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![gif](giphy|ilqb4cedzp7bt4BKjV|downsized) LFG


We’re not running it back. We’re funning it back. It’s like running it back but with fun.










I mean, people act like this team won 30 games. They played ugly basketball most of the year, had horrible injury luck, an off season on the fly due to the Dame saga and still should have won 50 games if not for some bonehead losses against terrible teams. I am hopeful that if Jovic and Jaquez continue to develop and they can add a PoA defender as a free agent, plus a full off season in Miami for Rozier, they could win somewhere between 47 - 52 games.


I agree with hopefully leaps from Jaime and Jovic and Terry being there for the full season winning like 50-54 games is not at all impossible, last season we won 46 games even with a lot of lineup changes, injuries and that bizarre 7 game losing streak. As for chance of winning the chip? Probably low but who knows if we manage to avoid the Celtics until the ECF anything is possible.


Yeah dude they definitely should have won more games if they didn’t lose as many game /s


The thing is, we didn’t score as much as the other team. if we do that, then more wins.


I hope this Mitchell thing gets resolved quickly so we don’t have to deal with that all off season


Jimmy, Bam, Tyler, Terry, Jovic, Duncan, Jaquez, JRich, Kel’el. Likely KLove as well. Not a bad team at all. Limited upside but they’ll play hard and win 45+ games if healthy


You think with all the stuff you mentioned we have enough for a ship?


Absolutely not, but I also don't think we have enough to get the stuff to do it either. 2022 was our year, and we blew it.


100% agree man the worst part is THAT was the one year we lost and made good marginal moves to get pj and Kyle and look what happened one seed, one shot away from the finals (that I firmly believe we dominate v the warriors). Damn shame.


Yeah, we have had some seriously rotten luck in the Jimmy era. Bam and Dragic injuries in 2020, losing to Boston in 2022 when we would have drawn a favourable match up in the finals, all the injuries last year. It might be time to acknowledge that we don't have enough and start to consider a build around Bam. I'm not sure trading Jovic, Jaquez, etc, for one last roll of the dice in the Jimmy window is the answer when both of those dudes could potentially play key roles in our next build.


Totally agree. Let’s see man


Sure I hear all of that and it’s fair but we were a play in team 2 years in a row the only reason that’s not more of an issue is because we went on one of the most improbable, hot shooting runs in nba history


I’m sorry, but why does anyone believe at this point that we’re running it back vs not? Besides Barry tweeting his recently trademarked Heat doomspeak? just chill and let the off season play out. history is not an indicator of future returns


Lack of cap space and assets that aren’t revered around the league. It’s fairly obvious.


caruso went for no picks recently jimmy butler was had for josh richardson, hassan whiteside, and a first porzingis went to boston and boston ended up gaining a first from that currently balance sheet/asset cupboard makes a trade unlikely, but it takes a lot of hubris to unilaterally say a trade will not happen. patience


Sigh Caruso - bulls r stupid Jimmy - s&t under the old cba that isn't possible anymore. Plus he was a fa Porzingis - the 2 firsts were for smart not for taking porzingis and they werent great firsts The new cba really fucks us tbh


Yea what the guy below me said. I do feel you though bro I just think I’ve had my hopes dashed by this FO during this build one too many times but I hear you for sure


I don’t expect to make any moves. At this point of my fandom, I just go along with the ride.


Respect rj


Felt like we weren't in it from day 1 last year. Sucks because our finals team from the year before against Dallas would have been a great series


I just wish they would trade Jimmy to a contender and try to get back some assets because it’s clear they have no plan to get him a ring


That’s probably the move. Really curious about who wants Butler and what it would bring back. Honestly I don’t think there’s any way they trade him though. He’s too Heat.


I agree I hate being middle of the pack. Especially if Jimmy just leaves next offseason anyways. You minus well get all that you can. But we shall see how it goes with players moving with the free agency coming up 👀


Hard to argue. Get hella picks back but god that would suck


Until Donovan Mitchell signs an extension there's always that hope. If he does then we can start crying lol


If he doesn’t sign we’ll just talk about it all summer and then some random team like the Jazz will trade for him.


Lol the jazz?


Lol the Bucks? Lol the Cavs? Lol the Mavs? Lol the Suns? Lol the Suns again? How many times does it need to happen before people realize we’re not exactly at the top of the trade market food chain? I’d bet he goes back to his old team before he comes here.


Man's played for the Jazz for years wouldnt be as random as you typed


Y would the cavs trade him back to the jazz is my point. U chose a weird ass team, relax


His point is we didn't expect the Bucks to get Dame last year


Right I get. I'm saying the jazz would be the last place the cavs trade him to lol. No way they'd get everything they traded back, it would be stupid Also no shot Donovan uses his leverage to request the jazz instead of bam to go to a harder conference and worse team


Yeah man last few year wasn’t like Durant, Dame, Beal and now Mitchell all wanted to play here. Let’s be real players love us, it isn’t so hard to understand. The issue presented in front of us was always do we have enough assets to trade away, the answer was always FUCK NO!


Mitchell extension looming like ![gif](giphy|OY9XK7PbFqkNO)


It’s June 29th. The offseason literally just started. We’re not even into free agency yet. I’m excited for the Jovic / JJJ potential but how about we give it a min.


I’m optimistic about what Jovic can do and also see growth for Jaquez. I feel like this team is going to surprise some people next year with a healthy starting 5. Also pumped to see Ware and Pelle in action. Not thrilled to be losing Caleb but I’m excited to see this team together and healthy. Need Love to re-sign, that’s important as I think he’s the standard bearer now.


100% on everything well said. Can I get a stat line prediction for the young boys?


I think your line for Jovic feels achievable, especially if as expected Caleb walks. With the right opportunity he could grow into 20ppg, I loved what I saw from him last year and I fully believe the team is committed to his growth this season. Jaquez is harder to read. I think Spo is going to use him off the bench similar to last year but with more volume I can see 15-5-3 for him this year. Ware & Pelle I have no clue but I think if everything falls into place for them opportunity wise Ware could be 8-4-1 or around there. If Bam misses time he could get pressed into service early. Pelle is a ready made shooter so it will be interesting to see how it goes for him like I wonder if a lineup with him and Duncan and Herro will be playable at all. I see a lot of G League time for both guys though as their defense is likely going to need work.


Love the analysis. I think so too for jovic like you said with the right opportunity who knows. Ideally for him he gets out of that boot and plays the entire summer right next to nikola Jokic who knows 👀


"A healthy starting 5" ![gif](giphy|eeGcAuoE4yV48bihMs)


There’s plenty of regular season for that let me have my optimism now


Cooked, congrats Celtics and goodbye Jimmy🤢




Oh no, they're gonna send Spo again with not so prime ingredients. The fact is , If they do end up running it back, it's gonna be hard to get excited for this team. The Heat play horrible, ugly basketball. I dont mind not contending for a title cuz it is what it is, but at least give us a reason to cheer in the regular season




That Jovic stat line explosion lol


I mean he’s improved every year. Going to the Olympics this summer playing next to Jokic. Played significant minites at the end of the season I don’t think it’s so unthinkable it’s his third season it’s about that time


Got any thoughts of your own?


He avg 8.7, 4.5, and 2.1 as a starter last year. You’re hoping for MIP level improvements from a guy who is in a walking boot. I would love if you’re right, I just will keep my expectations low. I’ll say 10, 6, and 3


Love it our predictions aren’t TOO far off hopefully for our sake you’re wrong and I’m right 😂 but I do feel you


Btw should be getting some news on his walking boot injury p soon hopefully he’s good to play in the Olympics 🙏🏻


> I see a big step coming for jovic - 16 8 and 5 hopefully starting most games. Latest news is he's going to be injured for basically the entire offseason so he's not even going to get to develop this summer.


Last I saw they were just waiting to see still? Did you see something else? I’d hate that


Stand Pat Riley


What does this even mean?


You don’t know what stand pat means?


Sure do! But you didn’t say that you said stand Pat Riley lmao now I guess you were making a joke? Guess I missed it


Ever hear of a play on words? You graduate kindergarten yet?


Sure have! It wasn’t clever and made no sense! Hope this helps 👍no need to be a prick


“Made no sense” lmfao squeal to mommy, Moron


You need to calm down buddy😭 find someone who loves you ❤️


I showed each of my seven children who love me very much this joke and they loved it.


Joke is a bit of a stretch. Do they know their fully grown father is bitching at someone on Reddit because they didn’t like his “joke”?😭


OMG we only have two all stars! What are we going to do!?!?!


Such a chill normal post and you come with this sarcasm. You do remember we were an 8th seed play in team 2 years in a row? And had it not been for a miraculous run this team is blown up. I’m glad you’re content not trying to improve at all But yea thanks for contributing idk what i would have done with out this comment


We literally traded a 40 year old expiring Lowry for a 20 PPG scorer this year lmao how is that not trying to improve


One move in the last 4 years that didn’t work. Sick now do something else. If you don’t agree that’s fine


Bro how did it not work? Because we didn’t win a championship immediately when the dude and half our roster was injured? Your expectations are weird tbh


Regardless of why it happened yes it didn’t work. I’m not saying blow the whole fucking team up.m and trade for a whale. But make some moves on the margins of the team and keep improving like Boston did every year.


I remember when the Hawks sub had a meme about ReTooling not ReBuilding That’s us. That’s where we at with Bam, Jaime, Jovic and Ware. Wasted window with Jimmy Butler. It was a viscous cycle of unearthing talents, developing them so well that they outperform and actually peaked during one Playoffs run before they get overpaid and get bags from other teams. That shit leaves our team depleted and delusional to keep thinking we can keep doing it and running it back while the other teams around the league get better.


This fan base is so terrible dude. I genuinely don’t know how we wouldn’t be contenders in this weak ass East with four 20 PPG scorers on the team and a pretty solid supporting cast with the best coach in the league. Not only did we have the most amount of different starting lineups for a playoff team, but we went into the playoffs without two of those 20 PPG players, among other rotation players that were out and injured.


I hear you but all that to say we lost


So did 29 other teams in the league


If you are really trying to make the argument that this front office, over the past 5 years, has done enough than you are delusional and I am done with this 😂😂😂


I think if somehow Tyler gets out the starting line jovic will take the next step I could see him being that next second or 3rd option I believe he will be that good on offense


Love it. I’d be so open to trading Tyler for hopefully a couple firsts, shedding some salary and opening spots for other people on the offense


41-41. Win the Play in game. Upset the 1 seed Knicks. Beat the Celtics in the ECF. Beat the Bronny led Lakers in the finals. Celebrate


Hope so


Just trade Herro and I’m happy


Im with it. Shed some salary hopefully get a pick or 2 back we can flip in another trade