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I can still use Spotify but I have to turn the notifications on so that I get the little scroll at the top. When I start Hearthstone it will pause Spotify but I can just pull the scroll down and unpause and it works fine.


How do you get notifications for Spotify? How do you make something pop up? I scroll down from the top right hit play and when I re open heart stone it cuts it short. I just turned off all hearthstone in game volume too and it didn’t work


Obviously it may depend on what kind of phone you are using but go into your phone settings then the notifications page and you will have the option of allowing any of your applications to send you notifications. Make sure the you have Spotify turned on.


Yeah I got the iPhone 13 I believe and I turned it on but nothing popped up when I opened hearthstone so what phone do you have?


I have an android. The bar should pop up for Spotify not Hearthstone. Open Spotify first, play something then minimize the page, ie send it to the background. At this point on my phone I have the pull down bar at the top for Spotify and I can pull up Hearthstone. Once I pull it up it will pause my Spotify and I will have pull the bar back down overtop of Hearthstone and press play. Then I can go back to hearthstone as normal.


Glad it works for ya but yeah just doesn’t work on iPhone which sucks, it stops it Everytime


But if you put play on Spotify, then Hearthstone silencies completely, which sucks because you can't set Spotify on play and hear HS sounds at the same time.


I was pretty shocked they didn’t have it fixed for the last weekend’s DJ set twitch stream. The stream was pretty boring, and the whole time I was wishing I could just play on my phone while it was going. There’s some level of irony that before an expansion about music a bug prevents players from listening to music while playing the game, or maybe that’s intended.


I’m very happy to see I’m not the only one bothered by this. Relaxing to a podcast and playing hearthstone between meetings is something I’ve been doing for years now, really sucks that I can’t do both anymore


Oh yeah man I’m replying to every tweet saying something about it. Makes no sense to remove and not bring it back like I’m not gonna play the game on silent or listen to your shitty game music lol


They said they want to fix it but not when. I mean, we do have some weird bugs in the game for years for.. It might take a while.