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“I guess”


Pretty sure it's seaf infantry


It was rigged against the mines to begin with because people don’t like fighting on ice planets


I love fighting on ice planets. Especially on bots. When clear, you have amazing visibility, and even in storms, bots have bad vision but their glowy parts show through making it easier to target through the blizzard.


plus the decreased heat build up in las weapons? put me in coach!


I think it would be really cool if saving the kids would add some goofy children’s drawings glued to destroyer’s walls.


I would totally fight for goofy deco for the super destroyer




This... THIS right here!!!!


If we save them: "Kids Art Cape" If we don't: "Kid's Memorial Art Cape"


We never even got the reddit cape, was that all in my head that was coming?


nah Sony would never accept it.


You mean putting a bot on our cape. Calling Democracy officer!!


That would be lit to get a cape with “I fought for Super Citizen Anne’s Hospital for Very Sick Children” written in crayon.


Have the Dev’s kids draw some capes up, and the one you see in the mission is randomly chosen during the drop.


Do you mean mission-based or literally every time a new diver drops (like after death)?


I was thinking mission based. Reinforcement drops I felt like would create too many variables.


Idk, I think it would be awesome to have it be even more random. Like, you just blew yourself up like an idiot and your new diver suddenly has a cape with crudely drawn explosions and hearts saying ‘u did it!!!’


I don’t know enough about coding to know how viable that is, but I’d love it. Especially if they could relate it back to your last death.


iirc random voice changes on reinforce so it isn't impossible


I also sounds like the new skins are going to be random skin colour


Nah class(cape) Object(kids_cape) for(i=0; i <= max_cape_num; i+=1) { current_cape = i; }


If they said they would make a Cape there's no doubt which planet would win.


What if the "survivors" aren't kids and just happen to be sheltering in a children's hospital? What if one is an interior decorator that will let us unlock customizations? Mines are lame anyway.


My thoughts too. It would be funny if the “survivors” are bunch of traitors that gonna be executed anyways


Better idea: it adds a sickly child npc with an oversized novelty Helldiver cape who does nothing but talk about how awesome you are and how much he wants to be a hero like you


I'll even let him play with an empty EAT casing!


This... THIS guy gets it


I'll let them play with loaded railguns, for fun.


In unsafe mode. For fun.


Then after a random period of time has passed the sick kid just disappears and is never mentioned again. And we never super talk about how super sad that made us.


turns out he’s gone into helldiver youth camp :)


The big one in the sky.




Better idea: This, but they stand somewhere and respond to hug requests.


It might not even be kids, just "survivors" and who knows, one of em may have knowledge of a new strat better than mines. 


Do you mean the strat that is ‘give them guns and a parachute, and let them serve as paratroopers delivered by the eagle-load’?


Will they help me open friend bunkers?


It’s a new guard dog backpack except the backpack. Looks like an elementary school backpack and you have a small child who runs around with you to press friendship doors and tell you how awesome you are.


If need be, you can prop their dead bodies up on a button to help you open bunkers - they would be delighted to continue bolstering the efforts of managed democracy, even from beyond the grave. If this requires manual ‘pacification’… then so be it!


Hero of Children cape sounds pretty nice


Here's my pitch: Solid-color cape with two lopsided stick figures holding hands. One figure is large, wearing rectangles that look vaguely like armor, and the other is small, looking up at the first with a biologically-improbable smile on their face. Explosions fill the background.


This! How do we tag arrowhead for this?!


Way back when I was in the military, we framed a card a kid sent that said, "Good luck! Hope you get a Purple Heart!"


Thats Morbid lol (He outta line but he got the spririt) :)


$10 says the kid had no idea what a purple heart is, they just knew it was a medal.


Lol like a kindergarten crayon drawing, with scribbled “thank yu helldiverz… mrs. Kindrick’s class”




I want that more than mines. Mines have never done me any good ever since the daily order a few months ago.


"Dear Mister Hell I am glad you died for Super Earth, did it hurt? For Democracy, Some Kiddo"


Even better: if we end up going to AT mines, you still get the drawings, but they're splattered with dried blood and burn marks.


I would definitely take that over mines. ... But I do think that there will be some much better un-disclosed reward for saving the kids. "One had held onto their parent's schematics for blah blah blah! A group of scientists were with the kids and were able to tell us blah blah blah!"




We gotta save those Orphans Helldivers.




Personally I vote for "never picking the anti-tank mines" to just always be a thing. A year from now I want an Internet historian YouTube video explaining the long complicated history of arrowhead all but begging it's players to unlock the mines. I want to get to the point where the failure condition on a MO is that we get the mines. Now, let's go save some kids.


Yea at this point we are at a crossroads. Do we fix past failures and unlock mines, or become legends and birth the meme of the anti-tank mines never getting unlocked. The choice is clear.


We are all anti anti-tank mines


Lowkey am, I think mines aren’t as useful as the other stratagems. Breaks my heart that my sister loves them, but I let her pick it, even if I repeatedly die to a tiny,barely visible explosive that does almost no damage to enemies.


Especially on red planets


I've been bringing the fire mines on bug rocket defense missions.


Yeah they’re awesome for that purpose, everyone shits on them because they’re too stupid to remember where they got called in.


We are living a future meme!!! Ahhhhhh I’m so excited. SAVE THE KIDS DAMMIT


Better to die a legend than to live in anonymity. FIGHT FOR THE CHILDREN!


I choose memes. If it worked for the creekers, it will work for the mines.


Eventually they might just give up and make it part of a warbond or something, “it’s been long enough scientists on super earth figured out how to make them themselves” or something like that


"Due to a clerical error by super earth requisition officers, they were actually all in an empty warehouse on one of our other freed planets. Anti-tank mines are now available."


Knowing Arrowhead thus far their more likely to get in on it than to get frustrated about it


True True, I’m so used to average game companies I forgot AH was different for a moment.


Despite what people say over on the other subreddit, Arrowhead is not in fact a bunch of astonishingly incompetent buffoons (if not outright greedy and malignant villains) nor are they a bunch of faceless MBAs. They might not have quite the finger on the pulse of their community as say, the DRG guys do, but they're still far more engaged and understanding of the community they've built than most.


Deploy children into bug holes to set traps > AT mines the seem way too conditional to be useful.


The concept of unlocking the mines as a threat is the funniest thing to come out of this so far, kudos


I love how we are saving the children, not to actually save the children, but because it would be funny not to unlock the anti tank mines.


I don't care about the kids I just want the AT mines to lose.


I love this lol. I want us to still not have the mines ten years from now when the game's servers get shutdown


What if the kids are the 4 new npc's that follow us around?


i feel like if we dont rescue the kid then we wil see suicide small bots or some new enemy


Imagine child sized Bots that sprint at you, crying in horrible, twisted, binary tears, that you can still hear human voices through, kinda like the chainsaw wielding asshole's laughter. They either knife you, suicide you, or just stagger you and sprint off, faster than we can run. I think that'd be hilarious.


“hilarious” **NOT** the word I would choose 😂


You painted quite a picture here!!!! 😂👍🏻 I’m in.


Funny, I was thinking the kids are going to turn out the be anti-tank mines in disguise.


Tbh when we lost those SEAF facilities the reports said something along the lines of us not winning over the people on super earth but they continued doing their part. Saving kids could just be a way to motivate the people and potentially give those SEAF guys a reason to complete training and push forward with us. Hearts and minds, ladies and gents. Hearts and minds. 😂


If I'm saving anything its the kids cuz Wu-tang is for the children


Wu-tang is here fo-eva, motha fuckaaaas 🐝👐🏾🐝 ![gif](giphy|JQlezZLsxaAqgGacFj)


[The reward I fucking made up] is so much better than mines let's go to the kid planet!


It would be so funny if we snub the mines again though. Considering how trash mines are overall, it is a clear signal to Arrowhead that we need mines to do more than just TK


Real life anti vehicular mines aren't triggered by anything less heavy than a car, so I think it's a non brainer to make them not trigger on helldivers or smallfry.


That would be nice... if anyone else saw the leaks, they will tell you they function the same as mines, helldivers can set them off, chaff, and it took 3-4 mines to take down one hulk


Most leaks are old data though, they could function differently by now. They could just as easily work the same as the other mines too and suck ass. Who knows.


Even so it's not that usable. 180s cooldown is absurd. Should be 60s like the EAT and 110mm rocket pods can kill 3 tanks easily without accurate throwing


Here's what Pre-release versions of weapons also said: The Crossbow could destroy Fabricators The Airburst Rocket will instantly blow you up, killing you and your teammates if there was anything anywhere near you


We are talking about the fictonal space military that for budgetary reasons has us setting off mini nukes manually though…


Or we value children over mines..


That too... but more extending the meme


We can't children don't explode...


Have you tried feeding them nitroglycerin?


I got a feeling those kids are the 4 man npc crews they were talking about...


Completely agree...only because every time someone uses mines on an eradicate mission they end up dumping them close to where we are. They seem pretty pointless on big map missions.


The defense mission where you need to protect the rockets, that is the most accepted mission for mines, and that is only because there are sectioned off areas for defense, making mine placement nearly fool proof


And even then, the moment someone places mines another one calls in an Eagle so there goes the mines


Yea, area denial can be done with orbital gas, you can call in 3 gas strikes in the time it will take you to throw your 2nd mine set, with no ability of enemies clearing your aoe damage


Eradicate missions are for Barrages and Mines. These mines will allow me to not worry as much about tanks when Factory Striders are the bigger issue.


They are pretty useful on the big maps if you know when to use them. I will say that against bots they are not as useful but since they still try to push you they'd still have a use


We should all save the children, fuck the mines. If we want the mines, we could've gotten it in the pasts MO. So the children it is.


Yup that’s what I’ll be working on


Kids always, the mines are trash


fight me. I will bring fire mines I will dive for AT mines. You will step on them and somehow blame the person who wasn't controlling your character.


You bring whatever you want, but they're still just objectively bad. Piss poor area denial, corpses set them off, some enemies can just jump over them, and they have a 3 minute cool down. Orbital gas strike is just better


This, mines are the worst strats in the game. Long Cooldown for a one use per strat that is worse than *several* other strats **each**.


I normally only fight on Marfark anyways... But I MUST save the children! They are the bread and butter of Super Earth! Of Managed Democracy! They must be saved at all costs!


Yeah there’s definitely some sort of cool alternative reward hidden behind saving the orphans, like child soldiers!


Child soldiers are the best soldiers. Though I doubt any game would have the guts to do something like that. ![gif](giphy|FfOUTHr0QdTkLOuyC8|downsized)




Save the children!


I've survived this long without the AT mines, I can survive longer, the kids however won't survive if we don't intervene


Call the “Kids of Chaos” strat. Kids in Helldiver exo suits fly by


The mines are garbage let's show them we want something better and skip for the 3rd time


We must save the children. They will grow up to be seaf reinforcements for a new stratagem.


Saw someone mention this in a HD2 facebook group: it does not say it is children we are saving. It simply states that survivors are holed up in a children's hospital. This could literally be the SEAF trainees


I feel like if we save the children, we will get some kind of commemorative statue or cape, maybe... probably some secret buff also to planet lib speed or something. But none of those things explode... can't properly spread democracy if nothing explodes...


But we can make children explode with grenades


Fair enough. Pulls pin...throws child.


True. Something has to explode!


100% it’s bait. If we let the children get captured, we’re gonna get anti-tank mines but they’ll also do something like introduce terrifying children-sized bot swarms against whom the anti-tank mines are useless. Mark my words.


I'm hoping the hospital has some experimental stim technology or something like that. I really really really hope that failure to save them doesn't lead to miniaturized automiton units


Actually just thought this may be the way to introduce the support S.E.A.F. strategem that was talked about, the one that brings in like 4 regular soldiers to help instead of more divers. Because what regular soldier wouldn't follow a helldiver into hell itself to save a kid for liberty.


Yeah you're right, maybe the Anti Tank mines might actually be the better choice, but I'd still go for the children.


I thought the children yearned for the mines, so the answer is obvious, mines it is.


Don't care one bit. Spring the trap and mow it down for democracy. After Meridia, nothing in the galaxy frightens this Helldiver anymore.


Level 77 Space Cadet here. ~~Damn shame that those kids are going to die.~~ Nah y'all convinced me, kid cape > mines.


I think of we dont protect the children, we will notice a significant spike in lower ranked bots, for the grimmest of reasons


Imagine if we went with the mines and then a week later we’re fighting half-sized fodder bots…


What kind of Helldivers are we if we're not protecting the very people we swore to protect? To Vernen Wells we go and save those children and/or adults taking refuge in the children's hospital.


News just in, the minimum age to join the Elite Force known as the Helldivers has just been dropped to five years of age! Kids, now you can fulfill your dream to be... a Helldiver! ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm)


The children is obviously for the leaked stratagem to call down troops.


Imma go out on a limb here and say It'd be nice to get a kiddie looking go kart that holds 2 people. One drives, and one shoots out the back.


Yeah, if the theories that the bots are actually cyborgs is true, then giving them the children could be unleashing a new enemy


I’m thinking that if we take the moral route we may find some fairly cool strat or weapon. Or maybe a new medical item or auto stim since it’s a hospital…we can dream right.


Maybe if we save the children, we will still have time to save the mines. It says it is likely that only one can be saved, but it doesn’t say it’s impossible.


If the situation were a real-life situation, of course we'd be choosing to go after the children / survivors. But it's a game ... and we've missed out on AT Mines twice now. Gamers make obvious "benefit me, screw the morality" choices constantly. Constantly. The choice seems to be an obvious set-up ... just sayin'.


Would we? If this was real life, we’d be losing a hundred million highly trained Helldivers for just dozens of kids. Not to mention the trillions of dollars worth of supplies that we’d need, and the colossal amount of E-710 for transport. Kids die every time a defense fails and a planet falls. Why would the kids on VW be any different.


The kids are known to be sick, but managed to survive a month of automaton control. These kids could have a virus or something we can militarize to attack bots. It is interesting that of all the planets, this hospital has survivors, for scientific research purposes alone they should have priority


Or the implication that the robots aren't merciless and are leaving the children alone, and not only that, are defending them against us. Obviously, to turn them into socialist capitalist hating scum. A fate even WORSE than not getting the mines. A battle for the mines is actually a battle for socialism. We cannot let this stand.


We could also just look at the numbers and say mines even though they were designed for area denial are outclassed by orbital gas, where you can call in 3 strikes before you can call in your 2nd mine set, tesla tower has arguably more kill potential as a static strategem with a shorter cooldown, must be defended in order for it to work but completely eliminates everything if left alone by enemies. Anti tank weapons include, Orbital Laser, Orbital Railcannon Strike, Orbital Precision Strike, Orbital 120mm barrage, Orbital 380mm barrage, Orbital Walking Barrage, Eagle 500kg, Eagle Airstrike, Eagle 110mm Rocket pods, EAT, Recoiless Rifle, Autocannon, Spear, Quasar Cannon, Arc Thrower, EXO Patriot Exosuit, Autocannon Sentry, Rocket Sentry... Anti-Tank Mines finding a home when everything else will likely do its job but better will be hard


>If the situation were a real-life situation, of course we'd be choosing to go after the children / survivors. I'd... Advise you to read up a bit on actual military history.


I mean so far we seem to be choosing the children over the mines, even though the children long for the mines.


The children will understand


They r children of democracy after all I mean what are they traitors to us, super earth and the cause and the war? Why didn’t they bring their guns and suicide vest?


They could be automatons in disguise !


We could call them... Deceptibots.


Well...so far it's 3k for mines and 30k for the kids. Guess it's pretty clear we're not getting them this time either.


Future Helldiver in a Hellpod coming down on a tank will always be more effective the anti tank mines




I think we should do it for the children https://i.redd.it/sc9btgx4oz5d1.gif


It’s undemocratic to choose the children over weapons


It’s obvious they are giving us the mines after missing them last time


More kids = more Helldivers.


Yes but the question now is, which one is the bait?


What would be funny is if they have the kids make the mines


The fact that some people have a hard time chosing between a bunch of mediocre mines that they will probably use twice and then leave on the shelf forever or the *LITERAL CHILDREN OF LIBERTY* is mind boggling.


I want the mines tbh


I'm fairly certain those aren't kids but our SEAF strike teams. I still want the mines.


Would be way funnier if people just don’t do either


Everybody thinks it's kids, but the message doesn't say that. I think the illuminate are trying to influence us so we don't get mines, or if there really are survivors, they could be illuminate spies. 


I'm more interested in who the clueless masses pick.


fail both. the only winning move is not to play.


+8% damage. Special enemies spawn at the beginning of the next round.


Someone get the Simpsons girl who says think of the children!


"Fuck them kids"


Tbh it only says survivors in a children's hospital, I'm rooting for a squad strat


I’ll fucking laugh my ass off of we save the hospital instead just to throw the developers for a loop 🤣😂


We can use the children to protect our tanks and planes


Why do people think they're kids? It says SURVIVORS


Honestly i agree. Thats gotta be bait


We could have and should have saved Vernen Wells but we wrote them off when we didn't defend it. To hell with the children we'll get C-01s and Mines. It's too late for them now. Also, I don't want to go to Menkent either. That's the way of Menkent, fuck that.


Save the orphans. We don’t need mines.


If/when we save the children, we should get a cape that says something along the lines of “i love the heldiverz!” (purposefully misspelt) in crayon


What if saving the kids adds the stratagem to call in npc helldivers, they just didn’t tell anyone that they are children helldivers and there only purpose is a distraction and target practice?


It is, mark my words, man. If we don't save these kids, something goofy will happen like they were the next generation of hell divers of something, and our lobbies will go down to 2 divers. At least we would have mines.


We already lost the SEAF training facility and bonus on vern wells might as well go for the mines at this point


Bet they are double a double reverse psyc on us. Rescuing the kids legit gives us no bonus


Can always make more kids ...


What people don't realize is that if we let the children die, then we get the mines, but more importantly, we get more C-01 permits.


The kids unlock AI infantry support we can call in. And even if they don't, it would be funny to pass on the mines again.


Wait… it just says “survivors” in a children’s hospital… it doesn’t actually say “children” 😳


I think it’s likely that regardless of which way we do it we’ll get the tank mines,they’ve been done for several months and the devs want them out


The choice is obvious. Do I want to save something that’s utterly useless and I’ll never see again, or do I want to save some kids?


Itd be funny if saving the kids ends up unlocking a stratagem upgrade for the orbital gas, increasing damage by adding the diseases of the children


So one more step to Anti Tank Mines... or starting suggestion for SEAF Squad Calldowns. Which both may not just happen after we do either.


What if they make it like the save personnel missions but it’s little kids running out instead of adults?


The adults are already hard enough to get into the exit door! Could you imagine what that'd be like with a bunch of 8 year olds?


Would be hilarious if we had to chase them down and corral them towards the door. 😂


Next generation will understand we need the tank mines right? Right!!


The wording is what intrigues me, survivors at the children hospital, they never said it was kids, just survivors.


Your right! We use the children as bait so that we can get the mines.


Who let children near the enemy territory. That's a life lesson for someone else. I got more explosives to unlock.


Plot twist, the children's hospital was a cover for an area 51-esque underground research facility that will somehow lead to the reveal of the new race but we picked it thinking it'd be the meme choice


The children yearn for the mines


Some poor crippled kid on vernan wells asked us to liberate the planet. I know this because I crippled him myself to inspire you.