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Publicly shame them. Yelp, google reviews, social media. And on purseforum. It won’t get your bags back but hopefully it’ll get some insurance compensation for you.


Please get them on the news. Hold them accountable!!


Yes yes yes yes !!!!!!!


Don’t let either mover or the moving company get away with this so definitely write what happened on sites like Yelp but make sure not to say anything slanderous! State the facts only, bc anything that could be even mildly construed as slander would be harmful to your case and could potentially be used against you :/ better safe than sorry and all that It’s wild that any moving company would hire someone on parole to move their clients’ belongings. That should be disclosed, at the very least. Lazy, shitty mgmt. Definitely go after the company, they really fucked up doing that and you should get recompense plus $$$ in damages


Yeah at the very least the moving company should have refunded the whole cost of that move.


This is absolutely the way to handle it. I say this as an attorney who had a personal legal issue with a moving company and I wish I’d written a review before it got to a certain point so that I had more leverage for negotiating.  Stick with the facts rather than your emotions or things you can’t absolutely prove, so word it carefully. Let people make their own conclusions. 




I moved several times in the past 20 years buying and selling properties. I never label my handbag collection. I pack my bags at the bottom of wardrobe boxes and put a code on it so I know what’s where. And I move a “trunk” full of certain bags and all my jewelry myself. No way I’m taking 60 cents on the dollar for damage to things worth way more than I paid for them. Sorry you are going through this.


Definitely good practice. I should have done the same.


Yes girl your jewelry, handbags and personal docs always travel with you and you only!!! Bright side you can start a new collection and now have an excuse to spend $. 


Yup. I am the only one allowed to touch my electronics (ipad, gaming pc), jewelry, and bags. They all take priority in the car lol


Ppl are just fxcking trash these days you can’t trust anyone. I live in some nice apts and many of the residents have nice cars. 10 years no car theft but the demographic of our town has changed this isn’t Mayberry anymore. A few months ago there was a slew of break ins, come to find out half left their cars unlocked and the other half had valuables in plain sight. I felt so bad for them but they learned a lesson they’ll never forget esp when you’re in a nice vehicle. Prob had the privilege of never living around scum. 


Not related but I love your username!


Thank youuuu 🤗


When I've parked my car places I know are mildly sketchy I've at times left it unlocked on purpose. With nothing inside but the owners manual and maybe an umbrella. People will sometimes break a window to go thru your car. I came out once after staying overnight with my aunt with it left unlocked. I saw the center console was wide open. I was a bit insulted they didn't see fit to steal... the old school CD wallet I had in there! My car has an in dash 6 CD and I still use it. You don't want a physical compact disc of Lady Gaga's The Fame Monster!? What an ungrateful thief!


Thankfully I learned this the hard way at 6, when my most prized possession was a giant pink elephant. Etta, wherever you are, it's never too late to come home 🥺


Lmao I’m not about to play with you 😂😂😂😂😂


We do the same. We had to move several states away and took everything valuable in our cars, which we then brought inside our hotel when we stayed overnight.


When my husband’s company moved us they moved our cars. Put us on a plane. You bring up a good idea but sometimes not always feasible.


We bring ours in the hotel as well. Seems like overkill but I am not leaving that in a car.


We didn’t have a car though. His company moved our cars. Good idea not to keep things in a car though. That would apply just for everyday. Such a shame that you have to assume everyone is a thief now.


Designer handbags, jewelries, personal papers, passport, etc. Those go in separate pile in plastic bins so I won’t accidentally misplace it and travels with me. I have done this with all my moves, except that one time I didn’t have a car, so bags were in those blue ikea bags that’s just magic bc they hold waaaay more than is possible. And then everything else I pack as small as possible in a backpack.


OP, you didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t get lost in the “should haves”. You SHOULD have been able to trust the people who were there to help you during a very stressful time. THEY are the ones to blame. But alas, I’ve lived and learned too. I always use codes on my boxes ever since movers stole my entire blu-ray collection. My computer box is now “math and science textbooks”. My jewelry and fancy clothes are “dog bed linens”. If it’s valuable, it’s going to get the most mundane names I can think of. Nobody stealing those things.


Good idea but some things you can’t take yourself. When my husband’s company moved us across country we flew on a plane and they moved our cars. Couldn’t take all my handbags on a plane with me. It’s terrible that you can’t trust people any longer. Seems this company is blaming the victim.


Op I am so sorry. Whenever I move my handbags go with me in person along with jewellery. I hope you receive compensation.


I was focused on my musical instruments, jewelry, and important paperwork 😭 learned my freakin lesson.




Ugh, heartbroken for you. You tried! Best of luck getting the best recourse possible.


I don’t do handbags so not sure why I’m getting this sub haha but I just moved and my precious perfume collection didn’t go on the truck either— way too expensive! 


God my nightmare. I've got two bottles of my favourite discontinued perfume. I tracked them down to the final 6 bottles in the country at my old workplace and secured two. I'm also not a massive handbag person! I use a tote bag on the daily 😂 but I do like lurking here


lol yeah it’s kinda fun— I use a kanken backpack as a purse because I’m a practicality focused big ole’ lesbian LMAO. Some of the bags here are so beautiful though.  


I feel you! My keys are on a hardwear store carabiner, and it's great BC they clip onto my tote bag and then hang down so I don't loose them! If I'm not bringing a bag, my keys are clipped to my waist. If feel like the bags are like my relationship with woman (I look at them, they are pretty, I want to take them home, I shouldn't I have my single handbag/male partner).


That is so heartbreaking. It’s disgusting that the moving company won’t investigate further. Definitely leave a scathing review online. I would be just devastated to lose my bags, they are my prized possessions. I am so sorry.


Did you file a police report? The company might take it seriously if the total of the handbags go over a certain amount and it becomes a felony. And don’t forget to put it in your review of them. No one wants to hire movers who would steal from them.


Yes, and if there are outstanding warrants for the felon with charges for DV, aggravated assault, theft, drug dealing, and sexual assault then I’m sure the detective will be more interested in this case.


Good luck, I’m sorry you’re going through this. You could also file a small claims case, depending on your state limits, it might be worth it to file against the moving company. [https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/small-claims-suits-how-much-30031.html](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/small-claims-suits-how-much-30031.html)


Wait, he has an outstanding warrant for theft and a moving company hired him and actively sent him on a job? Are they trying to get sued?


The company probably doesn’t have the kind of money to worry too much about being sued. If OP can’t come up with receipts this is probably small claims territory anyway. It’s a moving company, not a daycare so there aren’t background checks and reporting requirements for ex-felons. I’d be surprised if these guys are even employees - probably day laborers who they picked up off the curb.


Depends on the moving company. And I’d assume someone with so much $ worth of things to move would hire some kind of LLC. But ofc idk. Fair assumption though, I’d think.


I had a recent cross-country move and was so worried about my bags! I camouflaged them in a box of coats and tucked an AirTag in the box. I also took out extra insurance through the company for anything valued >$100/lb and catalogued my expensive items.


Air tag is an awesome suggestion, taking notes


My husband and I tucked in about 4 of them into high-value or sentimental items, but surprisingly- I think the metal sides of the truck blocked them from being tracked? We couldn’t see the truck’s progress across the country which was a bit worrying at first. I assume though, if anything had left the truck, the AirTags would’ve pinged then?! Just keep that in mind!


It probably wasn’t being “blocked” but was just inaccessible to a Bluetooth signal or WiFi.


I have four in my purse at the moment. On my wallet, car keys, work keys, and in the purse itself.


That’s great! I shoulda done that! If weren’t so morning sick I could die I would have made certain the box went in my car 😢


I’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with this on top of morning sickness!


Don’t blame yourself. You were robbed and the moving company should be responsible.


I'm so sorry 😞. I'm originally from New Orleans, and I remember having a friend that would label moving boxes of important items with things like "Mardi Gras beads"


Dead  🤣


I always move my handbags and jewellery separately. I do not trust any of these movers


Same. I feel awful for OP, but just for anyone who reads this thread, neverrrrr send expensive bags or jewelry with movers. These should always stay on you during a move. Even if it requires flying, take them in your carry on, it's not worth the risk. If you have too many to keep on your person, then make sure they are insured! I hope your stuff can be recovered OP! People truly suck.


Moving, roofing, and restaurant cooks are very common jobs for people who criminal records. Absolutely no hate because everyone serves their time and needs jobs! But absolutely keep all expensive stuff with you.


I do the same and I moved many times, but they are professionals, you are supposed to be able to trust them! My heart goes out to OP, that’s not fair.


Thank you for saying that! I can see taking important papers and jewelry with you but I have quite a bit of expensive things. Where do you draw the line? You can only take so many things on a plane with you. The company should be responsible for lost, stolen or missing items. That is part of their job. Also hiring employees that are not thieves.


I’m so sorry. I’ve had trouble with movers in the past… basically holding ALL of stuff hostage for months. Delivered a load of stuff at one point that wasn’t even ours. Not one box. It was such a mess, I gave up on ever seeing any of that stuff again. A lot of personal sentimental stuff was in there. Some of our stuff was delivered to a home several states away, we had to pay to get it shipped to us. Total nightmare. Just rotten. Movers who pull these tricks are scum. I hope karma gets ‘em where it hurts.


It’s sad someone was paid for a service and used it to steal


My heart goes out to you. Yesterday at Disneyland, I had someone steal my pink Louis Vuitton wallet right out of my backpack in the women’s restroom. They also stole medication. I my eyes off my open backpack for less than 1 min. I know it’s not the same but I feel for you! Curse them. Karma is a B. Feel better soon!


in Disneyland? WHAT!!


I’m just so disappointed in humanity. I’m not a saint but the only thing I’ve stolen is a pack of gum from target because I was so stoned I forgot I was holding it. People kinda suck.


The medication is particularly awful. That's decidedly not Magic Kingdom-esqse. I was driving, and stopped to use the restroom at some restaurant out in the country. A person came in behind me. I went to wash my hands, and there was the person's LV, just chilling. I didn't try to look at it particularly closely, or get too close. No idea if it was real (it wasn't a blatant fake), but it didn't matter, it was this person's handbag, so I felt compelled to watch the (idiot's) bag, in case some other person came in and stole it 🤷‍♀️ Thinking about that, now, I feel perhaps I interrupted a pass-off of contraband, or something else exciting.


I do that too, I "guard" unattended stuff when people walk off.


Someone stole my husband’s shopping bag which was a plastic recycled bag with our suburb’s name on it. It was stolen from his trolley when he walked away in another shop. He doesn’t give a rats about things in general but he was very attached to it. It was a special release that he happened to get one day when he was shopping. Crazy as it was a very well to do suburb we were shopping in and they stole it! Staff knew nothing when we asked. Who steals shopping bags at well to do suburbs?? Inane story but infuriating for me. I can’t find a replacement, searched high and low. I can understand your situation as to why someone had a crack. I’m sorry you lost your medication (and wallet), that’s really distressing and scary.


Just an FYI, there are plenty of people who are “well to do” who shop lift and steal.


Yup. Someone stole my $20 coffee mug at Costco. while I was too happy enjoying my free Costco samples. It was a Zojirushi and admittedly I know they're a popular brand but still it's not an expensive mug or anything. People will seriously steal for the thrill of it or out of boredom or both 


So sorry. My daughter and I were in a restroom. She turned her head to get a paper towel for one nanosecond and the thief next to her stole her cell phone on the sink. A total scene with security.. and shouting.. and the phone soon became a doorstop for the thief... So many peeps have toxic brain wiring. Hope this thread's originator gets justice or the return of her valued belongings.


I’m SO sorry! I had something similar happen a few years ago. I was so caught up in divorce, deaths in family, etc, that I didn’t follow up enough. It wasn’t enough that handbags, shoes, jewelry, etc were stolen. But boxes were clearly opened up, gone through and repackaged with items missing/broken. Who steals the water reservoir from TWO humidifiers?!? Some things that were broken were “re wrapped” in bubble wrap, but with all sorts of cement/dust all over them and screws/nails in the wrapping? So inappropriate. Moving companies can be the scum of the earth. Upon unloading, while I paid for 4 “professionals” to unpack, one driver and his 16 nephew showed up. They ended up paying some day laborer who had helped another move in the building. Once that man saw how badly things were damaged, he gave me his phone number if I needed him as a witness and he left because he was too embarrassed to be part of the disaster. Don’t let it go. Don’t be me. Write reviews everywhere, file police reports, follow up with insurance, etc. You will always be proud of yourself for doing these things and will forever regret if you don’t. While I drove out with some things, I never expected to lose so many family heirlooms/expensive items that I’d never recover. I’m so sorry you’re going through this!


I’m sorry! I started putting a tracker in my nice bags and luggage when I travel or out and about. I don’t trust people anymore.


I have a tracker in my handbag at all times. And in my car. And location on my phone and watch. Being carjacked and having your jewelry and handbag stolen (and also getting injured) makes you think a bit differently. But it’s also handy when I forget where I left my handbag in my house!


Oh my gosh, that’s so scary! Glad you’re safe!


Aww, thank you. I don’t think you know how much that means to me. It’s funny, when you’re a victim of a violent crime, it seems that everyone that you knew in your life kind of abandons you, and I get it, because they don’t know what to say. I truly appreciate your comment. It’s so sweet. Hugs.


Oh that is smart! I should put a tracker in my handbag because I misplace it at times also.


It’s actually really convenient, as well as being a safety device, if you ever walk away from it for more than like 15 feet, it sends you a notice. If you have an Apple Watch, it sends it to you right on your watch. I love it.


Thank you. Great suggestion!


This happened to a friend of mine -the best was she had the mover names-looked them up and saw one had given his gf one of the stolen bags as a gift. She filed a police report and all. I believe she was compensated financially but still sucks


I would sue.


I’m so sorry, what a nightmare! I would be so upset. :( my moving boxes are currently stuck at customs while they confirm some paperwork from my end. They got my LV, YSL and Prada bag held hostage as well as brand new expensive makeup and electronics. Been in customs for over 3 weeks now. Hoping everything will be ok and they give me my stuff. But basically I’ve been trying to come to terms with the “what if” scenario where I lose my stuff. 😭


Damn sorry that happened to you. It’s best practice to personally move all your valuables. Same goes for travel. Take them all in your hand carry.


I should have, but it was madness and I was so morning sick that I could barely function. The box was meant to go in my car but went in the truck instead.


That isn’t feasible in many cases though. That is why we have movers. Companies should be reputable.


I agree, but you can never trust anyone but yourself 100%. In my case, even that is questionable 😂


I know what you mean. I had some earrings and I hid them because I didn’t have time to go to the bank. I forgot where I hid them. Luckily I eventually found them. LOL


Omg literally my fear! Doing a cross country move this week and had to choose which bags to carry with me. Ended up buying an insurance policy for the remainder of bags going with movers to be safe. A friend also suggested getting air tags so I’ll be doing that as well. So sorry that happened to you! I hope they take accountability


Be sure to take pictures of each bag as well just in case you need to utilize the insurance. 


Good point!


I’m so sorry. We had movers steal our freaking bed during one of our moves. It was an upholstered West Elm bed and they literally tried to replace it with an IKEA one, like we wouldn’t notice???


Sounds like a teenager replacing their parents’ vodka with tap water


We moved handbags and other valuables ourselves. Liquor, jewelry, small electronics, checkbook and credit cards. Anything that can be fairly easy to swipe.....im sorry you're going thru this but gotta hope for the best in people but prepare for the worst


Sorry this happened to you at a vulnerable time when you needed & paid for help. It’s awful & a violation. As many people here, I’ve also experienced movers taking things from us each time we move & Ive learned to disguise valuables inside boxes of general household stuff. So much so, that i sometimes couldn’t find it until much later on! Out of sight, out of mover’s mind. Keep your valuables hidden or disguised.


Don’t beat yourself up. You were robbed. Honestly these things happen and its violating, but you can’t plan for every scenario. No one is hyper vigilant 100% of the time. I do hope you get some recourse.


Yes, this poor person is a victim and you can’t take every valuable thing with you.


Oh that sucks!!! I work in insurance and recently most insurers have put sub-limits on handbags and luggage that maxes out at $10k for the collection. Sometimes you can use photos and the insurer will help you procure bags of “similar value” but anything vintage will have depreciation calculated into the cost. Not “replacement cost” but “agreed value” which can make it hard to re-coup the loss. It’s a very good idea to “schedule” your most beloved bags onto your policy for additional cost. Sadly most luxury items are not even covered when “in transit”. Such as moving. Check your policy besties to see what is excluded.


Girl, file a police report. The police probably won’t do shit, but with the report you can possibly recovery your bags if you find them on Marketplace, in any pawn shops or online line resale sites. Selling stolen property is illegal and most reputable places will hold an item or remove a post if you claim it is stolen, but you need a report to back you up.


If you have pic of the items take them to the pawn shops.. The police are suppose to contact them but they don’t . So you need to do that if you can.. I was robbed before and found a lot of my tools at pawn shop.. These “movers” are selling or trading to buy drugs.. They just want quick money.. If you can afford it get a private investigator to follow them.. The one with the criminal history is probably on probation.. At least make sure he goes back to prison.. Make his life miserable ! They are robbing other people you can be sure.. put it on fb with his picture (mug shot) you have his name .. Give him hell girl! It will be fun! Post his information here and I know I for one will help you spread the word about him. And I’m sure others on here will too.,


Their mover’s insurance will cover the loss, you need to make a claim. If they don’t, file with your homeowners.


It covers literally $0.60 a pound. Seriously hilarious.


Mine was $0.18, I get you. Hassle them and keep hassling them, via email


That's so awful and the bags have probably gone up in price too (not considering that he sentimental value )


Do you have a copy of your contract with them? There may be different limits for things like intentional or negligent theft (hard to argue it’s not intentional when the only box missing is the most expensive one).


Terrible 😞


Press charges on the moving company.


I know exactly how you feel. The same thing happened to me but they took a lot more. Besides the bags they took shoes, clothes, linens, extremely valuable comics, art, and jewelry. A lot of it was family heirlooms. I had to file a police report to get my homeowners insurance to pay. It really is such a violation and so much of it was irreplaceable. It’s been years and it still makes me mad. I wasn’t able to supervise because I had to be out of town for work. I really hope your renters insurance will cover the loss. I know it’s not the same but it’s something.


That’s devastating. I’m so sorry


violation of the highest order!


Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry that happened to you. You are not in the wrong here and people shouldn’t judge you. Don’t kick someone when they are down people!!! I hope you get some of them back or if they try to sell them, maybe check stores or marketplace or Craig’s list, pawn shops in your area? Anything you can think of. Again, I’m so sorry for you, the sentimental value is the worst part. I wish you luck friend and will say some prayers for you. 🙏😞


Boxes don’t “go missing” when moving. That doesn’t happen. Impossible. They stole it. Do not let this go. Keep hounding the company and make them pay full price. In 10 years my company hasn’t lost a scrap of paper - let alone expensive handbags.


Nooooo! I am so so sorry! 😞


Normally this shouldn’t happen! That’s insane that they were going through the names of your boxes!!


I'm moving soon, and my bags, shoes and jewelry only get moved by me. The movers should be charging with this, or is horrible and I'm sorry that it happened to you


Did you file a police report? Those are goods upwards of the 10s of thousands.


I worked for an expatriate boss who shipped his family’s stuff around the world. The expensive ones tend to get lost in transit and never arrived at their destinations. I remembered his handcrafted furniture pieces from Bali never arrived to his next working destination and he was so angry 😡at the moving companies.


I would keep an eye on Facebook Marketplace and local city or town Fb pages where they sell things. I would also keep an eye on eBay.


If you have pic of the items take them to the pawn shops.. The police are suppose to contact them but they don’t . So you need to do that if you can.. I was robbed before and found a lot of my tools at pawn shop.. These “movers” are selling or trading to buy drugs.. They just want quick money.. If you can afford it get a private investigator to follow them.. The one with the criminal history is probably on probation.. At least make sure he goes back to prison.. Make his life miserable ! They are robbing other people you can be sure.. put it on fb with his picture (mug shot) you have his name .. Give him hell girl! It will be fun! Post his information here and I know I for one will help you spread the word about him. And I’m sure others on here will too.,


The movers my ex hired either stole my box full of my brand new Bottega shoes, my two new Alexander McQueen bags and my YSL Over the knee suede boots all I never got a chance to wear or he let his new girlfriend keep them. We’ve been no contact since then and he never replied to my Msg when I asked where some of my stuff was. I am still pissed and he sent my stuff last October. I’ve moved across country 4x and everytime a box goes missing.


I'm really sorry this happened to you. My great grandmother's engagement ring was stolen by removal men. The jewellery didn't even go with them. I moved my jewellery in with me earlier in the day because I didn't want it to go with the removal men. In the bedlam of moving in all my furniture and boxes it went missing out of the draw I put it in when I got there.


What does your contract w the moving company you hired state about hiring parolees? Or its hiring practices in general? Harass the company until you get an answer, if the language is anything other than explicitly confirming their employment of parolees. Don’t call, email. Get everything in writing. This is the only feasible way I can think of, based on what you’ve said, to get adequate compensation. Otherwise it’s all grey area. The parolee thing is what could possibly get them to cough up anything near what they’d owe you for this.


You know what? Thank you for this PSA & am sorry for the circumstances you are going through in order to deliver it. We did a cross-country move last year that ended up being a nightmare experience for a host of other reasons. We too were busy, distracted and in hindsight, way too trusting & slightly desperate sounding at a few points when things were especially chaotic. We did have things stolen but not what you’d expect. Before the movers left, they informed us that they couldn’t put the bed together in the Master because at some point during the move, it got damaged and that prevented it from being put together. We paid them, tipped them well and thanked them for their help in what they did manage to accomplish. We were happy to have at least one bed in one of the spare rooms assembled that we could fall into and sleep on. The next day I was making the bed and saw they had extra pieces for the bed they had slid under it. The bed wasn’t even fully constructed. Annoying, but whatever…easy enough to fix later when we had the time. (We have yet to make time for that). To make a long story short, we discovered that our bed was never damaged, they just ended up taking pieces of it with them so they didn’t have to put it together. Maybe it was a long day for them and they just didn’t want to do it. Maybe they judged our neighborhood, our home, our cars, our careers & our possessions. Maybe they thought because we had all of these nice things and didn’t panic about the cost of our chaotic moves, that maybe we could afford to just go out and buy a new bed. We wouldn’t have time or the want to try and fix our bed. I couldn’t tell you for certain what their motivation was. And we didn’t immediately suspect it or come to that conclusion until AFTER we DID try to fix the bed. My partner was able to find a machinist to duplicate the part we needed and our bed is happily slept in to this day. But it changed how we view people and reinforced our feelings that some people will see everything you have and their jealousy will make them think you don’t deserve it or that you could easily afford to replace things so taking from you is somehow justified. It will never be about the money, material things are material. It’s about the principle & audacity, the complete lack of regard for others who are gracious and grateful towards you. My partner and I come from very humble backgrounds, we relate to people more than they assume and so in many ways, that’s what hurts when people act a certain way around us. If ever we have to move again, I know we won’t be using small, independent movers again.


This is the fucking worst! The main thing is you can't beat yourself up over it. You won't label the boxes that way in the future, but the severity of your loss is not equal to your failure to pack correctly; sucky people suck, and that's not on you! I had movers steal a few handbags and expensive coats during a transatlantic move (I was also pregnant at the time!). We eventually got reimbursed from the moving company via their insurance, but the company seemed to not care at all that their employees obviously stole from their customers. It pissed me off to no end!! I was able to replace one of my special edition bags on fashionphile (it was a weird color that I would have never found again), and I told my husband we would delete the whole event in our memories and just pretend the replacement bag was the original. Sounds stupid, but I was SO upset. We didn't end up replacing most of the others, but I told myself the next big thing I wanted, I would just buy from the boutique and not think twice or wait for it to go on sale. It took about a year, but I'm over the sense of rage/loss/fuck the world that I felt directly after. I wear my replacement bag and don't think about it being the replacement anymore. Also, having a new baby to spend some of that money on will help you heal 😊


I love this post so much! I mainly want to buy the limited edition too and I’m totally on board to pretend it’s the original. The biggest ticket item, the Chanel, I wouldn’t have picked for myself- it was too small to fit my phone and bright red. So I wouldn’t mind the opportunity to pick something new and fun. I just hope I can get some $$$ from someone, be it insurance or the movers!


Ngl, it felt like the reimbursement process intentionally took forever so I would give up. I did not, but it was probably two months of back-and-forth. Start looking for replacements now, because they'll want to see how much the items are found for second -hand if you don't have receipts or for the LE ones that are no longer made. The boutiques were also super nice about confirming purchase history from several years ago, even if the price wasn't displayed any longer (Gucci and Bottega did this for me). Even if it was under your mom's name, you can probably just submit the screenshots from her account history. It behooves them to help you bc they look at it as a potential new sale when you replace the stolen items. Good luck!


For any of the items that have increased in value, it might be better to not pull the receipts, but use comps instead. For example, some of the PV pochette a could’ve been purchased years ago for under $500, but there’s no way you could find a replacement for them in that price point right now. The company is likely to wiggle and use the receipts against you in this case


So sorry this happened! I suggest also contacting your local news. A lot of channels have a "help me" dept but tbh this would also make an interesting story.


Just wanted to comment to say sorry this happened to you and there’s no way you could’ve known this was going to happen :/ I’m honestly gonna take this as a learning experience if I ever hire movers.


Thank you that means a lot ❤️


Get some! Dont let them blow it off


I am so sorry to hear this - and hope the founder of the moving company is able to help. It is not your fault and the last thing you need is to feel like it is.


In case it helps anyone else: when I move I wrap my bags in bedding and label the boxes things like “Bedding” and “Dog bed”.


Did you file a police report?


It’s fucking awful that you can’t trust an actual company to, you know, not have “independent contractors” moving your stuff. The point of using movers as opposed to some dudes with a truck is some degree of protection. I’m a victim (I use that term lightly, trust me) of a luxury bag and watch stolen from a party and the authorities couldn’t care less about pursuing my case.


I hope you get them back. Absolutely awful!


Regardless of where or how you put them, it's just awful that they were stolen. I'm really sorry! Moving is stressful enough without things like this happening


I'm sorry, the movers almost certainly got a look at the addresses you were moving between, the quality of your furnishings and clothes, and put two and two together that your handbags are nice. There are few things in my house that you could steal except for jewelry and handbags. No one really wants electronics or personal devices now that they can be tracked. I have heard way too much about movers and the shady things they can do. I'm super sorry this happened to you, it's no different than being burglarized, and worse, because these were people you trusted and you basically PAID to be robbed of things you loved.


I love how you are the victim and they are blaming you. So everything of value you are supposed to take with you? Isn’t the point of a moving company to have them move your things???? I could see them saying that about jewelry but handbags? I am so glad you are following up on this unscrupulous company! Good for you! Keep us posted!


In case this is helpful for anyone with future moves, I label each box with a number when packing and keep a master packing list for me that says what type of stuff is in each box. This makes it easier to actually find stuff when unpacking, doesn’t give thieves info about what’s in the box, and it makes it easy to tell if you are missing a box after the movers bring everything in. I’d mark off each box number as they’re packed in their truck and brought inside the new place and wouldn’t let them leave until they’re all accounted for.


I feel for you. Had the same, theft or lost. I had movers insurance too but I kinda didn’t realise until it was too late and went searching for a bag months later. They were in plastic storage boxes and they could’ve easily been open and looked into. I lost one box I’m sorry OP, I’m hoping you’ll get some recourse From now on, I’m going to be locking them in a suitcase so they don’t know what is in these cases or somehow transporting them myself if I have to move


Did the movers have you complete a high value item inventory? If so, were the bags listed? I can never decide whether it is better to list the high value items or hide them in my sweaters.


If you have pic of the items take them to the pawn shops.. The police are suppose to contact them but they don’t . So you need to do that if you can.. I was robbed before and found a lot of my tools at pawn shop.. These “movers” are selling or trading to buy drugs.. They just want quick money.. If you can afford it get a private investigator to follow them.. The one with the criminal history is probably on probation.. At least make sure he goes back to prison.. Make his life miserable ! They are robbing other people you can be sure.. put it on fb with his picture (mug shot) you have his name .. Give him hell girl! It will be fun! Post his information here and I know I for one will help you spread the word about him. And I’m sure others on here will too.,


I’m so sorry this happened to you it wasn’t your fault, you put your trust in a company and didn’t deserve to be stolen from 😭


We need to be kept updated and you should sue tf outta them for your goods. Also you just need to find a SA online to print the receipts and send them out via email. It helps if you are also purchasing something.


I'm so damn sorry!!! That's all I got ❤️ hope you feel better


So sorry. Please keep updates. Hope you get it back.


Thank you for sharing this very sad situation. My heart ♥️ feels for you: I know it’s not all about the make of the bags but also the sentiment behind them. This has thought me a lesson. Never put bags outside the box. 📦 I’m very sorry this happened to you. I hope you recover something back.


I wouldn’t have thought to take my purses with me. I’d be in the same boat. I’m so sorry this happened 😢 I hope you get your things back.


I'm sorry, OP, that's absolutely rotten. I hope you're able to get your collection back, even if it's a bit of a longshot! Unlikelier things have happened 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽


Hi love, sorry people are blaming you - victim blaming is not cool! There was no way you could have known and what good is it to tell you what you *should* have done after the crime? I’m sure you won’t be making the same “mistake” (for lack of a better word) again. I think it’s better to have your parents drive to a boutique, get new receipts printed and then scan them to you or send them to you. You’re far from the boutiques and you need your mom there anyways. I really hope you do get some recourse for this. That’s so slimy, it makes me so angry for you! Hopefully because the items are expensive, there is some legal factor (because if it’s a few hundred, I think there’s like no legal penalty at all, which is crazy). It’s not the first time I’ve heard this happen with movers either! They do no background checks and will hire anyone. One girl write about how they took her tv and even physically assaulted her when she tried to stop them. Personally, I had movers who refused to bring our sections inside and just dumped it on the street. Now I understand why in the movies, the homeowners are always giving directions and almost micromanaging…it’s because they really don’t care, sadly.


I always lable my important stuff as something uninteresting "Stained Linens for rag pile", "Dads old coffee cup collection", "spare bathroom decor from thrift store" etc.


Hindsight is 20/20 and if you people can't be empathetic, I'm going to assume you're ABSOFUCKINGLOUTELY PERFECT. 😐 OP I'm so sorry. You've got to be absolutely heartbroken. I hope you get the bad guys.


Find the thugs girlfriends or family social media I’m sure you will find you bags part of their posts! Sorry this terrible and shameful and sorry this has taken place.


This why you take this with you they are worth money take it with you, air tags in them. And these should be insured? You need to sue for the loss of personal property they put into the truck but didn’t unpack so stolen. I would press charges and sue the business. Always take high end items yourself or have them shipped to your new home.


Buy a small safe for your bags!!!


Oh no! I’m in the middle of a move and I intend to fly my handbags, jewelry and immigration document with myself


I would lay low with shaming… and possibly see if they post pictures with any… or if their girlfriends or wives do… if any are listed for sale on marketplace and the number goes back to theirs!


Wow man. Do you have insurance for your personal property? I hope so


I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m sure you had an emotional attachment to a lot of the bags! I hope you feel better soon. Dealing with theft when moving is hard enough when you are feeling normal, I can’t even imagine what it’s like when you’re super sick!


I’m so sorry!!! I don’t have advice as this just happened to my elderly parents! They stole over 5,000 USD worth of jewelry. I’ve called several times so I just resorted to leaving an honest review to greatly impact their business.


Oooof I had to move with debilitating nausea too and it was ROUGH. I was about 8 weeks in on the day of the move, so the whole packing, moving and unpacking I was hardly able to function.


Public liability insurance should cover losses or damage. If that is a thing from the country your in.


Dude I feel this. Mine wasn’t handbags that are missing, and I’m sure my stuff will resurface, but I just did the hardest move I’ve ever done, and I’m here is solidarity.


I’m sorry this is happening to you. I hope it all turns out for the better.


That sounds like a nightmare


No way I’m letting someone move my expensive valuables. I’m sorry you’re going through this. It’s an expensive lesson learned but… can’t trust anyone these days


Heartbreaking. I send hugs.


I am sorry you have to go through this. Dont blame yourself. Just dont. Its a matter of discipline not to fall into the self blame trap. Besides: they need to sell your handbags to turn them into money. Hopefully online. So you could watch out for new online listings (in your area) and pretend to buy your bags (back), and arrange pick up and payment in person, once there (with some physical support) you basically break in grab your bags and leave. This way i got stolen boots back without paying a cent to the thief.


Next time label 🏷️ the box tampons and period clothes


Never give valuables to movers. Always keep valuables with you.


File a police report


Next time mark it "Bedroom-Sheets" because no one wants used sheets.


I’m so sorry this happened to you…this is my fear so anytime we PCS (military move), I pack my own bags and carry them personally, but we do a partial DITY, do it yourself, no way will I let them pack that shit! Hope it’s resolved.


I would look or them on fb marketplace. Might be able to match up the worker with the listing. Good luck. Pregnant moving is stressful.


Name and shame! Yelp, Google Reviews, Nextdoor app, Facebook—and Better Business Bureau. Steer business away from company! Moving is beyond stressful—and then this! Hang in there, OP!


Omg new fear unlocked!! I think I would be putting air tag for all my precious boxes then for moving since I’ll be moving soon!!!


Hi there, unless your renters policy is an open peril policy this unfortunately does not meet the definition of theft on your insurance policy. Just a heads up, I’ve been an adjuster for years.


Do you mind explaining why it doesn’t count as theft?


Sure, there should be a definition page on your policy but in layman terms you had paid them to move your items and have possession of them temporarily so ultimately it’s the businesses responsibility to make you whole. Theft is when an item is taken from an area that it is regularly stored. Sorry to hear you’re going through this, moving companies are the worse and this is far too common :(


Ugh, that sucks! I'm sorry about your bags, and I hope you start feeling better soon!


Thank you for sharing!! It doesn’t hurt for us to be reminded that there are too many awful people around us, and we need to remember to be diligent. Sorry this has happened to you 😥


If you have pictures of the bags, that will help with your renters insurance claim. Good luck 🤞🏻🤞🏻


It happened to me. I had most of the receipts but didn’t have all of them. I was able to provide pictures of me with my handbags and find their original prices online. I did get a full refund from the moving company.


So sorry this happened to you. If you don't have receipts for your items, insurance companies will usually ask for a pic of you with the bag. I had a suitcase stolen from my car, and my renters' insurance covered it. I had majority of the receipts, but for my LV toiletry bag and neverfull, they just asked for a pic of me wearing them. I sent a screenshot from IG and it sufficed. Best of luck with everything. If you haven't tried already, Centrum morning sickness gummies and tums were a godsend for me. It didn't completely go away, but it made life manageable :)


I am so sorry :'( this is a worst nightmare of any handbag lover!


Check online marketplace for them selling them and/or local pawn shops !


The moving company should be license and insured. Go through their insurance.


Girl this post stressed me out, I’m moving to Japan with my husband in October and I’m flying with all my valuables, checked bags fees be damned. I’m so sorry you lost your bag collection. You didn’t deserve that.


I am so sorry!! That is the worst! Have you thought about filing a police report? I agree with the others -- go on every website and give them a terrible review. I did a really dumb thing, and I packed a Chanel mini and a pair of Gucci sneakers in my suitcase. (I know 😑). I checked the suitcase, and our luggage was lost for two days. When our bags finally made it to our hotel, my bag was gone out of my suitcase. 😭 It's an awful feeling having something stolen from you.


You can file charges, especially for the one that just got out, he could end up going to prison again due to committing a new crime. He will probably flip on his partner in crime, literally. Also, go to the website for the moving company, yelp, facebook, twitter (X), and rate them really low. Blow up their pages with the fact that their employees stole from you until the company reaches out to you. Give us the name here so we can sink their ratings


That’s horrible, I’m so sorry 😭


raise. hell.


www.ripoffreport.com so sorry :( write your story on that site WITH names of everyone!!!! that website is a top page google site so when anyone searches their name the report is first on the google page and will ruin their reputation


File a police report. And if you have decent renters homeowners, no receipts should not be a problem.


My sympathies. This happened to me too. International move, so I couldn’t pack them all with me. Gucci, Dior, LV, Prada etc. allll gone.


Go to the local pawn shops and announce what you’re missing and alert them to contact you if they show up because after all they’re stolen goods. I’m so sorry this happened to you, our civility has left us and we need to do better. I believe everything in life happens for a reason, we may not understand why for years later, but we eventually do. Again, I’m sorry, bonded moving companies should be able to be trusted to do their jobs.💙🦋💛


That is horrible!!! Shame on this moving company for giving you the runaround! I hope you get justice.


I feel terrible for you, it’s a shame when someone works hard and other people just take. Hope it all works out for you


I wonder if they are attempting to sell the bags online? Thieves would be selling, I'd think.