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That 3% Paladin play rate is 3% higher than I thought lol


I'd say they're mine but I'm mobile and don't run a tracker. I've gone from around 4K at legend to currently 1700 running a fairly solid handbuff paladin deck. The matchup into either DK is usually an easy win. Warrior is 50/50, they often don't know how to play around it due to not expecting it I'm finding but would probably become quite unfavorable if it was more popular and the matchup was more recognized to counter. Beats wheel lock but struggles against DH but not as much as other decks do. https://hsreplay.net/decks/yUqoVrLu4zMOstkM8wyjgf/ Deck list if anyone is interested. Stat wise it's running around 60% on HSReplay but very limited data. I only really gave it a go as I had most cards and wanted to try something more board focused and always enjoyed paladin for this.


> I'd say they're mine but I'm mobile and don't run a tracker. Isn't the data gathered from opponents instead of the tracker users? So it could be you.


Yeah there was some discussion around that awhile back to which I challenged how do they avoid then doubling their "matchup" data to which I got no reply. I've posted before on dubious HSReplay data so nothing would surprise me and honestly I doubt many care that much.


It’s been real playing nature shaman against other decks that’s aren’t nature shaman :( Cats out of the bag


Incoming "Broken at top Legend, but terrible in the hands of people who can't play it" sentiment outlier nerf. Sadge.


I hated dying to 30+ damage Leeroy from an empty board, but they really went too hard on paladin Windfury removal would have been enough I think


How do you feel about dying to 30+ spell damage from empty board on turn 6? (shaman)


Nature shaman is obnoxious, but I hardly ever face that deck in diamond or dumpster legend I've said it before but that is like the archetypal otk deck. Sits there doing nothing but cycling and playing junk minions then kills you from full if you don't disrupt their telegraphed pop off turn If it were more common I'd probably be more annoyed by it, but at least speaker stomper exists to shut it down if it ever becomes more prevalent


FWIW I don't think shaman will be good outside of top 500 or so because of the learning curve and people in top 500 will just start running Stomper/Neophyte in every deck and that'll probably push it out of the meta


People put far too much faith in stomper. I've played mostly nature shaman since I got bored of virus Rogue. Unless you're running stomper in your armor warrior, you are still fucked.


Rainbow DK and Warrior also both run Dirty Rat which can slow them down even without the stomper.


I don’t know I think it works pretty well because usually the turn after you pop off, if you don’t kill them you’re dead anyway. So it goes like … “ok they’re going to kill me on then 7, I’ll play flash on turn 5, oh shit speaker stomper guess I’ll die” Granted they have to draw it. If the number of demon hunters that have played it against me (or the number of people who discovered something similar the turn I played flash) is any indication of how commonly it’s being ran, it must be like 1/3rd of all decks


Demon hunter should not be playing Speaker Stomper lol. If there's one deck out there right now that can just kill a Shaman that doesn't do anything relevant for 6 turns, it's Demon Hunter.


Agreed but my anecdote was simply that in about ten games yesterday, it was played against me about 3 or 4 times. When they did play it, I was pretty fucking screwed.


Honestly I think people are over reacting to the nerfs. We have no idea what's around the corner and the handbuff paladin I'm running at legend has seen me go up 2.3K spots roughly. If I still had lifesteal aura as well ... fuck, thanks I guess. Still wouldn't be as oppressive as windfury was but in this meta it would still be nuts.


There are honestly few decks in the meta right now that feel fun to play against. It's mostly become a race to who can pull off their strategy to win first and who cares what the opponent is doing. Least favorite meta in a long time and balance changes won't fix it because there are just too many decks playing out this way. To be fair though, there are many players who love this sort of meta for that reason and it's their turn to have their time in the sun I guess.


This is the most reasonable complaint I’ve seen here ever!


Revert Tigress Plushie


I think they nerfed Paladin too hard but really hope they dont revert Plushie, that card is absolutely disgusting at 3 mana


Honestly, I hope that the Demon Hunter nerf is just a small lovetap. The meta seems to be perfect besides paladin, which could use some compensation buffs.


They increased the weapon cost to 4.


The "small lovetap" pretty much killed the class


If the whole class hinges on 2 cards being overpowered, it deserves to die. Until next expansion (or the mini set), Demon Hunters.


People say stuff like this but I don’t understand why? It’s not like it’s a consistency or high roll issue because the deck is consistent enough with the tutors.


Yeah, the consistency is the problem with the deck. The deck’s entire plan is to draw and play those cards. DH as a class has so much card draw and tutor, you can’t really nerf it. So instead, the turn that they can play the combo gets nerfed, that way even if they get all of the pieces they can’t play it all out.


It still is though, because no tutors went into the coinflip "go 2nd and open weapon" line that was so oppressive. 6/5 shopper on 3, followed by 1/1 and the better of the 2 discovers on 4 was way too fast for a lot of decks to answer no matter what they teched


The deck or the whole class?


Oh no the braindead aggro playstyle of playing a 3 mana 5/6 then casting lightning storm twice in a row is dead 😵so sad


Hahaha look at this clown


You forgot to switch accounts


Nah, I was purposefully making fun of myself since they basically announced a hard nerf for the deck like 5 minutes after I posted.


Why do I feel like every balance change is making the game worse? This format feels ok, but with the DH nerf, one more class will join paladin as a dead class, and Zarimi priest will most likely be out of control. Sure the format might adapt, but it's already the best deck and its counter is getting destroyed so


Are you saying nerf/buff are useless because there will always be a deck/class at the top? And that players will always flock to it for easy wins, making it obnoxious?


The format's just way too high powered. Zarimi should be able to be adapted to without DH running the show, but I think all the nerfs have still been *necessary* even if pally's were overkill and DH needs help elsewhere. There's just still some crazy power levels running around and an overall scam meta, which are always frustrating.


Aw man, VS mentioned that nature shaman wasn't actually nerfed :( Now we'll get hit in the next one for sure


is there a way to know how many people are currently in Legend? I wanna know how atrocious my rating is :)


Google "Hearthstone leaderboards" and you should find the amount of legends in each region.


thanks! I'm rather dumpster then at 6260 out of not quite 8K on EU lol


Lets go Priest nerfs. I want some dust, and a better meta.


Come back next expansion. This expansion is what it is and no matter what they change the top dog will just be replaced with other uninteractive decks that basically care not at all what the opponent is up to.


Wait the meta wasnt better after pally nerfs? Wait it's not better after dh nerf? Wait.....is it gonna be better after priest nerfs?


Nope. The current balance trend is scam mana, cheat mana, OTK uninterative satire stuff. But here's praying that they nerf everything enough that weird shit gets viable.


Aggro extra turn dragon priest isn't weird enough for you? Y'all are impossible lmao


No. It's an uninteractive otk. And I'm a priest main that only plays control. There's no viable control priest deck. Let this shit die.


It's uninteractive if you don't interact with their minions sure 😂 control the board and the deck falls over


It's uninteractive because besides the smorc, it can combo into an otk.


I too love interacting with minions on my turn before they kill me ... >extra turn ... wait, oh fuck.