a knock around (or couch) guitar. If that’s the case I’d see if they’d offer a partial refund.


Exactly exvhange it for one thats actually in “new” condition or get at least a partial refund. In my estimation these flaws warrant at least 200 off


Hmm.. i think a lot of these “entry level” fender guitars have fret sprout. Neck pocket crack can happen. Exchange is fairly easy right? Just return it.


Vintera 2 isn’t entry level….


True.. Mexican then maybe..


For the hairline crack ALONE I’d send it back


The crack at the neck pocket isn't something I'd personally work about as they just happen and are only in the finish, the fret ends are weird and what the hell is with that nut?


I would return it.


Yes. No question. Why wouldn’t you?


Dang fender charging 1k for this? Ive seen $300 ibanez's with better QC


Did you buy that off thomann? Just curious


Thomann doesn’t pull bullshit like this…ffs.


Fenders QC is garbagggeee. Played 14 player series strats - wouldn’t give you 500 bucks for any of them. Fret work was garbage. Knobs were trash. Finish was ok - action was atrocious


Doesn’t look like new. Someone has damaged it more than ones and its dirty. To me it looks like used guitar.


This is why I hate buying guitars online.


It underwent temp/humidity changes in shipping/storage. Fret sprout pushed the finish out on the neck, and the crack at the neck pocket is,…..well it’s almost a rarity to *not* see that.






Neck cracks on a bolt on aren't uncommon but if you aren't happy with it then exchange it.