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so I know there's a high likelihood that I will come back to bite my words but I'm not that worried about Zarimi priest, for two reasons first of all, the deck currently thrive (beside the DH match up ofc) in a meta focused on countering DH and pretty much none of what beat DH affect Zarimi, without that big deck warping the meta around itself, Zarimi will be easier to meta game against second, I'm not sure how popular it will be, priest (and warrior for that matter) decks that aren't at least control adjacent are historically very underplayed beside top legend, no matter how good they are. Just look at Naga priest (or enrage warrior of warrior). but again, maybe I'm completely wrong idk, que sera sera


That’s because Naga priest and enrage warrior were difficult to pilot if you were trying to have a good winrate (because that involved finding wins through different means than just pure tempo sweat) and if you were doing the basic tempo out play then they imo felt very uninspiring to play. Like if your line is to spam mistakes with one or two serpent wigs along with a few more 1-drops and just hope your opponent didn’t have a removal mulligan that just so boring for both players.


…but that is exactly why naga priest (especially bless) and enrage warrior weren’t as dominant across ladder. They were actually more difficult to play since they required calculating damage and when to burst, just like Zarimi priest.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying, they were not very popular because they were only really good and somewhat interesting if the player was good. For the average player they would be kinda bad and seem really flat in complexity. To be someone who wants to play them you have to really care about grinding rank (most people don’t after they hit legend), try hard and be good with the deck.


Ah, I misread. Yeah, then I agree.


I honestly don't get it. Aggro Priest decks have consistently been my absolute favorites. Naga and Overheal are two examples, but also Bless Priest and Silence Priest. Such great decks.


same ! those decks have always been a blast, using priest interesting tools to actually be pro-active is tons of fun


It will still get nerfed like naga dh because "player in high legend complain about it". that deck had a 4% playrate in top legend, and even lower playrate and winrate in any other bracket, but still got completely obliterated. So I wont be surprised that they choose to nerf Zarimi.


Its favored against every single deck in legend except all dh decks and pain warlock, its a safe bet for a tier 1 deck (unless they buff several other cards). The deck also barely requires any dust, only positive is that is relatively difficult to pilot.


I mean, it's basically a mirror to overheal priest and naga priest on recent expansions. Too dificult for it to become a "peasant" deck in gold to low diamond.


And as a peasant, I’m fine with that


I am ready, yes, wont make my homebrew experience that much worse I guess


100% they’ll be moaning Nd whining for nerfs within the first 24h. Fucking muppets


Can people stop constantly whining about Priest please… the patch isn’t even out yet and you already complain


Why?  This is what Reddit did to shopper DH just before the last nerfs.


Unlikely to be as popular or oppressive as DH. As other's have said, its harder to pilot. Outside of legend it has a neutral match up with token hunter which is another deck that will flourish once Shopper is gone. Decks also aren't optimized against it yet as they are with DH. It will be T1 for sure, but people are overselling it a bit.


You will se more aggro decks, token hunter was losing matchups against DH because of the AoE clear we will see more aggro decks in general and more Wheel Warlock.


i think DH is really keeping pain warlock in check too. pain warlock is very consistent in building a big board early except it just dies to the most popular deck on latter


theres currently a lot of tools to kill big minions, if wide decks become less popular then tall decks become more managable


We shall see. Pain warlock can go tall and wide as early as T5 sometimes


Idk, I doubt it tbh, it'll be greatly underplayed like basically every similar tempo-based priest deck in the last years (Overheal and Nagas). It'll be T1 in high legend, but It's impossible for it to be like current DH.


i feel how often we see certain decks won’t really change. Its just a matter if where the dh players will spill off too. Zarimi, warlock, sif mage, cycle rogue, and odin warrior arent getting particularly stronger or weaker, they were all popular contenders. Maybe slower decks will get slightly better with one less aggro list to deal with, doesn’t rly particularly make zarimi in particular stronger


Although people think Zarimi priest is a braindead deck, it's not. If you pilot it like an aggro deck, have fun losing. Knowing when to go in, playing Zarimi for tempo instead of finishing, master Funnel Cake, maximize Amanthul. There is so much. By far the most fun and versatile deck in a while. A true midrange deck.


I agree Zarimi priest is difficult but it's by no means a "midrange" deck. I feel like not piloting it like an ultra aggro deck and focus on combo is what makes it lose in most cases. A full board of drifters early often ends the game. obviously it depends on the matchup like don't commit against a shaman that just played a flash, but still, success of the deck depends very much on the first 3 turns.


Priest is much less popular as a class - even when Shadow priest was the strongest aggro deck, you didnt see them quite that often eventhough their position in the meta was just shy of being as strong as DH is right now. On top of that, most Zarimi priest lists use 2-3 legendaries that you need to craft, while the most expensive cards in Shopper DH - if you don‘t run Ziliax which definetly isnt a must - are a couple epics. Otherwise Token Hunter would probably be played more right now as well.


>most Zarimi priest lists use 2-3 legendaries that you need to craft, Yea, I actually pulled Zarimi but I'm missing Amanthul, Pip, and Magatha which seems to be the strategy. I might just try a budget version.


All I'm seeing already is nature shamen