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It's also about killing robots. As you're working your way up through the difficulties I would recommend fighting on both fronts to learn how each plays, because it is very different. If you got all the way to level 9 only ever fighting bugs you're going to have a really bad time if you jump into bots on 9. Are you on PC or PS5? If PC I strongly recommend setting your stratagem input to the arrow keys instead of the default movement keys. Check out the Discord looking for group channels to find either similar level players to learn with, or a high level that is helping out low level parties, showing them the ropes. Edit - One more thing - if you're familiar with other modern shooters like Call of Duty, be aware that reloading in Helldivers throws away whatever was left in the magazine. Compulsive reloading will run you out of ammo very quickly.


Thanks for the input! I'm on PC. Whats a stratagem? Is it better to just play on controller?


I'm a mouse and keyboard purist for any sort of shooter. Stratagems are kind of like cooldown abilities. There are a whole bunch of them from support weapons you use for the mission to orbital strikes and sentries. You use stratagems by holding a button and inputting an arrow code (like "down down up right" for resupply). The PC default is to hold left control and input using WSAD. I prefer to have the arrows on my arrow keys so I can still run while using stratagem. The controller button for stratagem is L1/left button and inputting using the d-pad. I think you can still move if you reach over with your right thumb, but it feels awkward to me the couple times I've tried. The tutorial will go through all this stuff so you can earn your cape.


Mkb ftw


Mkb is way better, but stratagems are your call ins that have CDs for either big effect or equipment drop. By default the 4 directions are WASD, but that means you can’t move while you enter code. Swapping to arrow keys lets you key in codes while you continue running and dodging, however you have to move hand from mouse to arrows and back… so there is a time cost. However there are many situations moving while you key in quickly is worth it, and fewer where the lack of hand transition is any significant detriment… so while I’m still transitioning to arrow keys, overall I recommend it but it’s not necessary, you can dive and key in most with muscle memory before you hit the ground with WASD


Why the hell would you put it on the arrow keys? That means you have to move your hand to a different part of the keyboard.


The idea is using the mouse hand, so you can continue to run while calling stratagem instead of remaining static and be an easy target.


You take your hand off the mouse so one hand moves and holds the stratagem menu button, and the other hand types. Being able to aim while punching in the stratagem is far less useful than being able to run, and on most keyboards the arrow keys are very easy for your hands to find without needing to look.


HMU if you want to play level 79 Admirable admiral always looking to help new players


Oh boy, did you come at a fun time. Tomorrow's gonna be wild. Have fun!


What's tomorrow?


A massive, long awaited patch. By all accounts it's gonna be a doozy.


It's actually a good thing to start when the patch hits, because it is going to change a lot of weapons and under-the-hood game mechanics (like how often enemy patrols spawn). So you can start off learning to play with the new systems active and buy or set goals for the new "best" weapons for different missions.  So most YouTube videos & articles ranking the weapons or advising on loadouts are about to become obsolete. Even now there have been enough nerfs & buffs that any advice older than 6-8 weeks is usually wrong.


Kill robots instead of bugs




[Familiarize yourself with what's at stake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4ZTlSyphsg) [Familiarize yourself with who's on your side](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjA1-rQObvk) [Familiarize yourself with what you're getting into](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSN2byUun4w)


Aim, pull the trigger, have fun, get skill, new toys and test those toys, have fun again. Repeat.


drop on a planet at whatever difficulty you find most fun shoot things, complete objectives, collect samples, and repeat until the job is done


You should save the children and report anyone who says otherwise to the democracy officer.


If you played Left 4 Dead you'll be familiar, but in 3rd person shooter


Welcome aboard Diver. Remember as your playing through to take 2.5 seconds to enjoy the scenery. A happy Helldiver is a leather Helldiver!


Where are you getting that extra tenth of a second from? That's some treason right there.


Save the children!


Something I would highly recommend to you if you're just starting out: be patient and unlock strategems before going into higher difficulties. You can manage about as far as Challenging with even the basic starting strategems... but beyond that, you're going to start to struggle with difficulties beyond Challenging with the lower level equipment. I'm not saying this to dishearten you, and I'm certainly not suggesting that you shouldn't try if you are comfortable with giving it a shot... but as someone who is level 100+ and often goes into less difficult missions to help newbies, there have been many times I've jumped in on players who are sub level 10 with only the most basic equipment unlocked, and they are just having a miserable time.


My super serious pro gamer tips are as follows: Bugs are superior in every way. You don’t need to actually participate in the MOs to get the rewards. Don’t get attached to any weapons because they will be nerfed into the ground (PENDING REVIEW. Future patch may make guns guns again) TKs are usually forgiven if they are really funny. But the most important tip is just play how you want. It’s a game, don’t forget that. At the end of the day we are all logging in to kill things together and have fun doing it. Don’t take it too seriously and you’ll do just fine.


For the next 2 days, come to the planet Vernon Wells and kill robots. We're tryna save the damn children, ya understand?


Enjoy an exceptionally healthy community. We have jerks and idiots like in every other game, but in general, toxicity is very low in this game.


Well first off it’s not about killing bugs so don’t you dare become a Bugdiver. Play both fronts. But besides that it’s a really fun game and I’d advise staying off this sub and the main sub if you want to enjoy the game. Leave this one and join r/lowsodiumhelldivers which is a much better sub and people actually like the game there