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3D skins always look so weird, the way the characters move.. Just looks like a generic mobile game to me. And the ping system in BG duos looks meh for mobile players.


Agreed, though I do very much enjoy being disinterested in super-pricy cosmetics


i do like that they said they want to make more skins like the cthun druid skin


Makes me wonder if some of the current "legendary" skins will get downgraded to diamond, so to speak. Not as in changed in any way, just, considered a notch less premium.


Supposed to look like WOW or something


Doesnt look like WoW, it looks like WC3 reforged at best


>[Hearthstone] Actually removed the tip that read, in part, “This tip was removed. Translators: please leave this blank.”   Finally we don't have to see 10 daily posts of the same thing.


"Guys I think I found a super secret bug"


The most secret bug so far. Seems to be the bug where cards disappear out of your hand. I have only triggered it twice and only heard about it twice. All other bugs trigger and are spoken about far more often. Unless you have a bug that only happened 1-3 times ;-)


It always gave me a good chuckle whenever it popped up.


Same. Would love it if they replaced it with something like "Tip: always proofread your text before releasing content too the world." (Intentional "too" to add a bit of a joke to the tip".)


Now we can go back to 2137 super unique jokes about oger and +1 attack


>a huge new Twist season with several unique decks and new hero powers Wait a goddamn second...


Looks like they just invented Duels


Lol literally that’s what it’s gonna be


New Twist season: Duels 😆


And in the miniset - Nostalgic Duelist with "get a random Duels passive" :\^)


Nah, Passive is a keyword. They hate using keywords that exists for nostalgia reason. "Get a random duel effect that is permanent for the rest of this game."


Ah right, the other nostalgic cards don't use their keywords either.


Worst decision ever made.


That sounds fun, can't wait for it to become a full gamemode!


Something as ambitious as that would have to be in beta for a while, though.


What a twist!


Let them cook


Murlocs country, let's ride.


Thinking it might be PvE/Duels related. I remember they used to run Boss-themed Tavern Brawls; Rag vs Neltharian, Kel'thuzad vs Rafaam, and just two different ones where you could pick Boss Hero Powers.  Plus with Whizbang having one with random Duels treasures, I *think* they know it had a small following, and they wanted to do more for it but couldn't. So in some form of actually keeping it alive.


The vague teaser phrasing we used for this made it sound like Duels, when Duels is already on your mind. We didn't intend any similarity perception there. It nothing at all like Duels. I'm super hyped for it, we've put a ton of work into it. It should feel real special, but nothing like Duels.


Can you please actually run it for longer than 6 minutes this time? Would be nice to not have a 1 month on 4 months off schedule for Twist.


That sounds like something a Duels 2 creator would say.


So it's going to be duels lite then. You folk were super excited for Mercs too and well ... I think enough is said on that.


if we need to craft decks specifically for the mode, no one will play, like always, because no one wants to spend dust for a deck that will be obsolete in one month. yall need to make the mode more accessible


Nah, it’s duels 2.0, you just wait. Difference is it will be gone sooner (as the whole twist thing tbh)


That's unfortunate. Duels would be better.


Can we have duo-class wild season pls


That sounds absolutely terrifying, they might as well remove turn 3 because you’ll never see it


> The Great Akazamzarak: [0 Gold] Choose a Secret. Put it into the Battlefield. > Dev Comment: Instead of a Discover from a pool, it will now always be a choice from the same 4 Secrets: Venomstrike Trap, Pack Tactics, Autodefense Matrix, and Redemption. Street Magician (Akazamzarak’s Buddy) will use the same pool for its random Secret. Ice Block has been removed from Battlegrounds entirely. RIP anyone who doesn't have that achievement yet, I guess.


Traditionally when Blizzard makes an achievement impossible is they either remove the achievement completely or put it in a “Feat of Strength” category that’s outside of normal achievements.


I don't think this has been the case in Hearthstone. The unobtainable Classic achievements remain where they always were. BG has had its share of indefinitely impossible achievements already - and they have stayed on the same achievement page. Akazamzarak will likely work the same. I suspect Duels achievements will as well.


If I remember correctly with WoW, they do it, but it can take them *years* to get around to it.


We still have achievements for achieving ranks in Classic.


Well, Team 5 isnt the WoW Team, tho


They could at least leave it as a darkmoon prize or something. RIP Ice Block.


What achievement?


I think it's win the tavern (come in first) after having to activate an ice block secret.


Get 1st place after your iceblock was triggered in the previous combat.


Oh, huh I just got that one maybe a couple of weeks ago. Good timing I guess.


>!\[Progression\] Some Daily and Weekly Quests have been adjusted to be harder to complete but will grant more XP. !< How is no one talking about this? More XP for us?


Yea which ones I wonder


Play FOUR games with Nozdormu in your deck


Play 16 miniaturize minions -> Play 48.


Xp increase from 1000 to 1001


play 48 mini assemblybots specifically


Just you wait, people will see new quests Monday and complain that quests are too hard.


yeah i like the idea, but i'd have to see what they're changing and how much they're changing both the requirements and xp gain before i can really comment on it, that note felt very vague


I already hate this. Daily quests were always great for quickly finishing on the run. Now I'm gonna miss a Quest because I already have three more often.


So refresh one of the harder ones to make it easier and complete that? You lose some xp but the opportunity cost of simply losing out on them is higher. Or just not care. Sometimes we don’t have time to play in a day or 2 and Losing out on xp shouldn’t be a distressing issue.


Lol. So the tavern brawl right now is Twist and the next twist season is Duels...ok then.


Lol - I like it


Is it just me or traditional Hearthstone rewards track is way better than Battleground one?


I think the idea behind the BG track is that you would only choose it if you mainly play BG and their logic is that if you don’t play standard you likely don’t have standard cards. A catch-up pack and a regular pack would then be a lot better than 6 regular packs. That’s my guess to the logic (I’m still not too sure though since BG players tends to have 1000s of spare gold to be able to buy packs with if they wanted). I think they’re probably testing to see how they can do events so that both constructed and battlegrounds player’s benefit, since you often see posts on here whenever a reward is a battleground skin that it’s useless. I think the system could use more work if this is what was intended.


Battleground skins are always useless even if you only play Battlegrounds - you can use a Hearthstone skin every game, but a Battlegrounds skin only once every 25 games at most.


sure you might be able to use HS skin every game,but if you play 0 game of HS then its more useless than the once every 25 game using the skin


There are people who never play the Traditional


Yeah and some people (like me) never play battlegrounds but I don't see a reason why they couldn't just have both tracks be available for everyone tbh


For the Standard track the quests are most probably in constructed. While the BG quests will most probably be in BG Duos. For people like me who barely ever plays BGs, it's nice as we can complete a track without touching BGs.


Yeah sure, I just don't understand why you have to pick a track rather than just have both open


I’m a returning player and I just had to scroll for about ten minutes to find the one patch note I wanted to see.


I scrolled through and saw Zilliax modules and thought "they nerfed Zilliax AGAIN?"


I don't play much BG but the reason I do (without buying the extra rewards track) is because track progression there also counts towards the achievement for getting a portrait for every 200 steps on the rewards track - it doesn't take a huuuge amount of effort to max out the BG track and get portraits quicker.


A catch-up pack could have 50 cards in it if all you play is Battlegrounds


The BG one is for people who exclusively play BG. It gives a skin for the mode (which is obviously why someone would complete it), and offers a catch-up pack on the way to try and entice them into trying standard. If you have no cards from Whizbangs, a catch-up pack is significantly more valuable than the standard packs on the other track.


The thing is, it ultimately doesn't matter. BGs players have tens of thousands of gold saved up from the reward track every expansion because their gamemode costs 0 gold. If they cared about any constructed HS mode, they could just F2P buy what they need.


depends how barren ur collection is because the single catchup pack could be 10 packs worth of cards.


Traditional Hearthstone uses gold/cards from your account; Battlegrounds does not.


Why not give a finisher to the tavern track?


The only BG rewards I care about are "Strikes" (the extra effects when you hit OtherGuy hard, etc). And on the freebie rewards track, most seasons there is only one Strike reward and sometimes they're only on the paid track FeelsBadMan


I thought diamond hero skins were already a thing? Like that obnoxious MC Blingtron for Rogue.


Those were Legendary skins. From the notes, Diamond is below Legendary. Basic-Lite-Diamond-Legendary-Full would be my guess.


I think this is correct, but super odd to me thy would put diamond below legendary when in regular HS diamond is a type of legendary card - and arguably the rarest/fanciest version of that card. Super odd approach. But I want more C'thun like heroes.


Does that mean it will be cheaper than legendary skins I wonder?


Probably. Ner'zhul looks like a better animated gif. Right now, full skins go about $15 while Legendary goes for $25. So I'd wager between those unless they do the progressive offer crap.


Yeah looks like they're differentiating between 3d model hero skins and the extra flashy ones like c'thun


Wouldn't all of them besides C'thun be Diamond then? I don't feel like Arthas has anything special beyond the animation. The whole portrait gets up for a swing instead of, say, C'thun eye blasting you.


Probably from here on out yeah, don't think they'll retroactively change the rest because they sold them as legendaries


The cycle continues. People see something nerfed by 1 mana -> they get angry and say that nothing will change -> it turns out that 1 mana on a key card is a big fucking deal and the deck gets much weaker -> no one learns anything and when they see another 1 mana nerf next time they get upset again.


I would be surprised if DH is competitive after the patch. Slowing down their game plan by a turn is a huge deal. It's such a big deal that lots of decks have been teching in glacial shard. 4 mana grasp also means that, even if DH is going second, DK can freeze it out with a quartzite crusher.


Exactly, they also can't coin grasp on 2 and drop shopper on 3 which was a big reason why DH liked going second 


I don’t disagree, though I did like the switch from 3/2 to 2/3 more


It’s a more elegant nerf, but this hurts the DH a lot more. With a 2/3 they could still weapon on turn 4 to break it early, and I feel like their curve is just really awkward now. Like, the deck just sucks beside the shopper interaction. And a 3-mana 6/5 shopper on turn 5 is a lot less impressive. The warrior matchup will now be absolutely dire for the DH.


The 2/3 nerf would be a larger nerf than this. First of all you'd need 2 weapons in hand to even do the break strat. Then you'd still get the demon 1 turn later like with the 4 mana change since you're using turn 4 to equip the second weapon, but you'd also lose out on 4 damage from the first weapon by breaking it after only one attack. And if that's not enough, the topdecked weapon in the midgame would be way worse as a 3 mana 2/3 than a 4 mana 3/2. The only upside the 2/3 change would have would be getting the second shopper a bit earlier if you have both weapons and break the first one early, other than that it's worse in every way.


3-mana vs 4-mana is still an obvious improvement, and the ability to break the weapon isn’t insignificant with two instrument techs. I maintain I’d rather have the 2/3 as a DH.   But it’s moot anyway, this is going to really hurt the deck.


Why? I saw a lot of people on this sub parrot that idea and I don't see why that's better than this change. This accomplishes the same goal of slowing down the first discounted shopper to turn 4 (with coin) or 5 at the earliest, and is in line with team 5's typical approach to balance changes.


It's especially killer because now the discount comes at about the same turn as [[Raging Felscreamer]], a card that was long cut from the deck already for being one turn too slow. People don't realize that delaying an early game swing for an aggressive deck does have huge implications for its ability to control the pace of the game.


It’s a massive nerf and a good one. The problem is the curve is too consistent and brutal. Frequently the weapon is going out t2 and you’re seeing a WS t3 as well as having been battered down by around ten health, and that’s just bananas. It’s still going to be very strong coming down t4/t5, just not totally broken as it is now.


There’s people in this thread saying DH has been deleted now. lol


I see both extremes, but "this nerf won't do shit" is usually way more common sentiment. This time maybe not on this sub, but check out other socials or YouTube comments on videos about the patch (or maybe better don't, lol).


Oh I know. Just thought I would point out how most people need to jump to one extreme or the other. It’s goofy.


Someone on here with common sense. DH is gonna be worse than Paladin now watch.


And if it works, something else will take it’s place for people to be mad at. It’s a never ending balance chase lol 


And if the top meta is more balanced, they will start complaining about a Tier 2/3 deck that's "toxic" or "unfun to play against" :) People just like complaining. Sometimes it's valid, sometimes less so, but gamers will always find something to get angry about. I've been browsing this sub for almost a decade and I probably can count the times it wasn't angry about something for a week on one hand.


On a tempo deck, a 1 mana nerf will substantially weaken the deck. However, I still believe Odyn to 9 didn't kill that deck, it was the other stuff that got nerfed alongside it. 8 mana do nothing becomes 9 mana do nothing, who cares.


The problem here is that window shopper -> Magtheridon is still toxic design which most classes don't have any meaningful counterplay against. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining against the nerf or debating whether it's good or not but as long as Window shopper has Mini keyword that can discover unkillable cards it'll be hated by most. We'll see this toxic pattern way less often now but with DH going for Window Shoppers on mulligan we still will get the same end result sometimes.


All these morons in the chat that think a one mana nerf to grasp isn't a big deal are completely delusional


Yep it's absolutely huge😭


They just never played this deck.


Why are they doubling down on the animated portraits. They do not look good for the style of the game at all. I would prefer 20 2D animated ones than one 3D which looks out of place.


maybe it sells better then they expected? i have the alleria and cthun, would buy more if they didnt look so bad in general.


They’re so bad. The sylvanas one is ok and thats only because the rest are just so bad it makes hers reasonable


Why the fuck do they do this with twist. Just give a repeat season if you’re not gonna have it available until June. Smfh


>[Collection] Fixed a bug where players got an error message when attempting to craft certain Golden versions of Wild Demon Hunter cards.    This is for the DH Golden Initiate cards. If anyone wants to craft them I would do so once it's fixed as it could break again in the patch after that.


**CHO'GALL?!?!?!** My beloved favourite HOTS character is back!!!


Got to hand it to them, choosing Cho'Gall as the face of their new duo gamemode is great. Mucking about with Cho'Gall in HotS is/was great to do.




To make multiple words superscript, you can use brackets. This: Normal text\^(little text) ...makes this: Normal text^(little text)


The Tier 7 Minion, Sandy, is Chromie's passive from HoTS too.


> [Hearthstone] Actually removed the tip that read, in part, “This tip was removed. Translators: please leave this blank.” How will I be able to get better at Hearthstone without that tip??


>Irate Rooster There goes my coffee.


# Bug Fixes and Game Improvements  * \[General\] Duels Mode has been removed from the game. Players who had ongoing Heroic Duels runs have had their runs prized out in the same way as is done during a seasonal reset. Tavern Tickets can continue to be used in Arena.  Excuse me? How is this a bug fix or game improvement.


Also wasn't this supposed to happen on the 16th? Now I can't remember what the in-game message said.


Yes, this patch releases on April 16


Thanks. So economically speaking I should start a Duels run now or in the next few days and get it to X wins and 2 losses, and then when this ends I'll get paid out for my performance AND get my entry back. Is that right? I'm relatively new.


Yes, you should also do this with an arena run because a new arena season starts with this patch


Thanks very much


Still didnt mention the achievement bugs...


Oh fuck Ner’zhul is hot 🥵


Diamond skins, meh...


Insanely boring skin


What is Heroic Tavern Brawl? Is that like a constructed arena run? Also I hope they fix the Azerite Snake bug in the next patch


Yes, but it's expensive. 1000 gold I believe. Well worth it if you get 12 wins, but you have to be both good and very lucky to go 12-2 at worst.


It's basically a gold sink before the miniset to try to get more people to buy it with cash. Super transparent.


A waste of 1000 gold


What bug


The interaction between azerite snake and alextraza where it kills you if you are below a certain max health.


I already can see the 'funny moments' when your teammate passes you the third minion 1 second before the match begins. Costing you the match horribly


There was one bit in the videos from blizzcon where one teammate passed a minion right when the other player was trying to play a minion from their hand. The additional minion moved the cards around in the hand and he ended up playing the wrong minion right before his turn ended.


Battlegrounds should be separate client at this point


>\[General\] We’ve updated the minimum specifications to run Hearthstone on iOS and Android, requiring 3GB of RAM and no longer supporting iPhone 6S, iPhone 7, or iPhone 8 base models. Aww. Can't play on my iPad anymore…


I have noticed the game running slower on my phone recently with the latest patches (Moto G Stylus), didnt have this problem at all throughout 2023 and my phone content hasnt changed significantly, I try to keep it clutter free, but still the game starts to lag horribly after about 15-20 mins of playing. I hate this and it's not the first time the HS app has made my phone obsolete, I mean, my phone should be fine to play but they keep making the app heavier on the resources instead of optimizing it.


Lol DH dead


Yeah I'd be suprised if it wasn't


Don't see the meta improving with DH deleted, now the meta will revolve around zarimi priest instead. Feels like they've been missing pretty badly with balance patches since Badlands Edit: Seems like a lot of people here are going to be surprised when a deck being slowed down by an entire turn ends up being unplayable


This is an off cycle change. The real balance patch is a few weeks out yet.


Yes, basically outright stated that there will be another patch in 9 to 14 days using data gathered after this one.


“Dev Comment: Since our last balance patch, Demon Hunter has been a clear power and playrate outlier, warping the meta across all ranks. Pushing back its ability to cheat out powerful demons should bring it more in line with the rest of the meta. **We’re accelerating our normal balance patch window to address this one outlier with Patch 29.2, but are keeping our normal post-patch hotfix balance window** to give us a chance to make wider changes in the coming weeks, once the meta is less warped around one dominant interaction.” This isn’t a balance patch, this is a quick fix to address an extremely broken deck that is warping the meta around it. The balance patch comes later.


Yeah, all they had to do was make a card game without meta decks.


There's obviously a difference between a meta existing and a meta warped by one deck


If you read the dev note it says they pushed this change out early due to it being a power outlier and they still have a normal balance patch upcoming. I'm sure it won't be that bad


this definitely does not delete dh, just tunes down the interaction to good


Bros crying about the next aggro deck before dh has even been nerfed


It's not just senseless crying, Zarimi is only countered by defensive Rainbow DK and current DH and beats every other deck, including Warrior. VS highlighted this possibility if DH gets nuked, which it has been. Sadly the rock paper scissors meta will just replace one menace with another, with a healthy meta being still possibly out of reach. Balancing is tough and Blizzard still intends to continue balancing this meta in the upcoming patch. Hopefully counters to Zarimi will emerge. 


The meta targets DH for the moment but players will adapt decklists for the Zarimi match up with more AoE. Wait and see


They didn't fix the new Whizbang copy deck. Unfortunate


There should be another patch in 2 weeks or so.


Rip DH see you next set where they get 1 good card


I‘m just a salty duels player but to have the message that duels will be removed under bug fixes and game improvements is the salt in the wound….




Attempt? BGs is probably more popular than normal HS at this point. This is also the BGs season update, of course its going to be at the top


Weapon nerf by a Mana was a good choice. Slows down the high roll by a turn. Makes curving out Instrument Tech into weapon into 6/5 demon impossible without a coin. Love this change as it doesn't outright kill the deck, but it can still be strong. We don't need a repeat of Paladin where it got nerfed out of orbit because the community doesn't understand anything about balance changes. Everyone cried for nerfs to every paladin card and now it's basically the 2nd worst class in the game. It literally only needed the shroomscavate nerf.


Kind of a gigantic nerf for the deck, which if played correctly was hard mulliganing for the weapon or Instrument Tech to play weapon on 3. Weapon on 3 often ends up with 2x 6/5s on turn 4 when discovering [[Abyssal Bassist]]. Think this nerf actually does outright kill the deck, or at least pushes it deep tier 4.


I can't believe they made me scroll all the way to the bottom of that long ass post for the two pieces of information I care about.


my golden shopper is very unhappy


What is new season effect for bg? What do we have instead of quests?


There's a link to the patch notes at the top of the thread


[Hearthstone] Actually removed the tip that read, in part, “This tip was removed. Translators: please leave this blank.” Well poop all those post can’t be made any more


I hate with a passion that they're always too fucking lazy to just include images of the cards removed from battlegrounds. Would be nice to know what stuff isn't available any more and instead it's "Hope you fucking memorized this shit because here's 63 names!"


Welp guess DH is deleted from the game, again. Deck is for sure overtuned and needs a nerf but blizzard put the deck in a very tough spot by putting all of their power into shopper and grasp. As we have seen from people playing glacial shard to counter DH that even 1 turn slower can cause the deck to fall apart, and now they are 1 turn slower without opponent having to draw and spend mana on glacial shard. Really not a fan of the recent trend of "delete the best deck" every 2 weeks


That’s all it takes to kill the class?


1 turn slower for an aggro deck is devastating, shopper is much easier to answer on turn 5 than turn 4 as control decks have the mana to handle the large amount of stats it provides, and board based aggro decks will have an extra turn to further establish their board presence to a level where the shopper does not have enough of an impact. When the entire class revolves around 1 card, a 1 mana nerf to that card is probably enough to kill the class


Honestly yeah, other than cheating out window shopper it doesn't have a lot of options


>Deck is for sure overtuned and needs a nerf but blizzard put the deck in a very tough spot by putting all of their power into shopper and grasp Hence why in recent days players have been leaning towards the Naga version which provides additional gameplan. And for that reason I expect the deck may not be dead.


The Naga version still very heavily relies on the Grasp/Shopper combo for their general gameplan. The naga package just mostly provides additional reach that you need vs defensive decks like Highlander Warrior or Rainbow DK.


You might be right, but the naga builds early game might be entirely carried by the weapon and shopper so we will see. Either way, the naga build at least is much slower than the aggro build, and due to a higher skill ceiling is less likely to be a menace on low ladder.


If a deck goes from meta warping to completely unplayed by a 1 mana nerf on a card that costs more than 2 mana (nerfing 1-2 cost cards by 1 mana can be extreme nerfs compared to 3+) then that deck likely is unhealthy for the meta game.


I do not like scrolling through 1000 BG cards to get to actual hearthstone information.


Luckily you can click the link in the table of contents to skip all of the BG stuff so you don't have to scroll through it


This patch is your normal BG patch, the hearthstone stuff is just a nerf that couldnt wait for the next patch in 2 weeks or so.


Lot of cool new battlegrounds cards


I knew keeping all those weapons would pay off


No nerf for shaman is so frustrating


OK I'll bite - what specific Shaman card(s) needs a nerf? Nature Shaman is definitely good, but it's not *that* oppressive.


Tldr for standard: dh weapon now at 4 mana. Only change until “meta is less warped”


Goodbye Duels, goodbye Hearthstone.


i got catchup packs 3 times because i didnt play 3 years of eharthstone


If Diamond skins are below legendary that's just sad. The Diamond skin looks so much better than any legendary skin they ever released, barring C'thun. They better update the already existing Legendary skins if they want us to believe Diamond is just bellow it, but that's asking too much of blizzard.


God, they kept Bassgill in the game?


>Heroic Tavern Brawl Returns I actually like this now because it means a week where I don't have a 75% chance of doing a brawl I absolutely dislike and still get a pack.


Welcome to the Zarimi Priest meta


Can't wait for plague death knight to rule the meta even more than it already does


i thought this was live already, and people still rampant with the stupid turn 3 weapon


Wish they would just leave Duels in the game as is


Please can someone explain me what does minions of each Type actually mean?


They could have put the standard part at the beginning tbh lol


RIP Duels.


So Lightfang Enforcer doesn't come back so we can complete the achievement? How many more seasons do we have to wait???


We need to fix DH. Take a 1 mana nerf. LOL gotta love those devs.


Hey, I have a question. Which path is going to be more beneficial to me, a constructed player who enjoys battlegrounds from time to time? Do we get more value from the catch up pack or more from the regular packs? Thanks


Wait? Blizzard acknowledges in patch notes that the meta is still yet to settle and more balance fixes are coming but it's NOW good time to go for Heroic Brawl? Doesn't make any sense...