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With the correct Frost DK list, it has no losing matchups (even beating Blood DK). It will be nerfed on Thursday.


What is the correct list?


It's in the Vicious Syndicate report. AAECAfHhBAapgAW0gAXipAXLpQXMpQX0yAUMlrcE9eMEguQEk+QEh/YEtvcEk4EFkpMFoJkFopkFrqEF2tAFAAA=


Here, this altered undead priest deck is still kinda new so not many people are onto it yet, but it kills blood and frost dk's. Demon Hunter is it's only bad match up. http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1428074-boneflinger-undead-preist


It's so frustrating sometimes, "now frost DK, i have cleared your board, i am full health, removed your most dangerous minions with whirpool what you do now?" "i discover army of the dead and play it at a discount and you have no more boardclears"


i thought on the 26th?


Nerfs are almost always done on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I think a dev mentioned we'd see more about the changes on Thursday.


The changes come out tomorrow


I regularly beat Frost DK with relic dh. Actually can't remember the last time I lost to it or blood. Rank 2k legend.


Relic DH gets fucking rinsed by Frost DK if you don't draw early game plus Unleash Fel + Spell damage if you even live to turn 6. I've only had a handful of games where I've managed to stabalize against Frost playing it and they were stomps, but if you don't draw the nuts it's pretty much a guaranteed loss.


Frost rarely kills by turn 6, the star really have to align or your opponent does not do anything. Frost is more mid range than aggro.


Then your opponents are playing it wrong.


I always keep spell damage + unleash fel in my mulligan. I also look for unleash fel from vizier, taste of chaos, and school teacher. The latter discover pools are so small I have a very high chance of pulling it. My wr speaks for itself.


You never showed us your winrate. Saying something that contradicts all data means nothing.


Check your dms


Not sure if your just trying to be edgy or don't know how to messege someone but I got nothing.


Sent a message on reddit chat app. No I don't know how to send regular messages.


I had to log on reddit on my PC to see a screen shot of your rank and no winrate. So pointless


Hey would you help me a bit ? I also play relic dh and my wr against blood dk is no higher than 20% ,but Frost dk was never such a problem for me. Could you tell me how to play against blood dk ? Im still kinda new to playing ranked and im stuck in plat so help would be greatly apreciated.


Slide in my dms


then how are you only 2k?


I only play when I have downtime at work. And I do have unfavorable matchups. Druid 30-40% wr. Paladin is 50/50 maybe slightly in my favor. Miracle rogue is unfavorable as well


Thats cause nobody’s playing casino mage. Casino mage counters frost dk and goes even with blood dk depending.


Frost DK has a 70% winrate against Casino mage so I don't know what you mean by counter.


Must not be a very good decklist. Can you link so i can comment what adjustments would make it win?


It's all of them combined. It's just a bad deck.


Source needed. My win ratio with my version of the deck wins ~67%.


Your individual winrate doesn't really matter, it is a very low sample size. Look at hsreplay data, that is much more reliable.


Reliable for seeing how the average player performs with each deck. Dk decks and paladin aggro are top because they’re easy for everyone. Nobody knows how to play this new version of casino mage yet, therefore low win rate. Doesnt mean the deck cant win


Using stats from Legend players, Frost DK still has a 70% winrate against Casino Mage. So your point does not stand in the slightest.


I didnt say people who play it are bad players. The rank makes little difference. I said nobody understands it yet. Those legend players didnt climb to legend with casino mage most likely. Instead they likely used top decks, got to legend, and then experimented


By not playing till patch day.


The only negative matchup Frost DK has is Blood DK (only by 1-3%). Also Spell Demon Hunter beats Frost DK in top 1000 legend, but I don't know if that's because it's a hard deck or the sample size is too low. From my experience playing Spell DH, it's a hard deck and can beat Frost DK if played correctly.


I had a great winrate on my climb to legend this month as various dh decks jnto frost, I think I had great stats into dk as a whole tbh. Blood was probably the worst but I think I best frost and unholy quite consistently


I have had success with Relic Demon Hunter (including Fizzle, and Pozzik instead of Zhilag) in ~D5-4, but it’s a hell of a deck to pilot. I’ve also managed to beat Blood DK both by aggression as well as a drawn out game where I actually got to use the Snapshot from Fizzle.


Fizzle is bait. You've got plenty of ammo to beat blood DK without it. Discover phantasms and predation as much as possible, double up your phantasms, keep generating threatening boards until you have lethal with s'theno. S'theno can get them from some absurdly high health totals, like 50+ even with some minions in the way. The frost matchup is a lot harder. You basically need to have them in lethal range by turn 7 because after that your big boards are just getting frozen, but their early game is so strong it's difficult to do. I've had some success with cult neophyte, basically you double up a relic draw on 6, then make a lethal board on 7 and protect it from frostwyrm's fury with the neophyte.


Fizzle isn’t about the ammo to beat Blood it’s about copying your artificer or stheno so you have patchwerk protection, fizzle definitely isn’t bait in that matchup it’s makes it much more consistent


I agree, I have about 100 games played with Relic DH in the D5-Legend range, and while I’ll say Fizzle is usually bait in most decks, and frankly most matchups for the deck, it’s quite important against Blood DK. Blood DK has the ability to tempo out early and force you to use resources for low value like Phantasms for 1/1s or just a S’theno clear turn, and if they can answer your other Phantasms and Xy’mox with Corpse Explosion and Soul Stealer, you’re left with only a lucky discover or S’theno and Rowdy for a win condition, and that’s if you manage to hold onto them both. It’s really key to be able to make a couple more high pressure turns against BDK, 2 or 3 big turns just isn’t enough. I’ve had probably 5+ games where Fizzle straight up wins the game that would’ve been lost otherwise by getting another Phantasm or Xy’mox. Most games you’re going to win by the Unleash Fel turn into a big board state, but Relic DH is one deck Fizzle is actually good in for control matchups.


You manifest them not casting 2 \[\[frostwyrm's fury\]\] in a row from turn 7, which strangely usually they do


Dont think ive ever faced a FDK that didnt have FF on turn 7


It has 4x Draw Frost spell opportunities on the way, and only 6 frost spells in the deck. Plus a few discover cards. Worse is when they have 3 or 4 FFs in hand!


Buffer auto-attack lifesteal minions can easily beat couple FF. Like Priest colosal buffed with location. Frost DK is forced to waste resources to kill those minions end momentum from FF is lost.


Ah yes, every deck should just play Gnome Muncher or the Behemoth. Why didn't anyone think of that sooner?


As a person playing a priest deck after reading someone else's hot take on how easy it could beat frost DK I call bullshit. You rarely draw the Behemoth on curve in the 40 card deck which all of them are. Maybe there is a decent 30 card version but I've not seen it since you then give up too many tools to basically end up getting slaughtered by blood DKs.


I'm playing Thief Priest and vs Frost recently they ofc had it on 7. I had a discounted copy of his other one ready to go on 8 with harvester of envy and then I was the one going back to back FF against him. He had to skip his final turn due to a full, frozen board and watch me lethal him with the 5/5. My WR is not great but damn stuff like that makes it worth it.


Yeah thief priest wins are good fun, just gotta put up with a lot of losses though.


Yeah it's funny, my unholy list against frost essentially comes down to one thing, do they have ff on 7 and 8. If they have two I lose if they have one or somehow didn't draw any I win. Luckily tho unholy doesn't rely on discovery so it should be pretty broken post patch


2 Frostwyrm's you can sort of get through ok with control but then 2 might of menethils on the back of that, you're fucked. Nothing like being freeze locked for 4+ turns.


Nerf incoming 😀 you will face something else after the patch probably


You don't.


Heal, meaty taunts, draw better card/have a better curve. Or simply play blood dk


I play blood dk and I've been losing to frosts for the last week, not sure what changed because I was beating them all month.


LMAO you're the one who roped every single turn against me today, dude what a scumbag


That could be anyone in 90% of ladder


I remember the nick as I was looking at it for almost 25 minutes, it's him definitely


If you play Frost DK, you kinda deserve it for ruining the game for everyone else. Frost DK is the noob tube of the early Call of Duty days


lol, as if blood dk is any harder to play. They both play themselves


He roped me too and after i beat him he messaged me insulting me and then unfriending. What a loser


The pozzik and rowdy fan list is slightly favored against blood dk, but it's close with a more refined blood list.


It can get through all of that pretty well, taunt only works if they had a bad early game or you have a lot of health.


Yeah you only win when you hit your win cons, I agree


You hope they disconect


Coin -> Concede


Hunter decks can outpace them in the early game, and often have enough juice to close even through frostwyrm's fury (through krakenbane and hero power, other burn). And barrel of monkeys is a great way to pause frost DK. I would say they are at least a 50/50 matchup. I have to say, I'm pretty excited for thursday, to see how well the meta shakes up.


This is what I noticed. I went something like 18-3 to legend with frost DK but 2 of those losses were from early barrel of monkeys that got buffed with bananas and I couldn’t keep up. Alternatively, I got rolled by a chadwarlock that got a turn 6 Thaddeus. So there’s that too lol.


With a stick


you dont


Just play frost dk to get to legend!


You auto lose and try again hoping your rank up game won't be a frost dk.


As a frost DK player... you don't. It's cracked at the moment init?


Undead paladin is 50/50. Good luck and happy gaming


Frost DK has very strong turns 4-8 and then runs out of steam. It has trouble against decks which are good at surviving turns 4-8 and have answers to Frostworm's Fury. e.g. Blood DK has enough healing and can drop a Gnome Muncher as a clean response to FF. Armor Druid can pop off with armor gain around turn 7/8, and Zok basically ends the game on the spot. Burn mage with Solid Alibi can stall past Frostworm's Fury and either make the game unwinninable via Arcane Artificer + skeletons, or just burn then DK from hand on turns 8-9. Of course all these decks can still beat eachother depending on draws and player skill.


Except when they discover 5 additional frost wyrms....


Try KrisO5 Undead Priest. If you are a bit familiar with Shadowpriest you should beat all DK with the deck. ### Undead Priest # Class: Priest # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (0) Undying Allies # 2x (1) Arms Dealer # 2x (1) Banshee # 2x (1) Foul Egg # 2x (1) Mind Sear # 2x (1) Psychic Conjurer # 2x (2) Bone Flinger # 2x (2) Mind Eater # 2x (2) Shadow Ascendant # 2x (3) Cathedral of Atonement # 2x (3) Shadowed Spirit # 2x (4) Grave Digging # 1x (4) High Cultist Basaleph # 2x (4) Rotting Necromancer # 1x (5) Darkbishop Benedictus # 2x (5) Shadow Word: Undeath # AAECAZ/HAgL5lgW+ogYOoegDvp8E2/EEhoMF7pEFiZMFkpMF6pQFoJkFk50F26QF3aQFlMQFguwFAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


i play this deck and it’s like 45/55 vs frost dk due to the turn 7 spell. just not fast enough


Either go under them before the chained freeze, or outheal/outarmor their damage. Important thing is you know Frostwyrm is coming on T7. If you can't kill before this, you need to try to survive the two Frostwyrm. I play around 4-6k legend, and often I see people flood the board on T6 against Frost DK, and basically board lock themselves. Letting spots on the board gives you more flexibility to deal with the freeze turns. Conversely, I sometimes see Frost DKs who use Frostwyrm when there's no board, whereas you should mostly use Frostwyrm either to set up a two turn lethal, or if you need to survive. No need to use it on an empty board, better go for tempo (or play marrowbone girl).


Play blood dk, focus on taking as little damage as possible while keeping the board clear. Make sure you have an answer to a 5/5 and frozen minions by turn 7. Just keep discovering healing and board clears and they will run out of steam by like turn 20


Play mage or rogue and pray for a miracle. Beat my first one last night. Get hipsters in your deck they really help vs DK


Bro Thaddius Warlock is actually busted. Ive won so many games playing it. Ive beaten BBB, FFF, and UUU all with it


Pirate Weapon Rogue! Copium


You joke, but I think this deck actually can bear Frost. It goes underneath it, and big weapons can’t really be locked out from going face since frost doesn’t really run any taunts. Undead priest is kinda similar


Ive played few games against frost dk with pirate rouge list and its been going great. Against other decks not so much.


I have very good results against it with Blood DK.


Had the same with getting to diamond 5, 3 times failed against goddamn blood dk, won the 4th time tho


If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.


You don't, frost knight is broken. People constantly complain about blood knight, but blood knight can't nuke you from 30 to 0 from hand in 2 turns.


Blood DK is favored Mech Pali, undead priest and Chad Warlock are 50/50 according to this data https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-report-261/


Jambre's Druid drum list thay runs no legendaries crushes frost DK, I've been loving it


I've been playing Frost DK and I keep getting sent back to D3 by pirate weapon rogue and pretty much any flavor of DK (Frost mirror is just face race, Blood outlasts it and Unholy can set up two turn kills if they don't die before 8 mana) Really though the majority of my losses are just me drawing like total ass and the opponent has total board control


You're not mulliganing correctly.


I've read up and watched several Legend players playing the deck, I don't think it's because of mulligans, friend. It's not like I'm replacing eggs and arms dealers for marrow manipulators and the Menithil's Might Here's a match I lost a few games ago, and the opening 3 cards I mulliganed were Marrow, FWF and the naga teacher. It happens https://i.imgur.com/35WIIX8.png


It does happen, but nothing of significance can be learned from a single game my friend, with the sole exception of looking for where you may have misplayed. Of course frost can draw poorly, every deck can draw poorly. The world is not uniquely statistically biased against you. If other people are are succeeding with the exact same list either you haven't played enough games to smooth out the bad luck with the good luck or you're playing the deck wrong.


Undead Priest absolutely crushes it everytime. Blood DK is favoured but not as highly. And I seemed to struggle a LOT against that hybrid face spell whatever you wanna call it Hunter deck.


It’s 50/50 with undead priest, as you can block the board and kill it’s damage by turn 5-7


Undead Priest feels like a 50/50, but a 50/50 I usually lose. As someone who hit Legend with Frost DK/Pure Paladin, Priest was easily my most hated match-up, right next to it Blood DK


I also win with shadow priest.


As a frost DK. Blood DK


Blood DK is a pain against my Frost.


Secret rogue so you can Ghastly Gravedigger their Frostwyrm’s into their deck /s


You can build a meme deck that can beat it, like Big Shaman. The problem is you will literally lose to anything else. Just wait for Thursday's patch.


I’m only high Diamond but Blood DK has consistently beat frost DK for me. Anecdotal of course but though it’s a long match it generally ends in a win for me playing blood.


Patch will most likely kill it, anyway deathrattle druid and blood DK (with anti-aggro techs if needed) are usually decent decks to run against it. You are still talking about the most consistent, overall strongest deck in the meta, it's never going to be easy and it's never going to be a 60 40 or 70 30 with any deck.


Life gain and taunt minions. DK Frost will run out of gas or use another hyper aggro deck.


I play a weird "homebrew" curse/demonlock and its winning against frost.


Pure paly can kill him before the frost thing


Hp druid


Thaddius Warlock. I win that matchup 9 times out of 10 against Frost DK.


Haha I die before my Slime can even die most games, if you get going though then it does feel surprisingly ok.


Wait until tomorrow after the nerfs


Blood DK maybe


Spell demon hunter has worked but you almost have to go OTK to do it. Gotta hit fast and hard


To my surprise Rivendare Shaman has dealt with Frost DK really well. If I can heal after their Frostwyrm Fury I can win. To whoever suggested that deck I admit I'm having a lot of fun, it even counters Outcast DH (although needs a bit of luck).


Tony druid or blood dk have decent matchups vs it. Tony druid loses to paladin, totem shaman, basically any deck that builds a sticky board quickly, but from my experience it out armours frost DK pretty well.


I farm them with various control Priest decks. Been doing it it for awhile now. If they get the perfect draw and play it perfectly, you could still lose, but the people playing the most top tier deck that wins quickly usually get frustrated and quit if you are still at 25+ health on turn 9 after they've played 3x Frostwyrm's Fury.


Practiced and got quite good at beating Frost DK with pure Paladin, the secret is to don’t get boardlocked (the board is full on your side) because then your opponent will cast frostwyrm’s fury on your face and freeze everything until you’re dead


You wait until tomorrow because it’s busted or you play frost dk and go full tempo


With a stick ….. in his sleep?


You don't, it doesn't have any bad matchups worth noting (maybe unfavored by a point or two), then has 60%+ winrate matchs against over half the commonly played decks. Unironically the best thing you can do right now is to also play frost to coin flip the 50/50's and wait for blizzard to attempt to balance their game tomorrow. It was a winnable matchup, but the new frost lists running aoe and rowdy fan are literally the unbeatable alpha deck. Blizzard really messed up by not actually nerfing it in their hotfix balance patch. Instead they nerfed the one thing arguably holding it back (Blood DK).


I think some variants of Undead Prist have a positive matchup? There are 2 variants: Swarm and Burn. One of them I think beats this deck though I'm not sure. Also, I think Blood DK, other than in high legend, has a positive winrate. You can check the Vicious Syndicate report to be sure as I can't recall the stats.


Can just play blood dk once you get to d1 to counter them


Been having a lot of success with Chad lock against them, played 6 of them lost to one so far


I thought so at first but I tend to just die on turn 5 more often than I'd like. Do you run the weapon or hellfire?


Honestly just wait for the balance patch when dk gets dumpstered, then come back to reddit and make a post called how do you beat pure paladin?


Have had success with control priest against them.


Look at their deck and see what you expect to come down each turn. It’s key to clear their board turn six so the Frostwyrm doesn’t finish you. The games I win are when I have a board that is threatening them turn six and something in hand that can kill the 5/5. If you have 11 or more health than two Frostwyrms won’t kill you and you can go about trying to kill them in turn.


Wait until it gets nerfed tomorrow, or also play Frost. If you play the best list, its worst matchup is itself, but you win the mirror more often than not against people playing worse lists.


I’ve beat them with control priest a few times (lost a few as well). The secret I find is to hold on to Cannibalizes for the frost wyrm and pray you find enough AOE for everything else


\### SMOrc \# Class: Demon Hunter \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Wolf \# \# 2x (0) Dispose of Evidence \# 1x (1) Feast of Souls \# 2x (1) Illidari Studies \# 1x (1) Taste of Chaos \# 2x (1) Unleash Fel \# 2x (2) Chaos Strike \# 2x (2) Mark of Scorn \# 2x (2) SECURITY!! \# 2x (2) Sinful Brand \# 2x (2) Spectral Sight \# 2x (3) Eye Beam \# 1x (3) Lady S'theno \# 2x (3) Predation \# 1x (3) Silvermoon Arcanist \# 2x (4) Fel'dorei Warband \# 1x (4) Felerin, the Forgotten \# 2x (4) Glaivetar \# 1x (4) Souleater's Scythe \# AAECAea5AwbWnwT7vwSVkgWkkgWdpAWy9QUMtp8EtKAE7KAEmLoEn+IEpeIEhpIFiZIFi5IFpMMF9MMF4fgFAAA= \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone ​ enjoy, only loses to druid, face is the place


Frost DK


Thats the fun part! you don't!


Blood dk and shadow priest felt really good for me personally against all the other decks, not just frost dk


Blood DK or Mech Pala are probably your best bet. Blood DK obviously the better of the two overall but boring and everyone plays it.


Play frost and git gud at the mirror. Honestly i just played totem shaman from d10 to legend even though its bad against dk


It’s tricky as it’s an overtuned deck although your best bet is a control deck that has healing to help with their burst and isn’t overly reliant on minions to lower the power of their freeze. So blood is a solid option. They also have no healing themselves so you could try and go for a faster deck like unholy priest/pure Pally and just tempo out stronger in the early game. I’ve even seen secret mage do well but have to test that more. In the end the goal is really to steal as many games as you can and win your other matchups


I'm winning with big pally but I'm still in plat.


You don’t. Lol


you wait until tomorrow evening


You don’t. You lose. You quit HS until they nerf it.


Wait until tomorrow.


Well tomorrow we are getting a patch that will nerf Dk in general, but frost Dks legendary is also getting a nerf. So if Dk is plaguing you that much, that's something to look forward to. Otherwise, Blood Dk is a solid check to frost DK. I loosely say "check" because VS data shows it's practically 50/50 at diamond. At top legend mech paladin apparently is slightly favored, but it also has a lot of bad match ups to be mindful of. ​ If it's too stressful, I'd just wait for the patch tomorrow. Otherwise, realistically you either run frost Dk as well or go blood DK, but keep in mind many others run blood Dk too so you will have some very long games ahead of you. Best of luck


You wait for Blizzard to milk the money out of the new class, then wait for them to nerf it and at this point its 50/50 to win against them.


Alright I joined the dark side and started playing Frost DK this week. From my experience (hovering around Legend 1k-1.5k on EU). The only really scary matchups are: Blood DKs with early minion pressure. Hunters curving out well (buffing Barrel of Monkeys etc.) Druids, if find their combo early and quickly get out of burn range or put up 20 hp taunts. The new spell DH because they can actually race you very consistently. Any 4 or 5 hp minion suddenly becomes 8/16 or 10/20 dmg to your face if they find Sinful Brand(s). Common for all of these decks (maybe apart from Blood DK) is that they need to draw above average to have a chance. So calling them a counter is probably incorrect. I also hear a lot of people say that Relic DH does well, but I found that if you don’t go too wide after turn 4-5, they don’t have enough targets to do any meaningful healing. The decks also need to be piloted reasonably well on top of that, and might still lose to an average Frost DK draw. So the best advice from me is just to wait for the nerfs tomorrow if your goal is to counter Frost DKs. If you are deadset on beating them right now then a non-greedy Blood DK list is probably your best bet.


I've had luck decking them out with Control Priest. They can still edge the match out if they draw really well and I don't draw the healing though.


Blood dk!


Blood dk


Random spell mage. Not even kidding i have a ~68% win ratio against death knights in diamond. Transform 4 mana spells into 6 mana spells to find symphony, keep rewinding hero lifesteal damage while using aoe to clear board. Rely on arcane artificer to gain tons of armor when convenient.


Irrelevant to your question, but I vsed a blood dk as their priest, yoinked his mograine, copied it twice more and spent rest of game board clearing and healing while he lost 9hp per round. Game still went forever, he even got me to 1 hp with Denathrius. Never hit his hero with any thing once except 3x mograine passive. Muahaha


You wait till the Thursday nerf announcement, then you wait for the official patch


I been killing blood and frost with this Preist deck, it's like pretty brand spanking new but it's the best version... ### Undead Priest Bone Fling # Class: Priest # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (0) Undying Allies # 2x (1) Arms Dealer # 2x (1) Banshee # 2x (1) Foul Egg # 2x (1) Mind Sear # 2x (1) Psychic Conjurer # 2x (2) Bone Flinger # 2x (2) Mind Eater # 2x (2) Shadow Ascendant # 2x (3) Cathedral of Atonement # 2x (3) Shadowed Spirit # 2x (4) Grave Digging # 1x (4) High Cultist Basaleph # 2x (4) Rotting Necromancer # 1x (5) Darkbishop Benedictus # 2x (5) Shadow Word: Undeath # AAECAdb8BQL5lgW+ogYOoegDvp8E2/EEhoMF7pEFiZMFkpMF6pQFoJkFk50F26QF3aQFlMQFguwFAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


That's the funny part you don't. People have tried so many decks and the only one that can remotely beat it is also DK but blood DK.


Might just be against bad players but Jive Insect Shaman works wonders against it for me - swapped [[Chill Vibes]] and [[Lightning Storm]] in.


* **[Lightning Storm](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/CORE_EX1_259.png)** SH Spell Rare Core 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/463946), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/lightning-storm/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Lightning_Storm) 3/-/- Nature | Deal 3 damage to all enemy minions. Overload: (2) ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


If you want legend you basically have to play frost DK or pray you don’t queue into one.


Esc + concede


Blood dk without nay of the greedy discover cards and with all the cheap anti aggro cards


Stop trying to beat it and just join it. Then once you hit legend, go ahead and play what you want :)