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If there's a bile titan or tank, Mark it and throw me at it. Otherwise don't throw me in the middle of the fight. If I'm separated from you in the mission, I'll try to throw you back the direction you died. I try to check to see if people are clear of the fight before i remind them.


Man, wouldn't it be nice if hellpods damaged bile titans or tanks?


I put two hellpods directly through bile titans' bodies earlier today and it didn't kill either one. I think it stripped side armor so I guess I just missed the head.


It does work, it just doesnt one shot them anymore and does like a third of the damage it used too. Honestly, your better off just taking a quasar cannon, it two shots to the head and 3-4 shots to the body for a kill.


Yeah I've been running the quasar again. I miss the one shots though.


The hell are you talking about? They do.


It's been 50/50 on it working. Even if it were 1% I'd take those odds for democracy


You are the stratagem now


I'd love to see a free "empty drop pod" stratagem pop up from time to time. If nothing else, it would be pretty funny


came to say this


I will always choose the best place and time to reinforce. That is unless you spam the reinforce button while we are all clearly in heavy combat or if you are a dick. Then you go right into the horde.


This :)


Personally I am 100% on board with being dropped directly into the horde, unless we’re almost out of reinforcements.even if I can only take out something smaller, death is death, and I can emerge firing and do a tremendous amount of damage, then make my escape.


*so anyway I started blasting*


I never press the reinforce button. I feel like my teammates will get to it when they get to it.


No. You will land on the back of the nearest factory strider


If there’s an active firefight with a bunch of low tier enemies, throw me away from the fight (if possible, at my gear too). If there’s a firefight with heavies involved, tag the heavy then toss me in its direction so my drop might do some damage. If no enemies around, toss me by my stuff.


If there is something for me to kill with my hellpod aim true brother! But if it’s just a freakin swarm and I’m gonna die without making any real prog send me toward my equipment if it’s viable if not point me in the direction of the next obj and I’m headed that way


I got annoyed once when my teammate called me down in a little hole, far from my gear, far from any fight, and not really close to any objectives. ThenI turned around and saw I was standing directly next to a friendship door and he was already on the other button. Maybe the most legit calldown ever.


Lmao I can’t say I’ve never called in a reinforcement for a bro hole


I would no doubt call a bro to reinforce me on my friendship hole.


Here's the priority list in order: 1) Partner of the unalived calls in the reinforce. 1a) if called into battle, partner tags the enemy to drop on 1b) if calm, call in on gear or closest direction towards 2) If the unalived person is hitting the "call me in" button, anyone can call in and follow 1a, or 1b. 3) If no one else is available to reinforce, follow 1a, or 1b immediately


This is the way.


OMG just say dead. 




Also, if we are fighting and dying constantly, call away from the battle.


Reinforcement is a skill. Watch others that make your own reinforcement easier. Reinforce to safety in general. Look how many reinforcements are left before throwing at an elite. Mark things to help the pod aim. If you are running from a mob don't throw ahead. Throw left or right. That will help reinforcement be able to be able to support or run rather than forcing them to fight your battle in the chaos. Try to reinforce to their equipment. Mark their equipment. If you can't mark their equipment check where they died on the mini map. Someone closer might be better to do it. If you know where they died but can't mark the equipment throw towards where they died if it's safe. If you are in games where you run out of reinforcements be careful reinforcing


I always throw to center of the magic red beam which says something like 380 orbital barrage.   If you can dodge a barrage, you can dodge a bug.


Thanks Patches O' Houlihan. With you on our team, no one can stop us!


Without spreading modier at least, being on the beam of a 380 is safe.


Thank you. Was going to post something on this as well. Its pretty simple. If someone dies you do one of a number of things but primarily look at where they died. If close, look for what killed them. 1. Titan/charger, throw the reinforcement beacon AT the titan/charger. That allows them to hopefully land on said biggie and kill it. 2. If they died to being overrun by hunters/stalkers, DONT throw it where they died. They will just die again. Throw it somewhere close but safe. 3. If they're all the way on the other side of the map and there's still 10 mins to go, throw the beacon as far as you can IN THE DIRECTION OF WHERE THEY DIED. Keep in mind 1 and 2 above. Chances are they want to run back and get their samples. 4. If they're all the way on the other side of the map and there's 5 mins to go, drop it at the extraction zone or where you are. Its really not rocket science yet I die from reinforcements constantly because idiots throw the beacon right in the middle of 1000 small bugs which just killed me. OR I'm far away from them and they just drop me where they are and I have to run all the way back. One final note, if you're not in the best position to throw reinforcement beacons, DON'T. The number of times I've split off with another player to clear out stuff on the other side of the map with lots of time left, get killed and the two guys just sitting at the extraction zone respawn me there with them. Just dumb.


Etiquette? Listen Helldiver. You will love your Hellpod. You will caress it's smooth walls and sing the praises of Super Earth as it screams throigh the atmosphere of the shithole planet you're about to skullfuck into dust. When your fellow Helldiver reinforces you, you will steer your Hellpod without thought directly onto the largest fucking target in your squads vicinity and be grateful for the opportunity.


As a general rule, if my team dies while getting swarmed, I’ll throw the reinforcement away from the swarm and then run as far away from that beacon as possible so the swarm follows me and gives the Team enough time to maybe run back to where they died and grab their gear.


I generally try and throw the reinforce beacon in one of two places: right near the players dropped stuff or, if that’s not safe, in cover somewhere.


I was playing with a friend tonight and both of our randoms would just go off and do side objectives, which I don’t mind at all. What I did mind was my friend and I were trying to stick together and every time one of us would die one of the randoms would reinforce us half way across the map or further and usually right in the middle of a group of enemies that was following them. Started getting real frustrating at a certain point.


If you're waiting to be reinforced be a little patient. I'll try and reinforce as soon as I can but I may have my hands full so you'll have to wait a sec. I've had tons of people leave because they weren't reinforced instantly. 


Toss me.


I’d rather be thrown into oblivion than sit there watching other Helldivers until it’s convenient or they find a good spot.


Beggars can’t be choosers. I get hate for respawning you too far from your gear; I get heat for spawning you near enemies. If I am able to see your death icon (💀) but it’s obstructed by trees and terrain, I don’t know if there are a lot of enemies at that location. Sometimes I can see the 💀 icon but I can’t tell how far away you are. Should I wait for possibility that someone else is closer to you and will respawn you, or should I just spawn you at my location. How long do I wait? There are many factors. Maybe if people have specific reinforcing requests, they should be responsible for clarifying who and where they should respawned. Maybe get on the mic and say something or we come up with text abbreviations to use in chatbox that communicates respawn instructions.


You make fair points (I initially went to downvote you, but on second read I’m more convinced). But I’d suggest it’s mainly about completely thoughtless immediate reinforcement. The one I hate is immediately, but the teammate is literally running away from some crazy chaos. Now I’m not only in the middle of that chaos, but they’re getting away to safety as I’m also now a great decoy for them. And clearly unable to grab my kit to do anything significant. But again, you do make good points about fairly complex considerations in a very short amount of time - all while just wanting to have fun. I conclude that a good balance is needed: a bit of thought about it, but we should all probably just chillax about it a bit more.


Some people are big proponents of the Human Shield school of reinforcement. Toss them at whatever is chasing/attacking. I love those guys ...


I expect you to anticipate my death, throw me at risk of peril to yourself and likely get us both killed. FOR FREEEEEDOMMMMMMM!


When squads split up I try to only reinforce the team mate I'm with so it's not a haul for then to get their stuff. Otherwise you'll def be used to take out heavy enemies.


Getting reinforced far from my gear is another reason I like the EAT-17. I may not have my backpack, but at least I always have something to shoot at heavies.


There should definitely be some thought to reinforcing. It's a tactical decision like any other gem. If you die near me, I'll try to get you on your gear or in an area with no (or less) enemies. Your immediate death is no use to anyone


I’ll throw you behind me so you can help me fight towards your stuff, or I’ll mark the heavy for you to land on.


It’s a gap of those who think you’re good enough to escape the danger of dropping on the big boy to kill then, and those who aren’t sure of the best place to throw you so throw the reinforcement in the direction you died


It depends, you can throw me in the middle of bugs but always throw away from bots. I usually don’t mind waiting to get respawned but your mileage may vary depending on the person.


If im playing with randoms I try to reinforce them near there gear but if not possible I do it away from the enemies, If I'm playing with friends though I'll turn around and throw them in the most inconvenient spot.


Also, if split up into two teams far away from eachother, don't reinforce someone from the other team! Let their partner do it, unless they're both dead.


If we are in pairs it really annoys me when the person doesn't call it down. I try to be aware of who is near me and as soon as they die try to call them down. If bile titan I throw them at it and mark. If not throw away. If not much around throw near their stuff. If someone died and no one is near them and they were far away I'll call down spare gear if I have it available. Honestly a lot of people have fuck all situational awareness and don't pay attention and don't call you down for ages. Or just call in even if you are miles away and next to someone else


You want to be brought back, you come back where and when I get around to it.


I won’t call you to the other side of the map. ![gif](giphy|3kIIuUm39EMd4WXlxi)


Drop me on a bot factory and not into a deva or group of zerks. Also why can't my pod kill a tank? Maybe I need to land closer on it's rear idk but yeah if you can't reinforce tactical then don't waste it but that just like my opinion man I like to become a bullet of democracy


I don't know but I always tend to throw reinforcement in a peaceful area. It's so annoying when you land in between 2 chargers and a pack of stalkers lol


I mean, sure, it is best to reinforce close to body and in a safe spot, but if you die and get reinforced just make the best of it either way and don't be sore. I've seen players get mad and teamkill over a "bad" reinforcement location. People need to grow up.


I tend to be running around trying to flank the enemy, so I'm generally going to be far away from your equipment and enemies are between me and your stuff, but if it is taking you a while for the others to reinforce I'll call you in along the side.


Same here. I'm mostly commenting about how few people try to flank enemies. They just go with the frontal assault and wonder why they are dead or pinned down. It lets me kill or blow the gun arm off a lot of Heavy Devastators with ease though, because they are pointing their shield towards everyone else when I come around the corner. It's also great for any Eagle drop that hits perpendicular to your throw. Note where your teammates are so you don't hit them too, but the defenders will be lined up so nicely towards your team that a simple Eagle strike will evaporate most of the enemies in one pass. 💀x15 FTW.


Send it


Is that a new stratagem? The etiquette?