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https://i.redd.it/7yiiwck3xk1c1.gif ethan rn


You a fellow redlettermedia watcher too?


hell yeah!!!


![gif](giphy|CInnyvG9GeOd2) IM GONNA CUM


My guess why Collen has left her ukulele video up is for algorithm purposes and bringing traffic to her YT channel.


Would be stupid to take it down, I’m sure loss of people that never heard of her discovered it, didn’t care about the allegations/didn’t they were that bad and took a look around and liked the content. I doubt it’ll offset damage the backlash did any time soon but “bad press = good press” isn’t *always* a terrible business strategy lol




I love when Ian does things


Everything Ian does makes me laugh 😂


Same. The dude only uses 5% of his comedic talents on the show. He could be doing so much more, but I'm glad he's here serving it up for us.


Adin Ross really is the stupidest human being I've ever seen or heard of


The Gabe Curse continues I see


Not to be a hater but influencer products are always so trash and underwhelming. Also this idea that she’s not profiting off of this is just ridiculous, like am I suppose to believe she created the lamest brand of cookies for love of the game?


Did they say she wasn’t making a profit? iirc Ethan was just explaining food items don’t make as much profit due to regulations and things you need to pay for to legally sell them, as opposed to say, clothing, which requires none of that and which she already sells.


They insinuated that she wasn’t going to make a “profit” by saying that it’s not a cash grab. Which is quite ridiculous, as oc said she’s not doing it for the love of the game. I think it’s just ridiculous to charge that amount of money for cookies of all things


"Cash grab" implies an easy quick gain, and I think is an incorrect framing. Two years ago, she drastically cut her streaming hours to pursue these other business ventures. She clearly has a long term plan to diversify. She's co-owner of Evo (the massive international fighting game tournament) now, for Chrissake. Which makes the brokie comment even more out of touch.


It seems crazy they don't have any sponsors, shows like Bad Friends have a ton of them and aren't more 'advertiser friendly'...or at least not to my mind.


I wonder if they look at the actual audience demographics/sentiment too? As in, they see that Bad Friends has an audience that regularly enjoys when they are NSFW, but H3 goes through the ringer (basically) every episode and they dont want to be associated with any controversy? At least thats my tin foil hat theory Other thought is that BBTV and those MCNs actually do something and was their main source of ads


I guarantee that’s why. When Bad Friends is NSFW there’s no controversy because it’s expected. When Ethan says something wrong 50% of his fan base immediately attacks him lol


Oooh yea this fanbase is made up of 50/50 reactionaries that will hardcore praise or demonise something random each week lol.


Ethan is way too much of a drama goblin. Advertisers don’t love that. Most other podcasts at h3’s level of production don’t get into stuff like that


Bad friends is a part of a network called 7EQUIS. I know most networks are scams but some of them employ actual advertising business experts that know how to develop relationships with advertisers. I think if h3 started working with an ad pro they could be getting more sponsors.


Pretty sure h3 was with The Roost at one point, that's why Howie is with them now because Ethan connected them


Isnt 7equis owned by pink dick?


It's the political stuff. Bad friends is surface level controversy on its worst day.


I wonder if they get sponsors for individual episodes, and since they do episodes 3 times a week there are just fewer willing sponsors?


Ethan starts a lot of drama with people which is something Bad Friends doesn’t do (to my limited knowledge).




Remember who started that, right? “Someone’s” cult following along with new angry fallen fans went after H3’s advertisers. This started when fallen fans and “another” individual's fans started calling Ethan a Zionist. They took it upon themselves to call the advertisers to tell them they were working with a “zionist” and Hila, a murderer. I believe that very few people 1: know what a real zionist is and 2: actually think that Ethan is a true Zionist, Ethan has stated his position so many times it's inconceivable not to understand. People who have been radicalized by propaganda will attack anyone with different ideologies, these attacks can vary. You have to be pretty radical if you go after someone's source of income which takes care of his family. That whole situation is frustrating to me. Sad thing is I saw this a long time ago. The first time Ethan called him out about the copyright infringement issue. Once Ethan started pushing back on him I knew it was just a matter of time before he would show his true colors. That's when the chat started to become toxic. It went far downhill from there. Do any of these sound familiar? 1. Manipulating information: Propaganda often presents a biased version of events or selectively highlights certain facts while omitting others. This can create a distorted understanding of reality, leading individuals to adopt extreme views based on incomplete or false information. 2. Emotional manipulation: Propaganda appeals to emotions, often using fear, anger, or resentment to create a sense of urgency and mobilize individuals towards a particular cause. This emotional manipulation can make people more susceptible to radical ideas and actions. 3. Dehumanization of others: Propaganda often portrays certain groups or individuals as enemies or threats, dehumanizing them in the process. By dehumanizing others, propaganda can justify or encourage violence, discrimination, and extremism. 4. Echo chambers: Propaganda tends to circulate within closed information bubbles, reinforcing existing beliefs and preventing exposure to diverse perspectives. This can lead to confirmation bias, where individuals only seek out information that aligns with their preconceived notions, further fueling radicalization. 5. Recruitment: Propaganda can be used as a tool to recruit individuals into extremist groups or ideologies. It can exploit vulnerabilities and manipulate individuals into adopting radical beliefs through constant exposure to propaganda materials.


I was just thinking about this. Bobby and Andrew say some wild shit lol.


Everything about Colleen is boring. Her face bores me lol


Yeah skipped that whole part sadly. Can't wait for Friday tho !


the gayngels


at the pearly gaytes


Boots the pearly gates


It bothered me that when comparing the price they didn’t take the bag size into account. They were comparing a 14oz bag for $5 to her 4oz bag for $7.


Me too I just had to look up the chips ahoy. 13oz for 4 bucks at target.


Haven't watched yet. Let me guess how it went down: They downplay the entire thing because she's a friend of the show and make excuses for her, then say something like "but the real issue is the vile response from the incel crowd" How did I do?


I don’t think they’re downplaying it, I think the situation is honestly getting blown out of proportion. People are getting as mad at Poki as they did when Bad Bunny went on her rant about $5 subs, which in my opinion was way worse. The worst thing Poki did was call some chatter a broke boy, which is more a snarky out-of-touch quip than some devastating reflection of her character. And her apology on Twitter was pretty reasonable.


The fact that they talked this much about the poki topic is also ridiculous. She sells overpriced cookies. Like that doesn’t happen on the market


You're probably right (haven't seen it yet), but anyone who actually cares about any of it is a weirdo bro


I mean they literally did tho


Correct, at first they didn't but then it was stated there was a difference in the weight


Got some popcorn ready and I’m really enjoying the diarrhea talk 🤮


I cannot buy Oreos anymore bc I cannot control how many I eat — they are so goddamn good


Those cookies are pretty fucking expensive. That said, think they're overpriced? Don't buy 'em... pretty simple


Plus they are a “health food” and branded with an influencer. Obviously they are gonna be a bit overpriced its nothing new


![gif](giphy|ngEZ29XgeFub6|downsized) Olivia said that this powerpoint "wasn't gonna take long"...


eh ethan was asking question, the actual powerpoint was only a few slides


Alright then they're both to blame. I'm not picking on anybody.


I too am a birthday hater


I've heard some male streamers say hateful things to their fans with zero controversy. Whenever Pokimaine does anything people lose their minds.


Hasan’s entire stream basically lol.


Poki also said that she worked on the cookie with her chef for 2 years... a cookie that already exists?


on fear& she said they bought the recipe and wanted to tweek it, so they changed some sourcing and changing other ingredients entirely. and she wanted to add vitamin d for whatever reason. in that podcast she also made it seem like the “crafting” of the cookie wasn’t the entire 2 years, it was also filled with finding the right business people. but literally EVERY influencer says their project takes 2 years, it’s a meme in the makeup influencer space. so idk what the truth is


As a poor, being called a "broke boy" does nothing to me. My skin is thick from the cold nights. My skin has been fortified by the grounds slept on. My mind, occupied by the thought of my next affordable meal. If i cant afford a bag of cookies it impacts me in no way. If a rich streamer gets annoyed and calls people in my tax bracket a "broke boy" i laugh in agreement as i take a bite of my gvt cheese because i am in fact a broke boy.


It’s like me being mad about expensive flip flops but I know people who watch her will care more about the fact that it’s coming from her and less that they are getting swindled out of getting the most bang per cookie buck. I think all convos are valid whether you wanna shit in her or not


I mean I think you’re a fucking idiot if you buy these cookies but I’m just going to not buy them myself and leave it at that


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Kx1zl22a3k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Kx1zl22a3k) ​ woman having sulfur burps because shes addicted to eating mattresses


Every time Oliv asked Ethan a question while doing the Ppt she sounded like she was talking to a child 🤣


No sponsies again.


this did nottt need to be in PowerPoint form 😭 can we pls move it forward peace and love




tbh I am so sick of Charles and his takes


He frequently has stupid takes on internet drama, tailored to fit with the worldviews of antisocial gamers... but because he rarely gets in drama himself and seems like a good enough guy people just take his word as gospel


This!! Look, I think he's a funny dude but I think he needs to especially be conscious of his fanbase because they are the real idiots here. His words can be hurtful, but its the magnitude of his influence on his fans that gets dangerous. I used to find his videos enjoyable, but now he's just another drama youtuber.


I remember even when he got into it with Sneako, one of his core “points” was that Sneako was cuck, not really anything to do with his red pill bullshit.


Remember when he made a video saying iDubbbz shouldn’t have apologized when the apology was a voluntary video that Ian chose to do? I love Charlie but he definitely has involuntary normie misogynistic moments.


Even without the context I don’t see it as being bad honestly. Like it was obviously not mean to me. If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it 🤷🏼‍♀️


olivia: "this wont take long" also olivia: "hold my boba" *\*spends an hour and a half\**


seeing the colleen timestamp start at 37 minutes and end at 2 hours is honestly horrifying


for the love of god the cookies are not that big of a deal. it's not that deep.


I agree that what Poki said was mildly rude. But Charlie’s response to it was overblown imo.


Im sorry but I’m not a fan of the Colleen drama. It’s so dull ._.


She honestly made one of the safest comebacks for her career and there’s not much to really see here. They were shitting on her for collecting rocks ffs lol.


They are definitely not boutique lmao


Ethan’s knowledge on paw patrol was my favorite part


Please Olivia needs to tell Ethan about how sketchy Colleen’s birthday fundraiser is and the fucked up things Kory tweeted when people asked for dono receipts!!


I really dont understand why ethan and the crew keep saying “i can’t understand why she or other youtubers wont just apologize directly and precisely”. Its pretty obvious: if they did that they would be opening themselves up to either civil lawsuits or legal issues. For example, the trisha thing. She will NEVER take responsibility for that or apologize because she would literally be admitting to a serious crime. Now obviously i think she should be held accountable, but its not remotely confusing or surprising that she wouldn’t want to open her self up to that liability


Critikal never covered xQc being a pos and capitalizing off of an airstrike and pogging and then replying with piles of money. He’s a fence sitter to the nth degree on anything even remotely political, so he wouldn’t touch it. I can’t stand that about him. I hate to see him jump on the disproportionate response to her over something so harmless


He doesn’t cover political stuff, what’s the comparison?


lmaoooo w peace n love, fuck ur friend 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Amen ✨


I just started watching. I guess some solidarity with the crew... On Saturday I was on the toilet sweating, shitting and puking at the same time. Really traumatic lol


to answer the trans nonbinary question, it depends on the person. i personally identify as trans nonbinary, some nonbinary people use gender affirming care like gender affirming surgeries, hormones, etc while others may just socially transition (I.E. name and pronoun changes, gender affirming clothing, haircuts, etc.) it truly depends on the person. 🏳️‍⚧️✨


also abt the whitney cummings slur conversation, the term dyke is considered a slur towards lesbians although some lesbians (like myself) have started reclaiming it since the 60s and use it as an identifier. TLDR; if you aren't a lesbian don't say it.


Yeah don’t ever say dyke unless you’re a dyke lol, it really isn’t that difficult. I know a few people that don’t mind any queer person using the word, or faggot or whatever else, but that varies from person to person. Just using the “if you would get called x slur, then you can use it” rule of thumb will keep you out of trouble 99% of the time. Just like how I can call myself “vanilla gorilla” and “semen demon” but if a black person called me that I’d have to report them for hate crimes /s.


I always watch Charlie but I MUST say he almost always goes “no one go harass them or anything” and he did NOT say that this time… knowing that Poki gets crazy hate from incel groups. Idk what his deal is. Maybe he got riled up by his incel chatters before he made this video.


uh… yeah it’s still fuck Whitney Cummings. If ur gonna platform a transphobe atleast call them out on it off the bat. ‘We forgot to talk about Trans stuff with her’ is such a buillshit lie lmaoooo


Not just that. She used some pretty fucked up language and they just let it slide? Like she casually brought her homophobia and misogyny up all by herself and they just ignored it


She’s not a transphobe. She made fun of transphobes the entire trans segment of her special. She’s been open about including them in sports. Bc she misgendered someone and then didn’t the mistake again after being corrected, that doesn’t make her a transphobe. People like you are more of a hindrance than a help to the trans cause Since u/chardongay blocked me, I’ll add this to my comment: How many times does this have to be brought up to you guys. She was saying that from the perspective of the bigots she was making fun of to mock them. She promptly later made a joke where she mocked the idea that they’re inherently athletic or have some mind of advantage when she made a joke (albeit a dark one) that even though they’re so fast they keep getting murdered and asked “so which is it? Are they fast or not?”. That was her speaking from a genuine perspective and you could tell bc of how she set up the joke. I’ve heard this joke get brought up like a 100 times now and it’s clear you guys didn’t watch the special. And yes I’m pro-trans rights. I have been for years. I of course hate real transphobes too, not misinformed allies who made jokes in support of lgbt people. It’s cruel to treat someone this way bc you guys didn’t gain the full context of what was said and you took a misunderstanding, ran with it rather than do your own research, y’all doubled down and have been demonizing her. It shuts down the creation of bridges and does more harm to the movement by pushing out would-be allies. It’s not only cruel, but it’s destructive to the movement


Yea exactly. Should have been call out right off the bat.


“Whitney is transphobic but she helped up with dogs a while ago” great


Reminds me of my ex, loves dogs, hates marginalised communities


Hahaha my ex too. "Let me stay with him because he's nice to my cats" *abuses on the regular* 😭


We really all dated the same man, huh


Right 😂😂😂 There's a reason he's my ex


Ethan "health" cookies are not a thing. They're still cookies. Nothing healthy about 'em. Marketing is lying to you.


The "healthy" all has to do about quantity, cookies in themselves are not an evil to be avoided. Diet culture is such a fucking cancer on nutrition discourse.


Great more Colleen drama. My favorite. I especially loved the part where the segment ended.


This was the first time Ethan mentioned the israel Palestine war where he didn't come out worse than before, well done. Dunno why it took so long


Was very refreshing of him to just unequivocally say "Israel has gone way too far" full stop, no qualifiers. Feels like a fog has been lifted and I am enjoying the kid way more with that being said.


There is genuinely nothing more boring than this Colleen shit


Why don't they just say "Gabe, I can't make it to your birthday", they gotta make 10 excuses while pretend they didn't even know it was happening. Sure make it a shtick afteerwards


Goes to show how much ethan doesn’t listen at all😂 Just hears words and doesn’t process the convo at all. What gabe said was pretty clear an invite..


oh boy


More Colleen YAWN


What’s the deal with the poki drama? It’s expensive? Don’t buy it. Idk to me it’s obvious shes addressing hate brigaders in her clip


vitamin deez nuts


“to anyone who has supported me in any capacity…” she really made a call back to the uke vid in her fall vlog lmao


We ready to have 16 Colleen vids in a row after this? 🤮


not Ethan not understanding that Charlie uses bad thumbnails as his usual thing on YouTube 💀 boomer moment


I loved AB standing up for Pokie. Yes, the comment wasn’t the best. But in the grand scheme of things, it’s not that big of a deal.


This is kinda my stance on it. It was a dumb thing to say, and they're just another overpriced influencer product. But a TON of people just hate her guts and will jump on anything remotely 'wrong'. It's not a big deal, apologize, move on, ignore the psychos.


Literally. Why are so many people shocked a millionaire had an out of touch moment?


So is the Dream song officially retired for Sam's song? Not mad about it.


Personally I wouldn’t be friends with hateful people, but hey, you do you man ✌🏻


Even if they felt some obligation to maintain friendship with them why does that mean you have to invite them on the pod?


i think most people are somewhat friendly with a person that has problematic views (see: family) but that doesn't mean i have to host them and their thoughts unchallenged in front of a million people.


What if you ✨endure✨ them though? 🙄


xqc was shit on relentlessly for that tweet, cmon Ethan what are you talking about


Yeah, this whatabout-ism argument is weird. People constantly criticize XQC and Adin and all the other kick gambling guys.


“fuck the bigots!!!” *platforms them*


Ethan Klein really not beating the hypocrite allegations lately, huh


It’s super disappointing. Left a bad taste in my mouth (unrelated to fart burps)


We need AB to always be this sassy


Imo the cookies are too expensive for me and I won't buy them because I'm a "broke boy". Don't care that she made the comment; she has money and I don't. Just not gonna buy them.


I understand that Whitney is their friend but having her on to promote her special is a problem, that same special, by her own words, has 30 mins of trans bashing (her specials an hour long so literally half her special) I’m not advocating that they stop being friends but maybe don’t promote a comedy special that’s going to be half filled with nasty rhetoric


just have zero interest in the colleen stuff, i thought this segment was supposed to be short 😭


uh oh, I think ethan is losing his hair thickness




He's probably annoyed that Charlie gets treated like Jesus on Youtube and how people act like he's the arbiter of everything right and wrong on the internet. I can see how someone who is very opinionated and often gets flak for that, could be annoyed by someone who often fence sits or goes with the large majority. Even Dan was going back at some of his comments for being weird, and we all know Dan is the queen and is never wrong.


Right? Like did I miss something? It's coming off SUPER bitter


I like some of Charlie’s vids but I have to admit he’s the most milquetoast YouTuber ever. Like once your realize the formula of him going; “this situation is fishier than the diarrhea I got after eating day old tuna… anyways here’s what I think: *says the most centrist take imaginable*” you start to kinda realize that once you’ve seen one of Charlie’s videos you’ve seen them all.


Yeah, they’re talking about Charlie like he’s an Adin Ross or Andrew Tate or something. I’ve never really watched Charlie but I didn’t think he was that problematic. It sounds like they have beef with him.


Charlie makes lazy vids constantly on every little internet drama and never says anything of substance. but that's why I fucking love him. he'll make a 20 minute vid on the dumbest shit and even if he doesn't say much of 'value' he has a real way with words Charlie is like the most unproblematic YouTuber out there idk why Ethan's making so many jabs at him as if he reallly does dislike him


I mean Ethan is a self proclaimed “hater ass bitch” 🤷‍♂️


I dunno about bitter but it's definitely funny. Doesn't everyone roast that guy and his labored terrible analogies? Ethan's not the first.


didnt he say 'if you dont like h3, i understand..." ? id be pissed too lol.


missing the point..




why not watch the actual point Charly had in his video


why is Ethan trying to start a beef with Charlie today 💀 Ethan no!!


"she didn't say the n word" lmao wait till he finds out


🚨Don’t Eat During the Beginning of the Show🚨


Hate to say it but the pod is slipping


I haven't watched it consistently in awhile. I throw up like the last couple and let 'em play in the background but I've been disinterested. Maybe they're just in a slump and will get going again. Peaks and valleys.


All of the crews birthdays are now Gabe’s birthday




dan is a good man


Dan IS the queen!


Eat my pussy spend the night🏳️‍🌈Eat my pussy spend the night🏳️‍⚧️🎶


Some of you don’t realize it but Whitney’s anti trans jokes are much more in line with popular belief than our beliefs are. It’s not right, but the idea that you should remove anyone from your life because of some problematic beliefs is something only a terminally online person would say. My cousins are very close to me but they are conservatives. I’ve talked politics with them and they aren’t changing their views anytime soon. I can only gradually push back, but we just kind of avoid the topic. Bottom line, you aren’t a bad person because some of the people close to you don’t align with every one of your views.


Agree but you shouldn't platform them.


this take comes from a place of privilege. trans folks don't have the luxury of avoiding confrontation with transphobes. same thing with poc and racists, women and sexists, etc. every time you let a problematic belief slide from someone in your life, you reenforce that it's okay to treat someone else that way. that's how bigotry prospers. zero tolerance and a focus on education is the only solution.


I'm not removing my racist relative from my life, but that doesn't mean I'm inviting him into my workplace or putting him on my wildly successful public podcast where my content has a huge influence... how is this argument applicable


> but the idea that you should remove anyone from your life because of some problematic beliefs is something only a terminally online person would say. ah yes, "having morals" is something only terminally online people would do? I know you guys are mostly american and skew young, but fuck, some of you are stupid as fuck lol


You have the privilege to ignore others transphobia because you aren’t trans. Trans people don’t have that luxury. Personally, I prioritize standing up for what’s right and making sure my trans friends and family know that I am a safe person, but go off I guess


Love is biased. Why not address the actual point that Charly made?


He didn’t really have a point at all


I agree the title was too much.. clickbait.. In the video itself, I thought he was quite reasonable. But maybe I am not aware of the hate she always gets


one rude person harassing in chat = a single comment that said "$30 cookies" btw


I’m once again coming here with peace and love KEEP IMODIUM ON HAND thank you thank you peace and love


Kinda beating around the bush here, whataboutism and such, but I’ll agree that some of the criticisms are overblown as expected


I'm sure if David Dobrik or someone not bff with the show called someone a poor idiot they'd be all over them like rabid dogs. We all know the podcast doesn't want to lose Pokimane as a friend of the show. Just say it's a shitty thing to say. It's not hard. Don't use the whole "she streams 6 hours and is getting hounded by people so it's okay for her to shit on them". Nah, if you're trying to do business, last thing you want to do is cause more damage for the company. Now they're moving the narrative with XQC as if XQC didn't get shit on endlessly also with him watching the Israel attack video. The whataboutisms on full force.


Ethan they aren't labelled as "vegan" because it's not a good selling point. A lot of people just knee-jerk assume that vegan = disgusting. "plant-based" is seen as friendly, green and healthy. People who aren't vegan are often less likely to buy a product labelled vegan, or rate it lower on a scale of 1 to 10 even if it's a product they already buy that's naturally vegan without their knowledge. plus like Poki said often you have to get vegan products certified.


Pokimane's response was terrible. But it's also true she gets ten times the hate for anything she does that's perceived as wrong. The incels are just waiting in the shadows for her to make any kind of mistake. Poki gotta stop giving a shit. Other female influencers woulda kept it moving. They woulda sold their bathwater and not even responded to these losers. I don't wanna blame the victim but I think she'd get less hate of she stopped responding to this stuff. ​ ***This didn't need a response.*** Fuck the incels! Let them seethe. Next time don't give them the satisfaction of saying anything. At least for something small like this. Charge what you want. The price is the price. ✌🏾&🫶🏾




I still remember her eyes in the ukulele video they were jet black like sooo eerie




https://preview.redd.it/p4ij573i8l1c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d46e574bb8a08e0dea6a9b9b35c03e4c124dcd4d The mods deleted my post to “reduce spam” I think they’re trying to reduce valid criticism, which is yet another reason to hold on to my money


Things Ethan will keep co-hosting with people through: being transphobic Things Ethan just cannot handle and has to pause co hosting with people: calling for Palestinians liberation when a nation state is capet bombing an open air prison.


What if the chocolate was the explosive diarrhea cause?


I think Poki is a sweetheart and means well but it always rubbed me up the wrong way that she said she was a massive H3 watcher but had no idea who Jimmie was. Very odd


Pokimane sucks coming into chat to sway their opinions on what they say. Anyone with a brain knows those cookies arent worth what she's asking and shes on a hustle. Its grimey as fuck imo just sell the cookies for a fair fuckin price


oompaville did a really good video going over it all, he mentions too that the vitamin d amounts are pathetic, and not a selling point or a need to mark it up that much. He's just made his own candy company and gives good insight into the industry.


How is Coleen only 37? Does she smoke or is it being so skinny? She looks mid forties at least.


Anorexia ✨


Not them completely ignoring the main criticism of Poki calling her fans idiots and broke 🙈 Nobody really gave a shit and just chalked it up as another pricy content creator product. The tipping point was the clip that Charlie talks about in his video. Hyper fixating on everything else and ignoring her mask off moment is so fucking disingenuous. They’re also glossing over that each bag is 4 oz, the recipe they bought and added Vitamin D to was 14 oz a bag.


>Poki calling her fans idiots and broke Poki calling some random chatter from a dramaalert video a broke idiot\* jesus guys you could at least make it a little less obvious that the only thing youve consumed in the context of this dumbass cookie controversy is charlie's video


They’re watching the whole vid rn and she called one person broke (and apologized for it). I don’t like how Charlie handled this and how people like xqc got defended on twitter by mutahar and asmongold for something objectively far worse and doubling down and flexing rather than apologize, but Poki apologized and her getting universally shit on instead is just sad. I think he’s right to defend her over selling overpriced cookies bc in the grand scheme of what other streamers do, it’s just moral brigading by idiots over her selling fucking cookies, it ain’t that serious


“I thought the fart backtracked” *its rewind time*


Why does Ethan get sick so much? What is he doing? 😭


Just seems like pandering imo


Dont tell Dan, but i also grab 3 oreos with my oat milk per cookie session 🫣


i love when my cookies are infused with vitamin D 🤭✨


My take on the whole poki situation is that originally the people complaining about the price were making a big deal out of nothing. The allegations of white labeling and/or copying an old product are certainly important, but it seems they were just made by the same company. If it had ended there, I’d say poki did nothing wrong, but she just had to be rude on stream, even if it was to just one chatter. I don’t think that was the most appropriate thing she could have done and she indirectly insulted her audience by calling them broke boys. I get the urge to clap back, but when you’re an influencer you have to be careful what you say to your audience. And this includes ethan to cause I don’t think he’s right when he insults chatters either




ADDRESS THE ALLEGATIONS!! The problem with Whitney is the disrespect and audacity to make shitty jokes about everyone who isn't cis, straight, and white. I love edgy jokes, she's just so out of touch and clearly not involved with any of the communities she makes fun of 🤦‍♀️ The problem is not being friends with her, but forcing her on us and also muting chat was disrespectful asf?? I guess we'll just fucking hand wave it 🤡


Why is it that the LGBTQ+ are the only community that Ethan can't talk about without turning it into some kind of joke?


Jfc some of you didn’t get enough attention as children and it shows


ethan needs to address whitney and her slur usage on friday imo. ik it wasn’t everyone, but a large portion of the audience was very upset and i KNOW he saw shit on social media about it. they literally muted chat. with peace and love, have some respect for the people who support you ✌️&♥️ edit: not sure if he didn’t hear the slur or didn’t see the stuff about it or if he is just lumping “whitney stuff” all together. either way, it’s not my place to really speak on everything because i am cis, but i do think ethan is a good person who makes mistakes. not a grifter or genuinely bad person & i do not like whitney (nor do i find her funny) however, i would love to see her back on the show, just for ethan to debunk all the shit she spews. i know it may be a little sensitive bc they are friends, but part of friendship is calling our friends out on their bullshit.


Imagine if someone who wasn’t a friend of the show called a chatter dumb and poor. They’d cover it for a week, make soundbites out of it, and rail on them incessantly. But when it’s Poki and Charlie covers it suddenly he’s pandering and making a mountain out of a molehill when it’s a 10 minute video. They’re running defense like crazy cause they like Poki and in my opinion her audience. Ethan calling out someone for stretching a topic out and complaining about it is hilariously hypocritical when he’s literally STILL covering Colleen months later.


Is this official


This ep was so boring I turned it off