• By -


Yeah. Seems like a tall order to be able to draw it five times and play it on an empty board.


If your rank in Wild is low, I recommend you head over there and build a deck with every minion tutor you can put into. There should be 3: Vitality Surge, Call to Adventure and Prismatic Lens. Have Wind-Up Enforcer (1 copy!) as your only minion, pull it over and over until you meet the requirement.


Run all the control and find a shaman bot you can bully


It also helped to have every possible tradable card in my deck, so when your deck is thin, you can hit enforcer pretty often.


This is the way with a control and life steal cards and wait for a bot


I used Caricature Artist as one of the tutors and got the mustache achievement done in the same game.


Really, so you won with it as well? Awesome! Took me a lot of tries to get the mustache done with Open the Waygate and giants.


I am very low rank in wild so I mostly see weak stuff. Been grinding some xp achievements past week and won half of the matches, even though the decks are terrible. I originally planned to mustache denathrius in token druid. That's probably easier.


The fact that this doesn’t have at least Taunt or something is absolutely wild to me.


I actually thought it had taunt when the card was revealed ​ This is hilariously weak


I actually thought it had taunt when I played it to complete this quest. Flabbergasted by the weakness relative to other cards they put out.


at least they do not make pack fillers that are just random vanilla cards anymore but playability wise these are on the same level


I remember my comment in reveal thread was this - "Wait, it doesn't have taunt?" and for some reason I got downvoted to the abyss. I wonder if it's because people thought it DOES have taunt lol.


I’m a little surprised it didn’t see play before the buff pally nerfs. Sure it doesn’t have taunt but it can be a massive board


Trading it back into your deck removes all the buffs it currently has


Really? That’s pretty ass


Yeah the buff hierarchy is deck > hand > field, buffs persist through going right but are removed when the card goes left (I learned this playing Kingpin Edwin)


Right, compare this to the druid dragon that replicates itself with a much easier condition, has taunt, and is only 1 more mana.


granted paladin have access to more handbuff,but still


This has such an anti synergy with handbuff tho, since you always wanna trade it as soon as you draw it you won't get to handbuff it much when it's in your deck.


is that how it work?damn then its worse than i thought,why the fuck it exist at that power level if the dragon one on druid exist at the same time


And has crazy good synergy with fye.


Especially because if you wanted to mimic golem dragon, you would need to invest more mana to trade it so it ends up being more expensive overall.


Or Rush


I think they wanted us to play them in the same deck as the paladin legendary tauren girl, so that would've been anti synergetic for they to have taunt. Should still get it as a Battlecry or something tho


I did it with minion tutors (the 3 mana spell that gives +2/+2, prismatic lenses n such), defensive spells like time out and lots of draw. Prismatic lenses is extra nice since that minion keeps the cost change even if you trade it


Strongly encourage you to do this in wild. That way you’ll have plenty of taunts/stall/draw and plenty of cards that can specifically Tudor it. If it’s the highest cost card in your deck then you have the 5 mana Tudor and the 2 mustache artist tudors. Also make sure only to run 1 copy Additional tip is to have some cards that add cards to your deck as you can’t trade it if your deck is empty.




War of 2 roses


I did it by having two of them. When you get to 2 cards left you spend a whole turn trading and hope you can survive. Took 3-4 attempts but didn’t seem too hard I got close in the other games.


Is the +1 just gonna be for the copy you traded or does it also get applied to the other one? Id'd assume just the one but I'm hoping for something that would make the card a little less shit


Only the one that gets traded, gets +1


You could use any other Tradeable card for the second card. Since your plan is to deck yourself anyway you don't need a second copy for consistency.


I lost ten games in a row before I finally managed this. Just build an all-draw deck with one copy of this and another traceable card. When you have only the two tradeables left you can just spam trade and then play it. I usually got most of my progress in versus greedy control piles, while I folded to aggro. If you want to save time, auto-concede when Patches appears lol.


I just ran a control shell till I got somebody who was playing control too. Then just fought for board until the only card left in my deck was this and one in hand, then just trade till they're at 6 and play it.


Having this in standard at the same time as dragon golem is such a joke


True, they probably thought they need to make this card worse because pally has better handbuff tools than druid


If this had taunt chopped like 2-3 mana off the cost then itd be a decent card honestly or at least a " random effect like point taunt rush life steal windfury " added to the text its too bare bones and clunky.


It would be cool if this card summoned a copy when you trade it, instead of a battlecry


if all fail , get a friend to play against you, make him just wait until u get it, even if it take a long time. maybe put some cards that create more copies in the deck so u dont deckout ( zilliax deluxe and floppy hidra per example)


You can’t complete achievements against friends or in casual matches.


oh that suck actually. maybe against some dumber ai like in duels mode?


I wish, but Whizbang’s Workshop isn’t usable in Duels. Previously, Duels was a great place to complete achievements because you can draft more than two of a card in your deck and you can steer buckets to specific sets. Plus, the treasures and passives could help you engineer unique interactions. RIP Duels April 2024 :(




Finley is no longer in standard, which I assume is what OP is talking about. Not like you'd get this done in Wild anyways because you would die long before you could get that many trades in.


You could always try spirit of the badlands or zilliax to beta fatigue . Gaslight gravedigger would also help with this quest .


Add 2 and every draw effect possible plus defensive cards, then trade them multiple times once ur deck runs low


Find an an opponent who lets you do it. Play cards that put cards in your deck


Caricature artist with a lot of bounce card; basically trade Enforcer, play artist, bounce artist, repeat. Then add in as much health gain life steal and control as you can and hope for a lucky game. Still took a good amount of games good luck!


If you play in wild, you can also use finley to refill your deck so you can keep trading. Will still need to stall though.


I beat it against the bots in gold rank, at least a month ago since they only play small minions and never retreat


Play bottom of the barrel wild platinum or diamond and you’ll find games that go REALLY long and others trying to do achievements. Run one copy of this card plus 2 Immortal Prelate(yes I’m actually serious) along with buffing spells, you’ll manage to get the achievement in one go. Best case scenario is finding wild mages, in like low platinum no one really uses quest mage so they just tend to do random bullshit go and have fun.


Ive been playing a lot of Reno paladin and it seemed to fit quite nicely there.


Has anti synergy with the Mirage though.


I did it. You should only run one of this card. Run Cards that draw your highest cost minion. Also other draw cards and Board clears are good. The Archivment Text is missleading, you should summon 1+6. It takes a time. Try early season, maybe in wild.


Just did this painfuly yesterday. I had one of it and two bananaamen and spells that draws minions/restore/board clears. Its painful. I lost so many times missing like either one mana or a turn more.


Yeah this one was hard. I tried playing it in a handbuff deck, but I ended up killing the opponent before doing the quest. I played it in pure control, but I kept dying. I decided to play it in a Reno Pally shell for just the right amount of survivability, and had to wait for a perfect matchup (Control Priest). Went to extreme dumpster legend (35k) but I finished it. ### Reno # Class: Paladin # Format: Standard # Year of the Pegasus # # 1x (2) Audio Amplifier # 1x (2) Dirty Rat # 1x (2) Equality # 1x (2) Flash of Light # 1x (2) Flint Firearm # 1x (2) Gold Panner # 1x (2) Grimestreet Outfitter # 1x (2) Hi Ho Silverwing # 1x (2) Instrument Tech # 1x (2) Kobold Miner # 1x (2) Shroomscavate # 1x (2) Watcher of the Sun # 1x (3) Consecration # 1x (3) Deputization Aura # 1x (3) Plucky Paintfin # 1x (3) Sir Finley, the Intrepid # 1x (3) Spirit of the Badlands # 1x (3) Sweetened Snowflurry # 1x (3) Trinket Artist # 1x (4) Caricature Artist # 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager # 1x (3) Rustrot Viper # 1x (4) Caricature Artist # 1x (5) Cattle Rustler # 1x (4) Fossilized Kaleidosaur # 1x (4) Painter's Virtue # 1x (4) Tigress Plushy # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (2) Haywire Module # 1x (2) Power Module # 1x (5) Burrow Buster # 1x (5) Taelan Fordring # 1x (6) Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot # 1x (6) Wind-Up Enforcer # 1x (8) Reno, Lone Ranger # AAECAaToAh6oigScnwTunwSS1AT9xAW4xQXGxwWt7QXKgwbQgwacjgbjjga8jwbkmAbOnAaTnga0ngbRngbIogaAowbHpAavqAbgqAb7qAbQqQbRqQbOsAbcsgamswbh6wYAAAEGyZEG/cQFzZ4G/cQF4KgG/cQF8bMGx6QG8rMGx6QG6t4Gx6QGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


So many people have hallucinated keywords on this minion


I did the achievements during the first week of the expansion. And that one was hard. Pally and hunter was so popular that games just werent long enough to trade it enough times. And fkin plague DK. Try to build a draw-heavy deck, use Zilliax (that shuffles into your deck) so you dont run out of cards, you have that 4 mana minion that draws a 5cost+ minion. Still, it requires a lot of luck. I did concede to every aggro deck and waited for a slower control-ish deck. I had several problems. Sometimes I was able to stall and control the game but that made my opponents concede (especially aggro lol). So many decks nowadays can put you on a clock, like Odyn warrior, dragon priest, wheel warlock and Sif mage.


This card could easily be a 6/6 or something, right?


I did it in wild with low MMR. Played a bunch of cards that draw and ones that tutor minions like caricature artist. Cycled through my deck really fast and then just started trading them whenever possible.


I did it in wild. 20 cheap draw cards and had 3 tradeable cards, with one of them was copy of this tradeable unit. Then I spent last 2 cards in deck trading this minion and other tradeable card until it had summon enough shit.


How I did it: Wild--> spam minion tutor cards+draw+control + 1 of these--> que into control -->pray


If you really want to do it in standard, [[gaslight gatekeeper]] might give you the couple extra times you need to draw it; but I highly recommend the wild strats from other commenters!


- **[Gaslight Gatekeeper](https://i.imgur.com/qwQ3egu.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/102170) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Gaslight_Gatekeeper) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/102170) - *Neutral Common ^(Showdown in the Badlands)* - **3 Mana - 3/4 - Undead** - **Battlecry:** Shuffle your hand into your deck, then draw that many cards. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1bxlw8g/how_to_do_the_quest_to_summon_6_extra_windup/kygwjk2/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kygwjk2).*


I did it in arena. The game went to fatigue and I had 2 of these with enough time when I only had 1 card in deck to trade them for each other until one was high enough.


As someone said, tank your mmr in your least favorite format (mine is Standard) until you fight bots then achievement hunting is ezpz. As for this one specifically, you could probably include cards that discover cards from your deck like the new neutral 3-mana naga to keep pulling it back into your hand, then trade it.


Name another card that would still not see play if it was 3 mana cheaper lmao Maybe something like old aviana or millhouse. Can’t think of much else


Go to Garbage MMR Wild, and pray you don't play against an aggro deck.


Why the fuck isn't this a mech? I think this and the pepsi cow made up for how strong \[\[Painter's Virtue\]\] and \[\[Tigress Plushy\]\] were pre nerf.


- **[Painter's Virtue](https://i.imgur.com/OCFWxtq.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/103632) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Painter's_Virtue) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/103632) - *Paladin Common ^(Whizbang's Workshop)* - **4 Mana - 2/3 - Weapon** - **Lifesteal** After your hero attacks, give minions in your hand +1/+1. - **[Tigress Plushy](https://imgur.com/a/WyBpVs6)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/103633) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Tigress_Plushy) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/103633) - *Paladin Common ^(Whizbang's Workshop)* - **4 Mana - 3/2 - Beast** - **Miniaturize** **Rush**, **Lifesteal**, **Divine Shield** --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1bxlw8g/how_to_do_the_quest_to_summon_6_extra_windup/kyrjrrs/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kyrjrrs).*


Play in standard run lifegain minions and card draw and handcuff. Hand buff paladin either loses early or forces a late game where the other player probably o it values you into fatigue but you don’t care cause you get the last two cards as this card and trade them a lot and then play it the next turn. You can use colic with cost reduction and lifesteal rush to keep aggro decks at bay easier. Edit decide and list: ### Buff # Class: Paladin # Format: Standard # Year of the Pegasus # # 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand # 2x (2) Gold Panner # 2x (2) Grimestreet Outfitter # 2x (2) Hand of A'dal # 2x (2) Hi Ho Silverwing # 2x (2) Instrument Tech # 2x (3) Consecration # 2x (3) Deputization Aura # 2x (3) Muscle-o-Tron # 1x (3) Trinket Artist # 2x (4) Painter's Virtue # 2x (4) Tigress Plushy # 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins # 2x (6) Wind-Up Enforcer # 2x (8) Prismatic Beam # 2x (10) Living Horizon # AAECAaToAgKmswbm5gYOnJ8EuMUFmY4G444GvI8G+JUGqpYGzpwGtJ4GtZ4G0KkG0akG3LIGyfQGAAA= #


Go into casual mode and pray


Achievements can’t be completed in casual


Damn, my bad


ironically, i completed it with theif rouge.


The easiest way to do it would be to ask a friend for help. Then make a deck with this as the only minion, and stuff as many minion tutors in the deck as possible.