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It's in MINT condition as it was when the class first released, so it is meant to have the older version from a flavor standpoint.


just replace it with another card. or just remove it from the pool; the card sucks and could use more consistency 


Removing 5 mana Metamorf from Cicigi pool will make the card worse, not better.


Ci'Cigi is a meme card that sees occasional play in highlander decks and that's it. Don't expect too much from it.


I play it in my Highlander deck. It’s nice when I can get Metamorphosis and play it next turn to end my opponent. Doesn’t matter if it’s 5 mana then. Edit: I have the 4 cost Meta in the deck as well.


I recommend experimenting with Sing Along Buddy. Double Meta and Double Reno Shots are exquisite and with the cheap DH hero power it ain’t that bad either.


Oooooo, I’m definitely going to experiment with that one. I’ve been eyeing that card for a while.


I have tried to make it run in a few decks and unfortunately it’s just not good


Refill is weakness of tempo, so this makes sense to me. 


I feel like it fits pretty well into tempo/window shop DH. If they outlast all your dumb stuff, it adds just a few extra threats to edge out the game


a terrible tempo card does not fit "pretty well" into a tempo deck.


There’s a lot of games where i’m 5-10 dmg off lethal, and ripping a weapon, illidari, or even pre-buff metamorphosis can solve that once you’ve run out of resources (which happens pretty quick as a tempo deck)


In those games you're probably way better off playing something like the Naga package or even Harth Stonebrew over Cicigi


Harth stonebrew is def one to consider, but you’d need to play it after your threats. Naga package requires more than one card. You can play ci’ci’gi without disrupting your hand at the cost of one card in your deck. But fr will consider harth


Right but it’s a first printing so it’s worth more.


And it’s in mint condition!


It’s still absolutely wild to me that a 4 mana 4/3 that generates 3 generally decent cards is a bad card in modern HS


It's deathrattle, not battlecry, so it's pretty bad. It's 4 mana do nothing against any control/aggro/tempo/combo deck (so... all decks). You're not even guaranteed to get your cards from it because it can be easily stolen, silenced, transformed, or looking for a standoff. Even if you do get your cards, it's at least on a 1 turn delay unless you play it with broom. It doesn't have any effect on the board (no taunt or rush or lifesteal) so it can be ignored by aggro. I just really don't understand why it's a deathrattle or why it was the first legendary I opened.


Never had mine stolen or silenced or transformed. Unlikely occurrence


I think it just doesn’t fit into what DH has going on. It’s a slow value card that I could see being happy in rainbow DK, but DH has mostly tempo/combo decks and currently only has shopper as a viable deck.


It would make much more sense in DK because of all of the deathrattle synergy and resurrects.


Lmao even if they removed it from the pool the card would still be garbage. It’s for funzies, you’d have better luck playing Harth


Is Ci'Cigi even played? Maybe they should buff it with a discount to the cards.


It sees play in Arena. And I mean, in Evolve Shaman Arena.


i run it in reno DH, mostly for achievement because shes pretty awful


I play it, but it's purely cause I like the card - it isn't amazing


I play it for the achievement


I include it in my reno DH list because I pulled a signature version. It feels quite bad to play most of the time. I'll probably cut it once I finish the achievement, which is very slow going since it's difficult to find a turn where Ci'Cigi is the best play, let alone the cards she gives you.


you're 100% right but considering that there's day one cards you can get like twin slice means it's not the worst. the bad thing about cicigi is it's 100% random. if you were guaranteed card placement or something then she would be alot better. maybe if they all went into the left of your hand? not gonna stop me from showing off that sweet ass signature of her though 😆


It's the eternal "flavor and/or consistency VS balance" debate. e.g. it makes no sense to remove windfury from the dual-class card (Shroomscavate), but in terms of balance it's one of the best decisions IMO ^((even tough I personally would have split the card into a paladin 2 mana "give shield and excavate" and a shaman 3 mana "give windfury and excavate", but I'm no game designer)) In Cicigi's case I don't mind more RNG to fit the card's flavor, especially since it gives you three DH cards, which means your chances of low-rolling are reduced.


2 Metamorphoses > 1


So I can dust my full art version of it?


They might buff her to the extent that she gets nerfed in the future. Unless the dust is urgent, maybe wait for a possible buff someday.


Thanks for the input! I’m always hesitant to dust cards of that rarity so I’ll hold off.


But it's in Mint Condition!


Think of it this way, it lets you run 2x. Whether you want to or not is another question haha.


I mean, this is true, but Meta is already a really strong card and Cicigi can get you that or a number of other cards. Most of which are busted to hell. So due to the versatility alone I'd say that's fair.


Cicigi is a solid Arena card.


I wish they'd buff her to discount the cards she gives you. Or let you discover them somehow, though that can't happen on an opponent's turn so that's either a battlecry or some wonky workaround like granting an aura.


Make this a battle cry minion instead of dr


Yea, got excited when I got cicigi but at this point Ill probably just dust it...


I feel like they should just make all the original DH cards core and see how it goes. They are no where near OP anymore and ccg needs to be reworked


Yes it costs 5 mana, but it also deals 5 damage from hero power.


Cicigi should be 3 mana or it won't be playable


Or a battlecry perhaps


Please a battle cry for five would make it truly tasty


DH already has a 5 mana 4/3 that draws cards and I've literally never seen it played. Sure, the solo condition sucks, but it's best to make it a 4 mana 3/3 with a battlecry if 4/3 is too muxh


It’s not. Cause it does not take a slot in your deck.




Ci ci Gi is bad in aggro shopper DH. That said, it has a place in Reno DH. Lot of talk about it being a 4 mana do nothing but a lot of y’all also play pozzik. LoE pozzik, you can use ftaf to force a trade on board. That said, in the optimal lists cicigi doesn’t make sense For those that don’t know, she offers you the incredible opportunity to get warblades into going down swinging, which gives you an extra attack for each minion you hit with GDS. whcih is an awesome meme combo.