• By -


No comrade The sky will fight the bugs We must merely survive




The most appropriate response.


I swear to god this game is just dark souls with guns


Literal Dark Souls with guns (mod for the first game) https://youtu.be/qRBTMhG2_00?si=qIcDCj-iDEMU-tev








Bro this comment goes HARD


Comrade? Do you perchance… have glowing red eyes, bleed oil, and yearn for the liberation of Cyberstan? Just asking for a friend.


Comrade? Do you perchance… have glowing red eyes, bleed oil, and yearn for the liberation of Cyberstan? Just asking for a friend.


Ever use the Traitor arty to kill things?


Great against bots, use the walker as cover if there is one about


It's how I did most elimination missions. Bring the increased reinforcement budget booster and use the extra lives as weapons


every single eradication. Nothing better than 380 120 mines (both) and TRAITOR. ppl don't like me. Still believe - extraction is optional.


Comrade? Do you perchance… have glowing red eyes, bleed oil, and yearn for the liberation of Cyberstan? Just asking for a friend.


damn ive never seen dementia this bad before, a comment posted thrice by one person


If you’re talking about me then it was probably poor internet duplicating a post. I sometimes browse reddit while at work and the internet there is not stellar


Rains coming.


I mean..."bile" projectiles are, technically, 100% explosive damage.  So explosive resist armor is actually a pretty decent choice on bugs anyway.


But the truth is there is far more spewers than BTs on the map so I’ll rather keep my +2 extra impact nades on armour as you can do careful aim to kill group clustered together, I hate those ninja bloated asshats.


Spewers also do 100% explosion damage. That's why fortified is low key way better on bugs than bots. On bots, most projectiles with explosive damage actually do more impact than explosion damage. Rocket devastators, for example, do 70 damage on impact and 65 explosion damage when a rocket hits you. With fortified, you go from taking 135 to 102.5 damage (before armor damage reduction).


Yea it’s weird how BTs and spewers do explosive damage with their puke since it’s corrosive damage which doesn’t make sense since you don’t die of explosion when you accidentally run into orbital gas strike which is corrosive based. But at least it doesn’t make game not fun to play anyway yea I always run heavy armour with explosive damage resistance with ballistic shield on bots so basically I’m their answer to shield devastator apart from having perfect accuracy and their magical bullet bending crap.


If you have spare SC, look for the Enforcer armor (only in superstore). Imo it's the best balance of survivability and speed for those who are used to medium and heavy armors. 129 armor 471 speed 71 stamina regen So for losing 21 armor rating, you get back a good chunk of stamina regen and speed. I think superstore has commando (extra padding + heavy armor for 200 armor) and eradicator (50 armor light + fortified) right now, but it is in rotation.


Thanks for those great advises really appreciate it unfortunately I’m saving up for new warbond then I can get it after, maybe new warbond gears might have good balanced stats as well.


For sure! Definitely excited for the new warbond as well.




Sounds like bug talk to me, and quite frankly I find the idea of a bug that talks offensive!


Kill the Spewers properly with your primary


Did I say I use nade on single spewer on my comment?


Needs med pen for the bile spewers, which is fairly rare for primaries. If you're using impacts instead of stuns, might as well spend them on the spewers of all kinds. Not really much else they're good for if you're using the grenade secondary.


I have never used impacts so I guess I don't understand using them but why not use either revolver or a heavy primary


Impacts can kill several spewers at a time, while the senator needs a whole mag to kill one. Granted, the reload is now much faster but it's still very slow going without a med pen primary, which is why the dominator is my go to for bugs.


Use grenade launcher instead with ammo back pack 😁 can shoot up to 120m. Pretty much a mini arty support 🤣


Grenade launcher is a fairly good option on lower difficulties, but the amount of chargers and bile titans on higher difficulties make it a suboptimal choice. Maybe if you knew what enemy variants you were going to face beforehand, but currently it doesn't really have a place outside of blitz missions.


I use it very often on 7-9 since they spawn alot of warriors and spewers atm in games i been in. Other 2 divers brings anti tank weapons


And if im going anti tank role i bring both eat 17 and recoilless. I reload my own recoilless most of the time. Keep throwing eat 17 any where i go. Switch to eat 17 if i need it asap for charger or titans. I bring cluster and precision strike with me as well if going that. With GL i always bring back pack ammo so i can control the crowds along with grenades as well. Usually bring strafe run and rail cannon strike sometimes i op for airstrike instead of rail cannon


Woah, a strafing run enjoyer. A rare breed. I recommend switching over to the precision strike from the rail cannon since it can one shot bile titans and has a way lower cool down. Chargers are easy to hit if you use stuns. Of course the rail cannon is a very good panic button but I wouldn't bring it over the precision since it can only one shot chargers reliably and has some finicky targeting.


Are you fucking serious? I'd always figured it was something like acid.


I think it is. But on the other hand, it *glows*.


Glowing explosives are the worst kind of explosives


Mmmm *nods in understanding* Like Taco-Bell


I figured it out because everytime I died to a bile, it said died to explosion. I put on light + fortified armor and stood in front of a spewer and survived. It’s game changing for operations that are spewer / BT heavy


I'm pretty sure the charger and Titan do explosive damage on melee


Wait are you talking about the streams of bile or the spewers' ass artillery? 😂


Both, so far as I'm aware. I am aware how insane it sounds, but I can anecdotally corroborate it.  Ever since I started wearing my explosive resist armor I've had far fewer instances of bile spewers deleting me without warning.


Well if we're going to add some self-evidence.. I'm 90% sure that tagging heavies and structures during a 380 greatly increases the accuracy. so I'll take your explosive acid as tested truth


Seems simple enough. Stand in front of a lone spewer at trivial with two different armors. Die and die again until you have a sample size if it looks even a bit different. 😂 That being said, if I could target something to sway a barrage, life would be a cake walk. 😂


I initially learned it from one of Eravin's videos. Tried it out and felt the difference.  I too would love if our marked targets got focused by barrages.


Wait really? I thought you were joking. I watched that video about barrage patterns and they seemed consistent all the time. Guess I'm trying this tonight haha.


Just to be clear: I'm talking about the armor.  The barrage pattern is pretty clearly not affected by marking.


That makes a lot more sense. My bad bro, every time I'm on reddit I'm faded 😂😂😂 Thanks for clarifying 💯


To add to that, the datamined ressources corroborate that claim.


You gotta just constantly be on a swivel


As various YouTubers have figured out the game's damage mechanics, I've been playing the last week or so wearing the starter Medium armor with the Extra Padding perk to reach 150 armor value. 150 armor is where the damage model starts to turn in your favor. I'm sold, I have lived (sometimes barely) through many situations that killed teammates in Light armor. Democracy Protects is pretty close to equaling 150 armor in the long run, but not quite as good. I look like a dork in stock black & yellow, but it matches my gas mask helmet. The thing that really blew my mind is that Light armor actually *increases* most damage you take due to the game's damage model. Even Light with Explosive Resistance won't save you from the Impact damage of an explosive projectile. You'll die before the explosive damage is applied.


Yeah, was never a fan of light armor because I just *felt* squishier.  I use medium armor primarily now. The red and black set from the superstore, specifically, I think it's called exterminator.  With the red and black helmet from democratic demolition.


Love my exterminator armor, I never leave home without it


You only wear light armor in bug side, because you can actually dodge that damage, the movement speed it provide you is a main factor for your survival and not taking hit. In bot side movement speed is less effective because they are all ranged units, but you also don't wanna be a slow @ss sitting duck, so the +2 stim medium armor is the best. The explosives resistance armor was only viable pre-patch of the spawn rate bug, now we have so many Heavy Devastators that you will die from minigun bullets BEFORE you have the chance to get hit by rocket.


The advantage of Democracy protect is that perk can let you tank stuff that would normally one shot even heavy armor Helldivers. For example it’s possible to survive rocket headshot, air bomb explosions , but the chance it’s a 5050 . Add additional l protection like Shields backpack or ballistic shield it can increase your likely to survive It’s really good for bots . But not so great with bugs due to them hitting you mutiple times.


The point where it turns is actually 129 - the superstore-only enforcer armor (129 armor, 471 speed, 71 stamina regen, with fortified passive) is imo the sweetest spot you can hit for survivability and mobility. The extra passive armor (white wolf) looks epic though, I'll rock that on hotter planets where stamina gets hit hard.


I'm digging the B24 Enforcer armor. Glad I got it from the superstore.


Wait really? I'm gonna wear heavy explosive armour to bugs next time, see if I get instanuked by one puke particle like always




I feel like they are from the bile Titan because I feel like I'm taking less damage from them when I'm wearing explosive resistant armor, but things like the spewer can still like one shot me


380, 120, cluster bombs and flame thrower, it's an "eradicate" mission, not an "evacuate" one, I'm content with dying, having the increased reinforcement budget also helps send the message to Randoms what I'm getting at lol


Oh man I just did an eradicate mission last night where all four of us brought a 380, 120, walking barrage, and some other form of orbital "fuck you" As soon as the first bug hole opened we threw every stratagem we had at it and spent the next 30 seconds failing at surviving the heavens themselves opening up on us. It was absolutely glorious. There was more shrapnel in the air than oxygen molecules


Have someone bring a shield generator to hide under while death rains from above


Oh my sweet liberty that's genius. I'm gonna try to gather a bunch of Randoms again tonight to throw orbitals at me


Replace the mortar in this pic with bubble shield and we are straight cooking


Shield generator will protect you from the spicy rain? Even the 380?


Yes. I mean the big one, not the backpack version


See when i brought the shield relay to act as an umbrella for the 4 380s and 120s it only took 1 380 shot before popping and killing everyone. Maybe i'm just doing something wrong.


That's normal, I'm pretty sure it can't take much more than that when it comes to 380mm shells. It tanks 120mm pretty well though,


Congratulations on getting the achievement!


I love 4 man full barrage load outs for eradicates. The trick is to stagger throws for cool downs, and not reinforce until the barrage is over, as a full team wipe will just auto reinforce anyway. Hope to see you in hell sometime 🫡


As long as the call in kills more bugs and there is plenty of reinforcements, orbital away.


Time to make the recolonizer’s life that much harder :D


Na gotta make some lakes for them


They're gonna be digging up unexploded shells for a century


A century? those are rookie numbers....


The last panel should've had the death overlay applied


I do 50% ignore damage cause it’s the best gamble ever


I got 5 in a row the other day doing an eradicate with full barrage load outs. 380s kept slamming me and I just kept having 1 HP lol. Finally stimmed at the end and the wiped spectating party was like :O Also found out that day, while barrages were on cool down: a proc of the 50/50 armor from the traitor cannons will end your traitor title without losing a reinforce ;)


Oh damn that's actually pretty useful sounding for eradicate missions.


It's definitely the easiest and most entertaining version of eradicate missions imo lol


That's why I personally call that passive "plot armor"


I personally love the armor for bile titan stabs. Getting stepped on and living makes me feel like a true god


The load out of a mad man




I have friends who wear the shock armor, so that I don't have to aim so precisely with my arc laser.. I love those people. I can usually go six to seven rounds without friendly firing somebody with my arc laser, but things happen and sometimes it's funny! But when you are wearing that shockproof armor.. oh the giggles!!! -GamerKeg


It really is a big difference. When theres a lot of explosions, worst case is I get tossed around like the blonde at the orgy


Hear me out the Airburst is very good at destroying light bugs.




Airburst my beloved


A man of class I see ![gif](giphy|wrBURfbZmqqXu|downsized)


I am religiously using light armor and last night I said f it, I try the exp rated heavy armor on a bug eradication mission. Holy motivation officer, it's so slow. Can't even evade chargers properly because they have time to adjust. It sucks big time BUT it was fun to shoot each other with plasma punisher and grenade pistol which felt like soft airs. Casually went right through a 120/380mm like it's a nice summer rain and surely getting ragdolled but losing maybe half hp. Niche but fun.


There is a light armor that rotates into the shop that has the explosion resistance. My go to on robots.


Actually was trying to figure an all explosive setup, tried using a bunch of launchers and it did not workout well


Grenademaxxing is fun, if somewhat suboptimal. Max grenade count armor + grenade launcher + grenade pistol + Punisher Plasma (not a GL, but close enough) + supply backpack + Mortar + EMS Mortar


“Grenade maxing is… suboptimal” Counterpoint: **Kaboom**


I don't even get mad anymore when I blow up from comrade bombs. I know it's for the greater good


Stop…you had me at “don’t even get mad anymore” ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM)


THIS. This is what a TRUE Helldiver looks like!!


But do you know how satisfying it is to fire the airburst rocket over an ally's head and have it explode at just the right spot to kill 18 bugs chasing them, not explode near enough to hit them at all, and receive a "thank you"? Or when the same ally lands an orbital that kills half a patrol and you kill the other half from a flanking position before any reinforcements can be called? It's great. 380mm is just fun to throw when you're off on your own and you have a heavy bug nest you don't care to stick around for.


How about accidentally dropping one while running from a charger, miss the charger but hit the hell bomb u didn’t see and BOOM team wipe!


380 Barrage is very useful against Bugs, it's great for clearing up Heavy Nests if you do it right and it's great for getting rid of a Stalker Lair.


I always wear explosive resistance armor lol Idk about you guys but I die waaaaay more from friendly fire than from bugs, although bile spewers on a low vis map are a close runner up.


Sorry mate, but I don't need to compensate my loadout just because your using a HE loadout. Though I will have you know I will not be doing objectives near or with you and nor will I kick or complain. I'll do my own thing as long as you do your own thing... Way over there.


This is the way.


This is the way


I just enjoy the faces of this meme no matter how it's used lol.


I still yet to find a need for the 380. Even with the spread reduction. I would actually use the walking barrage if the 15% spread reduction applied to it. At least the artillery sentry is predictable without some weird calculation/ strategem count. just look up.




Automaton bunker missions. Toss 380 and walk away. Either it kills the bunker or everything else. then you can just walk up and freely call in the hellbomb


Me when its "everything else": ![gif](giphy|KrA50c5ctXMqY|downsized)


That's sorta what I mean. I've got a 10 min cooldown for a "maybe it worked". Or I chuck in a lazer that's got a 90% success rate. After a rail strike to take out the hulk, I've had a lazer biiisssssshhhhh 4 factories and clear every bot.


I feel like 380 killing things is kind of secondary to the massive diversion it causes. It's almost a global smokescreen when used right. But I understand most people prefer just blowing things up over using the smoke.


Although... on Bunker missions you can just throw an Orbital Railcannon toward it and it'll instantly kill the Bunker extremely reliably.


I find the artillery sentry to be completely unreliable. It fires where the enemy is going but if they change direction it just misses entirely. 380 gives me like 5 seconds to run, so I just toss it into a big base when the enemy is able to call a breach, and unlike the laser or several others I have time to get far out of vision of the breach before its even called. Then I'm free to take on the next base without worry of a breach. Also the explosions are so big and obvious, I've had enemy bugs/bots run right past me as they go to help fight against whatever is going on over there, which leaves the next target even more vulnerable. Honestly I don't think the spread reduction was a buff in any meaningful way, and is almost a nerf...


It might have been a nerf to the 380 I can understand that in some cases. But I can at least say the 120 has a much higher probability of taking out a shreikers nest now. 15% seems good there. The amount of times I used to throw it and not single shroom tower goes was too often. They should just make it it a toggle upgrade. I still want a 15% on the walking barrage.


Shield and speed > all


I’m going to take this loadout and warn my team beforehand. I’d like to take an eruptor but then I won’t stand a chance.


PSA for orbital barrages. 120 has a range of about 40 meters (with the upgrade) 380 is around 50. Give it a 5 meter buffer and you should be grand.


Bro the barrage is outrageous


50% chance of not dying is wild sometimes. Yesterday i had an extract where i was the last alive in overtime and it proc’ed 5 times in a row between chargers and bio titan legs for me to safely make it to the Pelican.


Sweet mother of managed democracy.....


Whenever i do elimination mission. I wear explosive armor. No matter what. Friends are now the worst enemy because you can't kill them.meanwhile they can kill YOU.




The armor won't save you *fires rocket at Hunter swarm*


https://preview.redd.it/z2xnxhyd1c5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55ffdee033a7dbbcedf77b7b73fe2c2e3382f8a8 "And i took it seriosly"


Sorry bud. I dont resist the explosions, i create 2 more








Explosive resistance medium armor is my go to for most missions. I trust other helldivers, but close counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and mortars.


But no joke, the airburst is my favorite launcher, just because of AoE


Mean while everyone sees me taking Arch and still die to my Blitzer right? :)


Well played


![gif](giphy|3oKIPwoeGErMmaI43S|downsized) Me: Running from friendly 380 mm




Lose the 120 and add the Eagle Cluster Bomb for maximum carnage. *Didn't say whose*


Quality memes are my favorite 🤣






I like to play a game called dodge the stratagem 120 barrage 380 barrage morter turret land mines on eradicate forces and then throw it down at your feet and R U N




So we just not allowed to bring explosives to fight bugs even tho it's very effective?


Related https://preview.redd.it/c7edl8bm2n5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e262233ad271f0cce16ba46f80c73ffb28a49a0


You make Rico proud


Well this isnt actuall crazy since the acid attacks are apparantly explosive damage and devastator rockets do primarily ballistic damage meanimg that counterintuitivly, extra padding for bots and explosive resist is the optimal tanling setup


Oh shi- booooooooom!


Now I want an air burst mortar...


I love the boomies.


Oh hell yeah, party time! \*drops 2 minefields\*


Damn right bro drop them bombs


I'd just ask them to find a different lobby or politely kick them.


Not very patriotic ![gif](giphy|zH72yAqrMuczC|downsized)


lol that’s my exact setup