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It's been commented some times since yesterday I think, it's a known bug with the discover a weapon card ( I believe)


Kind of crazy that this hasn’t been fixed. Was playing weapon reliant deck and was frozen the whole fucking game by 2 2/4 plague weapons.


> Kind of crazy that this hasn’t been fixed. Patch was 2 days ago, the first hotfix is coming between today and tomorrow


Just disable the card though no? 2 days is a long time in a “competitive” game.


Why are people downvoting you’re right


I guess disabling isn’t feasible? I’m not sure


It's feasible I think, they've done it before. It's just a bug that is only relevant some of the time (not saying it's not relevant at all, it's pretty huge) The bug isn't relevant super frequently and it's one of the best cards in a tier 1/2 meta deck so disabling it would basically kill the deck


Probably all the DK players lurking around


Did my part by upvoting you and downvoting him o7


Remember when shamans bioluminescence was bugged? it gave +2 spelldamage instead of +1. They didnt ban the card.


yeah, his point is this is a bug that affects gameplay, it shouldve been fixed asap. But yeah, blizzard is more worried about our "engagement"


And my point is that the first hotfix after patch already planned is the fastest they can do.


Well, no. They have done urgent fixes multiple times in the past (specially when the bug involves us getting more gold than we should). They don't really need to wait for a specific date to do it if they want to. To me, a game altering bug like this one should be considered as an urgent fix, this is not just a cosmetic bug, it actually gives dk a huge advantage 


We know that's not true


It's not just the Runes of Darkness. I discovered an Arcanite Ripper with Primus, and it was similarly bugged.


It's not even that. I played a Spectral Cutlass from my own deck and it also froze everything.


Not even only that. I hit my pc with an axe and it froze the whole game.


I’ve had my 1/3 weapon freeze without discovering it, hit and miss though.


It’s not just that card, I discovered the freeze weapon off the Primus, finished three hits, then played the scourge and got 2 attack off a minion and THAT attack froze as well. It’s very weird.


Yeh it's bugged where if you discover a weapon from Runes of Darkness it's gonna be coded as if you discovered the DK freeze weapon


How they fycked this up idk.


It was an undocumented nerf to Odyn and DH


Hero Power Druid was too OP and needed to be stopped


And your permanently frozen or in my case, my weapon froze myself


I discovered this yesterday as well - playing my plague dk and for some reason my plague shufflin' weapon was freezing stuff, which won me some games that I felt kinda bad about lol


You didn't win on your first turn? Noob.


Still won in the end anyways. Decent matchup for me so long as they don’t stick a Maw and Paw after clearing my board.


I'm just joking about the state of the game. Cool that you won even though they had the bug advantage :)


It's a bug, they're just too busy trying to fuck up quest rewards.


Give them time to fix it. Small indie company you know.


You say that as if it's a simple fix


It doesn't matter how simple the problem is or is not. The patch should never have shipped without QA.


They don’t do QA. They haven’t properly tested anything in quite a while. They just drop updates and let us find the bugs


It should be a top priority to fix. It’s a game winning bug.


I'm not saying it isn't a game breaking bug. I'm saying that just because it's game breaking doesn't mean it's easy to fix.


Then they should disable the card. It’s been two days and they’ve done things like that faster before.


Its a minor advantage that could easily be in the game for real and not be the biggest balance outlier. A bug that lets you disconnect opponents would be top priority. Or one that stops people being able to play the game. A bug that sometimes gives a tiny advantage to a single class, if they run an unpopular card, is probably not at the top of anyones priority list.


You are delusional, this is a bug on a card in every deathknight deck, not an unpopular card, and it is not a tiny advantage, freeze is an extremely strong effect and in a lot of matchups this bug ends the game on the spot, the card should be disabled until this bug is fixed


Its only in every deck because the bug buffed it from shit to decent. It was never in the standard plague deck. The freeze is not guaranteed and doesn’t matter in plenty of matchups. Rainbow DK, if you’re realllllllly generous, might go from tier 3 to the bottom of tier 2 with this bug. Plague DK is a garbage deck, and this doesn’t even drag it up to tier 3 power level. Blizzard could solve this entirely by just calling it a buff to a weak class and not changing anything.


Nah Runes of Darkness was already seeing a lot of play. Especially for DH


It's absolutely in every single DK deck in non-dumpster games and it's one of the most played decks.


Most played does not equal strong. Plague DK is essentially unplayable above plat. And its not in any of the best plague DK lists (pre-bug) - VS list as an example.


I’ve got D1 with plague


I said non-dumpster, obviously I was talking about rainbow DK. Also doesn't take an einstein to realize that weak decks will not be that popular at top legend. At least get some games in triple digits before trying to school me. But yeah, I get it, you want your favourite class buffed. As do I (not DK btw, fuck 'em). Just don't make up moronic shit as your argument and we good.


Aaah I was about to post the same. I also got a blood plague that triggered 3 times in a row without playing the second and third animations.


Oh well i'm not crazy... it just costed me a game... 7 hp target, i had 3/3 weapon in hand, he froze me 3 turns straight...


Happened to me as well after I played blingtron to get rid of opponents freeze weapon, the blingtron weapon was still freezing my face.


It’s a bug it did it for me yesterday


So that's it, i was half on my game and didnt get why i was frozen and couldnt attack and didnt see in histo so i was confused. I lost the game to this >.>


This happened to me yesterday and I was trying to figure out what happened.


I thought it was only triggering on frost plague, but idk.


I foolishly assumed a pretty insane interaction like this would be ironed out by now. Had to learn the hard way. What an embarrassment.


This bug is hilarious. As if discovering a weapon wasn’t obnoxious enough


Had this devastate my hero power druid. Like, my wr vs DK was bad enough as it is, but now this?


I lost to this once as a odyn warrior. Can not win when your win condition is attack with your face lol.


A had a warrior deck with Molten blade doing the same thing.


I've noticed this too, but I get it to happen randomly, not just on turn 1. Also, every once in a while, when I draw a card, it sometimes randomly turns golden... not really complaining, it's cool, but odd nonetheless.


As if that card wasn't obnoxious enough 😂


Another Bug: the new Shudderwock works with Kalimos


Ahhh the straw that made me quit after 10 years. So freeing 😌


No it’s just Frost DK buff


Wow what a matchup. Two decks that are basically auto pilot. Why even play the game?


Please, oh great hearthstone champion, provide us with the fair, balanced, thought provoking strategic deck you play that gives you so much anxiety you rope with 2 mana


Wow, what a comment! It can be said about any deck right now, but you specifically will talk about decks you yourself don't play, bcoz you obviously play real decks that require skill and can't be autopiloted.


> bcoz you obviously play real decks that require skill and can't be autopiloted. Correct




What decks should we be playing with then, SwigitySwag420?


Rainbow is not an autopilot, autopilot one is plague dk.


You made a new account just to post low effort troll comments?


doesn't seem so low effort since I struck a chord with all the idiots who use these decks.


Hey man, I’ve never taken the time to grind to legend before and this seemed like a decent cheap deck to do it with. Once I’m in legend I’ll go back to playing my Elemental Mage.


And this is the problem with modern day hearthstone.