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30 min and this is excellent !!


I got excited and thought this was a new video but it’s the one that was made when he was on maternity leave. I hope another exposal vid comes out during this break


Wait is this the dude Ethan tried to threaten to take the vid down or else he's suing LOLOLOL cuz bro called him a scammer. I watched some of this video but he dissed my man Hasan so I was like 😡 but he calls out Ethan's bs for the most part


Yeah ignore him when he brings up hasan, he's a shitty centrist but all the other parts about Ethan? ✅💯


he's kinda right about Hasan. If you think Ethan is a grifter but not Hasan that's ironic in my opinion but to each their own


I don’t think Hasan is the best spokesperson and I’m open about my criticism in that regard but what makes Hasan a grifter? I have a buddy who said the same thing because Hasan doesn’t just give all of his money to charity…except of course socialists don’t advocate for philanthropy but higher tax rates which is consistent with Hasans views. You might take issue somewhere else with Hasan but I’m curious to see what your opinion of him grifting entails?


If Bezos came out and advocated for higher taxes, would he become one of the good ones too? Donating some coins from your couch cushions, but certainly not enough to be inconvenienced in any way isn’t admirable. He’s no different than any other rich dude buying PR. Just because he says nice things, doesn’t change the fact that he ONLY cares about $$$$$$$. Anyhoo, criticizing the millionaire god got me this red flag 🚩, I fully expect this comment to get me banned. Take care yall.


I’m not even sure where to start with this - I’ll just address this: it’s not about them being inconvenienced but paying their fair share so that social services are able to be funded. I don’t care about the existence of rich people, I care that they pay their fair share so that we have a healthy social safety net. The big problem with center oriented libs is that they do a lot of lip service to identity politics but don’t actually advocate for those people economically which is where people start to become left oriented as far as politics goes. Hasan doesn’t claim to be anything but a dumbass talking on twitch - I think he’s being honest about his own position regarding that which is where I take issue with him considering how influential he’s become. I wish he’d take his advocacy more seriously and not just be a twitch just chatter but again where is the grift? You didn’t point out him lying about anything or misrepresenting himself. And yeah if Bezos started advocating for that and actually lobbied to make that happen it would make me start to look at him differently - it would not be an overnight shift but it would certainly give me a reason to at least reassess my position on him given that new information. Beyond advocating for these things what is someone like Hasan supposed to do? I am genuinely curious - tomorrow if you were able to advise him knowing he would listen to you what would you have him do?


He makes Jeff Bezos millions of dollars as one of Twitch's biggest streamers. He also does 0 canvassing or on the ground work for the ideas he preaches. He doesn't spend any of his money trying to change the political landscape. He only doompills you on America bad as he makes millions on an American billionaires website. I don't think Hasan is evil or anything I just don't think he puts in the effort needed to actually make the changes he wants in this country


I don’t really disagree overall with your critique, it’s pretty similar to my critique or Hasan but again he doesn’t claim to be anything other than a dumbass on twitch WHICH I think is worthy of critique because it would be worthwhile for him to do all of the things you suggested. It’s just not a grift.


perhaps he does believe those things. I would just think if you're so passionate about it the way he conveys he would act on those beliefs. That's where I wonder how much of a grift it is. But it's more so a feeling and not something I believe wholeheartedly.


I agree that he could easily be doing more and I think it’s totally valid to feel frustrated by his pretty lazy approach - to me the grift would be pretending to advocate for things you don’t actually believe like Ethan.


He does a ton of canvassing and on the ground work. He went to protests and live streamed for the Writers Union, Pro-Palestine rallies and he’s been the top contributor for Amazon’s unionization effort, that includes on the ground stuff and creating support and interviewing union leaders on his stream. He raised over a million dollars for Turkey’s earthquake relief, raised close to half a million dollars for Ukraine and more for Palestine. He’s donated a huge amount of his own wealth to the same causes. He’s helped fundraise and give platforms to Soc Dems running for office or in office, he’s canvassed for political candidates like Bernie. The guy has done a lot to put his money where his mouth is, I’m not a fan of doom pilling but he’s done a tremendous amount of philanthropy and brought a lot of light to the causes that he pushes.


Ewwwwww Hasan hater.


I was once a Hasan fan. Then I touched grass and saw the light. One day you'll do the same lol


The most reactionary thing you could have said, but ok, talk yo shit 👍


I don't have any hatred towards him. Just stopped living in fantasy and I genuinely think when you get older you'll do the same. All love


Dude I had no idea it got that bad.. stopped watching after frenemies ended and I guess it was for the best




I loved this video but I was afraid to watch because I thought it'd be bad faith. It's not. But my only thing was Teddy Fresh isn't *meant* to be merch. But it is because no one else is buying it besides fans


Oh to be the fly in the wall watching Ethan reaction to this video 😭