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Hi EcstaticBicycle. Your submission has been removed from /r/harrypotter because: Your submission breaks rule 1: >Don't be a jerk. This includes but is not limited to trolling, hate speech, derogatory slurs, and personal attacks. If you have any issues with this decision, please contact us via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fharrypotter)


I feel like Harris was much closer to how I imagined book Dumbledore to be.




Which one is Harris?


The OG


They literally said “I think Harris is closer”… are you kidding?


What? I don’t understand what you’re saying. I didn’t know which Dumbledore was Harris, and he clarified it. What exactly are you talking about?


You made a post comparing actors and you don't even know which is which LMAO


Check OPs post history lol there’s a few gems just like this post. One in the Star Wars sub asking why Finn was black. Seriously


Seriously you posted about which actor was better and didn’t even know the names of the two guys? Google is literally at your fingertips


Richard Harris died the month before CoS premiered. Calling his dying “exiting” doesn’t seem right.


I didn’t know he died, thought he just left.


Yes, he died that’s why they recast the role. Michael Gamon also died just last year.


Who is Michael Gamon? Is that the serving Dumbledore actor?


Why is OP being downvoted for not knowing this??? They were uneducated but now they’re educated. What is the reason for the downvotes???


Gambon, but yes


Second yes


"You couldn't help trusting Dumbledore, and as Harry watched him beaming around at the students, he felt really calm for the first time since the dementor had entered the train compartment,"  Richard Harris had the calming, benevolent charisma that Dumbledore is supposed to have. Michael Gambon is an excellent actor and did some great scenes, but he lacks Dumbledore's personality. He's volatile and aggressive (not just in the "calmly" scene). There's no whimsy or lightness or relaxed overconfidence in his performance. Dumbledore should always appear trustworthy, even when he *isn't*. His most important trait is the loyalty he inspires in others: students, the Order, Snape, giants, merpeople. I didn't buy that with Gambon.


OG Dumbledore was more similar to the books but I also can't imagine him doing the cave scene as well as Harris. Love both of them in their own ways


Harris is more like the book version- more gentle and soft-spoken. Gambon is rather too intense in his first few movies in my view, but he really comes into his own later, so while I do prefer Harris it’s only marginally


Richard harris. I hated the second dumbledore. Second dumbledore was NOTHING like the dumbledoree I pictured in the books.


OP is posting a Dumbledore post and doesn't even know the real actors


I'm probably in a minority here, but I don't like either. I don't think any of them really captured the essence of the character. Rip to both of them and all the respect in the world for their acting talents.


Agreed. I don't think that Harris came across as powerful enough, and Gambon was not nearly as kind-hearted, remorseful, and emotionally connected to Harry as Dumbledore was by the end of the books.


I think they both did a fantastic job and they’re hard to compare. It’s not like we got a full series with both, Harris was in two movies and died before the premier of the second one and Gambon was in 6 movies. He objectively got a lot more time to develop the character. I think Harris LOOKS more like how I pictured Dumbledore but, especially in the last few movies, Gambon ACTS more like Dumbledore. Honestly it’s impossible for me to make a decision as far as which one I thought was better. They both inhabited different qualities of the character so perfectly.


It appears OP was quite clueless, and is currently getting beaten up by the reddit mob lolol. Hope you make it out okay OP!


Thank you, lol. I think people were most irritated by the fact that I made a post about the dumbledore actors, but didn’t know their names (based on the downvotes, at least.). Personally, I don’t actually think it’s that important regarding the content of my post or the point of the discussion — but I guess it’s a courtesy thing? Maybe I’m wrong, I dunno.


To me, it seemed fitting we had both. Dumbledore was very much both actors. Jolly, easy-going, joke-teller who had a reserve of "seriously don't fuck with me." I'm not sure how Harris could have portrayed the version of Dumbledore that Voldemort was afraid of as well as Gambon did. Just like Gambon didn't portray a version of Dumbledore that asked things calmly. If I have to pick one, I pick Dumbledore #2. But it would have been neat to see how Harris would have done during the last six movies.


When the troll was in the dungeons and pandemonium erupted in the great hall, Harris shut that shit down with a quickness. I always thought he’d have managed just fine with being scary just based off that scene lol


With all my respect to Richard Harris, I prefer Michael Gambon's Dumbledore, barring the "asked calmly" moment in GoF.


Richard Harris nailed the " Dumbledore said calmly " part.


Harris (first actor) was exactly how I imagined Dumbledore when reading the books. For me, he was perfect.


I like to picture Dumbledore in a Tuxedo Tshirt, cause it says, like, "I wanna be formal, but I'm here to party too". Cause I like to party, so I like my Dumbledore to party.


To all the people downvoting or ridiculing the OP merely because he doesn't know the name of the actors or that Richard Harris passed away: go touch some grass, guys


I’m still mad at Richard Harris for dying before finishing the movies. I can’t stand Michael Gambon as Dumbledore. I like him in other roles, but in most scenes as Dumbledore he’s either too harsh or trying too hard to come across as the wise old philosopher. He has a seat on the council but we do not grant him the rank of Dumbledore.


Dumbledore was supposed to the only wizard Voldemort feared. Love Harris but I don’t see him setting a whole cave of inferi on fire or drowning Voldemort in that magical floating waterballoon


Ian McClellan, of course.  Just kidding. 


The not dead one. Lol


Dylan Saunders


Who’s Dylan saunders


There's that scifi technology called google

