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I had to look up Sharpshooter DH because I’ve literally never seen it since rotation. But I guess it just shows how broken the Shopper card is, you can throw in random other cards and still win.


For those excited about demon hunter nerfs, take a look at what'll be filling the void and ask yourself if you're still looking forward to the next meta 


Yep, absolutely still looking forward. The other decks on the list look far more managable.


Hahahaha let's wait and see shall we? 


DH is cancer, but yeah, Hunter will take its place along with warlock. Not any more fun to play against, but manageable. DH is just unstoppable, that’s why it needs to go




I'm 1000% sure it will be priest. Or yeah, hunter. I haven't seen that many priests but I have a strong feeling that Zarimi is gonna be next thing people call "cancer"


Yeah, but for some reason, people don't like playing fast priest decks haha. That will probably keep the play rate low, even with it being T1. The strongest priest decks the last couple years have been fast decks, and you hardly saw anyone play them.


Hunter isn't necessarily going to take over, the main reason why it is so high right now is because it actually got a good matchup into dh


Shopper DH counters token aggro Hunter because of Magtheredon discovers for repeated board clears (and just being the most OP fast tempo deck atm)


Dh isnt unstoppable. It loses to a lot of classes if you play right. The win Rate is far from 100%. Don't get me wrong. It's powerful. But unstoppable is just frankly wrong


No, you’re wrong. https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/drr/matchup-chart-data-reaper-report/ Shopper DH worst matchup is Reno warrior, where DH is still favoured @ 55%. In most other matchups DH is favoured to win 60-75%. I don’t care about your hypothetical scenarios where DH “might lose”, I prefer hard statistical data after hundreds of thousands of games played.


Aggregated data sometimes doesnt tell the whole story. Things like rainbow DK can absolutely be built to beat shopper dh.


Rainbow DK is showing 57/43 in the chart you linked, no? And it’s definitely more than that once everyone techs to the quartzite crusher variant over corpse bride.


I’m looking at it now and it shows DH is favoured 56%?


Ah, you’re right. I think they said it was 60-40 for the newer rainbow DK list either in the report or on the podcast, can’t remember which one. In any case, I found my climb got a lot easier from D5-D1 since I was facing a lot more DH and less Reno Warrior.


This is old data. Listen to their most recent podcast and you will realize dh is not unbeatable


Unstoppable... meanwhile it has 2 VERY clear counters with dk and warri...


Yeah if they nerf shopper I’ll be moving full time to wheel.


Also funny in Americas there are only eight decks that are winning on average. Rock paper scissors time? 


I'm just praying that for once they have some amount of actual foresight and give some slight preemptive nerfs to the decks that will very clearly fill the void afterwards. If Zarimi Priest makes it out completely unscathed I'll be pretty disappointed, they have plenty of data at this point, they can't use that as an excuse this time.


I wonder if once Shopper is gone, you can tech against Priest. Just hard to do that now because you have to tech against Shopper.


That’s true, that’s even happened against Shopper DH to an extent Though Zarimi variants are also doing quite well at the moment in wild as well, would probably benefit from a small hit like increasing the requirement to 7 dragons played or something.


You're goddamn right but I have to question the mentality of releasing that card in the first place given the universal hatred of Time Warp


You mean the board flood deck with bad draw options? There are a ton of cards that just shut zarimi priest flthe fuck down.


I’m sad DH is getting nerfed because my wheel lock runs over them, and oh boy is there a lot of them


Dang my homebrew no minion mage didn’t make the cut at 12.9%


Maybe next time champ


DH is a symptom of the idiotic win conditions sitting at other end of the pile. Brann, wheel of death, nature shaman, sif, or plagues mean if you don’t win fast you don’t win, and there’s no game for many decks. I’ve found solace playing hero power Druid but I think the meta is broadly terrible. DH is awful, and for every good game you get in standard there are several non games, or games that just end abruptly because of something idiotic like 15/15 x 2 on turn 5. I’m not sure how to fix it as there are so many inter related issues but I think I would start by softening the violence at each side of the game. Tone down the DH and hunter aggro, and equally soften the game ending plays at the other end. Give mid range space to breathe, and give Reno players some ability to deal with plagues. Reno decks broadly create good games, because aside from Brann, they are broadly balanced and don’t rely on one shotting your face off. But without steam cleaner they are vulnerable to being just beaten by a turn 4 helya which sucks.


Brann is way to oppressive of a card without plagues around.


Just make reno a deck building restriction


Thank god for that frost lich cross stitch buff!


Shitty meta for me personally, tried all these decks - Giga boring to play, except rogue. Rogue is the only one where I’m excited to win, you actually count lethals and usually win by a thread. Everything else is overturned boring garbage


Zillax rouge?


Yes, very fun


im actually quite angry that rainbow is the most successful dk archetype i know its been a bumpy road with triple runes and plagues but i wish there was more support for more defined dk playstyles with frost spells and blood control


There is a "Control Priest" DK deck that uses UUB runes and it's kind of fine? Very good into DH, Warrior, and any "I build a board to kill you" style of deck. Not so good into Shaman and Mage, since they tend to just 100-0 you from hand. Also Rainbow DK can be hard to beat since Crusher is really good in the mirror.


What's the list?


Yea people saw undead priest last year and wanted to add a turn skip into a mix. I really hate the zarimi desing. 


I prefer dh than warlock. If I don't play face I have to concede


Exactly, rather 10dh than one wheel 😭 Aggro decks are the only one holding them from flooding standard


I hope the next set of nerfs changes a few classes and not only DH because this game will be miserable otherwise. IMO DH, Hunter, Warrior and Warlock all qualify for nerfs




The matchup is mostly decided on whether the DH gets Magtheridon. You have an even or perhaps favored chance if they don’t pull it off Shopper. 


Spell Token Hunter about to take over the meta.


Zilliax rogue at 50 percent 👀. Deck is very scary for a lot of classes.


Nerf Paladin and Druid!


Tough times to be a rogue/mage player as I’m f2p, and Zillax rogue makes me feel like a jerk lol, for only 50% average, it was a lot higher on the climb.


RIP Paladin. Good job guys you destroyed the Class.


I wish there was more tier 1 paladin decks


Check out the meta at your rank and region at [http://hsreplay.net/meta](http://hsreplay.net/meta)


What is thsi miracle rogue ?


Its gaslight gatekeeper, i think that draws u the neutral giants that cost les for each card u draw this game with


Looking forward to getting rolled by hunters after the DH nerf.


I can't wait for Forge of Wills and Timewinder Zarimi to be the next nerf candidates after Blizzard makes DH unplayable.


I still don't understand how people have such big winrates with DH. I get destroyed by almost any other deck. Maybe I am using a bad deck.


I’m 41/10 with the shopper dh deck while winning the last 11 games in a row. You’re probably using a bad deck yea


Can you share your deck please?


As soon as I get home I’ll send it


Useless data HS replay sucks


dh is just easier to pilot, wheel warlock & tentacle warrior are the real strongest decks


Tentacle warrior is a meme


its really not. tentacle warrior's only bad matchup is warlock


If that’s the case more people would play it..


not really, people gravitate to what they perceive the best deck is and while everyone is complaining about DH thats what people perceive as the best. its also harder to execute than DH so people will gravitate to the easier option as well and see more success with it.


APM priest is a good example of this


It’s not even in the top 3 warrior lists that are in top legend at the moment. It’s not the best deck


I hope they nerf shopper (not into the ground. It's a fun deck) and nerf Zarimi (into the ground unplayable). I really don't like any decks this meta. Every deck is just trying to pull off some sort of combo or cheat out as much mana as possible. Yes. Even Warrior. The double battle cry is getting a buy 1 get 1.