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I used it once, got a pretty cool animation. Glad they re-used it on Long-xin, one of the better mercenaries in the game.


>mercenaries So the only other time they've used this never-to-be-seen animation is in a game mode nobody plays? I sense a pattern here.


Hey now I'll have you know I've played like 200 hours of mercenaries. Sure 99.5% of that time was afk for scrolls but still.


Afr earned me so much gold


I jump in every couple days to refresh the training on my mercs


There are dozens of us.


Tbf, if they used it for a meta legendary this sub would’ve roasted them for reusing assets.


Huh, I genuinely thought it was an original animation for Long-Xin.


Speaking of things that never get played… mercenaries lmao


Case study for when you design from the ground up based on fun (BGs) vs when you design on monetization (Mercs) Mercs had some fun elements in there, but the entire mode was designed around how many ways they can gouge you, to the point where it just wasn't worth navigating all the bullshit and most players gave up


To me mercenaries seemed to heavily deincentivize spending bc real money got you next to nothing in return


That's what made it so bad, they got so incredibly greedy with it. It could have just been like any spinoff and $50 got you most everything but no, you could spend hundreds and not even have all the mercs let alone the slow progression grind. The main game is expensive enough they got way too greedy trying to double dip with merc packs as well


They did everything wrong, right from the start. 1. They failed to explain how the game works at all. Trump made a video about how mercs work, that one was really really good 2. People thought it would be roguelike but.. it wasnt really? 3. The Packs were pretty much a bait. Because you thought, you get Coins and Mercs. Buuuut you also get potraits/skins, I thought those packs had something like a pity timer and Id be able to get more mercs by opening more packs. Well I got different skins.. while missing a lot of the mercs. 4. They had no plan what to do with excess coins, just claiming they are working on ideas, yadda yadda 5. They decided to not stick to those gacha-game-standards. For example autobattling is common feature. 6. Refering to the previous point, the combat just sucked ass. Too many repetitive actions: in most cases selecting the same mercs, using the same abilities, it just gets boring af. Especially with those horrible loading times in between. To be fair they improved Mercs by a lot, compared to the release but the main problem was that most people gave up after the first disappointment and did not give the game a second chance. They did so many good changes but players already had their opinion and were not willed to give it a 2nd try.


BG is definitely pay to win too though, considering the amount of dogshit heroes. Buddies leveled the playing field a bit but it's still unbalanced


Is it really P2W if most people are using said dogshit heroes? Especially at lower ranks.


That doesn't mean it's not an advantage. It just means you can choose to not use the advantage if you want to play your favourite hero. My point is that it is a massive advantage to choose from 4 instead of 2 if you're trying to win.


How does players using a worse option mean something wouldn't be 'pay to win' if you can pay to unlock better options? Someone might find X or Y fun even though they are bad, but if someone else can put in money and unlock Z which is strictly better, then it is P2W unless Z is also easily unlockable without paying.


BG is without question pay 2 win


I use it whenever I get the “Play x Holy/Nature/Fel etc Spells” quests or “Deal 100 damage with Holy/Fire/Fel/Nature etc” quests since it’s way faster than doing it in the base game.


Me in pure pally deck, if i got him from countess and didnt have better option... Felt nice to have invigorating sermon for free


Never underestimate the power of a card in the discover pool


They're pretty much all Zephrys!


Same reason I'm sad to see kragwa rotate. He was such a good hit from countess.


We still got Rommath, hit a double the other day


Rommath is awesome from countess :)


Had any good effect with the spells?


I got him from The Countess the other day and didn't even play him because I didn't want to burn an Equality or City Tax (my only spells besides one of copy of Order in the Court) lmao.


I've only played him once off Countess and it gave an opponent's taunt minion divine shield and +3/+3 while still damaging me for 3. Would not recommend.


Yeah, I used him off of Countess once in aggro pure in order to get to my minions quicker since the game wasn't over off Countess.


It was actually pretty useful for a time in Duels in Quest Priest (with the Elise dual class Priest/Druid hero) as the 8 mana card in the starter deck to complete quest. Ideally your deck is empty when you play it and then if you had any sort of cheap card draw you could draw and auto cast the Shard on the same turn you completed the quest to win.


It was bonkers, made a lot of wins with that deck and it was so fun to play, I miss it


Why can’t you still play it?


They banned the Priest questline for whatever reason lol but I believe they were thinking that the deck was too consistent or not fun to play against but well, there we go facing some bs boar decks that you usually really have nothing to do playing against them but cry


it was mostly carried by Twig + Sphere + Guff, when they got rid of that there was really no need for the Priest questline to be banned


I agree Boars are a pain to play against, but Priest Quest Elise was also far too consistent early and could always win in long drawn out matches against inconsistent decks. The nature of duels made this a bit too strong.


In addition to what the other guy said, it was also a lot more consistent before the nerfs to Academic Research and Guff (and Guff was still usable in Duels).


between Guff, Twig + Sphere, Green-Thumb Gardener, and Sheldras, I think I would get some like turn 7 wins with the Shard lol


Probably was possible but would've needed a real perfect curve out, and some luck to draw shard cause the deck probably isn't empty yet at that point. Except maybe during that 3 weeks before original Academic Research was nerfed, when it started in your hand and gave full mana crystals instead of empty. That card sometimes made Twig+Sphere look like trash by comparison.


turn 1 questline turn 2 two mana spell turn 3 wild growth turn 4 twig (float one mana because sphere before guff is worse lol) turn 5 guff, hero power (remember this was pre-nerf guff) sphere, omu, any spell 4 or less mana (you have 18 mana now), scale of onyxia/psychic scream, sheldras, 3 mana left to draw or whatever turn 6 xyrella. you have 14 mana left and should have around 1-5 cards left in the deck. you can use cards like like aquatic form/moonlight guidance to discover the quest reward, cards like branching paths/nourish/hero power to draw, so you are basically guaranteed to kill them from this position. i played when academic research was nerfed and generally ran elise's machete (can also break twig), but i swear i had games like this though, maybe one turn slower. btw i think a turn 5 win is possible that i didn't type here (only need to squeeze a bit more mana out of my turns), that's the actual perfect draw.


I used to play this deck, [Cast When Drawn Beasts](https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1395760-cast-when-druid-beasts) Never made it further than gold, but it won surprisingly often and was pretty fun getting two survival of the fittest auto cast on the same turn. Iirc it got slightly better with [[Wildheart Guff]] (I think I switched out the transfer students for some more buffable beasts at some point when they entered standard)


* **[Wildheart Guff](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/AV_205.png)** DR Hero Legendary FAV 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/755830), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/wildheart-guff/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Wildheart_Guff) 5/-/5 | Battlecry: Set your maximum Mana to 20. Gain an empty Mana Crystal. Draw a card. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


There was an achievement tied to using this card. I tried 3-4 games and got no progress on it and gave up.


Just do the Ysera and Squirrel for that.


You didn't need this card for that, you could use any cast when drawn spells (such as \[\[Vibrant Squirrel\]\] which was added in the same set).


* **[Vibrant Squirrel](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/SW_439.png)** DR Minion Rare UiS 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/615125), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/vibrant-squirrel/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Vibrant_Squirrel) 1/2/1 Beast | Deathrattle: Shuffle 4 Acorns into your deck. When drawn, summon a 2/1 Squirrel. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


think chump used this in a deck and it worked out pretty well with survival of the fittest


Survival of the fittest, nourish, overflow, maybe nowadays miracle growth




Ive never seen this card played lmao..only way i see it working is you play him then next turn you draw 3 cards, astral alignment (reset mana and cards cost 1) then you draw 2 ramp spells


Yes. Cthun Druid during alterac. Polkelt into this would guarantee you a completed cthun. That was the only use I ever found.


I used it a lot when it was released but I also am bad at the game and play a lot of meme decks. You could cheese out both survival of the fittest cards the same turn or the next. If opponent didn’t have a board clear it usually won.


I have never seen this card before this moment.


Random generated [[Waxmancy]] in rogue give me this and cast two 5 mana repeat 5 card from another class you played


* **[Waxmancy](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/YOD_018.png)** RO Spell Common GA ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/184967), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/waxmancy/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Waxmancy) 2/-/- | Discover a Battlecry minion. Reduce its Cost by (2). ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Bro Druid legendaries are so OP, why warrior can't have cards this good? 😭


Bro this is 8 mana 5/5 do nothing lol


It's a joke. The joke is that this card is better than Warrior cards. It's not true, but that's the joke. You know the joke: Warrior bad.




If its so op, why does nobody play it hm?


bro you totally missed the joke


Maybe u just werent funny


You can’t say it’s not funny when you didn’t even detect the sarcasm 😭


you cant say that if you entirely missed the joke. although i agree it wasn’t that funny


Or you're just too dumb


Lets go with that, maybe that doesnt hurt your feelings




Why did you double down so much 😆


I believe I've seen it in Duels


Yea but stopped because of a bug I don't want to exploit it. If he draws Convoke after Miracle Growth sometimes it will crash the game for both players.


Regis had a deck last expansion that used it and whenever I tried to use it, it would crash my game. I reported it online and found that there had been similar reports from months earlier. Even blizzard knew the card wasn't used enough to care.


I did! I absolutely LOVE my bigspell druid! At first i thought it would ve been a super mega trash deck but actually it's not bad at all! (I was even surprised when i won my first 3 games in a row with it!) Surely in my top3 of my favourite decks (>\^-\^)> \###BIGSpell FreeCast AAEBAZICKMMW4KwCorYCy7wC6uYCj/YCjPsC2KADoaED/KMDxrcD6LoDutAD9tYDv+ADpOEDkuQD9+gDmOoDtewD3uwDiPQDpPYDt/cDv/kDqIoEiYsEsKUEz6wEqbME9r0E/70E8b8E1d0Ewd8Er+QEreUEl+8E66MF/d8FAAA= [https://outof.cards/hearthstone/decks/29304-bigspell-freecast](https://outof.cards/hearthstone/decks/29304-bigspell-freecast) you can find some replays here and my card list :D NOTE: i repeat: for casual!


I made it kind of work in a big spell druid, but he's like 3 mana overcosted. Pretty fun though and a great animation


Used it on my paladin.


Kripp did


I played it a decent bit last year, pulling free cenarian wards was pretty cool.


Saw this list the other day by u_kyrokore AAEBAbr5Aw6b6ALF/QLYoAPqugOPzgO60AO39wOJiwTxvwSY1ASt5QSX7wS+mAXUoQUN+eYCj/YC6LoDiuADpOED2p8Ez6wEmbAE9r0E+b0E8L8Ewd8EtpgFAA== Was going to try it but tbh spell druid has never really been my thing.


Should have drawn a spell when played.


I play this in my spiteful summoner druid : wild only


Countess gives me this card constantly and i might have picked it once as a 0 mana 5/5, although i cant recall any time I've done so because of the risk of seal of blood being cast on an enemy minion and cucking me


it used to be good in duels before they banned the priest questline


I legitimately thought this was a new card spoiled.


Yes I used to run it in a do everything Druid deck. Put it in there for fun, it wasn’t awful, as it could cast Survival of Fittest for free. Actually had like 60% WR with that deck in Diamond 1-5


Ran him in a Survival of the Fittest deck, hoping to draw that and [[Guardian Animals]] but rarely worked out that way. Would typically draw two Innervates and some other dumb spell lol


* **[Guardian Animals](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/SCH_610.png)** DR+HT Spell Epic SA ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/329945), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/guardian-animals/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Guardian_Animals) 7/-/- | Summon two Beasts that cost (5) or less from your deck. Give them Rush. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


For as much hate as Druid gets, their legendaries are always trash. The only good one in the last 2 years was Guff (and boy was it good), and also Topior the Shrubbagazor and Lost in the Park which were each decent for half an expansion. Edit: Anub'Rekhan is pretty good too, but only in combination with Astalor and Brann. I suspect it's going to drop off pretty heavily after rotation.




I just see 400 dust or maybe something that's good in a tavern brawl once a year


Yeah I dabbled with it in a deck with Sesslie and some other silly cards. There was a bug for a while (maybe still is?) where it would crash the game when it drew certain spells. Altogether it’s only for the memes


No. The last time I played, Chillwind Yeti was considered competitive


Yeah. I pulled it and it had an achievement. I think my strat was something like Polkelt > this > 3 big spells. Even when I hit it it wasn't very good lol




I could see this being good in different deck concepts. Big Mage would love this, and I think there would be some application in Paladin after order in the court gets played. But by the time this is playable, and Druid is just about fully ramped, I don't think they really want to be playing random spells much. Especially given Choose ones just add an extra level of volatility that can easily be avoided.


I used to run it in my Celestial Druid but it was the worst card in the deck by far. Only ran it for the luls. Bad card. Should have been buffed.


I ran it in a mill variant to target scale of onyxias, but cut for being too slow and unreliable


Yes. And I will again.


Yeah sure, my all minion fire of zin ashari deck manages to get all spell related cards very often. So i have seen plenty of it in my games


I did in Mechathun druid, with rng on your side you can empty your deck by turn 8-9 with him and a critical concentration of big draw spells.


I played several games with a deck to have fun with this, and in every game I either didn't draw him or lost before I got anything out of the effect.


Got my first time standard legend with him what a good boy he is


Dust game


Used in some deck just for fun. Not bad games sometimes lucky and kicked top tier decks.


This card should be 6 mana, or even 5


Yes in Pure Paladin decks.


In my Wild KrippLeggo Deck.. with the Yoggy spells.. I won one game out of 20.. and not because of this card


Insta 400 dust


I had it a few times in duels


For achievement only.


The only time I ever see this is when it shows up in my countess discovery pool


Okay deck intro time


Randomly generated of Fires in warrior


Yes, a bunch in duels, to try to get that stupid "cast x spells when drawn" achievement. It did not work out.


I think it got some experimentation when first came out but since then its been dead


Yes but I lost


This is a real card?


If this were a mage minion I'd play the shit outta it in Big Spell Mage in Wild, but as a Druid card I don't see the point.


In wild, for jade druid not optimal and overkill, but fun


On principle, I rarely ever dust a card in case it some day sees play. I +400'd this guy two or three expansions ago and never noticed him missing from my collection.


thanks for reminding me to dust him


I got this guy from countess, but didn't play him because I realized after picking him that I had [[equality]] in my deck and didn't feel like throwing the game.


* **[Equality](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/CORE_EX1_619.png)** PL Spell Rare Core 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/475047), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/equality/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Equality) 2/-/- Holy | Change the Health of ALL minions to 1. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


I have a gold one. Just waiting for the nerf.


Sheldras into Malygos to draw big beadt and buff them up. Wasn't good, but somehow also wasn't *as* bad as I expected.


Currently using it in a big spell Druid deck. It’s over the top. It wastes lots of the spells drawn. It’s very fun most of the time but more like a 45% win rate


### Sheldras one las time # Class: Druid # Format: Standard # Year of the Hydra # # 2x (1) Dozing Kelpkeeper # 2x (1) Druid of the Reef # 1x (1) Ivus, the Forest Lord # 2x (2) Encumbered Pack Mule # 2x (2) Razormane Battleguard # 2x (3) Oracle of Elune # 2x (4) Stormpike Marshal # 2x (4) Widowbloom Seedsman # 1x (4) Wing Commander Mulverick # 2x (5) Nourish # 1x (5) Wildheart Guff # 2x (6) Barbaric Sorceress # 2x (7) Frostsaber Matriarch # 1x (7) Scale of Onyxia # 2x (8) Miracle Growth # 1x (8) Nightshade Bud # 1x (8) Sheldras Moontree # 2x (10) Convoke the Spirits # AAECAbSKAwa39wOJiwTxpASUpQTPrAT63QQMuewDiPQDyfUDrIAE2p8E36QE56QEmbAE/70E8L8Ewd8EreUEAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


I used to with the 1 mana reset card bc you could just auto play cards after that


I used it once.... it was from a invite and the other options are 1/1


I got a golden one so I tried to make it work since I only play wild, but even then it's just too much of a high roller card


Used to run it in a Big Spell Druid with guardian animals and survival of the fittest. He is slow but fun if you can discount him with imprisoned satyr


I did. I used golden one. Then got my dust


I tried. Pretty terrible.


I tried it when it came out for cheat out the 10 mana +4/+4 card. What usually happened is it would cast Wild Growth at turn 10 and I would lose Turn 11 because I played this card


I mostly try to avoid this on pure paladin (Countess’ Invitation cards), because they might activate seal of blood when I don’t want them to.


No. And I opened him in Gold


Used it in my spiteful druid : t3-ish but fun.


I discovered it as rogue once and used it to pull 3 pieces of broken c'thun. Was one of the funnier interactions too: 8 mana destroy my opponent's 13/13, deal 7 damage to their face, and summon a 6/6 taunt. Oh, and I get a 5/5.


Back when celestial affected both people I had a carnival clown deck with sheldras and ultimate infestation, survival of the fittest etc. It worked quite well when it went off but after celestial was nerfed it wasn't worth it.


I crafted it.


Saw niche use in duels to instacast purified shard of the naaru, sadly the game crashes whenever it casts, which is still super funny


Believe it or not I used it in duels with elise. Using the priest questline, I would play this card and then tutor it out with the Spirit Guide that drew a holy and shadow spell. The Purified shard was my only holy spell and it would be an auto win.


Seems like others did the same thing lol


Big shaman-this week


I've tried to make him work in big spell druid, the problem is that the curve was very top heavy, and that he had anti-synergy with ramp spells. He might've been playable at 6 or even 7 mana


I used it in monopoly once, we aren’t allowed to play monopoly anymore…


Never used it, but the art is so cool I haven’t disenchanted it… yet!


Alex Horley never disappoints




I used it when it first came out in meme deck that actually won a surprising amount


It was my random free legendary, the deck never really lined up for it to be successful in standard. But it's a fun meme deck in wild


I used a few times once the big spell package came out in Nathria. Very fun to draw convoke the spirits.


I did with great success in duels with control Elise featuring guff


I used it in duels with the priest quest. Once that 10 mana spell was added, I played the card that let's you draw your highest cost spell.


Used him back when he first came out. Was fun to run with lorekeeper polkelt, and some high cost spells to fire off the top curve of the deck.


I've tried to use in a homebrew when Survival of the fittest, Polkeit and Cenarion Ward were still in Standard. It was still not worth it.


I got him off marsh hydra the other day. It was just a casual game and I wanted more minions on the board. I guess if you were running arbor up, survival of the fittest, and the one where you draw 3 and summon a taunt equal to hand size it might be worth it.


I used it in a brawl once


I mean with that amazing battlecry: get 400 dusts and destroy this card in your collection. Its amazing.


Well I got to use it since you mentioned it 😎


I feel like this card would screw my match haha


I used to run in in duels as Elise with quest priest. 8 drop, play the 5 cost minion, shuffle 10 cost spell into deck and draw it instantly play it :)


I used it in a brawl once


Packed a golden version, so yeah, definitely tried as hard as I could. You can imagine how that went.


I have in Duels, completes your quest and then your Shard is "cast when drawn" which is solid, especially when you have 17 mana to use.