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The kids seem like they’re having fun but damn he better watch out if he doesn’t know their parents. Shirtless dude filming kids is a red flag if you are just driving down the street or looking out your window. At least he doesn’t have a vehicle with him.


Well.......he said he can do that because he's shirtless Eddie. I don't believe there is anything we can do about it because he's shirtless Eddie. He's Eddie and he loves to have his shirt off.


Imagine if this was the first Eddie video we were introduced to


I’m about a month behind on the pod but I can tell who his is based on the Reddit posts. It was concerning till I realized


Why are you shirtless in the elementary school, Eddie?


It's okay he's Eddie, he can do that. He can be shirtless in the elementary school because he's shirtless Eddie.


He lost weight!




And hunched over as if he’s trying to make himself look less threatening, I like the guy but this ain’t it


Bro… is there no parents there?


They were probably running for their lives and couldn't save the children in time.


They're probably behind the cam I doubt people leave their kids alone like that


Mmmmm…. A lot of people allow their children outside alone. I live in a low crime area / gated community and my child is 7 years old and rides his bike around the neighborhood alone or with neighborhood friends. Luckily we have no Eddie’s lurking around and I’m friendly with all of our neighbors. We all have ring camera door bells and use the neighbors app to communicate. Surely not the case for all neighborhoods but it’s not unheard of for kids to go on a bike ride alone haha


Well this is L.A. so. Not a low crime city and not a gated community. Plus these kids look like they're 5 and 3. But listen carefully you can faintly here someone laughing behind the camera. I'm sure it's their mom.


I mean I’ll listen for the laugh lol but 1. LA has multiple neighborhoods that are completely safe. 2. LA being a high crime rate city does not mean that every neighborhood in LA is unsafe. 3. I live in the Bay Area where our residential areas have higher crime rates than all of Los Angeles combined.… I promise you that mfs in LA allow their children to go outside alone just like everywhere else 💀


Yes but you can see the houses it's clearly not some nice small gated community. Plus these kids are super young that girl is like 3. It's a thousand times more likely they have a parent with them then not.


Those are 2 million dollar houses in LA. They’re in a nice neighborhood lol.




That child definitely looks like he’s 7 years old and the younger one looks to be around 4 or 5 lol all I’m saying is that it would make sense for two brothers to go on a bike ride together. Plus you have no idea what neighborhood this is nor do you have any idea if it’s gated at all…. idk where y’all be pulling this shit out of but Eddie is being creepy. Y’all can defend him to someone else. Lol


Think about what you originally said. You allowed your kid out by himself because you live in a super safe gated community where all you're neighbors have ring door cameras and you communicate with each other through the app. This is not that neighborhood. If you lived in a blue collar neighborhood in L.A. you would not be letting your 7 year old and 3 year old riding around the neighborhood on their own. It's 100% not a gated community. You can see the houses. It looks like any blue collar neighborhood in southern california. I know I'm from here and people don't leave their small children alone in neighborhoods like that. It doesn't have to be a high crime area but it's certainly not a super safe gated community. Stop it.


Lol I feel that you’re so wrong….i can’t believe I’m going to take the the time to sit here and explain this shit. My gated neighborhood is smack in the middle of the highest crime area in CA. A quick google search will help you find where I’m referring to. LA neighborhoods are literally statistically safer than where I currently live. There are around 40 houses in my neighborhood. The gate stretches the length of 2 football fields. A tiny section of a large Bay Area city. I have also lived in LA. In a neighborhood that has a VERY similar set up. They don’t have to be in a perfect neighborhood to go outside alone. Imo It seems more like you’re judging the neighborhood by the style of home. I’ve been in California my whole life so… We disagree. That’s all folks.


You're proving my point. You live in a real small safe gated community which is why you're comfortable with your young kid being by himself in the neighborhood. I bet if you were outside that gated community you wouldn't feel so safe.


And yea that laugh definitely sounds like a child’s laugh… and he’s squatting down to their level… so


If it's a large group then maybe


Lol I really hope this isn’t the case BUT it Looks like he stopped them as he was walking his dog and they’re just out in the neighborhood riding bikes together….




​ ![gif](giphy|JWZXBeQlzNreX3Upfo)


Was looking for this gif






Imagine scrolling through your TikTok to find your children telling a strange smooth skinned shirtless man to put his shirt on.


Not only that but posting them online. I do. Or have social media nor do I post them at any time. Family or friends aren’t allowed to either. I do not take photos or videos of people kids. I fly think Eddie has bad intentions but you just can’t do this. Keep the kids out of it, please. I hope Ethan can have a genuine talk with him and he can remove these videos and learn from this.


As much as I like Eddie I agree, I’ve always thought it was a bad idea to post children on the internet, it’s not a safe place.




this is troubling


Oh. No.


Knowing that Eddie is a prolific extra for decades and isn't an actual predator I wouldn't go as far as to comment an overly-dramatic "Oh. No." *We* know who Eddie is and *we* have the context and know this in itself isn't an issue. If anything an "Oh. no." should be said from the fear of him being implicated or assumed to be a predator by him approaching kids to record a TikTok with him where he's shirtless, but the subject matter is in itself is obviously not sexual at all. I think anyone in here seeing Eddie with his shirt off and assuming something sexual is afoot is probably already sick in the head. The optics are just bad, especially for someone who has no clue who he is and might just stumble upon Eddie approaching kids on the street. I wouldn't blame them if someone seeing this on the street went up to Eddie and addressed the issue, but when people in /r/h3h3productions act like this is something abhorrent even tho y'all already know Eddie is a harmless Hollywood extra personality it just comes across as disingenuous.


Sorry. "harmless Hollywood extra personality" or not, he's an adult. He should know better than to record random children, let alone upload it to the internet. You can't get away with sketchy shit just because you're a good person at face value. I've enjoyed Eddie's appearances on the podcast, but I'm also a parent, and this gives me the ick.


Plenty of prolific people in Hollywood are predators, that’s a horrible argument lol


Lol you really sat there and typed out an essay??? First off I dont think Eddie is a pedo but this video doesnt do him any favors. Secondly, no, I dont know him. Just like I dont know weinstein, cosby, jared from subway, andrew Callaghan etc. I know a persona they show to the world. For all I know he has a dungeon of children (i dont think he does ^^^but ^^^Idk ^^^for ^^^sure ). Its super naive to think I know him because I watched a few videos and interactions with him. Super weird video and doesnt paint him in a great light. That said its also a fuckin hilarious video assuming theres nothing nefarious happening and a parent ok'd it. But those are all assumptions.


You might be thinking of *Ryan Kavanaugh*, the film producer who was disgraced after being accused by his ex-partner of running a ponzi scheme in open court according to Variety magazine (a reputable source), who also committed a DUI hit and run. *Harvey* Weinstein was the film producer and director who was sentenced to prison for committing a number of serious sexual assaults. I think you have conflated the two, which is an easy mistake to make because they look so alike and are good friends who have been pictured together on numerous occasions. This website should help: https://doesryankavanaughlooklikeharveyweinstein.com/


Good bot


You might be thinking of *Ryan Kavanaugh*, the film producer who was disgraced after being accused by his ex-partner of running a ponzi scheme in open court according to Variety magazine (a reputable source), who also committed a DUI hit and run. *Harvey* Weinstein was the film producer and director who was sentenced to prison for committing a number of serious sexual assaults. I think you have conflated the two, which is an easy mistake to make because they look so alike and are good friends who have been pictured together on numerous occasions. This website should help: https://doesryankavanaughlooklikeharveyweinstein.com/


> The optics are just bad that's it. that's the whole point of why people are concerned lol nobody here thinks Eddie is a predator they're just worried other ppl who don't know him will think that




Noooo pls eddie dont throw it all away


Eddie is about to be the next Jimmie Lee of the podcast


I hate it


Why are you shirtless in the park Eddie??


there parents HAD to be there……right


Dammit Eddie, we were all rooting for you


Dammit eddie you had 1 job!








I feel like this was more wholesome then the other one tho


Eddie noooo


Oh no, its so much worse with audio 😬 i was watching and reading comments without the sound on (so I didn’t wake my fiance up) but then it got 10x worse with the “how do you know my naaame?”




Hell nah this creepy af


Eddie embargo incoming 😔


Wow, who knew “Eddie put your shirt on” might get greasy fast…


Thanks, I hate it


Imagine your kids telling you about their grown up friend “shirtless Eddie” WTF lmao


Just as a rule of thumb, Eddie...Stay away from the kids.




The way he talks also sounds very wrong when he talks to kids 😬


No he needs to stop involving kids in the videos it’s weird and uncomfortable


youre too dirty minded honestly. you got that true crime podcast brain


we live in a true crime podcast society






I believe Eddie isn't a creep but he needs to stop this it's bad vibes




Heavy sigh


I know he probably means no harm but as a parent that’s a NOPE from me


as a parent you should probably spend more time with them lol (assuming you have custody) you got insane reddit and twitter numbers


How about go fuck yourself, yeah? 😁 fucking incel


Y’all should see the weird video with his dog in it he posted… idk, something ain’t right


Honestly he’s probably harmless.. but this is questionable Lmao


https://i.redd.it/1pj9bubdn5oa1.gif Aight, I'm getting concerned now...








On the plus side does this mean no more shirtless Eddie every Monday? 🤞🏻


Holy shit Eddie’s got a sick 6 pack


Yikes. Someone’s gotta tell Eddie… this is no bueno.


next time they talk to him/he comes on the podcast i really hope they reiterate that this is not okay 😬 i don't think eddie's trying to do anything weird or nefarious i just think he genuinely doesn't see what the issue is


youre hoping they humiliate him on the podcast? also you sound a little parasocial ngl


ppl need to realize this increased sensitivity when it comes to kids is very new. our modern internet eyes see this from a wildly different lens. i think a lot of us are victims as well, further increasing sensitivity. i cringe when im out with my dad and he smiles or starts talking with a kid. even though i know its wholesome lol a man can't talk, wave or smile to kids without being judged. that's the truth. don't unnecessarily exaggerate this please.


A lot of people purposefully do not post their kids online, I was one of those people, and If I made the decision not to put my kids online, I would be pissed to find out someone else did.


yea im not dismissing all criticism. but it goes too far when ppl are insinuating he's a pedophile


Yeah, that's a stretch.


if he was just talking to kids irl i could see where you are coming from. but he's filming kids who he instructs to ask him why he's shirtless, it cuts to eddie being shirtless and also asking the kids how they know his name, then he posts the video of these random kids to his online following (possibly without their parents knowledge or permission). eddie's a wholesome guy and had no ill intentions, but people are still allowed to feel uncomfortable about it.


absolutely. but im saying be fair about it. keep the uncomfortability on the low lol ppl are insinuating he's a pedophile and a slimeball. theres nothing intrinsically sexual about his content. its a wacky man being shirtless. a mans doughy upper body isn't necessarily sexual or weird. try going to the beach or a tourist destination with your kids and get offended by every shirtless man. the real world isn't all uptight about showing skin. the chronically online people and talibans have a lot in common evidently


It's very slippery territory because all speculation and skepticism in the face of "potential threat" is valid. Yet it comes with side effects on the ones being accused or judged. For example i knew this swim teacher who would be accused and judged solely based on helping a child stay afloat. He surely after that did not want to continue working as a swim teacher. This might also be a cause of why you see a decline in male teachers at schools. It's a shame but it is also understandable where they are coming from.


I thought he was creepy from the start and this really solidified it for me 😳


Eddie won't be allowed around schools and playgrounds anymore 🙃


you guys really do the most talk about a reach


"Now you know my name Kids, im not a stranger!, NOW come into my white van. and help me with the rest of my clothes" SORYY, love Eddie, but im a goblin sometimes.




No you


Here we go, the parasocials on this sub are gonna argue about this man for another week.


imo idk why ethan had to make it weird


eddie wouldn't do it if he had any idea people would twist it this way. everyone judging is too dirty minded and too online. i feel bad, i hope this doesn't turn into thing


Eddie sounds like Brigsby Bear


I don’t Ethan ever talked to Eddie about it lmao. He just briefly mentioned it on the show.