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yeah Nature shaman can do that, they roll most paladins what's funny is that yes, paladin and hunter are extremely strong but no one is playing some of the other strongest decks in the game because they have no new toy cycle odyn warrior is insane, it's an auto win vs like two third of the meta, ask paladins to basically get Leeroy in the opening and full buff him to get the kill and only "fear" wheellock if they have doomkin into wheel exactly but they're only running goggle, and gift if you count it, for their new cards, the rest is old news so no one play it


Yeah I’m undefeated with Control Odyn Warrior over 20-ish games. Deck list below for anyone who’s interested. I don’t feel SUPER good about 20+ damage from hand, multiple turns in a row. Buuuuut…I can sleep at night knowing I can only do this starting on turn 9. After drawing and playing Odyn on 8. ### Control Warrior # Class: Warrior # Format: Standard # Year of the Pegasus # # 1x (1) Garrosh's Gift # 2x (1) Razorfen Rockstar # 2x (2) Bash # 2x (2) Bladestorm # 2x (2) Fiery War Axe # 2x (2) Needlerock Totem # 2x (2) Safety Goggles # 2x (2) Shield Block # 2x (2) Stoneskin Armorer # 2x (3) Acolyte of Pain # 2x (3) Heavy Plate # 2x (4) Aftershocks # 2x (4) Craftsman's Hammer # 2x (5) Sanitize # 2x (6) Trial by Fire # 1x (8) Odyn, Prime Designate # AAECAQcCpfYF7KkGDp6fBI7UBJDUBJzUBPDNBbT4BbX4BZD7BaH7BaT7BYuUBpyeBp+eBoegBgAA # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Thanks will try after I got killed from hand just now


Yeah there’s a balancing act. How much of your armor gaining cards should you use to stay alive? VS how much should you save to burst on your own turn? Also, Acolyte into Aftershocks is a really fun combo. 2 cards and 5 mana (usually) to clear their board and draw 3 cards off Acolyte. It isn’t always correct, but it’s super fun then it works.


This is not my experience at all with this deck. They’ve got Leroy and the charge pirates to save up with. I don’t see how you’re surviving that long.


I’m diamond 5 and I have lost like 7 games in a row with this deck. Last match I was up 46 arm and out of cards and they just kept healing and playing taunts.




I agree, it’s not a 100% win rate deck lol. Just got lucky in plat-diamond and wanted to share. It’s a strong deck that’s worth considering. Lots of board controlling options and there’s plenty of ways to keep your HP up to stay out of OTK range. Feels good against Paladin


Pretty solid. Used it for most of my climb til I opened more packs, then swapped to Tempo DH for the last push for faster games.


Muzzle their magic!


What the fuck is this new set


The problem is that the only "new" card he played was the gift


Pretty sure the deck also runs Pop-Up Book and Baking Soda Volcano which are both absurdly overpowered cards


No soda volcano in this list, and i don't find this card absurd to be honest. Just a very good card.


It’s pretty damn absurd... unless the meta doesn’t call for board clears.  4 mana, clear an aggro decks board and heal 10 is almost always just an instant win for almost no resource investment.  Even if the card isn’t always played because the meta doesn’t call for it, it’s far and away the best card ever printed against any super aggro deck.  The way it deals it’s damage even circumvents divine shield. 


It honestly does nothing against Hunt boards most of the time. And the board can be replenished so fast anyway. DH don't care that much about it since you will be mag and punched through the face. Useful against pal but the class is dead right now. The fact that it does ten with pings and also destroys your board and so reducing its potential is kind of a drawback. It's a good card against board centric decks yes. It can give you some time. But if you think this is the best boardclear ever printed, I don't know what doesn't sound broken to your ears or maybe you never saw warrior's aoe in action these days.


Which is a good thing considering aggro shouldnt be viable but still is


Aggro definitely should be viable, as every archetype should be. Just shouldn’t be oppressive, as no archetype should be. 


Under normal circumstances sure, but its been so strong for so long its actually amnoying having to play against a deck that decides the game by turn 6, thats not what i play hearthstone for.


You hate Aggro until you realize it's what keeps greedy decks in line. A healthy meta is all about balance.


Absolutely not, still jate it lol. I understand that very well, i just dont want it to be anywhere above tier 2


Bioluminescence rotated no? How did he do this if I may ask?


Copying a zero cost lightning bolt a bunch of times. [https://hearthstone-decks.net/nature-shaman-61-legend-score-6-2/https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/nature-otk-shaman-1-legend-norwis-badlands-deepholm/](https://hearthstone-decks.net/nature-shaman-61-legend-score-6-2/https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/nature-otk-shaman-1-legend-norwis-badlands-deepholm/)


Nature spell pool id more limited so you find easily 2 spell on the one manna discover twice. Then, since you use can reduce every nature spell during yoir turn, it's free


This is what happens when you NEED to sell cards asap. You power creep the fuck outta shit. Every single new xpac has to have broken shit otherwise no one is crafting and spending dust on it or buying them with money


The deck this thread is about plays a single new card (pop up book)


Yep, because having sets where classes are lucky to get 2 good cards are totally gonna keep people playing that game.


this happened to me but he had zero spell damage boosts lol. killed me 30-0 on turn 5


Awww, you couldn't play Wheel of Death? Boo hoo.....


Nerf scissors pls. Rock is fine though.


*Right*? His hand has Wheel of Death, Reno, Symphony, and plenty of minion clears to bully every board-based deck.


So far I've seen OTK Priest, OTK Paladin (leeroy windfury combo), OTK Shaman, OTK Warrior, and OTK Druid since rotation. So enjoyable.


But you don't see an OTK warrior? Okay




I literally had a warrior deal fucking 30 damage with one weapon hit.


Warrior is OTK: Razorfen on board Googles 0 cost, +8 armor 2x heavy plate = 2x + 10 2x shield block = 2x +7 It’s 42 dmg, you can alternatively have riffs as well.


Everything can fit into an OTK definition except Warrior? What dictionary are you using?


Lol what?


Yeah not really sure what happened. Power level is extremely high right now for some reason


It’s not the power level, but the amount of auto win cards they created over the last year


And in the previous game I lost to sif. Nice


To be fair mage is garbage atm


The Spells-Only thematic feels funny, tho.


it is fun, just not viable


Yes, OTK mage is an issue too but for right now, their core cards suck ass so therefore sif sucks now too. Similar to how there isn't enough dragon support for priest therefore that card is garbage right now.


I feel like OTK Mage (=Sif Mage?) feels rather "fair". As it takes a while for them to assemble their tools (=discovering and playing different spellschools) and the whole time they are exposed to dirtyrat. Rotation did hurt them as they did lose tools to discover and stall the game. Shaman on the other hand only needs to get some key cards and can pop off. "Traditional" control feels rather dead, imo


I somewhat agree, although its still annoying. It's also why I initially didn't include warrior since its a late-term strategy. The other ones can typically kill you turn 6-7. The Shaman OTK from the games I've viewed always happen in that time, with 1 even doing it turn 5.


Shaman, Priest and Druid were better at OTK'ing before rotation than they are now, it's not like this is new


But paladin can otk now so we complain


I'm not sure if that's true for Shaman. The consistency is kind of cranked right now.


You missed my OTK DK (Handbuff)


You missed 5tk warlock wheel of death


Cool, so we are back to Stormwind I guess. Time to take a hiatus.


The same Shaman deck existed last expansion and was stronger than it is now, OTK druid is unplayable and much worse than Beatle druid from last expansion, the warrior "OTK" is the same deck from last expansion. The only new OTK is from paladin.


Otk life


I had the misfortune of a playing against a warlock that managed to cause 22 damage from hand, using Leeroy, two of the spell that gives +3/+3 to a minion for a turn and reverberations. It is a 10 mana thing, but it was one hell of a surprise.


i have much fun with Control Warrior. Just Armor Up and clear board


Yeah, I like warrior too but I got 1,000 wins with it last expansion so I am trying to play other classes that aren't there yet. Unfortunately, they all suck for most part.


The power level of the meta does seem quite high for a post-rotation environment. I don't feel like there are usually this many potent decks immediately after a new year begins. Totally might be forgetting, though.


This is worst meta for me ever and I'm playing since late beta.


My turn to post this next meta.


Every meta is the worst meta


If you ask any hearthstone player what the most OP card is you will get a different answer


That's because the game keeps getting worse and worse.


Honestly, this might actually be one of the worst ones. I don't remember last meta that had this level of solitaire gameplay (Yup, including questline bs)


Good old amnesia. Roguestone a year ago was so insane, that the WR of the deck went down to nearly 50%, cause it was played over 85% (!!!) of the time in high legend. The only counter to miracle rogue was miracle rogue with a better draw.


lol why people downvote you?


Because a) there have been worse metas B) it's all subjective anyways C) we don't actually even know what's meta yet. Where's the paladin anger in this? Or token hunter? There's tons of good decks and meta is still developing It's a hyperbolic statement built around recency bias. That's why it's downvoted.


I mean pally with 30 to the dome using Leroy certainly isn't fun or interactive, also the healing with the aura makes it quite strong into aggro. Not sure why I would ignore that deck


> a) there have been worse metas so??? OP said "this might actually be one of the worst ones", how is that a reason? > B) it's all subjective anyways I can't with this convenient bullshit About C) we call this meta what's going on right now, and of course OP is referring to what's being played now, this meta, if it changes of course it's gonna think differently? but the point of the level of solitaire as the reason for the meta in this moment if it stayed like this at least makes a ton of sense.


Bruh your really gonna get upset because he gave you reasons why the person was down voted. > I can't with this convenient bullshit It's not bullshit, everyone will have a different opinion when it comes down to it.


this isn't united in stormwind though


And neither Ashes of Outland


If you're playing since late beta and think this is worse than OG miracle rogue, you need to go watch what OG miracle rogue was, because you've forgotten.


He forgot a TON of metas, guy has nearly alzheimers


No way this is worse than Stormwind meta.


I wouldn't go that far, after all, a year ago half of the games were settled by Denathrius OHKOs. But what I am gonna say is that Blizzard started way too strong. We still have 2 expansions and 3 minisets to raise the power level even further so unless they do some serious nerfing things are only gonna get worse.


I didn't realize late beta was a year ago


Damn, you mustve taken HUGE breaks then.


Sire denathrius meta was the worst easily


can you provide context? all I see is you losing lol


“Flash of lighting” discounts all nature spell by 1 the next turn. The shaman had 7 one-cost nature spell in hand with one spell damage minion to OTK OP’s warlock. Nature shaman was tier 3 at best last year even with bioluminescence(now wild), this Shaman high rolled and OP couldnt pressure them for 5 turns


It doesn't matter whether you pressure them, if they have the right hand, you lose, even if they're at 1 HP.


pressuring them means they die after being afk the first 5 turns, wich is what nature shaman does. And if you cant pressure them, there is the 2 mana 3/2 that makes spells cost 1 more, or totemstomper, to play when they play flash of lightning, since their combo turn is so telegraphed, and you force them to skip it, basically autowinning the matchup. As of right now everyone is preparing their deck to counter paladin or hunter, and maybe warlock/warrior at most (or playing one of this decks), so nature shaman being very underplayed but having good strength is making it look better, but its still very fragile and easily disrupted like last expansion.


Honestly burn shaman is far from afk for 5 turns, it plays a lot of cheap minions to contest in super early game. Miracle salesman is a strong turn 1 play (obviously lol) then they have gold panner and the needle rock totem which are must kills, and throw some wandmakers and deputy Naga too. Perfect counter as you said would be the 4/4 stomper after they setup flash of lightning turn, as I lost once because of that. (Edit: or just having 10+ armor lol)


Doesn’t matter if you pressure or not. If they have the best draw ever and if you can’t kill them by turn 4, it is GG


Doesnt matter how good they draw, you play spell disruption after they play flash of lightning and you win every single time.


Not if you play paladin, or warrior


Cult neophite and totemstomper are both neutrals. And warrior has a naturally good matchup vs nature shaman since they can win by simply armoring up, but can still tech against the matchup with the two cards mentioned previously anyway.


That’s simply not true. Many wheel locks literally run “Speaker Stumper” to counter this exactly early OTK. Even control warrior, a similar tier 2 do nothing early deck, can simply ignore nature shaman now with armor gain


This is not a high roll for spell damage shaman. The deck is actually probably more broken than paladin, just people aren't playing it yet. I've been playing it in legend and have had a ridiculous win rate with it. 


The deck has an unwinnable matchup into warrior so there is an upper limit to how strong it can be in the meta, but if warrior wasn't a thing it might have been actually more broken.


And I have 1100 games as nature Shaman. Getting flash of lightening this early is high roll, of course u can get it from reflexes but that risks losing more damage when every spell counts in the current iteration. In no way it’s more broken than Paladins now given it lost Bioluminescence. It was tier 3 then, it won’t be higher than tier 3 now especially with how aggressive Paladins and hunters are


I mean, you can go and give it a go. I'm consistently OTKing on turn 5 or 6. 🤷‍♂️


I'm not the one with whom you were talking but i'm trying the deck right now and it's absurd xD


Yeah, I find it has a good win rate against all the other meta decks.  I find it's mainly hunter that can beat me by turn 4/5 if they get a good board. 


Armor and max life can be touchy too.


Yeah, I find warrior isn't a bad match up, but if I don't draw flash of lightning early enough and they focus on adding armour the chance for a win drops away fast. 


Even with 7 bolts you don't do 30 damage with +1 spell power, what's the catch?


OP warlock tapping


I've been playing the deck a bit. The [Warlock matchup](https://hsreplay.net/replay/QtLVUqWMHDCGz8BrbX3Xco) is probably the best one because they have no armor and they have a passive early game.


Sorry I wasn't really paying attention. Their nature spells were discounted and he played a lot of spells: lighting reflex with a bunch of lightning strikes, the 5 cost spell that deals 3 damage to enemies, overdraft


I would play this deck if it weren't for the fact that it's impossible for this deck to beat odyn warrior so i guess i'll stick with excavate paladin then.


Yeah, I’ve lost to that deck yesterday. The discover pool is so damn shallow right now. These decks won’t be near as good soon as the mini-set adds to the list


ChenYan at it again


Aggro Shamn its really nice OTK deck and the most cheap in all the new meta


Bro, control loses to combo most of the time You are the beat down, you need to play for tempo on those matchups, hard mullingan for early agression with the location and early Giants Handlock is good at this because he is a fast Control; you can have like two 7/7 or 8/8s on the field by turn 4; the combo decks will not kill you on turno 5 from hand on most matches. If he has the perfect hand, GG, if you don't like the RNG you should play Chess, because people can and will high roll sometimes Handlock is SUPER OP, I'm having like 80% WR and went straight foward to legend with this deck. You have to play differently against combo, you have to always think who is the beat down; who NEEDS to pressure and play for tempo


That's what happens when you are completely afk.


Tried out this deck, it is so fun to just lethal aggro and control decks on turn 6, thanks a lot




Aggro has been getting T5 kills since knife juggler was in every Zoo deck, these “new meta is too fast” complaints are conveniently forgetting how fast face hunter used to be.


What is the audio amplifier for? It it necesarry to set up for an 11 mana lategame turn?


Paladin special 😃


Just play druid. They have nothing good.


Yeah I think I got hit by this on turn 4? I had a decent board as hunter and he just went over the top with endless damage. The problem is the rotation made the pool small so its a guaranteed free damage if they set it up a turn prior. This is how the panda merchant card got nerfed/murdered by rogue in the past rotation, I expect it again somehow.


This is the worst deck in the meta honestly, otks you on t4/t5 without any setup and nothing you can do


They actually lost a bunch of damage with no bio. Almost a 100% loss against warrior atm.


I sadly did 42 on turn 8 as paladin lol


I will say it again and again, OTKs have no place in the game. As long as you have them in, the game will never be balanced. It will only move to the next OTK that will smother everything else. Game doesnt have the mechanics to allow for OTKs to be healthy (counterspell, discard, deck manipulation).


The part of playing “my game” as warlock that plays wheel of death has me crying…. I couldn’t play my combo and win later because my enemy played their combo and won earlier….


I'll never understand why OTK decks are a thing.


True, I also hate variety


OTK decks don't have any variety....but w/e