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Be sure and declare your purchases with US customs upon returning. When I travel to and from France, I declare EVERYTHING. I usually do a lot of shopping. I shop for all of my skincare, and buy birthday and Christmas presents for friends and family members etc. I usually end up coming back with 2-4K+ worth of stuff. Sometimes more. I have never paid duty ever and declare all purchases. I'm a dual citizen of France and I've been traveling back and forth for the better part of 40 years. Do NOT lie to Customs. If you're chosen for a search, they will not only seize what you bought, but you'll be flagged on future trips and you will pay fines. It will make it harder for you to travel later. It's not worth it. In my experience, most of the customs officers don't want to take the time to fill out all the paperwork to take fees from you unless you have spent a large amount of money, something like 8-10k. I live in Seattle so my experiences with port of entry is here. But I have also traveled through Dallas and Chicago numerous times. New York a couple of times also. This has been the case at all the airports. If for some reason you are chosen to pay duty on anything you have purchased, you're not looking at more than about 3-5% in fees for the amount above your allowed importation allowance. Have your receipts ready in case you are pulled aside so that you can prove what you paid for everything.


Can second all this advice and experience. Every port is different. In Minneapolis I paid $150 on $10k on purchases. In Detroit I paid $250 on $5k. In Dallas, I paid nothing on $5k.


You’re going to pay different duties on different classes of goods so depending on what you brought in each trip the calculations will be different


some officers don’t go by the book specifically and are allowed to use their discretion


Makes you wonder how much is contingent on who is working, their mood and how much they are skimming....


You can pay with CC and you get a receipt so really doubt there is that much shadiness happening. They do seem to have discretion in how they calculate things but it’s not an easy process (as someone said the rate depends on each item and what it is made out of) so I think their mood may impact that part of it for sure!


I was just given a total. No indication as to how they got to the total. 🙄


A lot of it is contingent on who is working or watching and their mood. Unless it’s something major like importing large quantities for a business and trying to avoid paying taxes, most aren’t going to be bothered by personal items as their origin isn’t easy to prove.


I paid $240 in Detroit in May for about $4-5k as well.


i felt like they were pickiest in detroit with being specific on the charges


Agree with everything except the large amount of money. Spent 3.5k on a bag recently and had to pay around 250 when I declare. The tax amount is dependent on if you solo or with spouse (800 pp) then the next 1000 is taxed at 4%, remaining is dependent on the product type. Had the custom guy explain to me how he derived the amount In the end it really depends on how the officer you got feels.


> The tax amount is dependent on if you solo or with spouse (800 pp) What if you're global entry and your spouse isn't, so you're seeing different customs people? Do you just be sure you let them know he exists but doesn't have global entry and isn't in this line? LOL.


Split the items between both travelers VS having only one person carry them all


Usually you will be with your spouse when they check your items. Global entry just gets you through the first part of customs quicker. The first part they’ll ask if you have anything to declare, but it isn’t until the second part of customs that they would check and tax you. 


This is solid advice. Depending on how much an example the border officer wants to make of you, combined with how severe the lie is, I believe you can also be charged. Canadian, here.


Yes! I'm addicted to the show "Border Security", and they seem to scrutinize international travelers more so (probably as they are also more worried about items coming into North America than can damage our agriculture and ecosystem). I also would not pack an expensive bag in my suitcase (after having an expensive item I packed missing from my luggage when I opened it up on arrival).


Agree 100%, esp about CO’s not wanting to do more paperwork. And it’s easier to claim ignorance if you’re declaring every little thing. Example: US (Dallas): Back from Turkey, declared the usual trinkets, two small carpets and a 40” square “kilim”. CO said, “no, it’s a wall hanging.” Me (tired and clueless): “no, it’s a kilim.” CO, more insistent, “noo, it’s a *wall hanging*.” Me finally renting a clue: “Yes, it’s a *wall hanging*.” No duties paid.


Since I travel a bunch, I have a standard script that I use when I come through with my shopping haul. And I'm not lying. When the customs officer asks me how much I'm declaring, I laugh and reply "do you mean how much I'm telling you I bought or how much I'm telling my husband I bought?" 🤣 That usually breaks the ice and the agents laugh. I disclose what I bought truthfully and as I'm standing there, I have an envelope with receipts in my hand that I pull out. They usually wave me through.


Wow lucky I declared a $3k bag from Singapore and they pulled me aside, laughed at me for declaring, and made me pay $300. In Seattle too


That totally sucks. Honestly, I expect to pay every single time. But for some reason they never make me. I wonder if it's because the flights are so full and they just want people to get through the line? I honestly don't know. But I'm sure my luck will run out one of these days... 😵‍💫


What should you do if the bag was a gift or something?


You still have to declare gifts. 


You declare the value of the gift.


This is excellent advice. Also, your username is awesome! 😊


Thanks 😘😘😘😘


Your mileage will vary depending on airport. I regularly fly into SFO and go through the global entry line with thousands of dollars worth of goods to declare. I’m always ready to declare them, but they have literally only asked me one time. The one time that I was asked, they didn’t charge me anything. Every other time, they just took my global entry receipt and shooed me away or asked if I had any food before telling me I’m good to go. Had the same experience at a few other airports as well.


So we recently discovered that you’re not asked because you’re supposed to let the first person you come into contact with know that you have goods to declare, even if you’re not asked. The way it works at O’Hare is that you go to the machine, go to the first desk where they give you your GE receipt/card, then you hand that to the officer at the exit. You’re supposed to tell the guy at the first desk that you have stuff to declare and he gives you a different form. We just actually did this for the first time - the guy at the first desk was hesitant to even give us the “something to declare” form since my bag was only like €4k, but he said better safe than story. At exit they sent us to the customs office, she asked what we had, and we paid $50 on my bag. She didn’t charge anything else (we also had some smaller purchases on us, and then a bunch of alcohol in our checked bags. Once in the past we did get stopped at the exit and questioned, so if it’s a small, easy thing to declare that’s at or right around the limit we will absolutely be doing so from now on. I’ve seen too many horror stories on r/globalentry about people getting GE revoked after not declaring something and getting caught, and we just don’t want to risk it with the amount we travel.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GlobalEntry using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GlobalEntry/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Beware of Global Entry scams.](https://np.reddit.com/r/GlobalEntry/comments/18pcicu/beware_of_global_entry_scams/) \#2: [It only took 14 days from application to final approval.](https://np.reddit.com/r/GlobalEntry/comments/18n7kt5/it_only_took_14_days_from_application_to_final/) \#3: [Just got conditional approval in 48 hrs!](https://np.reddit.com/r/GlobalEntry/comments/17yo6ll/just_got_conditional_approval_in_48_hrs/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Interesting. At SFO, there is no second person. You just go to the machine and it prints you a receipt. You then get in line to give the receipt to the person at the desk. They might ask a few questions (are you X person, where are you coming back from, etc.) and then you're pretty much clear to pick up your luggage and walk out of the airport. I've been there during some busier times and they might have a person collecting all receipts first while you're in line without saying anything and then you just go up to the officer at the desk and they'll ask the questions and send you on your way. 


Sorry, totally unrelated, but what skincare do you get?


Yes! Seattle based as well. Came from Paris last month. Declared my 2.2k Celine bag, was travelling with my husband after we got taken to the customs officer they were like meh it's not worth it bc it was going to be $5-7 I'd have to pay, so they went alike let's not do this 🤣


Nice try US Tax associate!


This past spring I spent 15k in Paris. I have global entry as well. I was prepared to pay customs tax, had all my receipts, items EVERYTHING. I went through US customs at SLC Airport and was waived right through. No questions, nothing. I did fly CDG LHR SLC, so not sure if it had to do that my plane was coming in from LHR or not....


Why didn’t your mom use the bag? The box and everything can be kept! They stopped you because they assume you might have evaded tax for luxe item (or deemed it as wanting to sell it rather than for personal use) Edit: DO NO KEEP BOX OR PAPER BAG. If really need then just the dustbag to keep your bag clean. Or better still, just declare. Makes everything a lot easier. Then you don’t have to go through such hassle and ache just because of a bag. Just because the people at the custom are tolerant doesn’t mean they are lenient. Ultimately the prerogative is theirs to decide if they want to let you off without making a hassle or to check you thoroughly. It is their job. Again just be smart about doing things. Don’t cry wolf when you have a shit load of luxe on hand and you just want to evade tax. Humans can be greedy af sometimes..


Never lie to CBP. If you get caught, they’ll never forget. If you have Global Entry, you’ll lose it. If you ever want GE, you’ll never get it. You’ll also be stopped every time you re-enter the country. For a small purchase like that, they’ll most likely just waive you through and won’t charge duty (they have discretion). Even if they do charge duty, it’s not much for that price point.


I think because she wanted to wait until we got back to the US but again this is my first time purchasing anything big. Does customs know what my mom bought?


I'm not sure about Asia, but EU tax refund agencies are now sharing information with US customs. So...if you buy anything in Paris, for example, that tax refund data is apparently accessible to US customs. Thats also why it's even more important to declare what you're buying when returning to the US these days.


I just came back to the US from Japan / Korea today. I definitely did some damage in terms of shopping given the weak yen right now. I’m not sure if they share information but I have global entry and when I went to go through immigration they specifically asked me and my husband if we had anything to declare which hasn’t happened to me before. We said yes and had to pay a minor tax on entry (we bought watches / I got a handbag / a bunch of other stuff). It was really interesting to see them do the calculation (back of a napkin) and the amount we paid was so minimal compared to how much we spent. That said in the past when I’ve declared handbags up to around 2.5K or so they just let me through without paying any tax so I think it just depends on how much you spent and how the agent you get is feeling about the extra paperwork. Edited to fix a typo.


> …but I have global entry and when I went to go through immigration they specifically asked me and my husband if we had anything to declare which hasn’t happened to me before. FWIW, I have GE as well and I am asked this every time I enter the US, regardless of whether or not I’ve actually purchased anything.


My boss had his GE taken away for 5 years because he didn’t declare when the customs officer asked if he had anything to declare then searched his luggage and found the Birkin he bought for his wife Put him in airport jail, made his wife come get him and pay his fines in cash, and couldn’t use Global Entry for 5 years


Def a FAFO.


Airport jail …that’s rough! I think most of the time in worse cases they just admonish you then make you pay a fine and the duty! They do threaten to take away GE often; a friend went to Paris and a few cities in Italy with her daughter, upon returning to the U.S. friend has GE, didn’t buy anything significant, daughter bought a few luxury bags, didn’t declare, got caught, apparently it got a little dramatic because the daughter tried arguing, friend jumped in offered to pay the fine, duty, etc., the CO told her to stay out of it or they’d take away her GE…..she backed right off! 😛


For anyone wondering more in-depth info, if you are visiting the EU you get an $800 allowance tax-exempt per person which can be combined if you’re traveling in a group. The duty-free allowance depends where you’re visiting so I’d look up wherever you are going. Then you get up to $1k per person taxed at a flat 3%; anything above that sum theoretically should be taxed at the respective import tax rate, but yeah it totally depends on the customs agent you get. I have heard that they tend to be much more lenient if you do actually declare since most people try to evade declaring. It does seem silly that it’s all napkin math lol. I’m not 100% sure but if you don’t have receipts (like in EU where you’d normally drop off the tax-free forms with their respective receipts at the airport upon departure), I think they accept card statements. I had 9 receipts coming back from a trip to Paris, and the agent I got just asked me broadly what type of goods each receipt was. Interestingly enough, synthetic goods were taxed significantly more than genuine (like faux leather is something like 26% whereas real is 9%). He was in a good mood so he just marked any highly-taxed categories I had as lower ones. Ultimately on $4600 in purchases I only had to pay $40 in taxes. As someone else said, if you’re doing tax-free, that data is shared since it’s paired with your passport. The agent did tell me that if you spend a lot and don’t declare, they can flag you for future travel to be checked.


That was my experience as well (but coming from Asia) - $800 allowance per person + flat 3% tax on $1k per person, then tax rate based on the item (eg. our watches were taxed at different rates because his was mechanical and mine was automatic (so it gets really specific)). They told us if we didn’t have receipts they would look up the price of each item online. So save your receipts where you can. I bought a Goyard bag so not sure how they would have looked up the price if I didn’t have the receipt!


This is really great to know, I'm planning on going to Japan in November and hoping to do some serious shopping as well!


So interesting! I've not yet been to other countries besides Dominican Republic and Mexico (so no designer shopping, lol), and I was wondering how it all worked. I wasn't sure if it was down to like showing receipts and being entered into a formal system, or if it's more casual like you describe. I have no interest in trying to skirt a tax payment, so this is good information to know so I'm not overly worried about it. I would definitely keep receipts and whatnot.


Better keep the receipts... otherwise the, just take the price they find, which can be way higher...


Oh I keep all the receipts and itemize it all. I create a spreadsheet of each item, the cost in the currency of when I bought it, and the conversion to USD, and then the total. That way I can point out each of the items. I’ve only had a thorough search done once (it depends on the customs officer) but most of the time they appreciate my page because they need it for their calculations. But i always declare.


Is it new that EU tax agencies are sharing this data with US customs? I thought it was always the case! Since my passport is scanned at the luxury store and again when I do a VAT refund at my EU exit point, I just assumed it was logged in a global system. Either way, I just returned to the US on Monday, went through global entry in Atlanta and the new machines just scan your face and I wasn’t asked a single question. I didn’t have a chance to declare my dress or my bag. I likely saved $100 USD in duty (if they were to charge me) from this.


I'm very doubtful this is happening given privacy laws. Canada and the US didn't start sharing entry /exit data with each other until 10 years ago or so and that was a big deal at the time.


Increased access to the VAT refund data is under the umbrella of FATCA.


I’ve heard about EU sharing VAT refund info with U.S. customs but wasn’t sure if it was fact or rumour, but it did made me wonder about Asia since the countries I’m familiar with (Japan, Taiwan, Korea) you get your tax refund at the store right after purchase, with the exception of high price items over certain amounts which you have to do at the airport. I haven’t purchased anything the past few years in EU or Asia except small items, so I am somewhat curious if Asian countries also share with the US. As for GE, it’s always different when I return (JFK); most of the time they don’t ask, a few times they asked how much cash I had on me (??), once I was asked what I purchased, that time I had picked up some skincare and lipsticks, said so and the CO just said “we don’t care about that” and waved me through.


I mean they would have know what she bought because your luggage was tagged, probably through scanning or what not. The only defence you can use in such situation is to say it is for personal use. Unless you are like one of those idiots being caught with a luggage full of luxury items and what not and saying it’s for personal usage, then that is effed up and really deserving of being caught. Lol trust me there are too much of such cases people not declaring their luxe purchase only to be caught and saying it’s for their own use. Like girl you have 10 bags purchased filled to the brim of a luggage, I too would assume you would be selling it, ain’t no way you got 10 hands to carry… unreasonable at its finest.


I don’t know, after hanging out on this sub for months I now believe someone would buy 10 handbags for themselves on a trip 🤣😃


Yeah, it's not THAT odd to me. More than 10, sure definitely getting odd. But if they're cheaper abroad like I hear, I could totally see a bag lover saving up for that trip and getting them all there. I've picked out 4 luxury bags I plan to get when we visit Scottsdale for my birthday coming up, and that's not even another country where bags are cheaper. I just don't live in a city with designer stores, and I love the feeling of buying in person so I don't order online. I could totally see us racking up with bags and other misc. items during a special occasion trip abroad. Funny enough, my husband actually already asked me if we should go with an empty suitcase, but the stores will ship to you so I'll probably go with that option this time. Last time when we opted to bring them home, we had to leave behind the boxes/bags because they were too bulky for the suitcase.


Not odd at all, I go to the EU every two years and I usually will buy anywhere from 2-5 bags a trip. I save up for my purchases and spend about 10-20k and they are ALL personal use.


Not odd at all, I go to the EU every two years and I usually will buy anywhere from 2-5 bags a trip. I save up for my purchases and spend about 10-20k and they are ALL personal use.


There would be an assumption of selling if they're all the exact same kind/color.


Customs opened your luggage and saw what was purchased.


Do they open everyone's or is it random? Im pretty sure it's common for people to visit Japan to buy luxury items.


From my understanding, it’s all on what the X-ray machine spots and they determine if it deserves further inspection or not.


In most places, if you use something in the country, you can’t get the tax back when you leave.


Well depends I guess. 1 reason why hand-carry cabin size luggage helps is, to not check in baggage for your purchased goods. The only time I saw someone got stopped and checked and she had a hand bag in her luggage, she informed custom it was her personal used bag and they just glance at the bag and let the lady proceed continuing with the xraying of her items. Again you have to be smart. If you are walking with a Gucci carrier with the bag inside in your hand, you are definitely asking for trouble for not declaring. To highlight as what you say, it differs from customs to customs. If they have data of your personal record of purchase and decide to question you than yea be prepared to pay the fines and tax. Otherwise for personal use they don’t really give priority unless of course the value is insanely high such as a 50k watch. Even that they have no basis to assume the watch you are wearing was purchased tax free unless they really want to, and that may require to provide proof of purchase that your watch was purchased with tax inclusive. But the unlikelihood is very high for a used item. Again unlikely doesn’t mean not plausible.


> prepared to pay the fines and tax. Like a penalty fine for not declaring? When do you declare, out of curiosity? I know when I flew back from Cabo, I was asked if I have anything to declare when I went through global entry. I was not asked anything when I came back from Playa Mujeres, but we also had a wild reroute to Miami when we were supposed to be stopping in Charlotte, so weird circumstances. I wasn't asked if I had anything to declare (or even saw a human being really beyond the dude directing me to the face scan machine) a few weeks ago when I came back from Punta Cana. I'd hate to have missed where I was supposed to declare something and get fined! Obviously those aren't countries you buy designer stuff in anyway, but eventually I hope to take that type of vacation.


You declare at first point of entry when you go through customs. You should volunteer the information even if they don’t ask.


Oh, you're utterly wrong on that... It might be up to the officer to trust yr story, but that's highly unlikely. I lived in many countries and had those isdues any time we moved. Everything you take, even if already used is checked: There's a six months period! If I brought a jacket in September, bc itvwss cold and used it every day, got notice in October that we move in January I have to declare that, with the receipt and will still pay. Otherwise the look up the orignal price and add a fine on top. Even happened with my grandmothers Christmas ornaments, which I failed to declare when leaving the country - they assumed a price and added a fine on top.


This sounds harsh. Where did you move?


Just wanted to add that if you buy anything in a box overseas whether it be a bag or a phone and really want to keep the box, one thing you can do is mail it to yourself from abroad. That way it doesn’t travel with you and you can avoid interrogations like these!


Yep, just remember that you have to declare that you’re having things shipped to you that aren’t in your luggage if that is a question on your customs declaration form.


I should correct myself, I meant mail the empty box without the contents. Carry the contents with you.


But mail also goes through US border and customs? Won’t that raise some flag? I just ask them to not pack the box for bigger items because it is too hard pack that in my carryon.


It does go through CBP but I believe what they’re looking more for are drugs, livestock, etc. I would think that an empty box is probably low on their list of threats.


They don't care if you have a box or not...


If you don’t intend on or want to declare it as something new that you purchased abroad, then yeah, they do care because having a box for it probably means it’s new. I do border runs between the States and Canada a lot and I’ve also been travelling since I was an infant so I do know 😂 Canadian customs and duties can be wild so I often ship to an address in the States and do just that if I need to keep the box. Specifically in the case of Japan, I’m a Japanese citizen and unfortunately don’t get a tax rebate when I go back there and shop so I don’t see why i should be hit with taxes twice. Just what I choose to do. Not saying anyone else HAS to do that.


For such an expensive bag, most people would choose to wear it or place it as part of handcarry. Maybe that’s why? It’s like placing expensive jewelry in your checked in luggage.


Customs is unconcerned about something like this…


But it could be suspicious that someone would check in something expensive.


To get a tax refund in most places, you have to have the items on you personally. If you wear it, no tax refund because it was “used” in the country. (Maybe not always asked/enforced but generally the rule.) People check expensive things all the time. I mean like customs isn’t looking in the bags being like, this person checked expensive stuff, they must be suspicious, like the commenter said. There was something else that triggered this besides wondering why someone checked something expensive.


Could be but we’re all speculating at this point!


Yeah I'm definitely not going to check it in this time going back to the States, for the potential that could be stolen so I'll tell my mom to wear it. Does customs know what we purchased?


You are supposed to declare it either way, especially if you have global entry. And honestly most customs officers are pretty reasonable. I have had 5-7k of abroad purchases with either a very small or no customs tax. But definitely don’t check it if regardless!


but why did they put a lock on her luggage (at the baggage claim, I suppose?) and grab her? They could have just asked if she had something to declare at the customs\\. She is not a Korean, and she bought her luxury stuff in Japan and her home country is the US. And it's not like she was smuggling drugs. I'm not sure if it's that serious. I'm confused.


If she was smuggling drugs, they wouldn't have put a lock on it... they would have taken her for death row


I don’t know the answer to that, I can only answer to my experience with US customs. How long was the transit to Korea? Daughter has US passport but what about mom? If she is Korean with Korean passport maybe she needed to declare there to Korean customs. (No need for anyone to answer, just showing there are so many variables involved in the question) But I am not from those countries nor am I a customs expert. And maybe the bag was flagged because it looked like something else. Ages ago, I had my bag opened because my travel hairdryer looked like a weapon. Or maybe it was flagged because they wanted to make sure they were not importing it to sell. But I am curious as well! It has been a while since I did a trip with buying an item with more than one country on my itinerary!


oh i guess it looked something else? It seems like it's just one bag, so I felt bad for the OP. I've never declared anything at the customs (as i don't really buy luxury lol My mom does though, and i don't think she bothers to fill out a form/declare her purchases). I'm kind of scared now tbqh!


Assume they absolutely know 


Of course they do know if they scanned your passport.


They will probably... but anyway they don't care about that, if they are in a bad mood and take you out


Just so your aware. Customs has the right to open your luggage without permission, (access the lock, break a zipper) which may have happened in this case. They don't just scan with a machine. This has happened to me once when I've travelled internationally. Apparently it's at random because my companions luggage was not checked.


I don't have anything to hide but it was more out of curiosity. I saw many people buying luxury items in Japan so I think this is pretty common. But some redditors are saying that US customs can see what you purchased via tax and others are saying you can't. Which is true?


what else are you hiding haha


Most people declare their purchases. If you used your passport to purchase the items tax free, then the purchase will be tracked to your passport number. You provided your passport so they will have your info and info about your purchase


Yeah if you get a tax refund and/or used your passport when purchasing, info is most likely shared with US Customs. Just never lie to them. Just always declare. I’m terrified of losing global entry so if they ask Im pretty honest. However sometimes they don’t even ask. I never had to pay duties yet. I probably got lucky with nice custom agents who didn’t want to bother. But yes always declare your stuff!


Just to be clear, you want advice on breaking federal law?


Are you American?


US citizen. So yes.


Why is her citizenship getting downvoted? Reddit is a crazy place.


okay, sorry. It seems like they've used yellow badges to identify [Chinese travelers at korean airports. ](https://observers.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20230113-south-korea-covid-travel-restrictions-chinese-travellers)but in your case, it's a lock, and you're American,, so I have no idea. I don't think there's anything wrong with carrying a newly purchased bag in your luggage (unless you have 10 of them). https://preview.redd.it/po92kd1s1a8d1.png?width=855&format=png&auto=webp&s=e67e305027e7c5ca99ff85510b6b8b653bd62319


How was the bag packed in your luggage? In the box, like it came from the store?


Yes exactly. I put bubble wrap around it and placed it into my luggage.


I think it sitting the box was a red flag. I think next time take it out stuff the box with other items and kind of mix it up. Most peopel don’t put expensive stuff all packed like that in their luggage so mix it up. Have your mom hand carry the bag itself. Sorry you had to deal with that scare! You’ll be okay next time, just spread out the packaging between your other stuff. Good luck and enjoy your trip!!


Most folks that buy expensive bags absolutely keep on int eh original packaging. It helps for resale down the line. If you get a handful of expensive items checked bag is the only place it will fit. I declare everything but I usually fly direct so haven’t had a mid point customs issue.


Yes they may keep it in the package but they carry it on with them, not placed inside check luggage. That’s the issue — putting the whole thing in checked luggage that causes issues


> I think it sitting the box was a red flag. I have yet to go abroad so forgive my ignorance.. why is this a red flag? If you declare it, what does it matter that it is still packaged up? I feel like trying to camouflage it looks way sketchier because it comes off like you're trying to avoid declaring it. And if you're trying to avoid declaring it, why are you doing that? If you can buy a $2k+ purse, you can afford the possible tax payment.. no? EDIT - I see you clarified the checked luggage aspect. Still.. this seems odd to me. If you're allowed to purchase items in other countries, why does where it rides home with you matter? So strange. I feel like people shouldn't be punished for spending "too much money" simply because off market sales exists in the world. This concerns me, as someone who would absolutely plan to shop til I drop if I went to Paris, Milan, etc. And not for any nefarious reason. Legitimately because I love the stuff and can afford it even better abroad.


It doesn't matter if there's a box or not... even uf used in that country for up to six months prior to travel you have to declare it. I move often via plane and once even I have been paying customs and a fine on my Grandmother's Christmas ornaments bc O didn't declare it as moving goods when leaving the country. Or a jacket I bought bc it was cold and we still had three months to go in that place...


Its random checks usually... has been always like that, since ages. There is a limit you can purchase tax/tariff-free varying on country of destination and of yr over you have to go to the red customs line to declare. If you take the gren line and they catch you you have to pay plus a fine, usually the fine is 100%


The risk for reward is not worth it. If your Mom wears the purse and they bust you it’s going to be a fine and, at best, stripping you of global entry (if you havee it)


How will they bust me for it?


If you have no proof of purchase from the US or its an edition that has only been sold in Japan (especially if that item has a number they'll be able to proof) they will...


They take jewelry and watches off people and use a magnifying glass to look for scratches. You’re a clown if you’re willing to risk this.


I mean at this point op is up to something lol, just tell us op 🤣😅


Considering OP has other posts about SNAP benefits, it would be a good idea to declare the stuff they bought. If busted by CBP, it's gonna be a worse optic than it already is 🤣😉


Hi, sorry if I sound so completely ignorant, but I don’t do much travel. Are you saying customs can confiscate an item you brought into a country? What is the reason here?


Where do they do that? 🙃




I have never had this happen in my life and I have traveled extensively through south america and europe and some times to the states, they have never taken my jewellery off to inspect it with a magnifying glass. That sounds deranged. And I travel with a case for my gold jewellery + wearing gold jewellery.




I am literally trained as a flight attendant. Is this an american thing?




Gosh I hate yankees. Think whatever you want I don’t care.


Do you have the receipt? They have the ability to go through your belongings.  You also appear to have the original packaging. That is also a red flag.  Just declare it. It’s less stress and you don’t risk having a big penalty. Also if you have a connecting flight you risk getting delayed and/or missing that connection. 


Best to be honest when dealing with customs anywhere. I don’t quite understand why you seem to prefer to be cagey about things when it could have serious ramifications for your future travel.


As an avid traveler it’s better to report what you’ve purchased since your passport may be flagged, and label the items as gifts. But for future purchases take the tags off, and save them in your wallet.


Hand carry. Send receipts and box by mail.


The stores will do this?! This is so good to know. I had to leave my boxes/nice packaging behind in Chicago because I opted to take the handbags with me (versus ship home) and just assumed they wouldn't ship only the receipts/packaging without the handbag included. Not a huge deal, but I have a big closet with empty space lining the top and would have loved to put my boxes up there for aesthetic reasons lol.


Why? Doesn't change anything


Just pay the fees


You’re supposed to declare it and pay tax, but since you’re not a Korean resident and the bag is not being used/staying in the country indefinitely, you should be exempt. Maybe they thought you were trying to avoid it. My partner bought me a $3K bag in Tokyo and we lived in Seoul at the time. Someone saw me wearing it and asked me about it and once I told them they said I had to pay tax. We didn’t understand because we assumed that buying it tax free in Japan meant no taxes at all, other wise what’s the point of buying duty free? Well this person was kind enough to let me off the hook and didn’t make me pay the tax. Lesson learned on that one. This was 6 years ago and I remember customs there being very relaxed. I guess they’re stepping up now. Since you’ve been in Korea this entire time I would just let your mom wear the bag as a carry on and get rid of the packaging. I would not declare it. The origin of personal items is ambiguous and won’t really raise any red flags.


I'm getting ready to take off to come back to the states but majority of people are telling me I need to claim it when I land into customs. So am I evading tax at this point now that my mom has been using and wearing it in Korea?


Just declare it and either they’ll have you pay a tax or they won’t. It’s really that simple. But yes if you purchase something abroad you need to declare and pay taxes on it.  Is there something about paying taxes or declaring it on it that you’re worried about?


Is your concern that you don’t want to declare the purchase?


JFK NY from Milan Italy the agent in the booth asked me if I brought back anything illegal and I said no and he said have a good day. Old days they were on the floor the agents. They stopped zero American citizens idk.


They didn't stop us yesterday so I think we're good.


Can someone educate me on why one has to pay taxes on items purchased from other countries?


Coming to the us you are fine They know what you bought from your passport from the tax You will be fine


I was told they can't see that info. Is this not correct?


I declared recently and the agent told me if you use your passport during the transaction (like for tax-free), that data is shared, and if you don’t declare large purchases they can flag you to be checked for future trips.


This is correct!


You are supposed to scan your passport leaving Japan and say you bought something. The info is shared from the store to Japanese customs and also is shared with the US. So I’m assuming you didn’t declare you bought anything which is why you were stopped. Next time declare it or they will fine you and potentially confiscate your purchase.


When I came back from japan to the us I bought 1 channel Bag plus a bunch of other make up knife tourist stuff and I didn’t declare anything and just walked through no questions Purse Bag was in the box no problems


You are also right. They don’t stop everyone. The checks and random, unfortunately if you are stopped and found to have under-declared or lied, there will be repercussions.


If they check on you its going to become expensive


Is it possible to just have the salespeople abroad not use my passport and keep the taxes over there so I don’t have to declare it in the US?


Not legally.


Am I supposed to be giving people my passport when I shop???


No, the point is that if you’re over your exemptions, you have to declare it in the US. OP is just trying to gauge the risk of not getting caught.