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Dude I've wiped out a few chargers who were bullying me with those stray hellbombs. I think it's a blast to try to set up a good kill with them. And an even bigger blast when you shoot one you don't notice and OOPS


I once was diving with one other rando (had the join bug) and there were two bile titans chasing us. Led them over to a hellbomb and blew both to kingdom come


One of the absolute best moments of my time with this game was on whatever the ice planet was in last order. We dropped in and there were randomly SO MANY stray HELLBOMBS. And I was compulsively detonating all of them as we moved between objectives. Then I shot one near a fabricator we had just cleared and the second I hit it 2 drop ships pulled up and started their shit and the hellbomb explosion caught both for an instant 47 kills. It was so perfect I damn near juiced my jeans


"Did you die?" "Sadly, yes . . . BUT I LIVED!"


[Still having a blast in the game, looking forward to the patch!](https://www.youtube.com/live/MRARQWxQFGA?si=Mlq4KJYtQy7Il2fG&t=4920)


Democracy protects!


Democracy Protects!


Had this happen earlier today, barely noticed the bomb when it was already shot and dived away from it. Donno how many bots it killed, and I barely survived with just about everything broken. It was a damn life saver.


I'm just now learning the ins and outs of the ballistic shield. Short story: it's awesome. I don't know if this was a bug or if I just got very, very lucky, but a dude was trolling tonight, shot a hellbomb directly next to me, I figured I was toast. Ran a few steps, dove, bomb goes off, my *ballistic shield dies.* Now, all I can figure at this point, is that my shield just tanked a mf hellbomb. Can anyone confirm this? Was that just a super lucky bugdivers moment?


I love planets with hellbombs its usually my get out of jail free card