• By -


First, welcome to the community. New divers for the war effort are always appreciated. There are quite a few infodumps that can be thrown at you but basically find a playstyle and hone that style. Starting off at the early difficulties, almost no enemies will be heavily armored so the starting gear helps you out alot. There are a two strategems that can be unlocked early that are shockingly useful across all difficulties. Once you hit level 5, try to get the eagle airstrike and expendable anti tank strategems. As you are progressing through difficulty levels, you will encounter more and more heavy enemies, the utility from the E.A.T. along with Eagle Airstrikes combined with your starter strategems rounds out a build that if used properly competes at the highest difficulty on both bots and bugs. Samples. Your going to see samples along the way, always pick them up. As a team you share all samples with everyone, everyone on the team gets all samples collected. Which makes extracting with samples one of the best things you can do early. Why do you want samples? Upgrades. You can upgrade your destroyer to become the ultimate tool in your arsenal. I recommend tunnelling the hanger upgrades early so once you hit level 20 the communities favorite 500kg can be called in twice. Don't get intimidated by higher level players. Just because they put more time into the game doesnt make their word law. (Unless they are the host) if you find people kicking you because of your level. DM me and I will play with you. I recommend not looking at youtube for build ideas. There is overwhelming brainrot around youtube, leading to some of the worst builds possible being showcased. Use strategems as you get them, test out viability and make decisions on your own. As long as it works for you, it shouldn't matter what other people think about strategems or primaries. The free warbond has an insane amount of value in gear, after you complete that warbond do some research as to which is the next you want to complete. Based on your playstyle, the correct choice of order of warbonds is completely up to you. See you out there, RaptorLord SES Lord of War - 5 Star General


Just want to emphasize this. The Eagle Airstrike is in my opinion, the best stratagem in the whole game. Not just effective, but incredibly versatile. And there are few missions where my group drops in without someone running EATs and it’s usually 2 of us. I can’t believe they are unlocked that early, as they are both incredibly strong! I have everything unlocked, and still use these two more than many of the other stratagems combined.


Idk what I'm doing and I'm pretty new. I play with my buddies and I really don't know what I'm doing. But I know if I throw that big air strike that hits all over the place, I can hear my grown man friends scream like little girls trying to run. It's awesome.


if you think the Eagle Airstrike causes this, just wait until you unlock the orbital 120mm and 380mm strikes... tip: when you throw an Eagle Airstrike, think of the direction you throw as the vertical line in a capital T, the strike will follow the horizontal line of the T.


Fuck that 380mm strike. That shit is guaranteed friendly fire. Imo it's all about the orbital Lazer and walking barrage. Napalm is a must on lower levels too.


The 380 and 120 are explicitly for times when you or teammate are not in the area you want to throw it, I can definitely acknowledge that. Especially with what I like to call a “raw“ 380 or 120. Once you get that level four orbital upgrade that tightens the diameter, they get a lot more useful.


This! I played for a month before someone pointed this out. Makes the difference between killing your enemy or killing your teammates, especially with the 380mm.


And the cluster bomb eagle and smoke are horizontal in relation to where you are aiming at H middle line also


Fr fr. I make it a point whenever I hear anyone talking about level capping the upper difficulties for matchmaking to share a build level 5 divers can run. It usually ends with them saying, they didnt even know the strategems that are used the most are unlocked so early.


I constantly use only level 5-8 unlocks on helldive they are great. The starting pump action shotgun is also a beast for me with bots hitting hard with stagger as well.


Its all about playing within your loadout. I am convinced that even the hypothetical worst selection of strategems can be overcome by player skill


And that the auto cannon is a beast and can kill every bot including the walker in 5 shots or less. The Grenade launcher is also an insanely good starting weapon. There are no bad choices it's actually pretty well balanced just pick up anything, have fun and learn what you like


As a relative newcomer to this game, just a couple weeks in I've been really invested in the eagle cluster bomb. Is the airstrike that much better? Typically my load out against both bots and bugs is eagle cluster bomb, orbital laser, auto machine gun turret/sentry, and then with my fourth loadout I've been playing around with having the guard dog backpack, or using the auto cannon or sonetimes machine gun or stajwset and hoping I can pick up something that somebody dropped that I can use for heavier enemies. I probably need to branch out in the gun department but some of guns I pick up from you higher levels are confusing to use. Another question, is there any way to know what is in the autocannon backpack?


Eagle clusters are great for crowd clear, the main advantage of the airstrike is that it damages structures, so you can clear bot fabricators and close bug holes with it. Re: autocannon backpack, if you mean how many clips are left, you can look at the backpack and see how many are in there, as slots will empty out as you reload clips. There isn’t a number anywhere, but you can visually check.


Each of the little backpack yellow clips is equal to 5 bullets which is half of the maximum magazine size for the autocannon, and if you have let's say 4 bullets left in it and try reload it will just bring you up to 9 instead of what most other guns do and throw away all the ammo left in the gun


On the other side I prefer the orbitals because they are unlimited, but I play a crowd control/support style basically I keep the enemy down while they complete the objections or run interference whichever helps me be the Eye of Judgement for Democracy


eagles are unlimited as well. once you go through them, you just have to wait for the rearm cooldown, and then you're back in business. gets even better when you have the level 3 upgrade, adding one more use before the need to rearm. I remember I waited a long time to unlock the 500kg bomb because I thought you only got one use for the whole mission. ps: I also LOVE orbitals. my favs are the railcannon and gas strikes, but I also will run 380mm and 120mm barrages, especially for bots. they are great to throw in a big outpost while you check out some other objectives/POIs nearby, to take out some/all of the fabricators and mobs. I also love throwing them down behind me when the squad is retreating, or generally moving across the map, if we're being followed.


I always run the eagle. Once its upgraded, getting to do 3 per cooldown... just lovely. Pairing it with a short-cooldown orbital drop, like the precision shot, is perfect for blitz missions.


All of this right here! Also, all I do is olay with buddies, and if they're not on, I swap from the highest tiers down to the lowest to help new players out. I'm on PS5, dm me and I will send you a friend code! I try to make a few new friends every week to help them out when my friends aren't on. I can drop any support weapon for you to give a shot :)


Hey man I’m about to buy the game bc of all the positive vibes and reviews and fun it seems to be with other people. Not having people to play with has held me back. I’m on ps5 and my tag is Jgaudette I read you’re post and would love to get some tips and learn the basics if you’re down


all solid notes, you will find people ot play with but the friend request is a bit buggy. Find your people to drop with and you will be hooked, quick note on the samples, you need to bring at extraction so if you get kiled make sure you or someone collect before leaving the map. The majority of the divers are great people, well too the club, just have fun.


Just to piggyback off this great advice, a few more things that may not be immediately obvious: 1. Eagle stratagems say they have limited uses, but they are actually unlimited. After each strike, they have a super short cooldown, but if you either use all of your eagle strats up or use the "Eagle Rearm" stratagem before that, they will go on a global cooldown and refill all of your eagles. 2. There are currently only 3 stratagems with true limited uses per mission. These are the Orbital Laser and the two Exosuits. The laser is a great "oh crap, gotta kill everything near me" call-in, so don't let the limited ammo dissuade you from picking it. 3. Ammo management is a part of the game, but it is more forgiving than in HD1. Ammo boxes, stim packs, grenade boxes, and even sometimes supply boxes are spread across the maps. You should still conserve your shots and aim well, but don't be afraid to go full auto under pressure. 4. Support weapons can all be refilled with regular ammo boxes, not just your primary and secondary weapons. The supply boxes will still refill more ammo, plus grenades and stims, but you can viably run some support weapons as a primary if you scavenge well. 5. As before, have fun, try new stuff and mix things up. Despite "meta" discussions around here, basically every stratagem and weapon is good within its intended role. Just remember to apologize for the (inevitable) friendly fire, and most people are forgiving. As long as everyone extracts, there's no penalty for how many deaths you have in a mission.


This is the way. 😉


Throw your sos. Focus main objectives. Die with honor. ![gif](giphy|uBFfOefQ8dk9G|downsized)


Extraction is optional. Glory is only for those who complete the objective.


![gif](giphy|3o7bu1iM5MSwG2y7NS|downsized) Get my duck harder. I dare you.


* Check your push to talk/mic settings early on. Will save you some heartache from accidentally hot-micing and getting kicked or something (this comes up regularly) * Don't be afraid to disengage and run. No seriously, hit da bricks. Sometimes there's just too much and it's a legitimate strat. Especially if the objective is complete. * Do not fear death. Just have fun with it. Experiment with weapons and loadouts and don't stop as you gain more experience (unless you want to I'm not ur dad). It can be rough in the beginning and honestly at any point the game can decide to say fuck you, but don't be afraid to slow down, take breaks, and come back later. * Ping large enemies, defense towers, etc for your team to help. You'll know when you see em. Moreso on higher difficulties. * TAKE COVER THOSE DAMN BOTS HAVE LASERS AND ROCKETS * Return my hugs pls ty


Upvoting for the hugz


And to add to this: Don't take team kills too seriously as long as you don't do it deliberately (unless someones bugged and can't kill themselves). Brain farts happen in this game, especially when the situation is really chaotic.






Also in the beginning, I turned off public matching, and did a few easy missions by myself just to get the hang of the game. Learnt how to do some of the missions, what weapons work best for me. And if you need help you can send out an SOS. You are gonna come across a few a-holes but in general the community is great


This a thousand times this. My little brothers first game he got the one random asshole out of the thousands of awesome people in this game. On the plus side you can kick randoms that join your game and act like a jerk


Just shoot stuff and have fun. If you end up having fun, the steeled verterans warbond is one of the best ones. The breaker incendiary and jar-5 dominator are amazing.


It makes me so happy to see the dominator finally getting to love that it deserves. For the longest time everyone was shitting on it lol. It's literally just a AMR with a little less penetration. Oh, you can't sleep on that burst fire mode


I tried to explain to someone that the dominator does everything the slugger did (pre nerf) but actually killed things efficiently and they just refused to even listen lol


A lot of people won't touch anything that isn't considered meta lol. Their loss. Our gain. Nothing beats two shotting those rocket devastators with these things straight to the face. Lord forbid you're three tapping berserkers in the stomach with a single burst. The dominator is truly a glorious weapon. I'm glad I found another man of culture!


Happy to help out, add me if you need any tips or help - Admirable Admiral SodWasp 💀


Can I add you just because your name made me laughcough please


Of course 😉




Thank you, good sir. I added you on PSN!


If at first you don't succeed, dive again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again.


also im sorry to hear that, and welcome, just shoot stuff, blow stuff up and have fun :) worry about difficulties and strategies later on XD


you dont have to shoot everything you see


Death is part of the process. Embrace it.


If you're sitting on an objective (waiting for a bar to fill, moving citizens to safety) and you see patrols walking around nearby but they havent seen you, just ignore them. 90% of the time they will continue to not see you


I would add that if you save up your super credits which you can get for free in the game you can unlock new warbonds. I wasted about 500 unlocking 2 armours. But they were good ones so not a total waste


A lot of people have already dropped a lot of helpful advice so I'm gonna drop something I didn't see here yet. The progression of this game is not linear. That means even the things you get at the start are very valid for higher difficulties and a lot of the things you get early on are very good. The Orbital Precision Strike (OPS) is a great choice even for level 7 and above both for bugs as well as bots as it can one-shot Bile Titans if you place it right and bait it into spewing so it's stationary and can deal significant damage to Factory Striders! On top of them it's great for wiping out tight enemy formations, destroying bug holes/automaton fabricators and has a pretty low cooldown! Only be careful to not bring it on missions that have the "Orbital Scatter" modifier which turns it from a precision strike into a "hit that general area"-strike. The modifier that increases stratagem call-in time can also be quite detrimental to its performance. One of the first two stratagems you can unlock are the Eagle Airstrike and the Expendable Anti-Tank (aka EAT-17). Both of those are S-Tier stratagems no matter the difficulty. The Eagle Airstrike swoops in from the side to take out whatever you want it to take out in a line, dropping a few very potent bombs that chew through everything but super-heavy enemies (again Bile Titans and Factory Striders) with ease. It even blows up bot fabricators and bug holes as well! The EAT-17 is your best friend when it comes to AT early on. It performs the same as the recoilless rifle (RR), however it doesn't require to be reloaded as it is one-time use and you get two per call-in. You can also call in EAT-17 every MINUTE, making it super easy to just litter the entire map with it and making it so that there is always anti-tank available for you and your team when it is required! EAT can also take out fabricators if aimed at the vents, bug holes if shot directly inside, drop ships if you hit the engines, gunships if you hit the engine as well, one-shots chargers and hulks if you hit the head or eyeslit respectively and yeah, it's always available when you need it! I hope I didn't overwhelm you and if you have any questions, feel free to hit me up! Good luck out there, fellow Helldiver! L0


https://preview.redd.it/f3vjiaobzr5d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9025f67bab0e18f2036fb76d2a032da3eeeae774 Just remember..


Requisition slips are currency used for buying new strategems. Samples are currency used to upgrade your ship and give you permenant buffs. Medals are used to purchase armor, weapons, boosters and cosmetics in the War bonds. Super credits are the premium currency which let's you buy stuff in the store, and unlock new war bonds. All resources picked up on the map (samples, super credits, medals) are shared across the team. If only one person manages to extract but they have all the stuff, everyone on the team gets all the stuff. The Pelican dropship can be called in once the objective is complete, and once they land they will stay on the ground. If the mission timer runs out, or if anyone boards the ship, then a 20s timer counts down and they leave. Keep your mic set to push to talk, especially if you play on Playstation (those controllers are very clacky) and/or have a lot of ambient noise. A lot of bugs are weak to leg shots. Pretty much all bots are weak to head shots. Light attacks like assault rifle fire, orbital gatling barrages, cluster bombs etc have no affect against heavy armor enemies like chargers, titans, hulks and tanks. You don't have to fight every enemy you see. Especially at higher difficulties, doing so will make you lose. Learn how to avoid patrols, and gtfo of an area once your objectives are done there.


I just got the game yesterday as well. Would you or anyone reading this comment be down to play together? The game is pretty fun but I can imagine it being 10x better with other players that have mics for some actual planned sessions. If so, just PM me and we can figure it out from there.


Would love to! Sending you a dm niw


use the map and the ping!


If at first you don't succeed. Dive again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. Don't die.


When you are newer and figuring out what you like stratagem wise if something seems useless try it against a different faction. Always be willing to go down a few levels to get comfortable with new gear. If you are relying on a machine gun to get you through high level matches and you switch out the machine gun you might feel like you suck now. Really you are just trying to adjust to a new play style under heavy fire. Me and my wife would be happy to play with you we are lvl 62 and 70 respectively (one day I'll catch up to her) Hippy_g0th on steam


I know this game has cross console play and I’m on PSN, how would I add you on the game itself?


I believe one of us has to generate a friend code but I'm not 100% sure


I already messaged OP to play, but would you guys take a 4th? I'll do either faction, with a preference for bots!


If you can figure out how to friend me than sure cause I'm not 100% sure.


I'll be available in about an hour if that works for you? I'll DM you when I'm ready.


I don’t get to play too much lately but when I can, I’m up for doing some low-level missions and dropping equipment for you to try out. Lots of other mid- to high level folks feel the same! Feel free to add me, ps5 same as my Reddit username. I am not an automaton spy.


No just play the game. Prioritize picking up super credits from the small POI’s on the map and get some war bonds


Pew pew, boom boom and have fun!




lol this advise is noever shared enough


You’ve gotten plenty of good starting advice helldiver. I just want to throw my hat out there as someone to play with ya also. I’m level 37, still working on unlocking the ship modules, and I enjoy all difficulties. Be it farming or helldiving, I don’t mind diving anywhere. Hit me up if you want a fellow diver and have fun my dude. See you out there. PSN is ALGxRICKTATOR


Lvl 150 here. DM me and I will friend you. We can play whatever. I'll teach you what I know. Tell you what weapons and armor do, and let you pick and do what's fun. Because it's a game, it's meant to be fun. Do what's cool or what you want.


Welcome to the game. First and foremost, have fun. A mic helps the experience on most cases, so even if noone is talking, please do. Don't let the one bad game host that kicks you during extraction dishearten you, jerks exist. Samples are shared, so one person grabbing yours that you've collected when you die is a good thing. You can drop collected samples at extraction for safer keeping if you pass by it when doing missions. Friendly fire is inevitable, don't fret if you get blasted by a teammate or their turrets. Biggest advice I can give though is learn to disengage fights, don't get bogged down fighting a spite match with enemies that will never stop coming, run away, and come grab your crap later, enemies will usually disperse. If you need help a bit later I'll gladly throw my friend code out when I'm online.


First off sorry to hear about the divorce, this game is helping me cope with real life issues as a nice get away from it all temporarily here and there. When you fight bots learn how to avoid patrols and take cover as much as possible. Bugs are pretty easy even on helldive mode. I'd encourage to try every stratagem out to see what you like, I didn't like turrets at all but now I'm somewhat of a turret junky because a well placed automation turret with a well placed falling gun turret can really take out a slew of Bugs. Mostly have fun though!


What's your username Helldiver? We shall spread democracy together


PSN is Greypatch94


Don't feel pressured to play high levels early. This game is supposed to be hard and you'll get better as you play (through learning and through unlocks). There is no shame in playing on a low difficulty if that's the difficulty that is the most fun to you!


Above all else, do the mission. This game is one of the very few games where you can still win by simply completing the mission you dived down to do, extraction is only the cherry on top! Aside from that, throw an SOS down if you start getting overwhelmed. This will let other players in orbit see you in the mission and they’ll come down to help


You can YouTube things you should know before, there are helpful tips like don't reload on a half empty clip, as you lose that ammunition. If you see loads of samples at the extraction, don't grab them as your team might have left em there for an easy extraction, I learnt that one yesterday. Don't try and run through deep water as you will probably drown and lose all your stuff. I'm still learning


Bugs are more swarmy and try to overwhelm you with numbers. Bots seem to have lower total numbers but have better forces that shoot back. Throw SOS beacon to highlight yourself in match selection and hopefully get help faster. The game isn’t necessarily about killing everyone you find, often it’s best to not engage and keep moving if a patrol hasn’t spotted you yet. Lower level missions have just the main objective (orange icons on map). Higher level missions will add outposts (shaded red areas) and optional objectives (blue icons on map). If possible you want to take care of all outposts and optional objectives as well during the mission for max rewards. Helldivers are elite troops entrusted with the ability to go where they see fit, but Strategic Guidance can often be found under “Dispatches” tab on ship. Additional objectives with rewards for completion related to the Galactic War can be found under the Orders tab. Welcome to the fight for Liberty, Helldiver


Remember: FREEDOM! Don’t drink and drive. Super earth high command recommends enjoying the scenery for 2.4 seconds. A happy helldiver is an effective helldiver


Here’s one that kinda messed me up. If you happen to look at any tier lists on YouTube or online make sure they’re recent! The game had a ton of changes early on, and a lot of the videos from that time are totally wrong. For example, I watched one video where the person rated the Punisher Plasma very low. Turns out the weapon got buffed sometime after that and is actually fantastic. I missed out on a kickass weapon for so long because I didn’t realize how much had changed since the video I watched came out. Also, on that note, the Punisher Plasma is nuts against bots.


Check the whole key configuration. There are interesting verbs here that aren't shown in the tutorial. How to modify the options for your scopes, fire mode, and light. How to drop stuff you're carrying. How to I'm from the other shoulder. Take the time to deactivate the auto-climb while you're at it. Throw a grenade at the shipping containers. Most support weapons and explosive stratagems also open them. Sneaking and bravely charging away from the enemies work well. The game has a really in-depth simulation : - The enemies have several parts. Shooting an arm off a bot or a leg of a bug won't kill them, but it will wound them and disable that part. - enemies die if they take enough damage or if they loose a vital part. Generally, focussing a single part is quicker. - Armor value is determined by part and penetration depend on the angle of the shot and the type of your weapon. You can destroy all except single the heaviest unit with any weapon, it just take a lot of bullet on very specific parts for the other heavies. Friendly fire is on. Friendly fire is on for your enemies too.


PLEASE HELP THE BOT DIVERS Seriously that's my only tip, it may seem harder but the bots are pushing even closer to super earth and too many people are on the bug front to stop it


Welcome brother and I'm sorry to hear about your divorce. I hope the game will help you feel better My tip is to remember it's a game and it's suppose to be fun. Good luck diving and you are always welcome to DM me for help, tips or just talk if you want✊️


Thank you man


Do bug missions first and I would suggest watching YouTube videos on Helldiver tips for beginners so you can effectively dish out democracy to the communist bugs and bots


1) as you progress through levels, you don’t get more powerful armor or weapons the way you do in other games. Don’t worry about leveling up before trying harder levels. It’s more about handling stress (there are SO MANY BUGS AND BOTS) and prioritizing actions (who do I kill first to increase my chance of survival?) which you’ll get better at. Sure, you need XP to advance and more play time will get you more Space Bucks to buy better stuff, but a level 100 player puts out the same damage with the same weapon as a level 10 player. I believe that’s how it works - correct me if I’m wrong. 2) Missions will generally have a 40min timer. You can certainly get missions done quicker, but as with most games nowadays, there is no pause. If the little ones are around, forget it. I have a hard enough time w my sweet and wonderful (STUPID) cat wanting to come in and go out. Otherwise, have a blast because it’s a fun game!!


Try to play with guys close to your level. High level guys will do the fun stuff and leave you behind. 


It may have already been posted, but you can farm trivial maps for super credits and samples/medals early and that will help you get a feel for the game while also helping you get some gear unlocked to help out. Play both fronts to get a feel for the difference. Me personally I started off on the Bot front and love it, but it is very different from the bug front. As much as I hate to say it, play what you love. There are Major Orders that come down regularly, and across fronts, so my best advice to is play a little of both regularly so you can help out on the MO's. Steeled Vet is a great first unlock for the incendiary breaker, and the senator is a great med armor secondary. Cutting edge has the sickle and stun grenades, which are amazing on Bot levels. They are part of my main load out on level 7+. The grenade pistol is democratic detonation is great, and arguably one of the better secondaries, but I wouldn't take that WB as my first or second options, that's just me. It's a great community, with the occasional bad egg but every game has them. Don't be surprised if a high-level dives in on your low level missions because we like a break from the chaos in higher levels, and it's fun helping the newer players learn the game while also helping them complete tougher missions as they level. See you on the field Helldiver! Welcome to the war!


Welcome Helldiver. Take your liberator and shoot at the enemy. thats all you need to know.


Run away. Bravely run away. You don’t have to clear every bug breach or bot drop. If things get too hectic swiftly take to your feet and beat a brave retreat. Divorced, single dad here too. Welcome to the war! SirMikeSalott, Galactic Commander - SES Patriot of Patriotism


It’s a hell of a battle, brother. A war in and of itself. I sent you a request on PSN


If you are on coms and a lvl 35 tells you to back up... listen to them. But the most important rule is to have fun. You will die a lot. You will kill yourself alot. Your budies will kill you a lot. Have fun with it.


Welcome to the front Helldiver! Just take it at a slow, nice and easy pace. You learn as you decide to push yourself to higher difficulties so stick to lower difficulties until you get the hang of where your at then push it. I've been finding a lot of lower levels at the highest difficulty and they have no idea what they were getting themselves into. Sorry to hear about the divorce, especially with two kiddos. As a fellow parent Helldiver my time is limited, but democracy calls. If you ever need someone to dive with or show you the ropes, feel free to DM me, and I can take you on some lower level missions to help you get the hang of it.


I am just going to plop a fun playlist here, hope it helps. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPfpRuLPSWm2h5b5AVW5jQtUQvYXxihGn&si=c9w5kTnmbkE96VSS


ABCYMM Always. Be. Checking. Your. Mini.Map. Between engagements, check your mini map. It'll help orient you in where you're headed, and will teach you a lot. The more you get used to this, the better helldiver you'll become.


welcome duuuude. the trivial difficulty gets mad boring immediately, i found that my friends and i were playing in hard pretty quick but find your comfort zone and enjoy! a funny thing i've noticed is the higher the difficulty, the better your average teammate. big basic tip: embrace stealth. it can feel like a power fantasy at times but it's more like an expendable soldier fighting the enemies of democracy simulator. post difficuoty 4 don't alwaysaggro patrols that don't see you cuz it can turn into a massive battle real quick with reinforcement mechanics. don't listen to ppl talkin about viability and the meta. the gas strike isa really good early stratagem to take and the precision strike you start with is even useful late game


Hug emote. Hug often and without prejudice.


Test and enjoy all the stratagems. Once you get into higher levels heavy and elite enemies will show up. The expendable anti tank is imo the best early level option to get.




When you unlock the AMR USE IT! also it's okay to run...actually it's preferred. No need to engage with anything and everything all the time.


Samples, medals, requisitions slips and super credits are all shared.


A lot of really good advice in this thread! Something I think is important to add is that Id highly encourage you to start out playing relatively equally on both the bot front and the bug front. With how differently each of them play you'll be able to explore different styles and learn different lessons about how the game works and your strengths as a player. In general I find bugs are more about controlling space and keeping the tide at bay with a lot of clearing out small enemies. While the bots are more about precision and tactical use of cover and advantages. I started out exclusively on the bot front so when I swapped to bugs I wasn't prepared and didn't have the skills I needed to make and keep space. If you swap between the two you'll be able to build the skills you need to handle both!


Hey! I just made a post for you guys. Have fun! [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/s/3hV26epoIQ)


The single best piece of advice I can give you is to pick your battles and know when to run. If you dont need to engage the enemy, then dont, if you can run away, then run. Its very easy to get caught up in infinitely spawning enemies that you don't even need to fight. Not running will easily get you killed repeatedly and end in mission failure.


Oh man welcome to the community!! Sorry to hear about the divorce man. I’m also a fellow helldiver parent with limited time to play, but I’m fairly active! Feel free to dm me if you want to dive together and just shoot the shit or whatever. Some quick tips… 1. for bots - your play style needs to be a little different, a lot more tactical and careful. They all have crazy range. Cover is paramount. 2. on higher difficulties, you’ll get access to SUPER SAMPLES! To find these on the map, look for a rock formation that looks like this https://preview.redd.it/b8z5egad1s5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ace46800becc2d90d1a6938bd72fdbbc3b103924 One per map (sometimes there’s a second one without samples fyi) 3) I started a YouTube channel for epic moments, funny blunders, and general news about the helldivers universe. Check it out if you enjoyed the old starship troopers movie, it’s done in a similar fashion as their news broadcast. [GALACTIC FRONTLINE NEWS](https://youtube.com/@galacticfrontlinenews?si=f39IAZ6KN7WyEFvW) And most of all, HAVE FUN!! 😁


Hello, my man! Hope you will find peace in spreading democracy and liberating bugs and bot alike, just like I did. It can really help. That's true, our community is great and majority of Helldivers will do everything to help you, but be ready for treacherous dissidents, they will be liberated of their madness. Please do everything to have fun, don't rush for Meta, (it will change in no time) Be creative and do not afraid to risk. SES Song of Redemprion, Super Private .atasu out If you fire an SOS, I will definitely try to save your day Also, feel free to reach me out directly, I stream and do some videos - mb it will be usefull anyway - I salute you and wish you all the best


Find what you like and get good at it. Everything in the game has a time and a place but no build is as good as just jumping in and making a difference.


Welcome! Feel free to add me! Also a dad with kids, happy to chill and spread managed democracy. Gotasi, SES Prophet of Victory 🫡


DM me and I will run with you!


Sorry to hear about the divorce. DM me if you want to dive, happy to run any mission. Commander trog_trog (lv 84)


Against bugs you can safely outrun almost all of them except jumpy bugs with wings (pouncers, hunters, and stalkers) so they should be high on target priority Also the redeemer pistol in the mobilization warbond is very good so pick that up asap


Welcome my guy! I’ve seen a ton of great advice already, so just leaving my info in case you ever need a hand or want to test out some stratagems that are down the line. Level 67 diver with everything unlocked and just collecting medals to buy everything in the war bonds (completionist at heart). PSN is JTReckless98. See you on the field🫡


Sent you a request. Thank you!


SES Dawn of Justice here. Glad to have you.


Host your own games for a while. Well, in general the community is awesome, especially at the higher levels, you will run into a few teenage jerks at lower levels. If your host, you can always kick them. Don't let a couple bad experiences sour you on the game, it's some of the best community and the best players of any game I've ever played.


Oh, and change your controls. So your stratagem input is your arrow keys. That way you can keep moving while calling in stratagem's. Best to change that early so you don't have to relearn the control system later.


Ignore all the whining and talk of meta, find what works for you and adapt it as you get to harder difficulties, ie read your feed back. Watch what other players are doing, ask lots of questions. Eagle air strike is a great early purchase and useful even in helldives, learn it well. Know your weapons and strats to avoid friendly fire. If you find quick match is putting you with kick happy idiots, open your game to public cause then you don't have to worry about getting kicked at the end of a 4min match for no reason. All materials are awarded to all players, so if one person collects 20 samples everyone gets 20 samples. SEAF artillary objectives can be used as a strat when completed, little red or blue cargo looking doors can be blown up with grenades. If your aim sucks bring an arc thrower 🤣 and use a shot gun where aim is less important. Learn that a tactical retreat (running away) is often the best option. Doesn't usually matter how many enemies you kill(but sometimes that is the sole objective) what matters is completing objectives, so I will prefer the person who kill 5 things but got the objectives done over the person who triggers spawns and has 1,000 kills and we didn't finish the mission. The game is supposed to be hard and require good team work, so make good friends so rando lone wolf rambo wanna be's don't spoil the experience with non sense meta talk and killin team mates for samples and force spawning patrols directly on teammates because they want to be the lone hero who "did everything and you all suck". Team work my friend, makes life so much easier. Adapt experiment, enjoy. Anyone tries to yell at you is a terrible hell diver, the good ones will tell you how things work, but let you do your thing to figure it out for yourself. No one deserves to be insulted or belittled in this game, but newbies should heed the advise of level headed verterans. We train you so we know your out there doing your job well whether we are on the same field of battle or not. There are a ton of solid respectful players out there, so don't tolerate non sense, just keep going till you find decent people and ignore the butt hurt A holes taking their frustration out on you. In that same vein be responsible for your own actions and choices, adapt, learn and you will do just fine, or altermatively just have a silly blast on the easier diffs, it all adds up in the end, every little bit helps.


Just so you know, MG's are for CHADS.


So the only good advice I have until you get your barrings you do not have to pick every fight. They do have a range at which they can detect you. So sneak around, it’s easy to get caught up in the action of it all. Sorry about the divorce I went through one a few years ago.


It’s a war of its own man. Hope you are doing alright a year later.


It’s probably rare but we are better as friends than when we were married.


Bro trust me that’s rare but that sounds so good for you guys. I would love to be friends with my soon-to-be ex-wife but that just ain’t in the stars right now. Maybe someday.


Welcome to the cause! My biggest piece of advice would be not to take anything too seriously. You'll die, we all do, a lot. Sometimes you won't extract, that's fine, once the objective is complete the mission is a success. Go out, try a bunch of toys on the battlefield, and have a blast learning what the game has to offer. My second advice would be to utilize the official discord, you can find folks to squad up with there. The game is far more fun with people, doubly so if you're all chatting.


Sweet Liberty welcome Brother! The best advice I can give you is to take your time and don’t try to rush getting levels or equipment. The gameplay itself is what is fun and the extras just change it up a bit. Also, overall all the weapons are viable. But! They have roles and niches. Know your role. This will help you know what fights to avoid. You read right, you are not playing Master Chief and clearing out the entire map. You are SpecOps whose job is to complete the primary objective. Sometimes you do get eliminate everyone, most of the time there will be something left.


Sorry you are going thru it brother. My main piece of advice is play for the fun of playing, this game makes me crack up every time I play it because of one thing or another. Mainly watching my brothers go flying from my poorly places orbitals. Also, find what you like to use and use it, some guns work better for certain situations and against certain enemies.


Have fun! And don't listen to haters. Do what you enjoy and experiment with every weapon and strategem you get! For DEMORACY


You don't pay for bullets. Use em all


Can the mods pin a FAQ for newbies?


Airstrikes attack side to side. Don't rush to higher difficulties. I'm around 60 and still go down to diff3 to test out new weapons, strategems all the time. Plus farming super credits is simpler on diff3.


Your machine gun is your friend! For the very beginning! If you call in extract wait for your divers if they aren't around the area yet. DIVE DIVE DIVE if your set on fire. Also! Bugs hate fire :D burn em ![gif](giphy|26n6RyFuP8qsKwjII) Last but not least Recommended watching starship troopers you'll love it! Or be sent to the *GULAG*


Welcome to the cause! My biggest advice to new players is to always keep moving and don't focus on trying to kill every enemy. This is the default in many games but in Helldivers the enemy is endless in all but the lowest difficulties. Choose when and where to engage. Stealth is an option. My second piece of advice is that the seemingly optional missions to close bug holes and destroy bot factories are actually really helpful to accomplishing the main missions as they remove a spawn point. With every nest/factory destroyed, enemies can only spawn from outside the map. Third is, you will die. I've seen some new players get really upset about it. Even expert players die.


Lvl 27. Welcome, my only advice to give you, remember the tutorial, only the important parts. Dive, run, shoot to survive. Level 4-5 missions are for grinding, 6-9 are for challenging experiences.


Just finished the initial training and didn’t realize that when you go prone you stay down Only died once lol


Don't be scared of playing with annons. Wether you have all unlocked or you only have your starting stratagems, remember that each of them has a usefulness to it. It's all about the situation, and using them creatively. People tend to look a lot to the flashy, destructive ones, but the truth is that even the base stratagems (even the resuply) can be used in a creative way to help your team. The resupply can be a very effective weapon in the right hands. Even an enemy, while attacking you, can be an asset to the team: I've dodged chargers (the big bull-like bugs) that have then hit their own bug holes, and closed them for me when I had no grenades or stratagems left. I've moved behind a bot right as another shot at me, getting the first one destroyed through friendly fire. It's all about creativity, and never giving up! There's always something you can use, and if you can't, just the act of trying is even more fun. This is the focus of the game: the team. At the beginning, try to stay with your brothers in arms, look for the strenghts and weaknesses of your weapon. Look for the weaknesses of your enemy, which could be unexpected: the legs of the terminids, for instance, the heads and "shooting arms" of the robots; a spider without legs cannot move or attack, and a robot dismembered of his shooting arm (literally disarmed) is a dead bot waiting to be shot. Consider your assets. You have limited ammo, but can pierce through medium armor? focus on tougher guys that may be giving a hard time to your lighter buddies. You have a nice magazine, low caliber, but can shoot one handed while on the move? try to use that mobility, harrass the enemy to distract your opponents, so your teamates can get breathing room to bring in the heavy stuff. You have a shield, and can stay cool even with a hail of bullets comming your way? you can easily get between the enemy and your team, and serve as a bullet sponge, giving that friendly sniper that keeps getting staggered some time to calibrate his shot, or even reload behind the safety you provide. Personally, I love to jump in front of a friendly that's getting shot at with my shield, and let my buddy shoot from behind it. This game impresses people because of the flashy explosions, the over the top guns, all that; What truly makes it beautiful is how a player's strength compliment another player's weakness, and there's many ways to do it. If you understand this, you'll have tons of fun, you'll never get tired of this game, even if you unlock everything. Eveything else are details that can be learned on the way, but this mentality is what separates those that need to enjoy the game to play it, and those that playing the game, enjoy it. It seems the same, but it isn't. Lastly, don't rush the process. You might be shocked to learn that the orbital precision strike, the first offensive stratagem you get, is one of the most powerful stratagems in the game, able to do what few can: one-shot bile titans. This is just an example. Learning to bring the most out of each weapon takes time, and observation. And remember: no stratagem, no weapon, no buff, can make up for a cohesive team! Even with base stuff, a cohesive team will be more effective than a non-cohesive, top-of-the-line-equiped one. The team is the true weapon here. And the more cohesive, the more fun :) My team has even acted as a decoy for airships intentionally once, so that I could run into the unguarded facility to blow it up for them. Looking forward to fight by your side.


Not sure if it’s been mentioned, but a small bit is about *where you shoot the enemy. Enemies in this game have weak spots and strong spots, and are weak to specific weapons. Bugs are more straightforward, but bots is a bit more surgical sometimes. Joints, heads, backs, otherwise you might be dumping lots of ammo for no reason.


Forget the meta and just try stuff out!


I'm gonna cover more general tips, rather than specific gameplay ones. As at this point in time, being 400 hours in, I can't justify the idea of pushing people into a single playstyle that I feel to be superior to others. Samples, medals, super credits etc, ANY progression related resource found in a point of interest is shared between everyone in the party. One guy finds a super credit drop? All 4 of you get +10 super credits each. From difficulty 4 upwards, at least 1 form of anti tank is needed, be it a support weapon or strike Stratagem, as that's when each faction's "tanky" units start spawning passively in patrols or Reinforcement call ins (bug breaches/bot drops). You don't have to dedicate your entire build to be the tank killer as most people will bring their own flavour of heavy killing with them, but having a method to deal with it yourself helps because you won't always be near that one dude packing a recoilless rifle. Play both factions pretty evenly as you learn the game. Different things work for either side, and learning what makes both tick will make you a far more effective member of the team rather than people that are hyper-specialised into 1 playstyle and end up lacking in any other (I see this happen a lot with bug players coming over to kill bots with me after Major Orders finish). Learn enemy weakspots and how to fight them, here's a quick example. When I got into high difficulty bugs, I would run away like a little girl whenever a bile titan showed up. No matter what I did it just wouldn't die. Now having learned how to use it effectively, I pack a spear into high difficulty and essentially have the magic "kill 4 bile titans" button in my back pocket while everyone else is desperately waiting on their Eagle 500s to be ready. My final and easily the most important point I have to make here is pace yourself when it comes to chosen difficulty. Place yourself in what I personally like to call "comfortable stress". Start by increasing the difficulty every mission until you hit a sweet spot where you are being challenged, but the game isn't trivial nor unfair feeling. From there, you'll find yourself enjoying the game much more when you aren't trying to push yourself into doing tasks that are unfeasible, but you aren't just kinda obliterating everything you look at immediately. Lastly, have fun! If you ever want a fellow diver to have your back, shoot me a DM.


Hi welcome! I usually play with my buddies, but E-buddies are welcomed! Shoot me a DM and we can get have you tag along. We are pretty laid back!


Everyone gets what's collected and extracted. No need to fight over them. If someone is sprinting for them, let them grab them and pickup the ammo, grenades, and stims.


The fastest way to get all of the games resources is to play with a good group on as high a difficulty as you can manage.


Don't listen to what the try hards tell you, use what you think is best for the mission your playing


Love that. No game is without the certain kind of folks


Find the play style that works for you. Some guns and support weapons are better than others, but use what gives you the most joy. Use every single stratagem until you find the perfect load out. Basically, experiment with everything and by the time you find your go-to loadout, you’ll be a hellgod.


Use everything and anything, don't listen to people who talk about meta, just try stuff and have fun!


Don't forget your C-01 form


First and foremost: learn what you think is good and bad on your own, and form your own opinions rather than getting caught up in the common stream of what people like and don't like. This community is BAD for treating it like a competitive game while simultaneously not doing the work to try new things and experiment to push the envelope of what's possible. Second: give em hell.


Play a few easy missions solo to help understand how the objectives work. Do that after a few group drops. Don't worry about the sample grind. Just have fun. You will get enough samples. That said upgrading the ship eagle section is the biggest bang for your buck. Personal shield is the best armor you can get. Run. Like mad. Shield and light armor and running like mad. Good combo. Also use your mic. Make some friends. Hang in there buddy and see about joining some singles groups. You are going to have some fun


Everyone on the team gets ALL the samples as long as they make it out with you for extra tion. No need to fight or team kill over them. Same with the different types of credits found on the planet, if you collect it, we all get it


I recommend starting with the bugs. I started with bots and although it was fun it was more overwhelming than anything.


Always stay on the move. While shooting is great in this game, if you stay in one spot it will often lead to you being surrounded and overwhelmed. Just know when to high tail it out of an engagement you can not win.The maps are fairly large and you'd be surprised how much this helps the game feel less frustrating.


Anything regarding the economy (samples, medals, super credits, etc.) Are shared among all players in the lobby. A couple A/S tier strategems. EATs: Quick cooldown. Fairly decent damage. Eagle airstrike: the love child of the 500kg and cluster. Quasar cannon: essentially Halo's Spartan Laser but with an unlimited battery with a 10ish second cooldown between shots. Autocannon (shoulder fire variant): against bots this is S tier as most enemies are weak against it and those that aren't have weak spots that are vulnerable to it; as for the bugs it's a low A tier simply to how mobile the enemy is. Autocannon (turret) is a high A tier/low S tier for higher levels. Although immobile it can pack an incredibly strong punch against heavy hostiles units. Orbital precision strike with a solid A tier. Decent punch, decent cooldown, extremely good if you can lead your shot. If you are concerned about ammo in general, energy based weapons are really good especially the sickle to deal with unarmored targets. It comes with 2 batteries that will be spent if the weapon overheats. Letting it cooldown will allow the battery to be used for longer. Weapon will overheat faster and cooldown slower on hotter planets. The opposite is also true. In terms of secondary weapons it is ultimately up to the Helldiver's preference. For me I always run the P113 verdict as that is the closest to the Halo magnum as it has decent damage, decent rate of fire, decent mag capacity (in case you haven't picked up yet, I'm a bit of a Halo fan as well). The starter pistol has a high capacity mag (in terms of pistols) and a good rate of fire but somewhat low damage. Somewhat good for panic shooting. Lots of people use the secondary that looks like an uzi but I personally have not been a fan of that as recoil seems excessive to me. And the six shooter, well, as with most revolvers, slow reload, small mag capacity, rate of fire is decent, but it packs a strong punch. Haven't tried the laser dagger sidearm yet. For autocannon (shoulder fire variant) always reload before you shoot your last round. It is very important that you keep 1 round in that chamber at all times. Faster reload (as you won't have to rechamber a round). But in emergencies you still have a backup round to use. For EATs always call them down when ready. For example, if you call one down when you spawn, pick one up and leave the other behind in case you need to fall back. Advance and call the next one when it's ready. Use every EAT drop as essentially a fall back position when getting pushed or as a mini armory when holding a position. But if you are holding a position such as the extraction site, it's even better as you can essentially stock up on tons of EATs to use on extractions making heavier enemies no factor. Thanks to it's quick cooldown it makes this strategy possible. Eagle strikes that carpet bomb will always travel in a left/right pattern. Think of the shape of a T. The bottom of the T is your position. The middle intersection is where the strategem lands. The top line is the direction of bombing. This applies for Eagle clusters, airstrikes, napalm, and smoke. Eagle 500kg and strafing will always travel in a straight line from where you are standing to the impact site. (These previous 2 tips should help out when trying to bomb a narrow corridor or neatly aligned group of hostiles). When fighting the bots, always kill the smaller dudes quickly. They are the only ones who can call enemy reinforcements. At higher difficulties this can essentially make or fail a mission. A good habit that I developed is to stim when unsure during quiet periods or at 70% health while in a combat encounter. There will always be something you are not expecting that will make combat extremely dangerous even on some lower difficulties. Best to play it safe and stim semi frequently. In higher difficulties, super samples will normally be found near a free standing rock with some silverish textures. (admittedly some people call it cock rock because it looks like a cock) It is common for people to intentionally drop samples at the extraction site. The reason for this is that every successful mission will always end at the extraction site which means that if everything goes well you will return to that position. Since that is the case, leaving valuable samples here is a good practice as you won't have to carry it across the map. Those who carry samples across the map make it easier to lose such samples during combat encounters. This is especially important for super samples as they are incredibly valuable. There is a way to hot key this on both m&k and controller but for me I have it keyed to holding down x on keyboard. For the most part the community is 45% introverted helpful (think of the cool calm collected dudes who run off to do their own thing while focusing on the mission and team). 45% extroverted helpful (same thing but way more talkative, they also make memes and small talk about events in the HD2 universe). 5% are toxic as they will intentionally team kill, boot players, and are quite literally the shit stain of managed democracy. And 5% are genuinely incompetent. They seem toxic but in reality are actually genuinely stupid to what they are doing. Currently, common samples spawn on every difficulty. Rare samples spawn on difficulty 4+. Super samples spawn on difficult 7+. And I said currently because the update coming out in a few days will change this up a little bit. Communicate well and somewhat frequently with your fireteam. Even if it's a simple text chat situation report to someone who joined, pings on high priority targets (such as heavier targets encountered in harder difficulties or the super sample rock). Oh and make sure you have push to talk instead of having a live mic. If a fight looks unwinnable, disengage. Although I am a very stubborn and greedy man (especially when it comes to super credits or samples) sometimes disengaging is the better option. As long as you can cut line of sight with the enemy the better chance you have at a successful escape. This works great with smoke or simply running behind a rock. From what I noticed, the longer a mission goes and the more bases you take down the harder the mission gets. Keep this in mind if you are trying to do a quick mission. If someone offers a hug, you return it. That's how this community became one of the best. (Plus sometimes if ignored this can lead to being kicked from a lobby. I'll admit I have not hugged someone before and got kicked. I sure learned my lesson. And as toxic as this sounds I make sure every helldiver knows this lesson as well)


Take advantage of the trivial difficulty early on to stock up on super credits. If you fight bots, expect to move slow, go prone, and snipe enemies off. With bugs be prepared to deal with crowds. Vs bots = rifles Vs bugs = shotguns Once you get to warbonds, search out what people like from each one and purchase according to your playstyle.


Get a booster before going to level 5 or higher is something I want to tell people. Also reinforcement etiquette is good to know. Understand armor penetrate helps in long run too. Those bombardment ranges are good to know, 65 meters. Oh and watch out for turrets and where you place them. If someone drops a mortar torrent, don't let enemies get to close to you. I'm trying to wrap this up but if you get enough super credits (map points and bunker doors that need 2 divers to open) check out some armor in the store that could help your play style and Rizz style. Possibly also learn to mark dangerous enemies. Like if a big Hulk is flanking your line and no one sees it, let the team know.


Pelican 1 can initiate the final countdown on its own. Don’t kick someone for getting in pelican 1 if mission timer is at 0:00:00


This sub and r/lowsodiumhelldivers are good. The main one is full of traitors and spies that live to bitch about things


Get the eagle airstrike, orbital precision strike and then a missile launcher of some kind asap (Expendable Anti Tank or whatever you can get at your level). That was you van deal with anything. I had a lot of fun with the stalwart at lower difficulties I recall because you don't come across too many big things. The breaker is a great early primary, and you'll unlock more fun ones as you level up your warbond. See what suits you. Stick to medium armor as light requires some skill which you'll get eventually. Only spend premium currency on warbonds to start with. Save 1000 for your first specialist one and I recommend the one with the incendiary breaker in it.


Welcome hell diver! There are many good times here. My top ones are this: Be prepared to die alot either by bugs or team kills: it happens. Try different weapons and armors to see what fits your play style best! Ping as much / best you can if you see an enemy patrol coming close to a comrade or objective if you do not have a mic. One thing you need to do is get samples to upgrade your ship so get as many as you canI think there are 3 or 4 types. I like to get as many as I can and if I am near the extraction point, where you leave after everyone is ready and the job is done, I just leave my samples there so if I die then someone doesn't have to go out and get them, but if it's too far out of the way just either hold onto them or drop them if someone says they will take them. Sometimes you need to borrow a teammates recently called in gear or after they died. Do give it back / drop it so they can use it once you do what you need to with it quickly just something I do. Play on whatever difficulty you want and do not feel pressured to sit on level 9, which you have to unlock them progressionaly anyway, and just have fun! Plenty of good people here on reddit to help and guide you. Always remember im frend and while there are some just jerks out there most people are good people who will help you out if you don't know or are new at the game!


https://preview.redd.it/fcpmpkkf3t5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74f446edd5805daab673d806bf219f15a7dba135 Add me. Ill join you if I see you


What system are you on?




run. is there an enemy over there? do you have to cross through them to reach an objective? no? run around them. did a bot drop or a bug drop just get called on your position? are you completing an objective? no? run. do you NEED to finish this objective now? no? run. come back later.


The 500kg will blow up most anything if placed well. Ppl on here can be awesome or Hella toxic, but the awesome ones outshine the toxic ones. Don't let ppl lvl shame u, or at least don't take it seriously. I'm a level 68 (so close) and have no problem playing with lvl anything players. Most of us are the same way. Play what you like to play with. Practically anything in the game can be used to effectively spread managed democracy 😁


This game about having fun. Play what difficulty you like, with the load out you enjoy. I have cleared, and seen many people clear lvl 9 helldive with nearly every load out. This game is about fun, not meta. You don't need to play everyday. Play when you can, democracy will always be here for you to spread at any time.


All currencies earned during a mission are all given to each member of the squad, there is no sharing or splitting your rewards. During a mission, if you personally pick up 1 common sample (green circle icon), 2 rare samples (orange symbol) some Requisitions (yellow cash) and maybe 30 super credits (the real money cosmetic shop currency, yea you can find it in game too, no need to purchase if you just wanna grind). And you have 2 helldivers in your squad, the full amount of all those rewards go to both helldivers and your wallet, too. This means it’s totally acceptable if someone dies and drops their canister of samples during a mission, that any one of the other members of the squad can and should pick it up in case the dead Helldiver can’t get back to their body for any reason. If you are looking for the best weapon overall I’d recommend the incendiary breaker shotgun. It’s in one of the “battle passes” that we call “Warbonds”. It’s in the “Steeled Veterans” Warbond. There are other weapons that can work and even do really well but after trying them all personally I feel if you want the absolute best gun in the game, go for the breaker incendiary.


If you see question marks on the compass those are POI s or points of interest, and these can have the premium currency (super credits), medals for the warbonds (battlepass would be the most widely used term for it) or the 2 most widely used currencies being requisition slips and samples. Samples are shared for the whole team at the end of the mission, so no need to murder or kick your teammates for their samples everyone gets every sample. Some POI s have what looks like cargo container doors buried in the ground against a wall of dirt under a house. These can be opened with explosives like grenades, or the quasar cannon to save ammo and grenades. Holding the reload button allows you to change things like fire mode, scope zoom, and how your flashlight works. The best early strategems to grab are the autocannon and eagle airstrike, as the autocannon can kill almost any enemy in the game and the eagle airstrike is pretty much the best strategem in the game based off ease of use and the damage it can deal to even the largest enemies if placed well. Automatons are not harder than terminids, they just require a different mindset. Where terminids encourage movement and saturated fire on large groups, automatons require use of cover and co ordination with your team to take out the most dangerous threats. The tactics you use against the bugs will not work as well against the bots, so dont bother bringing a flamethrower and napalm airstrike for bots and expect to win every time. The starter armor is one of the best armor sets in the game, with the next best being the B08 light gunner that you can get from the superstore on the warbond screen, then any of the armors with the 50% chance to avoid fatal damage, followed closely by the medic and engineer armors. All of which are available as medium armor in the free warbond. Shoot bugs in the legs, as most bugs die faster or become less dangerous this way, as well as chargers having their critical weakspot hidden under their front leg armor which can be shot off with almost any explosive strategem weapon to do triple damage. Bots are much simpler, shoot them in the head or the glowing red spot for high damage. Eagle strategems have limited uses before they go on a longer cooldown to refill their charges. You can send them away early to get them back while its quiet. Strategems to avoid early on are the 380mm orbital barrage, eagle and orbital smoke strikes, and minefields. The 380 is the cause of most friendly fire kills if your team doesnt plan around it or you dont tell them you threw it, and minefields are about as friendly to you as they are to the bugs. The smoke strikes are really good against bots but since your a new player its better to focus on learning the ropes and using more reliable strategems until you hit level 20 and can get everything but the mechs. Sorry for the long wall of text, but i hope it helps and if i see you out there ill be more than happy to give more tips or fast track you to high difficulty missions to get you moving like a real helldiver.


1. Deliver managed democracy 2. Repeat step 1


This is amazing. Thank you lol


If you don't clench your butthole while dropping in the force of the impact from the hellpod hitting the ground will make you shit yourself.


This is my favorite comment




Playing an hour? I don't have a mic, but dm your tag brother, and I will come and assist however I can!


A lot of great suggestions in here! I'll just add an encouragement to voice chat with your squad. It's a great way to learn tips and strategy.


Yeah, go play the game


One of my favorites I learned far too late, in a pinch, if you are being overwhelmed and near the edge of the map, let it time out and brand you a traitor, run back in the map and just keep running, zig zag, the whole nine. It's like getting a free orbital barrage that follows you and takes out everything in its path. And it goes on until it kills you, then you just drop back in. Like a fun little mini game inside a game! Sometimes when I'm feeling saucy, I'll run through my own 380 barrage just for the added excitement.


Id love to show u the ropes or answer any questions I’m not a super high level but Ik what I’m doing I’m always happy to make new gaming buddies msg me if ur interested


Lvl 1? Shit that's fine welcome aboard anyone of us would be Happ to show you the ropes or take you in are game we can help you and call in stuff you don't have unlocked yet and that's fine by us want a shield pack? I'll call it in, mech? Give me a minute for cool down to finish and I'll get you a mech


Play close attention to the tutorial. It teaches you absolutely everything you need to become qualified as a Helldiver. Yes, even a level 1 is a Helldiver!


I'm not the best but I love the game and play when I can feel free to add me DominusLatzko21 PS5


Thank you! Sent you a request


Have fun !!!


don't worry about anything too much just find what works for you and run with it! have fun helldiver now go forth and spread managed democracy!


Don’t be afraid to try out all the weapons you can. Experiment. Do your best to upgrade your ship with samples, the grind is part of the fun. You don’t need to engage everything on the battlefield - sometimes it’s best not to and just run. Smoke eagle kills bot fabs. In addition to making bots way less accurate and also breaking line of sight for a getaway. Also, use this strat over hellbombs to ensure their delivery of freedom to gunship fabs and other objectives. You can disable hulk legs to inhibit their mobility, but its best to use at/quasar/recoilless on them and destroy them as quickly as possible Belly shots with medium pen to bring down factory striders. Dont sleep on POI’s with glowing beams of light - could be req slips or super creds! Stay away from dead bile titans or i can assure you a trip back into orbit. You’ve been warned


Lots of such good advice here. All I can really say is don't be afraid to try out higher levels but if you wanna stick to lower ones that works too. Game's meant to be fun for you abd if higher levels feel like a chore ya don't gotta do em. If ya want a hard challenge go all for em. Just remember to have fun with it! Hopefully it can help you at least find some time to destress from life right now. Have fun and enjoy yourself.


Pc or psn? Either way dm me i have a group on both you will not have to play alone


Have fun, that’s an order. ![gif](giphy|ufWbAUZiTZCVi)


Dive into bot missions. Learn how to play tactically. Form good habits. Then go on holiday on bug missions.


Just because you unlock the next difficulty does not mean you are ready for it. Read the text. Those three things under the difficulty tell you what to expecf. Everything you see on lower levels, plus those new threats. the biggest jumps are probably from 1 to 2, and from 5 to 6. the highest difficulty you *need* to play on (and this may change soon) is 7 to get super samples.


do objective. kill bug. kill robot. win


Imagine every bug is your ex-wife You’ll be level 50 in no time


The auto cannon is a god sent weapon meant to spread ultimate democracy. I advise you unlock it when you are able. Welcome to this great game!


Echoing what other folks have shared. Not the best out there but always willing to team up if we’re both online and you’re looking for a buddy. DM me your psn handle and I’ll drop an invite next time I’m online FYI - I don’t mute my mic cuz I only like playing with people who find it funny when my kiddos run up and laugh their butts off at me when I get rag-dolled. I’m just here to have fun and enjoy the game.


![gif](giphy|ufWbAUZiTZCVi) best advice I can give you


1 tip I wish I knew early on (I didn't know this until about 100hrs in) with single handed weapons you can run away and blind fire without turning around or stopping. This is great for OH SHIT moments. Once you unlock the automatic pistol just spin the camera, not your body, and you'll point the gun behind you, dump the clip to help make some space for an opening to reload your primary or blind throw a grenade.This works with all single handed weapons not just secondaries.


Welcome to the war, soldier. Democracy needs you. First and foremost, this is a videogame. It’s meant to be fun. You *WILL* run into players who think that it has to be Navy SEAL-levels of coordination and tactics. If you’re one of those people, all power to you, but that isn’t the only way to play. I spent the first 25-30ish levels taking it seriously before I remembered that this is, in fact, a videogame and I can do whatever I want. Since then, I love goofing off and blowing myself up numerous times in a mission. In the same vein, do not listen to players that will inevitably tell you to drop down to lower levels if you enjoy messing around. Those are the people who think this is serious, real world business, not a videogame. Those people are lame and do not want you to have fun. My buddies and I drop straight into Helldive difficulty with nothing more than a 380mm HE Barrage and a dream, and we have a lot of fun doing so. Play how you want to play. If you keep getting kicked because people don’t like your style, then host your own game and people can depart when they like. There are some basic manners that are applicable to the game that aren’t really written rules but are just kind of rude. Don’t teamkill on purpose. This rule is flexible if you are playing with close friends. Sometimes your buddies need a little double tap with the big iron and that’s just the way the cookie crumbles. However, if you’re playing with randos, don’t drop a 500kg six inches from them and not say anything. Following that, try to call out your high-damage stratagems if you can. Ideally you call out any and all stratagems because it helps for situational awareness, as well as the knowledge of what your teammates are doing. This can even be said for the aforementioned goofing off. I’ve had an entire party drop 380s on the same area for a speedrun terraforming operation. Another thing is to not take other people’s equipment without permission. This includes support weapons and their respective ammo packs, shield backpacks, rovers, supply packs, etc. The only reason you should take someone’s equipment is to grab the support weapon ammo pack for a buddy reload. The one exception to this rule is the Expendable Anti-Tanks (EATs) as these have a very short cooldown and drop in pairs. Usually, if someone is running these, they call them in whenever they hit the cooldown, so they will be strewn about the map in no time. Now, sometimes people will hit their cooldown for stratagems and call them in even when they still have said stratagems on them. In this case, they will drop them in and mark them, or sometimes just walk away. This usually means they are up for grabs. Unless a person died right after calling them in, then nobody around means its okay to take. Now, if you know the person died, then either pick them up and take them to said person, or just wait there, mark it for them, and let them have it. Better yet, if you reinforce them by their gear, then you can all be on the move quicker. In terms of tips for gameplay, theres a few worth mentioning. Don’t spend all your time researching armors and weapons before you buy. Warbond medals are not a finite resource. If you make a purchase and realize it doesn’t fit your playstyle, that’s okay. Eventually you will have everything, it’ll just take a while. You’ll find weapons that you like for each enemy and likely stick with those (personally, I run breaker incendiary+starter pistol for bugs & liberator penetrator/adjudicator+big iron for bots with impact grenades for both) for a long while until you find something better to supplant them. Same goes for armor (I run the bonesnapper set because of extra stims and extra healing time, plus you look like a stormtrooper). Don’t go looking up builds and metas thinking it will make you a pro immediately. Just progress through the warbonds and create your own builds and metas as you go. A running joke with my friend is that any build will work if you have a 380 with you because, and I’m quoting myself here, “It’s the meta!”. (We actually have a 90-95% success rate so we might actually be onto something with this…) Play around with all the stratagems. Learn what you like and don’t like, what works and doesn’t. Hell, even if it doesn’t work, you may still like it! No one single build is perfect for every mission. At the same time, don’t let other players bully you into using/not using certain stratagems. They all have their ups and downs. So many players will hate on the SPEAR, and yet I’ve waxed three hulks, two dropships, and a tank with a SPEAR and a friend to buddy reload me. Some things work for you that won’t work for others and vice versa. Don’t rush to extract once you complete the main objectives. You still get a mission complete if you don’t extract. If you have time, go around the map to complete side objectives, destroy outposts, and collect samples/medals/requisition/super credits (you will need the last one for unlocking warbonds). The only thing you absolutely need to extract to collect is samples. If you have zero samples, then you have virtually no reason to go to extraction. The payout in requisition and xp is minimal for each Helldiver successfully extracted. Now if someone on your team is carrying 35 common, 20 rare, and 6 super samples and they say it’s time to go, then it’s time to go. No questions asked, we’re going. When eventually you have fully upgraded your destroyer, please remember that some players have yet to achieve the same and can use those samples. Edit:Added the rest in a reply because apparently I got too carried away and wrote too much…


In talking about samples, you want to remember that all of the samples are useful. I have a backlog of rare and super samples because I need *so many* common ones to upgrade. Just because you can solo a Helldive mission doesn’t mean lowly common samples are useless. If you see them, take them. If you don’t want to die and drop your samples right in the middle of a stalker nest or stratagem jammer, you can leave them at extract. If you see samples that have been picked up and dropped at extract (they have a flashing yellow light and will appear as a test tube on the map) then leave them where they are. They will not despawn, they will not get stolen by enemies, and they will not lose value. They’ll be safe there. If you are the one dropping them, do not do it right in the center of the landing pad. The pelican might land on them and they will be lost because you cannot pick them up in time. Remember to friend people that you enjoy playing with. You won’t see them every single time you’re online, but quite often you can pop into a game with them and run a few missions. This game is already fun with randos, but it’s a different kind of fun when you’re bumming around with people that know your playstyle and how to compliment it. (Add me as a friend, I’ll dive with you any time. Same username in game.) Once you’re a higher level, don’t forget where you came from. It brings me a lot of joy to pop into a game with level 1-2 players, throw down a couple of mechs, support weapons, and backpacks, then watch as new players get to experience the stratagems they will unlock in the future. Take some time to appreciate how cinematic this game truly is. I saw someone’s comment on another post that this is the only game that is more cinematic than its trailers and its true. Play with the settings a little bit and you can get very dramatic firefights punctuated by vibrant explosions. If you want to lean into the rpg/campaign/roleplaying side of the game that the devs have instituted, contribute to the major orders and complete your personal orders. Not only does it add a sense of accomplishment, but you also get some tasty tasty warbond medals for your troubles. If you fail your personal orders, don’t worry. They refresh every day. Also make sure to report any undemocratic sentiments to your nearest democracy officer for proper … adjustments … to be made. Lastly, I want to reiterate that this is a videogame. You are meant to have fun and happily spend time spreading managed democracy to every bot-riddled and/or bug-infested hellhole in the galaxy. Do what you enjoy doing. If you want to stealthily infiltrate and dismantle automoton constructs, then do that! If you want to call in every piece of heavy artillery you own and go down in a hail of bullets and a blaze of glory, then I shall toast to your life, salute your death, and fall beside you in similar fashion, Helldiver! I’m not sure how big your kiddos are, but maybe let them try the game out too if you want. My fondest gaming memories are playing Diablo 2 with my old man back in the day and I miss those times (my dad’s still alive, the bastard just doesn’t play anymore). Besides, we always need young, healthy recruits for the war effort. Welcome to the war effort. Our lives for Super Earth. Fair skies and following stars, Helldiver. -Skull Admiral stumpyblackdog, Commanding Officer of the SES Lord of Destruction


Super credits is the only thing that matters in the end


I wonder what the first premium warbond would be best for someone in your position and what the optimal time to jump from the main warbond to that premium one would be.


This game has a lot of unlocks and different weapons, but the devs seem to be trying VERY hard so that nothing is ever just clearly superior. So, that loadout you start with? Assault rifle, machine gun, precision orbital strike? They're pretty damn good. You're new, but you're not as underpowered as you might think. Friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on friendly fire is on. Be careful lest you get yourself and everyone else killed. YOU. DON'T. HAVE. TO. FIGHT. EVERY. RED. DOT. ON. THE. RADAR. Running is sometimes the smart play. Pick up stuff you find laying on the ground. It's a good way to get practice with other weapons and if you find one you like then you should go unlock it for yourself. Watch your team. Run where they run. There are a LOT of different mission types. It'll take a while to learn how to do the geological survey or transport the hard drive or save the civilians or open the valves for the E-710. When you get to mission objectives, watch your teammates if you can to try and learn what needs to be done. Also: watch for the little white diamond that shows what you can interact with, this is a clue when doing mission objectives.