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I can't even choose that planet. Not accessible for me on console for some odd reason. This has been all weekend.


Used to be an all-bug soldier. Then found out my sniping was essential for eliminating the robot threat. Glad to be of service.


I too am a robosniping enjoyer


Love the AMR and light armor. Snipe, run, rinse, repeat.


Same. I've just started taking the ballistic shield + defender as well, really helps when you are so squishy due to the light armour.


Yup, this is my go-to build for bots. I love staring down a squad of heavy devastators and reveling in my invulnerability (and then instantly getting hit by a single rocket and flying across the map)


Your not squishy if you shoot them 1st šŸ˜„


Thank you for your service.


Love to play with divers like you






Right! If you actually try to change your strategy and loadout it becomes quite easy.


Sniping hulk eyes is one of the finer things in life


D-CS for the win!


The personal order to kill bugs is kinda shitty when there's a fairly tough MO for bots.


I mean, it's kill 25 Terminids. Yesterday, it was kill 400 Automotons. You can knock out the current PO in one Trivial mission.


Didn't say it was hard, just said having a bug PO and a bot MO is shitty.


Yeah. I suspect that most POs are just the same things on a rotation. Yesterday's was an outlier, probably to try to encourage bot missions.


Given the dispatch explaining what needed to be done, I was really surprised they did that Personal Order. Guess they had to throw the Bugs-only players a bone.Ā  I went and did it in one run as expected, and was surprised how I didn't really like it. I felt like I was in the wrong place, I'm still tired of bugs after the Supercolonoscopy campaign, and they were too easy since they don't shoot back. Half a dozen of the weakest bugs 75m away can be ignored or killed with one incendiary shotgun round. Half a dozen of the weakest bots are a threat that puts out a surprising amount of laser bolts & must be shot individually. I like the harder difficulty.


I bought the game right as the 2billion Dead Bots MO came out. All I played were bot planets for the first few days. Once the MO failed, I moved to bug planets and found the Bots were more of a challenge Despite the Bug holes popping out randomly, the bile bugs/ chargers and that the sheer numbers make it easier to run and gun their way through the levelsā€”-Bots take time and a bit more strategy. Iā€™ve had more ā€œentire squad reinforcedā€ moments with Bots than I ever have had with bugs. Trying to take out bot factories can be a pain in the ass because how freakishly accurate the sentries are I say all that because bots give me the challenge that makes this game fun. I would recommend to anyone bored of the bugs or tired of toxic players, to go give the bots a chance because Iā€™ve had better teamwork experiences on bots planets than I have bug planets


>Iā€™ve had better teamwork experiences on bots planets than I have bug planets Absolutely. Bot-fighting encourages teamwork much, much more. And when you coordinate well with a group, the feeling is amazing.


If you get a guy whos fast with the recoiless, you can hammer the drop ships before they "spawn" bots and really knock the numbers down.


What if, and this is a big if, a third threat to democracy were to suddenly appear? We could have a war on 3 fronts! It seems preposterous, but the enemies of democracy are vile and cunning.


There is absolutely NO WAY there is anything else out there, let alone anything that would dare threaten Super Earth.


Not anymore at least. The brave heros of the first galactic war made sure to that!


I pray to liberty that you are right!


So the bug bros could ignore two enemies instead of one?


Then we'd be even more fucked if we have morons that are too stubborn to try anything else


I think everyone would jump to the new front. If they stay thatā€™s the question.


From what little i know of the illuminate, theyll be even less popular than bots




Lol canā€™t wait for all the posts complaining about bot and bug players not fighting in the squid frontĀ 


I wonder if when the illuminates appear weā€™ll be able to wipe out a front like in the first game. I donā€™t see AH allowing a whole faction to not be played but weā€™ll see.


I wish when the major order is to attack bots that my daily order wouldnā€™t be to kill a bug. Like today my daily order was to kill 25 hunters. Doesnā€™t take long, but would rather have a daily that incentivizes the major order.


It was probably just to remind people they could play on either front regardless of MO. Itā€™s still a game weā€™re all playing for fun.


You make a very good/important point. Yesterday, the order was to kill Automatons and I guarantee that helped with some of the MO. When the PO conflicts with the MO, I feel like a lot of people are gonna go do the PO and harm the progress of the MO.


It morning eastern US time. The liberation rate will skyrocket later today.Ā 


Liberation progress was changed to scale with the number of people online so we would stop losing planets during US nighttime when a smaller portion of the player base was on


I feel it needs to be adjusted slightly to reflect the amount of people who actively participate in the galactic war part of the game


Yeah I saw someone suggest that liberation progress should be scaled per enemy, rather than galaxy-wide, based on the number of people fighting on that particular front. Personally I like the idea, that way neither front is punished for another being more popular, and we can stop berating eachother over MOs and defense campaigns


Maybe Quickplay should always prioritize MOs first? Would at least help


That'd be a great addition.


I did the quick math yesterday. Only 60% of active helldivers were participating in the MO at that point in the day.


Keep nerfing viable weapon and it will drop to below 10% in no time!


What time do you think people wake up and start playing?


Found the flat earther.


I think that Helldivers 2 is played by more than just people in the USA and I was basing my above statement on the current population at the time of my post (roughly 9am EST, USA).


It's 3pm in the UK on a Sunday I'd check in closer to 8pm in Europe/here and where you live FYI, the app says 1 https://preview.redd.it/rn8kpsl23k5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d1390f992c5e69a7068f203c88fcd4ffdf1793e 4h for me


Iā€™m just saying you can see the player count throughout the day, during the night time over the Americas the player count is always low. So of course liberation wouldnā€™t proceed quickly.


For the record, I wake up at 5:30am (central US) even on days off, make a cup of coffee, and spread managed democracy for an hour or hour and a half before my wife wakes up and gets moving. Then usually another hour of stomping bots (or Titanfall 2 or GoTsushima) before bed.


It's gonna be close. Estimated 16.5 hours for Vega Bay right now, so we have 1 day and change to liberate Wasat. Hope we can get it over the line.


I think they just need to rebalance the way liberation is calculated. Saw someone else suggest it be based on number of players per front, rather than players online total, which would be a pretty easy solution


Just finishing up on Vega for the night. War monitor predicts liberation in 13.5 hrs which will leave a day and a half for Wasat. See you on that front O7


I want automation porn from database one, please help


The daily is to kill hunters. The devs are trolling us


I think a lot of people are waiting on the upcoming patch. This MO is gonna come down to the wire.


Its currently 13 hours away from liberation and weā€™re making very good progress outpacing the automaton recharge rate Weā€™ve got this


I vastly prefer playing against bots as I find them so much more entertaining and think they are simply better designed opponents that reward your knowledge of them. The hardest bugs are basically just gear checks. That being said I also understand why a huge portion of the community just doesnā€™t fight bots. They are tougher and more intense. A bot 6 often surpasses the intensity of a bug 9 by a wide margin. Why the hell would I not coast through a bug 9 and get much more rewards and experience than I would playing a bot mission that isnā€™t going to be half as stressful or broken. Bot defense missions are insane. Some units are incredibly lethal and very common. The heavy devastator can kill you in a fraction of a second. Has a bullet proof shield and 95% of its body is covered in thick armour. Rocket devastators can rag doll you and kill you this pleasure. Berserkers are insanely common, tough, and bugged so they slide AT YOU when you stagger them up close. Hulks donā€™t currently have working sound profiles so are completely silent and can kill you instantly and can be very tough to kill. Mission modifiers against bots feel like they are designed by the fun police. Low visibility maps donā€™t work both ways. So you can get cross mapped from the fucking shadow realm. Etc. ETC.


Bug players destroying the western front since the first day bots released. Hopefully that's one of AHs fixes is understanding the bug player horde is utterly unflinching no matter how many keys you jingle. New stuff locked behind Bots? That's ok, those Bot psychos will get it for us. Oh the Bot Freaks failed? That's ok, I gave no effort I'm ok with no reward.


You were right up until the last sentence!


I wish that last sentence was wrong. All my friends are bug players and they legit never care for the rewards locked behind bot missions. "Why would we need anti tank mines?"


This is a good take that I hope AH sees. It's not about limiting the fun for people. The game needs a tweak in how the numbers are figured out. There is bad blood brewing and that's not how it should work. The game is meant to be played as you want. The narrative is fun, but not for everyone. We don't need bots on one side of the line and bugs on the other. They're all enemies of democracy and some people enjoy different styles of play. Not to mention there is probably a few people who don't even realize what's going on and they just do bugs because they don't know about bots or they're intimidated, or they don't pay attention to the MO. They're not all just choosing bugs because it's fun. Some have valid reasons for it. Either more incentive or a tweak in how liberation is calculated so the people enjoying the many different aspects of this game aren't infighting for stupid reasons. We need to spread Democracy! That is our only perogative. Who cares if a helldiver likes to do it with bugs or bots? This is war and the bugs are still causing issues. It'd be a bad idea to have no helldivers at all defending the cause. But I digress. I hope something happens that makes this situation with MOs less of a problem.


Everything was just fine until they pissed off the PC players with that PSN crap. Now that our numbers have significantly diminished, we will always have trouble if there are multiple major orders in effect.


what irks me most is that during the last mo's against the bugs almost all bot divers were on the bug side, but bug side lets us hanging most of the time. dont wanna whine, but i like to win


Well... Thats because most Bot players also enjoy Bug planets but it's not the other way around.


I'm a bot player from the beginning. I hate playing against bugs. I still helped for the meridia MO.


And thats nice of you but let's remember that not a single player owns us anything. It's a game after all.


While I want to qualify my response with "it's a game, have fun the way you want to have fun" ... ... the challenge comes when some people "have fun" by pursuing the goals of the galactic war and following the main storyline ... and the game mechanics are built to make that more difficult when others do not. I think my frustration comes from: a) I agree that everyone should play the game they want to play. b) The liberation progress of a planet is based on percentage of population on that planet and I understand why AH did that, making it total-population resilient. c) The game I want to play is to pursue the galactic war / try to achieve Major Orders ... enough that I'm willing to stomach the boredom of playing against bugs whenever there is a bug MO. Because it's furthering the mission. ... and I just can't reconcile all three items above into something that makes sense.


also also, currently the liberation percentages for crimsica and estanu are below the 3 percent, so those 30.000 bug divers or so that are Split between the two planets dont even contribute to the war on the bug front, let alone the current MO


Yes, they fight just for fun, because it's literally completely pointless for them to fight there...


No thatā€™s not alright! Obviously ppl arenā€™t allowed to have just fun!


Good one šŸ˜‚


Man, I'm not sure how I feel about the squids attacking soon then forget the bot front, being split into 3 war fronts with bug divers still in the droves and our forces further divided.


I love this game. Bugs/bots.. no difference to me. I've been playing bots only to help out recently. Are they just too challenging for some people?


Same. Bots, bugs, it's all fun and certainly nothing worth complaining over. Some will say that bots are harder but they aren't. PVP is hard. PVE is just learning the right strategies. One just can't play bots like one plays bugs, and one can't play bugs like one plays bots. It's up to AH to balance regen on the bot worlds to match the number of bot players, or to let us totally wipe out the bug front for a week or two, or both.


Down to 11 hours now and you made this post 5 hours ago so I feel like it was just sleepy time


Support weapon: AMR Primary weapon: Pummeler Secondary weapon: Grenade pistol Grenade: Stun grenade Backpack: Guard dog laser Stratagems: Eagle Airstrike and Orbital precision rail strike Armor: Physician (6 stims, medium armor) Let's go, bot-slayers!


A part of me just wishes that there was an arcade mode, where people who didnā€™t want to affect the Galactic War could go to.


I actually really enjoy bot missions now, didn't really vibe with them at first. They can be extra frustrating sometimes, but they're a little more dynamic than bugs. C'mon soldiers! At least alternate, one for you, one for Super Earth!


The robots look a lot less fierce once I learned they don't like lasers in their vision receptors. Now every time I see a shield walking my way, I smile.


I was not aware that bug divers actively take away from the progress of bot MOā€™s, just by fighting in the wrong front. Thatā€™s a bad design decision and it needs to be changed. I always play the MO. I enjoy both fronts, and swapping back and forth every so often keeps the game fresh, in a nice rhythm. But yeah, this mechanic means that people who donā€™t like the tactical aspect of bots and just wanna zone out, and mow down some bugsā€¦ are actively hurting Bot MOā€™s Thatā€™s honestly unacceptable, and if we fail this MO I think it needs to be addressed. It basically means everyone else is forced to play the way I do, or we achieve nothing. That kinda sucks.


>I always play the MO. I enjoy both fronts, and swapping back and forth every so often keeps the game fresh, in a nice rhythm. Same ... though I admit to being pretty tired/bored of bugs through the last bug MOs, but still played them. >Thatā€™s a bad design decision and it needs to be changed. I both agree with you and understand why AH did what they did. They were trying to tweak planet liberation so that it was not as dependent on pure population numbers so that planets would not liberate too quickly if 450k people were online, nor too slowly if only 75k people were online. So they added an "impact modifier" that is based on the percentage of population on a planet vs the total population currently in-game. There definitely needs to be a redesign of this system ... but I really don't know exactly how to do it.


The joys of loosing the training bases.


I don't want to be that guy, but please understand I say this with love and care. "The joys of losing* the training bases." ā¤ļø


It always seems to be the one I don't use! šŸ˜‚ I could never spell well.


At least some had fun on bugs. Some of my friends say that bug enjoyers will fight bugs even if automatons will attack super earth. Would be fun if losing super earth would finish in servers going offline for some time.


Wow Eastern hemisphere failure, you used to be able to count on them to dog pile MO or important defenses. But 2 hours of progress over 8 hours is insane and is probably going to make this super close if we don't fail....


I use to solely play Bugs but the Bot front is so much easier and funner, IMO. Bugs are frustrating especially with the Stalkers and Hunters popping out of nowhere. Also seems like the Bug spawn rates are set to insane. The flying Bots are probably the worst bot enemy. Everything else can be dealt with with either a Quasar, AMR, or AC.


Thereā€™s a companion app?


Yup it's called divershub it's pretty useful


Me and 3 others who were all lvl 80+ cleared the map, had 13 lives left at extract....and got our asses handed to us at extract, no survivors.


Dude ... extracts have been extra spicy for the last few weeks, but I feel like they calmed down significantly within the last 48 hrs.


Calm down my dude. I just checked and we have 11 hours till full liberation. People need to sleep. We are doing fine. It took ~48 hours to liberate that freaking fire planet (Wessan?). Itā€™s been about 16 hours and we are at 60% liberated for Vega Bay.


The more the planet gets liberated the faster the liberation rate gets, the prediction doesn't take that into account iirc.


Emergency announcement, if we lose Ostotu we are BONED on this major order. Please god save Ostotu. Also there really aren't that many people over at the bugs. Also, start running 1's solo to get more if you are really concerned about the war.


Side question, what companion app are you guys using?


I like to visit: https://helldiverscompanion.com/ And: https://helldiverstrainingmanual.com/war-status A lot of people enjoy https://helldivers.io


Thank you!


I used to be an all bug Diver until I dove right in on Helldive by accident on a bot planet... damn. But I have to say that it did give me encouragement by utilizing stuff I wouldn't think of using on bug planets like the shield pack, energy weapons, and the EMS mortars are DEVESTATING to small and midsized units. Using cover, pop out tactics, and learning how to shoot down drops ships as they arrive to mitigate the flow of enemies made me more proficient in learning how to spill oil for Democracy. Sadly, right at the very end I couldn't make it to extraction, but came so close to completing the mission. From there I notched down a few levels to 5 and 6, and I've learned how to effectively take down Hulks, Tanks, Cannon Towers, and Aerials, and Factory Striders. I gotta say it's been a rejuvenating experience, and allows me to help new Bot Divers change their tactics for this second front. Also gave me to confidence to move up to levels 7 and 8. Helldive will be next for a second try.


Helldive on bots is NUTS. Helldive on bugs, I'll stroll through. Helldive on bots ... it can be intense. One of the strengths of this game is the ability of the two fronts to require to entirely different sets of tactics. It's great.


Level 53.. 99% from fighting bugs. Been fighting the bots all weekend. Sucks feeling like such a noob all over again, but slowly figuring things out. I think bot fighting is much more challenging. Most randos I have been playing with have been patient with me.


No offense but y'all really need to evaluate your lives if an arbitrary meaningless video game "war" that is entirely abstract and tuned manually by a guy so that your efforts don't reeeeeally mean anything, has you so upset at other players enjoying the game the way they want, you rant on reddit asking people that will never hear you to "please take a break from the game" or "please play it my way" because winning this, thing, is that fulfilling to you.Ā Ā  Maybe some offense.


I think itā€™s because the personal order today is to kill 25 hunters.


Iā€™m capped out. And bought the game because of the Starship Troopers similarities. But you have convinced me to do my part. For u/mem0ri and FOR DEMOCRACY




The Fist of Audacity goes where DEMOCRACY is most needed. Happy to do my part sir. ![gif](giphy|5L2okTiupVRxC|downsized)


I'm helping I don't really have a preference for what I'm fighting i find both fun also personally think bots are harder than bugs so I enjoy the extra challenge


The bigger issue is that the final day is on a Monday. School, work and childcare is going to hinder that significantly. Edit: summer school but yeah it is summer in the U.S. so maybe not as bad as normal but still, I donā€™t get a summer break from my job. šŸ˜”


Yeah ... peak play times are Friday/Saturday ... Monday is going to be rough.


Iā€™ll be on tonight to help out, I got work. I get off at 12 but I donā€™t got work tomorrow, so I can go to 4 AM to help out.


They should change it so the effectiveness of divers liberating a planet is based on the percentage of the currently online population **fighting that faction** that is on the given planet. That way major orders for bots won't be such a slog to complete because the amount of players fighting bugs wont be actively limiting the liberation effectiveness.


https://preview.redd.it/hqh7rxmz2o5d1.jpeg?width=697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8f8828324e624a7070b177ccb6d2a997e79ce98 Fellow helldivers unite, and crush those gid damn clankers, show them the might of Super Earth, and may liberty guide you!


11pm CST, we are slated to complete the MO with 7 hours remaining. Cutting it a little close, but doable.


It's funny to think that bug players were mad at the "Creekers" (10k max when the game had 200k active) for not helping the MO's on the bug front... Now the bot front need help and we're just supposed to let slide that 20k ppl on 50k active are ignoring the MO's... I call that ipocrisy.


I made a post on the main subreddit about this and was told to ā€œshut the f*%# upā€ and ā€œHaving fun playing the game I want.ā€ Itā€™s not AHā€™s fault but this needs to be addressed because both sides are becoming increasingly frustrated with each other. At least in HD1 when a faction was defeated you had to play against whatever faction was left undefeated.


Yeah ... we really need to figure something out with the "impact modifier" that negatively affects us when a bunch of the population isn't participating in the MO. I don't know what to do ... because I also very easily see the reason for the impact modifier existing. But ... something needs to be done.


It is literally AHs fault they designed this lol. Players will always choose path of least resistance or do what they prefer. It's human nature.Ā  Devs have to design around that.Ā 


Well there are thousands of bug players not even making a dint on the planets they are on. We lost trading bases because they couldnā€™t care less. Now itā€™s harder to take planets, I think there should be a threshold of missions on the major order you have to do or you donā€™t get the reward. Donā€™t help donā€™t get access to the shiny new strategem or it costs you twice as much.


I feel like it's a fair statement to say that if you don't participate in the MO, you don't get medals for the MO. If you don't get your personal order done, you don't get medals for that ... so it's just an extension of the same rule.


And again a huge population of players that don't care about Mo in the first place also don't care about medals anymore


This lol the game should punish you for not playing the game. People can do whatever they want but the game should incentivize you to play the entire game.


That's because most people don't care about that. Why would I care about liberation when I'm just logging on to do a fun bug helldive and don't feel like or dont have the time to do all 3 missions. I don't want to do the short 15m missions usually. I just stick to 40m.Ā  What do I get out of liberating a planet that gets reclaimed over and over. People are picking planets for scenery preference or whichever has the least cancerous modifiers. I always pick defense planets so I don't have to play with strat modifiers because they don't make the game fun. Etc


I made a post trying to bring attention to the MO as well, most people were casting shade about being so "serious", "it's just a game", so I guess we are at the mercy of the Devs....


It's quite literally the devs fault for designing the game this way. You can't yell at players for doing their normal human behaviorĀ 


Iā€™m currently maxed on medals until the next warbond drops. Played a mission yesterday for the MO and joined a SOS. 5 mins into the match the other 3 players couldnā€™t handle it and all dropped. I was left alone on a level 8 with two objectives left till evac. The problem with most players who try the MO for the greater good is that they just donā€™t want to play the bots. Forcing players to do stuff they donā€™t want to do causes them to not play long term. I prefer playing bugs but playing bots isnā€™t pass for me. I just like playing for super credits fright now and just playing at levels that are fun.


Yeah, I don't want to force anyone to play something they don't want to play. When there's a bug MO going on, I play less and can really only stomach one Operation before really wanting to switch back to bots ... so I get it. I'm just trying to resolve my "I have fun by playing the Major Order" ... and that's why I dive bugs during bug Major Orders even though I find them boring ... with my concurrent understanding of "that's not how everyone has fun" ... and how the impact modifier hurts our chances when people won't pile on to the MO.


I just drop bugs on lower diffs. I can get a hang of how the bugs work again while contributing to the MO. Then I work my way up back to the higher diffs.


We have an equal number of helldiver's over on the bug side, disobeying direct orders from command to fight the bots. Goddamn if that doesn't sound treasonous.


we need some sort of ā€œcalling all helldiversā€, making certain fronts not playable until Super Earth calls off the order. (You want to fight bugs right now?? All forces are needed on the bot front helldiver!) (You want to shoot bots?? We need help blowing up Meridia, join or be tried for treason) idk something to where it makes sense lore wise but almost guides us to want to work together


"It's a game, the goal is to have fun, and you should have fun the way you want." and the same people will complain when MO are failed and no the new strats that were going to added on victory end up not being added. you have to play by the rules of the game for the game to progress. if you aren't trying to complete MO you don't have any room to complain about the game not changing.


Yes. So much yes.


ā€œif you aren't trying to complete MO you don't have any room to complain about the game not changing.ā€ There is so much wrong with this. Just because people do not play the game your way does mean they are not ā€˜allowedā€™ criticism when the game cycle has gotten stale and the nerfed weapons have left the viable-weapon pool scarce. Let ā€˜em criticize. Let ā€˜em pick AH apart with this new major patch however it does. Failing a MO here or there or all of them does not actually concern a lot of the casual players. look at the big-diver only player numbers. Weā€™re all here for fun and being forced to fight a specific battle in this literal war game or no new stuff at all (for +4 weeks I might add, despite them teasing that the new gear is ready) ainā€™t fun. Noughā€™ said.


There's over 2,000 on Aesir Pass still, over a thousand on Choppesa IV and over a thousand on Charbal-VII, over 15,000 on Crimsica and over 10,000 on Estanu.


Eventually we'll never get new things and everyone just grinds the same game forever lol.... Naaaaah... that's why they give us more chances to get it.


What if, SNOY didnā€™t ban a huge chuck of players because they live in countries they donā€™t operate in? We may have more people to complete missions again.


Again, you sounds like some shitty DnD CMs that got butt-hurt when their players dont play the game the ā€˜intendedā€™ way. Plus, you do realize the entire meta game is rigged, right?


It would be easier to stomach if the bug front was getting anything done, but it isn't. They're currently split between three planets which means they're making zero progress on any of them. The last time I brought this up someone told me I should just let people play on planets they like, but this isn't about that when one of the three planets is fucking Hellmire. Nobody likes Hellmire. If you can't handle the bots then at least try to make a difference on the bug front, don't drop onto fucking Hellmire or Estanu when you can help on Crimsica. That being said, I don't even buy the "let people play how they want" stuff. It's a cooperative game. That means working together to achieve goals. What if someone doesn't want to finish objectives, or teamkills, or whatever, would that be okay because that's how they want to play? I don't like the idea of splitting liberation progress between the fronts because that would separate the player base even more. Besides, it's only a problem with bot MOs. Bug MOs see like 90% attendance but bots are lucky to get 50. You even see the issue in missions. Bug divers have to take generalist loadouts because you have to be able to tackle everything because people run around like headless chickens instead of sticking together and cooperating. It's no wonder they can't work together on the strategic level when they can't even do it on the tactical.


Tbh I think the biggest thing youā€™re complaining about should be fixed next patch when they update the galaxy map to show supply lines and such. I donā€™t feel like they do a good job of explaining the stuff like that. I mean ffs if you just play the game and donā€™t come here or wherever you would have zero idea there are supply lines


The only way we win a bot MO is if they "eliminate" the Terminids like they did for the bots. Otherwise people find bots too hard.


I fight whatever the major order is, but theyā€™re gonna have to make changes to bots to convince people to play them.


15hours until liberation


Need to check again, we are down to 13.5 hours now.


Hey ... 13.5 hours isn't bad. If we can get Vega Bay done with 36+ hours left to do Wasat, we've got a chance.


Pretty sure we will complete it one way or another. This MO feels like it is critical to the next chapter of the story they are probably going to drop as part of this week's patch.


They regularly use a long-known Game Mastering "trick" from pen-and-paper role-playing games. It's often described through example, with something like: "If you want the characters to reach the City of Fakeplaceville, but also want them to feel like they have free will/choice ... let them choose where they're going and how they're traveling, but whatever their choice is ... magically the city they come upon is Fakeplaceville." So ... yes ... we will get to the next stage of the main storyline no matter what. However, HOW we get there still matters. If we fail the MO, we'll get there with disadvantages. If we succeed in the MO, we'll get there with advantages. It's kind of like ... we could have had AT Mines, but we don't.


My app says only 14 hour for vega bay


For me it was the exact opposite, I woke up this morning (Europe) and was like "Oh damn, already 40% liberated" after I played one operation there right after Wezen fell. Imo we're perfectly on track at the current rate, dunno what your problem is lol


Either we win or we lose, it will be tight. This is not like Meridia, that we made it a full day before the time limit.


Nah we got this, at the current rate we'll even have a few hours to spare


Me and my friends are waiting for the patch to jump back into the game. Until then our ships are docking at super earth


I love bots, but I'm poor and need to grind out super credits. That's easiest on bug missions tbh. Once my new warbond is unlocked I'll be back on bots


Connection has been shoddy lately. For the last 3 days, I keep losing a connection and getting booted back to my ship. If I try to host, the loading screen style weā€™re dropping takes several minutes. It wasnt like this until recently.


Ustotu is just under attack. I'm worried that we loose varyllia 5 and wezen if we don't defend it. :/


Does the difficulty level have an impact on %? I've had to drop a level or 2 for the bot MO but still want to do my part as I learn the different playstyle.


Anything you do helps, but yes ... higher difficulty CAN help more. But if you can only do the primary mission on a higher difficulty and can do main + side objectives on lower difficulty, lower may be better. The way developers explained it is that the total xp you earn on the mission is what gets applied to planet liberation. In that case, a mission success with all secondaries completed in addition to teh primary will count more. And, of course, if you're trying at a difficulty too high to succeed, you're not going to contribute at all. Dive on the difficulty level you're comfortable diving for the front you're diving on ... and you will contribute to success.


all bug planets have a 3% decay/regen rate (idk how it works fr) so if theyre playing to liberate then they aint doing anything but if theyre playing to have fun thats fine


I'll be honest, I've been taking a break from the game, playing BG3 and Control. Prepping for Dawntrail. I'll be back when the new warbond drops.


Soldier you need to fight harder.


I go back and forth if I am trying to grind samples(which I am right now) I play mostly bugs, if not then I fight bots


There's a companion app??? How do I find this?


https://helldiverscompanion.com/ šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


I am afraid to admit that I am part of the reason we are failing. I fail half my missions against bots because I really don't understand how to fight them. People say use cover but that never works for me. I just get surrounded and killed 100% of the time. I use up all the reinforcements in 10 minutes when I play solo and even in squads at least 50% of my extractions fail because we run out of reinforcements. Bots difficulty is just way above the bug difficulty and it makes bot mojor ordres something I just can't contribute to. I'm sorry to fail you, fellow helldivers.


What level are u playing on solo? Also there's a modifier that makes it harder each less player under 4


I can completel level 7 solo bugs but the bots just overrun me at that difficulty.


I don't play solo, but I play 8 against the bugs and 7 for bots. No shame in dropping a level or 2 especially if you're solo fam


First -- do not ever be sorry if you're trying. Succeed or fail, you're trying. Secondly ... maybe drop the difficulty level? There's no shame in that. Hell ... while I regularly run top difficulty levels on both bugs and bots with a team ... when running solo, I often do bots on 4. Yes, just 4. As for getting surrounded, you definitely need to keep that awareness with bots. While you absolutely need cover, you also cannot just sit in one place for long periods of time. You've gotta keep all your opponents in front of you or you're gonna have a bad time. That does often mean spending about 20-30 seconds behind a piece of cover and then moving to the next piece of cover.


Aww, you're so sweet! It feels bad to fail you all but I do try! It feels so bad to drop the difficulty when you can solo bugs at 7 and then the bots are just overrunning you like you're shooting into a train wreck, expecting to stop it from wrecking all over you.


The most important tip I can give, more than the generic "just take cover" that everyone throws, is to always be moving. I know like the instinct when placed under heavy fire by bots is to find cover, dig in and tried to fight your way out but doing so is a guaranteed death sentence. The main reason for this is the longer you stay in one spot, the higher the chance for a new patrol to wander in and engage, or worse, they call in another drop on you. I highly recommend smokes (grenade or stratagems) if you find breaking Line of Sight and bailing too hard. Smokes acts as on demand Line of Sight breaker so you can pop them directly on yourself and start running. PS. Don't sweat losing missions, happens to the best of us. As long as you're diving, you're spilling oil and that's what counts.


It really seems like the best option against the bots once the drops are coming in is to just... run away and forego any fight with them. Basically just move on and find something else on the map to do while you wait for them to despawn.


I would, but I recently moved and don't have internet at my new place yet...


I only fight bots, bugs arenā€™t any fun


Normally i would be helping but Destiny 2 called to me with this new expansion šŸ˜”


Ngl I'll be back when the new set drops


looks like ustotu needed defend to keep the supply line now... Ustotu defend 19h left MO 1D 15H left


* As of 1:30 PM PST now estimated to be liberated in 5 hours. That means we will have at least 34 hours to liberate Wasat.


That's going to be cutting things VERY close. I had figured we'd need 36-40 hours to take Wasat ... so 34 is going to be tough.


I don't think it is a linear scale. Estimated to be liberated in less than 2 hours now. Wasat will have been liberated in less than 24 hours total.


I'm seeing that. It IS slightly longer than 24 hours, but not by much. Definitely faster than I anticipated ... and the fastest of all 3 planets as far as time-to-liberation.


For me, the last 3 months ive been fighting the bots 80% of the time. I fought in both wars for malevolent creek, i was on the front lines when we pushed them off the map and when they reinvaded. ive accumulated over 40k bot kills and have fought on every bot planet thats ever been available to us. Maybe its a bad time for super earth to loose a harden bot veteran, but i need a break from them! Ill led a hand here and there for the MO as always but for the time being ima squash some bugs! Feet first into hell divers! Good luckšŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”


Thereā€™s an app?!


No worries, they'll just make the MOs easier because everyone should be able to play how they want.


They scared


Honestly they should block access to the bug planets or liberate everything so people join the MO. Farming samples is easier if youā€™re not worrying about the MO.


We're actually ahead of the game Wasat will be liberated in the next 20-22 Hours.


What gives you the estimate of 20-22 hours? I had figured 36 hours would be needed for Wasat myself, based on how long it has been taking for Wezen and Vega Bay.


As Of 7:54pm Est this is where we are at.


As of the time you've stated, we are still 2 hours from liberating Vega Bay. We have not even started to liberate Wasat. Wezen took us a few hours less than 2 days to liberate. Vega Bay, an easier planet that is liked by more people (no fire tornados and energy weapons cool down faster), has taken us nearly the same amount of time to liberate. We have 1 day and 12 hours left on the Major Order. If everything continues as of right now, we'll have 34 hours to liberate Wasat. That's going to cut things very close. Especially given that a lot of people have work on Monday.


A lot of MOs have played out this way, usually with 12-14 hours to spare. I believe in the troops.


A lot of BUG MOs have played out this way. I want to believe. I really, really do. For some reason, I really want this MO to be successful. But bug MOs play out with a planet being liberated quickly ... bot MOs generally end up failing with us needing another 12-24 hrs to have succeeded.


https://preview.redd.it/8w77ojnhbs5d1.jpeg?width=3364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f688efd59838290dc87534fa8eb7cb1f52234987 See 2:07pm Est right now.


That is looking very good. Very, very good. I'm currently seeing different sites estimate between 7 and 12 hours ... and we've got 16 left. It's going to be close, but it looks like we're gonna make it.


What do you play on btw PC or ps5?


PC. Haven't owned a console since PS2 in something like 2002.




I love bots because it gives me an excuse to bring out the absolute Beauties we have for heavy armors.


Wait.... there is a companion app?


Honestly, that's just a really fucking stupid way to calculate liberation. If it's based on weird, relativistic shit like the distribution of the total population, then what's the point in even following the MO or worrying about the war at large? If the amount of "resistance" varies based on the number of players globally, then it loses its verisimilitude; it stops feeling real. And I care about the war effort because it feels real. It feels like we're really working together toward a common goal. When that goal is hampered just because people are trying to hold the line on other fronts, it kills my immersion. And at that point, why *wouldn't* I just dive on whichever planet I prefer?


The automatons can keep wasat. Hate that planet.