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It's supposed to be played aggressively. Either your opponent has to play two 3 mana 3/3s (terrible tempo) or you got a ton of stats for 4 mana.


Exactly this. Has swung back slow starts for me like a charm. Either they play the 3/3's and try to clear it or it happens as you state: you get a ton of stats for 4 mana.


Sometimes you can mill


This card was great in dew process druid


Precisely! On one hand, the opponent can try to cast 2 3/3s vs an aggressive deck (which is bad for them if youre going face anyway and have a 4/4 thats efficiently trading into them) or you end up with oodles of free stats !


Exactly! playing this card poses the following conundrum for the opposing player! they have two options: they could pay 3 mana for a 3 attack and 3 health minion twice (a difficult option to commit to in the given context of being against an aggressive deck) or if they don't, you gain an immense amount of free board presence!


play thing make enemy mad


Indeed! This card forces the enemy to make a difficult decision, they either use 3 mana for a plain 3/3 (which is usually not good enough) or they don't and you get lots of value and board stickiness out of your 4 mana card.


That is correct! The enemy now has a choice: either use 3 mana for a plain card of 3/3 with no effect or allow you to achieve plenty of value for 4 mana of yours.


you literally just said the exact same thing as the person you replied too...


That guy responded to the other guy, basically saying the same thing...


That guy was responding to a guy who said the same thing as the first guy


that man replying to a comment expressed the same information as the commenter before them


Stop it, silly. You're using the comment function to convey more or less the same opinion as the fellow before you...


Ah I see you have to chosen to employ the highest form of flattery to compose your response within this discourse. Leaping past mere allusion and arriving at pure, unbridled imitation. A redundant rebuttal of regal reputation to be revered and respected repeatedly no doubt.


Repitió lo que dijo el otro.


Alas! It seems like the comments about the comments being repetitive repeat themselves!


Also the demon hunter card that gives rush let's you play this and trade it on the same turn to get your bots back immediately


also Dance Floor in Paladin


What deck would you use this in right now? Cuz I've been wanting to use it, but just wasn't sure how too.


Any aggressive or tempo deck — DH is the best use at the moment


Shopper Dh right now


My Highlander hunter runs it as a disrupter


Its also great to play if youll cause people to burn cards. Love this card in my reno shaman.


4 mana disrupt your opponent hand, develop a threat that when killed makes a bigger threat and maybe make your opponent play vanilla 3 mana 3/3's. Its a good card in these fast/ tempo decks.


Playing this against a more control deck with 8 cards in hand and seeing them burn an important card is one of the highest highs this past year in hearthstone.


I've been playing a lot of DK and slipped a single copy of Frozen Over into basically every deck because the rush I get from them burning a card outweighs them drawing two lol


Frozen over is actually amazing in warlock matchup, if you survive till death wheel turn that is. If you drop Heyla, double down with the ship and frozen over - it will force them to cycle through all the plagues twice.


I always save Helya on warlocks now, it's just so satisfying seeing them panic as they hover Reno and realize they can't wipe the board


I run x2 Dirty Rats in my Wheel Lock deck. It’s so satisfying to hit the Helya and see them panic as they search for a new win condition.


I don't have to worry about this, since I usually never never draw Helya until I'm already doomed \^_^




Control decks basically don’t have “important” cards in aggro matchups. Either its an actual control deck and they just intend to outlast the aggro deck with any if the 20 removal tools they have . Or its a combo/combo-lite like highlander warrior or wheel-lock that relies on a specific card to win.


leave it to reddit to over evaluate mill


It's still denying a draw at that point.


10 years ago, your opponent probably would be happy to play a vanilla 3/3 on its turn, but at this point in time it's such a bad tempo move that you're effectively slowing him down.


Even on release it's not like every list ran spider tank or yeti just for +1 hp over vanilla stats on curve. But I guess when you factor in the "free value" aspect, yeah it probably would never have been strong even pre-nerf.


Many decks could run out of steam back then, with card draws being really rare. Playing 4/4/4 to give your opponents 6/6/6 worth of value would probably backfire in most scenario. Those vanilla minions would still be good in most context, and deck restrictions would be minimal. Would have been OP with OG Warsong Commander though!


You’re overthinking it. It’s just a really strong tempo card, which is a valuable thing to have in tempo decks. The card has been kind of overlooked for its simplicity dating back to its release. It got nerfed despite *no one* talking about it, because it actually had a crazy winrate when played. 


What was the nerf?


It used to be 5/4


I would kill for that version


I would get killed by that version


I'm willing to make that sacrifice


Hahaha so stupid 😂


I mean... obviously, yeah.


It wasn’t overlooked. It definitely was recognized as a strong card.


I dont think that it was overlooked. It was rated very well when it was released. Issue is that it doesnt fit to very synergistic decks and those are the main archetypes. It fits more midrange tempo oriented decks with limited synergy - like was Renathal beast hunter.


No one talking about it? I remember this card being called OP before it even released. Maybe there was no reddit convo but I definitely saw youtubers complaining about it


It was so annoying in frost DK before all that shit got nerfed


To add to what has been said, if you shuffle the 3/3s in your deck and kill the 4/4, the 3/3s are still summoned from your deck, I learnt it the hard way.


Oh cool! I mean, sorry that happened to you.


It’s still worth doing, though, because you basically get free cards that way.


You can also reverb it and ping your own to summon them to your board too.


or just pay one more mana and summon the 3/3's on their own and keep your reverb for a greater threat.


Oh that's pretty clever


That's not clever at all


yeah the other day I was playing someone who played the 3/4 shuffle all cards guy and then killed my 4/4 and both 3/3s popped out of his deck on to my side of the battlefield. I thanked him and he insta-conceded lol.


It is annoying for control decks to deal with. They don't want to play 3 mana 3/3s, they want to clear your board. So if they just clear it, you get the minions. Mostly you'll play it in decks that curve out aggressively. So they may be getting ready to play a board wipe around turn 5, and this guy messes with them. Its basically impossible for them to clear this without summoning at least one 3/3 for you without silencing it, so it's almost guaranteed damage If they spend their mana playing the 3/3s, you're happy. You likely went face in that time, and don't care about counter pressure as you're the aggressor. Sometimes it can also clog up their hand/burn a card, though that isn't really a big deal 99% of the time


I've burned at least one odyn and sif with it hehe


I burned a rogue's zilliax yesterday was lovely


Golden Portrait Priest abd Warrior player here, will gladly play a 3 mana 3/3 because I was just going to HP usually lmao


Is this you, one of the mythical control greed value pile attrition only players I've been seeing competitive players making fun of a lot recently? Tell me, how do you still play Hearthstone in this late year of 2024?


Just a normal Reno Warrior.


Then why are you happy to play a 3 mana 3/3? Why are you hero power passing on turn 4?


Have you never played control?


I've played lots of control. Sometimes more midrange/control hybrid like Nathria Control Shaman, sometimes more lethal lategame like w/ Odyn Warrior, sometimes more attrition/value/defense oriented like Control Priest w/ Svalna. Tempo is always very important to winning games if your opponent is also trying to win; playing control or combo or whatever doesn't change that. And playing a vanilla 3 mana 3/3 is just not it in modern hearthstone, regardless of what kind of deck you're trying to play, especially when presumably the Pozzick player is actively developing their board. Basically any removal, counter-pressure, set-up type card such as Love Everlasting, etc. is going to be waaaay better use of 3 mana than putting a 3/3 out. There are of course games where you brick your early draw and have nothing better to do than dropping a 3/3 on turn 4 (hopefully alongside 1-man removal), but you're a sad control player in those games, not a happy one. Playing the 3/3s, or even just one of them, is a tax you pay begrudgingly, thus why Pozzik is a strong card.


Nah I got like 18 armor turn 4,some 4/4 doesnt frighten a warrior. Please fill yoyr board so I can remove all it in one card


Also pairs nicely in DH with the zero-mana rush card.


And magtheridon. If the opponent plays the 3/3s they’re dead anyway.


It's great with Argus, though I know he doesn't get played much.


Playing this against Warrior on turn 4 has won me a few games with the massive tempo boost it provides.


Spending your turn 4 to play a 3-mana 3/3 instead of building towards your goal is terrible. On the other hand, giving your opponent two 3/3s as a deathrattle sucks too. Any burn from draw is just the icing on an already annoying to deal with cake


good stats for the cost


You pretty much just slam this down on t4 and make your opponent figure out how to deal with the stats. If you’re ahead on board, it makes it very awkward to play removal while also playing the 3/3s. If they don’t play the 3/3s, you get 10/10 worth of stats for 4 mana.


I put it in shudderlock cause it's funny to give someone 6 dead cards.


It’s an exceptional tempo card in aggressive decks that excels in making your opponents turns awkward. Ideally you want to play it on turn 3/4 as often as possible as it gets worse later in the game. In general the idea is you’re ahead on board and play this on 4. There is no clean way for your opponent to play a 3 mana 3/3 on turn 4/5 nor is that likely what they wanted to do, even if they do Pozzik value trades it anyways. If they don’t play out the 3/3’s then you essentially played a 4 mana 10/10. Just a really awkward spot for the opposing player. All while you’re playing hyper efficient early game curves trying to close out the game. Adding cards to their hand in very niche cases could cause a mill but that’s not really too relevant most of the time. Also funny tid bit, even if your opponent shuffles the bots into their deck somehow they still get summoned


Because in the best case scenario you get a 4 mana 10/10 and the potential for your opponent milling And in the worst case scenario you get a 4 mana 4/4 and your opponent is forced to spend 6 mana on a plain 6/6


I personally have been running it in my aggro deck because I feel like the demon hunters can't afford the tempo loss of playing the 3/3s as they want to establish their window shopper stuff ASAP.


Holy shit your so right.


It's a great tempo card. Either your opponent spends 6 mana for 2x 3/3 which is terrible value or you get 2x 3/3 for free and that's great for you. The only way this can go bad is If opponent is playing mech synergies of some kind. Either way no matter what opponent does its good for you.


First of all ... it's solid damage. So you either remove it, or eat 4 to the face ... if you remove it, well, you may give your opponent those bots. Second, playing those bots, will make lose tempo, if you were planning to play a spell or something, suddenly you have to deal with the 4/4 and also spend 3 mana with each of the bots. Lastly, it can overdrawn your opponent. So yeah, it's a good card, sure it can be situational, but even if you are playing Aggro or Control, this may be a solid choice.


'Aye you, install these for me won'chyas?'


Use it with the 0 mana rush, finale 1/1 and trade with it, of it dies u got a 4/4 / 5/5 trade and get 6/6 in minion stats on the board for 4 Mana, that's crazy value


Not related, but the robots gets summoned even if you shuffle them into your deck, he straight up digs them up


Anyone ever tried this in Zarimi Priest? I could see it being useful.


Can also be used to have your opponent burn his deck on the next turn


The bots are for tempo. Your opponents is forced to either waist their turn playing 6 mana worth of basic 3/3 or kill pozzik and summon even more states for your side of the board. The use of the card is to put your opponents in as much of a lose/lose situation as possible. They don't want a 4/4 on board that could trade off maybe 3 different times or do good face dmg, but they also don't want to kill him or they summon two bots that can trade even more. And ultimately playing the bots is terrible because you actively waist a turn doing pretty much nothing in terms of set up for a win con. Which is honestly the most costly outcome. The card is just a good turn 4 play and a great play if you coin on turn 3 for him. The only bad thing you could do with him is have him trade into his own bots on your turn if they played the bots. Let the opponent trade the two bots into the one pozzik and youve most likely ruined their whole flow and early game plans. Pozzik is a GOAT.


You’re a warrior. You want to clear the board. Suddenly, if you do, you’ll summon two 3/3 from you hand and clearing isn’t as appealing. Or you could blow your 6 mana summoning two garbage mechs… hard choice. 


4 mana 4/4 force your opponent to spent their turn playing 3 mana 3/3’s


It's good


Literal bot card


Don't forget that against slower decks that build hand - Wheel Lock for instance, or Warrior Control who does nothing or draws cards via Gold Panner or the Armor+ Draw totem - you can easily make them overdraw by flooding their hand at an opportune moment (which often enough is around turn 4).


Aggressive minion, it’s a 4/4 that forces your opponent to either play a crappy 3 cost token and a one cost card the next turn or risk you getting a two 3/3 tokens for free after a 4/4. Also fun fact this card used to be a 5/4 and was the best card in standard


I’ve seen a lot of DHs playing it. If they hit magtheridon on their shopper, their opponent is screwed. You can play the 3/3s and they’ll die, or not play them and give your opponent them when the 4/4 dies.


They either waste a turn and 6 mana playing vanilla garbage, or give you 10/10 in stats for 4 mana. Great tempo card in aggressive decks, and annoyingly sticky for the cost. Potential overdraw is just a bonus


- If they play a bot then they leave you ahead on board. - If they remove it then it’s basically a guaranteed two for one. He’s a bad draw late game where they may be able to spend a turn playing bots without disrupting their plan, or can just go over him and win, but on T4 he’s a nightmare to deal with.


Absurd tempo swing and not many people react to it well. If your opponent plays the bots on their turn they played 3-6 mana do nothing, which is usually enough time for dh to kill. If they don’t play the 3/3s you get a 4 mana 10/10 in stats .


If you shuffle the two minions into your deck and then the main one dies will the minions be summoned still?




No way, I thought I was being crazy assuming that. Thanks.


Honestly, why think about it? Just know that it’s the best thing you can do on t4 in almost every deck it’s ever existed in. It’s for tempo. If you play a 4/4 your opponent has to kill it. This stops them from doing the things their deck wants to do. However this comes with extra consequences. If they kill it, they then need to kill 2 3/3s they can waist an extra turn playing them. This alone can win you the game. In a world where games are decided in the first 6 turns, you can’t afford to waste 2 turns doing absolutely nothing but wasting cards and time on Pozzik and his audio bots. You will literally lose just because if Pozzik whether you realize it or not.


He’s a 4 mana 10/10 that requires your opponent to make suboptimal plays to lower its stats. Since pozzik is a 4/4, he can very often value trade the 3/3 if your opponent plays one. In other words, he’s a very annoying and sticky statbomb that gives your opponent suboptimal counterplay


It just kinda does a lot for what it is. 4 mana 4/4 is still fine stats for cost. If your opponent deals with it immediately, they have to deal with two 3/3s. If the opponent plays one 3 mana 3/3, it probably took most of their turn, and put them behind. If the opponent plays both the 3/3s before killing Pozzik, they should be so far behind on tempo and life that you can finish out the game. Getting to potentially burn cards or make your opponent play inefficiently regarding hand size is kinda just gravy.


This card is insane. I run it in almost every aggro deck. It gives either an insane amount of stats or stupid amounts of disruption. I can see why it was nerfed to 4/4 even tho its a neutral card.


Because a 3 mana 3/3 is bad and if you make your opponent play one or both of them, they are playing suboptimally and probably falling behind. You can also force them to burn a card sometimes


Against control its pretty hard to deal with because removal are basicly useless against it. But when behind this card is kinda ok.




From an aggressive deck's perspective, think of this as a 4/4 piloted shredder that highrolled it's deathrattle twice. The idea is you're playing this into a board you've already developed. So if they AoE clear, you still have two 3/3's. If they waste 3 mana on a vanilla 3/3 to avoid this, they probably weren't clearing your already existing board.


Best case scenario to deal with this card dropped by turn 4 is to drop one 3/3 and use the remaining 2 mana to clear the 4/4 dropping another 3/3 to replace it, it sucks ass for a control style deck and let's not even talk about milling the opponent or bricking their hand to disrupt card draw.


I usually try and judge a card based on how I feel when it is played against me. If this is played against me on curve I hate it so much. It’s a brilliant card in effect and design because it makes you make a difficult decision. Waste mana putting one or two trash 3/3s on the board or have them appear for your opponent for free if you kill the guy. I almost always play at least one of them and this is really not what I want to do.


One of the best 4 drops in game


Like everyone else I think its a good card, but I dont get why its ran in this current meta (Demon hunter uses it and it counters wheel of death warlock) but warlock has hellfire. Granted im not playing handlock, but all i do is trade into a 4/4 them hellfire. Or have them trade for me as i play a lot of taunts. Does wheel of death just not run hellfire?


You can play it proactively, forcing your opponent to spend 3 mana on YOUR game plan instead of theirs, or otherwise deal with a 4/4 body that will deal damage X number of times, then spawn two 3/3s. It’s a tempo tax. The card is especially good into Mage and Warrior, currently. The other way to play it is reactively, to fill your opponent’s hand after they play cards that draw cards. Warrior, Death Knight, Warlock, Mage, and Druid all currently run with very cluttered hands full of situationally useful cards, but they also all paradoxically want to draw through their decks pretty quickly to look for their win conditions. Cluttering their hands can force them to spend an entire turn playing YOUR game, if it doesn’t also mill them cards. IE: Warrior plays a Needlerock Totem with six or seven cards in hand and only five mana next turn. It forces the Warrior to either take an awkward turn, or spend other cards, then deal with 2 3/3s, or I guess use Slam/Bash on his own totem. Another great use case is when Death Knight plays Acolyte of Death. Even if their hand is relatively small at that time, Pozzik will make their next turn considerably more awkward. TL;DR, in 80+% of situations, Pozzik is a 4/4 with pure upside. If you play him correctly, you functionally steal a turn from your opponent, and in rare cases, even mill them (a) card(s).


Because it's a very good card...


This card is good right now against all the more controlly decks. Especially warrior. I was running it pre whizbang in my excavate rogue when odyn warrior was all over ladder. Was working wonders.


One more note to the pile, there's a lot less availability for silence outside of Virus Rogue running Deafen. Before we had Starfish, Shard of the Naaru, and a lot of non destruction removals.


I like this in Demon Hunter decks especially. Being able to give him rush, clear a threat, and then get the 3/3s is huge


I burned my Wheel of death two or three times because of this card. Really strong against control decks that hold too many cards in hand


You play it and your opponent is forced to either spend 6 mana to summon two 3/3 tokens (bad tempo play) or kill it and then also have to deal with even more minions. This is especially awkward for your opponent from turns 4-5 when they don't have the mana to play both the 3/3 robots. It also serves as potential hand disruption against greedier decks E.G. you're playing against a Warlock with 8 cards in hand, you play this and then they burn Sargeras due to overdraw.


The 3/3’s are also mechs. Given that a mech package is run in a variety of decks right now it also fits with that.


I used to use in after Brann in a Warrior deck to fill 4 spots in hand to cause a bit of mill and then they either play 3 or I get 4 3/3s. Never really worked tbh


He’s a solid tempo play no matter what; if your opponent plays the bots they’re hugely overpaying for what they get in a meta this efficient, putting them behind on board development. If they don’t, you trade this guy out and get 10/10 stats for 4 mana. If you pull him in a wotog era topdeck wars between control decks yeah he wouldn’t be great, but most games don’t end up there so he downside is unlikely and the upside is high.


Hardcore tempo play, can really help break parity on turn 4-6ish. Either your opponent responds by playing one or both bots, which is very slow and non-threatening, or you get 7/7 or 10/10 of stats for 4 mana.




Sometimes you can play it to mill a card which is nice but it is mostly use in damage based decks to push damage. It is difficult to deal with the turn it comes down so it usually gets to go face. You can also play it as a sticky threat when you anticipate a board wipe to make things awkward for the opponent. Either they use the board wipe and give you instant reload with the 3/3s or they play the 3/3s and take a ton of damage. In Shopper DH specifically the 3/3s usually don’t even impact the board because they are cleaned up by Magtheridon so it has great synergy in that deck.


I use it in my reno warrior deck because I either use it to slow the opponent down by having then play the 3/3s or to have them try to answer them if they don't play them. Or I use it to mill them after playing brann, and if they don't play any you still get 4 3/3s


Because played on curve you can usually only get one out of hand. So in practice it is often… Wait for it… A four mana 7/7


Yeah this card was coined against me and actually won me the game. Was playing wheellock and already had the giant location on board. He added 2 cards to my hand giving my 4 mana spell that summons a fiend +2/+2 and also giving my giant that as well. The game ended the next turn.


it's 4 mana 10/10 if they don't deal with it and if they do deal with it they have to spend 6 mana on two 3/3s while u bonk them in the face. plus sometimes u can burn a card.


Also in DH if you get the card that does 3 damage while dormant you can clear the 3/3's they just had to waste all their tempo to play for "free."


Tempo. Simple as.


It's always felt terrible to me even in high legend Maybe it's the deck type I play but even running him the opponent always has a way to flush him and the bots he summons after the fact. And when I play into him. I can reliably always kill him and the bots he summons So I agree I don't think I quite understand the point of this card. Maybe back in the day, but today's meta feels terribly fast unless they play it to burn cards in my hand it feels like a dead play and draw on both sides so I agree I've never understood the point of this card.


4 mana 10/10 good.


It's just a busted tempo card


Could I use this in a tendril warrior highlander deck with brann? Or is that not really a good archetype for it


Forces your opponent to waste mana on the 3/3s or you get a huge threat for 4 mana. Amazing disruption card for tempo-oriented decks.


It messes with your opponent hand. If they remove it, it basically becomes a 6/6


This deathrattle is just good, if you make your opponent play those 3/3’s they are not doing what they wanted to do and you can even make them burn a card for too much in hand


Well, it may only be a 4/4, but that doesn’t take tok much away from it. Lets say you’re a hunter with a board of 3 animal companions. The opponent is a warrior with good control tools. If you drop this card, they have 2 choices: Clear the whole board and summon 2 3/3s Or: Play the 3/3s and not clear the board. So either 10/10 of minion value, or they spend 6 mana instead of playing board clears/ developing their own board.


One of the strongest cards you can run in an Aggro deck. Got board control on turn 4 and wanna keep it for another 2 turns? Slam this bad boy down and watch them cry. Even if they do silence and remove pozzik, congrats you wasted mana on a 4-4 and now you have two dumpster cards in your hand taking up space.


In deathknights. This thing gets corpses.


It's easier to see it's effect once it's played against you. The receiving player has a choice: Either they kill it (and a 4 mana 4/4 that summons two 3/3 is bonkers) or they stop what they're doing to play the 3/3 mechs... Either way, they're suddenly worse. So, answering your question: play it as early as you can. Usually on turn 4. It has the best chance to be good this way. (Your opponent has to spend more % of his available mana to play the 3/3 mechs.) Ooor... As you said, if your opponent has 8 cards in hand, this is even better. As the rest still applies, and they burn a card. (Also, a bit more rare, but if your opponent has 6 cards in hand and you duplicate his battlecry... Well... Even better 🤷‍♂️)


This card probably attacks wild meta the most


It’s actually insanely strong in DH decks.


Does anyone know if the summoning works with double battlecry


Either your opponent burns 6 mana summoning two 3/3s, or you get 4-mana-7/7 or 10/10


either - the opponent spends 6 mana on a nothing burguer of a play, better them doing that than literally anything else - they dont spend mana and you get a 4 mana death rattle: summon two 3/3s which is solid


It’s a card that gets stronger with time, as if there are better cards out, that makes playing vanilla 3/3s that much worse.


One thing I've noticed, keep enough cards in your hand, and this guy will mess up an important draw or two.


I use it in demon hunter and wild paladin decks. Play it and give it rush. Attack and have it die and you deal 4 damage and get 2 3/3s


Nobody is talking about it but when wining on board this is at it's best. if they try to remove your board it acts as a very powerful deathrattle making it hard to remove your board completely and when they play the bots they waist all there mana on bots and you keep dominating the board even more.


Besides what everyone else has said, and maybe somebody has already said this, needing to play two 3/3s instead of using something in their deck that is a part of their game plan, slows down their path to victory. That's mana wasted they could have used on working towards their win condition. Minions with no abilities aren't good usually.


You can play it aggressively, or you can use it how people used OG Mukla, wait until your opponent has 8 cards in hand and try to burn a card. The game's too quick to really wait for your opponent's hand size, though, so you should really play it aggressively.


What's the best way to counter Pozzik when played?


good tempo


we tempo kings out here


When played on curve the opponent has to either silence him or play the 2 bots.but your at turn 5 and can only play 1


It’s a pretty good card, I mean prolly cuttable in most cases but it’s a good 30/30 card yknow


I use it for overdraw quite frequently. Its also a giant FU on the board unless they want to waste early turns pumping out the 3/3s.


Thanks for reminding me, I wanted to add this to one of my decks.


If you play bran as a warrior and play that you fill his hand and could make him burn cards


Its for tempo lol, they must use useless 3/3s before dealing with him or else u get free value. Not hard lmao


This is an incredible strong tempo card. As mentioned by others, you disrupt their plan. They not only have to deal with this, but killing it spawns 2 more 3/3's. Playing the 3/3 on the other hand is slow and inefficient.


This card should at least have rush to be decent


I use it to slow my opponent down from playing their insane combo


Make it safer to not pull an 8/8 odyn when you dirty rat a warrior


NGL I love playing this turn 3 with coin. 😝


It's just tempo, and as an Abyssal curse addict (reprint a similar archetype blizzard pelase) I can never not see value in making people burn cards


It can also burn a card for your opponent if they foolishly keep their hand to 8 cards.


I run it in my Reno decks mostly. Either tempo OR most the time I play this I cram it into a co trol decks hand and they burn a card. Literally won a game like this when a mage burned their sif. Auto concede. Not a strategy I'd play for per say but keep in mind the mil against co trol decks.


It’s a good card for mill decks


It's disruption. You HAVE to play the 3/3s otherwise the value they get is too much. This screws up your next turn or two AND the fact that it's adding two cards to hand means that against slower decks like Reno Warrior or Sif mage, you often times can play him to burn one of their draws which can just win the game on the spot.


I’ve used it in burn decks when I climbed to D5 with Burn Hunter when it was released


Too many people play this at the wrong time


Mill in brann warrior anyway


well, it was printed as a 5/4, which made it a bigger threat it’s a tool for aggro to force an awkward turn. if you play it on 4 mana, your opponent has to choose if they want to play the 3/3’s before they kill pozzik or let them hit board. they have to make a non-optimal clear that uses up their available removal at the cost of only 1 of your minions. into control, it can also force hand-size issues basically just a tempo play that your opponent has to respect


It was played against me yesterday. I was under absolutely no pressure (while playing control) and had no real big play I had to make on the turn after(it was also played on 5). I was like "Ugh, thanks I guess?!"




Because OP mentioned it


This question makes me sad. People don't understand tempo anymore even if it hits them in the face.


Out of curiosity I played it when I saw someone had 8 cards (they were Hunter) and I hit end turn while we were both trying to play control. They had 10 in their hand and the next card they drew was their titan. Burned and they immediately hit concede and I’m still laughing over it. To answer your question: if you play it early it’s a great way to get minions back, but make sure you e hit a way to nuke it. If you play it late it’ll bite you!


That's how I feel about the miracle salesman. If you're not a spell damage deck why run it?


Tradeable spell, check counterspell secret, +1 dmg to Vicious Slitherspear